magic eye doctor

Chapter 3311 Treasure House

Chapter 3311 Treasure House

Unlocking a seal was more tiring than refining a weapon. Le Yun wanted to fall down and rest, but unfortunately reality did not allow it, because the time to untie the seal was limited and was effective within half an hour.

In other words, she only had half an hour to explore the secrets inside the pillar. Once the time was up, the formation on the pillar would automatically recover.

If you take a break, the formation will automatically resume, meaning your work was in vain.

Le Yun didn't want to fetch water in a bamboo basket but was in vain. She didn't care about her sore arms and jumped into the vortex teleportation array.

The end point of the teleportation array is an independent space located inside the pillar. The internal diameter is thousands of feet, and the space is filled with colorful light groups.

The colorful light group was less than five feet high from the ceiling of the space. In the center of the ceiling was a gray-white vortex, which was motionless.

In the area not covered by the colorful light group, the exposed space walls and the ceiling around the vortex are covered with talismans and divine patterns, and the divine inscriptions are looming.

The space inside the pillars also becomes colorful because of the colorful light clusters.

Le Yun, who was sent to the inner space of the pillar by the teleportation array, fell on the colorful light group. Because the dizziness of the teleportation had not passed, it was unclear whether the color was an hallucination produced during the teleportation or the color seen after arriving at the destination.

He closed his eyes and calmed down. After the dizziness in his brain had passed, he opened his eyes again and looked at the end point of the teleportation array.

The moment I opened my eyes, I was almost dazzled by the colorful halo.

Looking carefully, he saw the Baoguang group covering the ground like sand. He was so shocked that he jumped up with a "whoosh", and his eyes widened into bull's eyes.

She subconsciously held her breath.

Le Yun suspected that her eyesight was dazzled, and she blinked again and again. It took a long time to confirm that she had seen it correctly. The space inside the pillar was really filled with light groups sealing treasures!

She slowly turned her neck, looked around several times, and screamed with excitement: "I'm getting rich, getting rich, getting rich! I'm really getting rich this time!"

Who would have thought that there is another space inside the pillar, which is also a treasure house.

A light group is a treasure. If you use all the light groups, you will have enough resources to cultivate yourself to become a god and achieve victory.

In an instant, Le Yun's arms were no longer sore, her legs were no longer weak, and she was no longer tired!

Wealth is at your fingertips, what are you waiting for?

Le Yun, who was resurrected with full blood, did not check what treasures were in the light ball. She used her spiritual consciousness to roll up a bunch of light balls and carried them to the nine-story altar in the star core world, and then continued to roll up the light balls and move them back.

Her spiritual consciousness is so strong that every time she rolls up her divine consciousness, she can roll up at least ten thousand light balls.

The light group in the pillar space was quickly blown away by one layer.

After moving hundreds of piles of light balls in a row, the excitement in Le Yun's mind faded a bit, and she was able to think normally. She used a part of her consciousness to check whether the storage device was sealed.

The pillar space is an independent space. Storage containers that were originally sealed will be automatically unsealed when entering the pillar space. Each type of storage container can be used.

When it was detected that the storage container was unsealed, Le Yun was so happy that she quickly took out the IV space bottle to collect the light.

The space bottle is like a small black hole, and the light group pours into the bottle mouth like a tide.

The light groups disappeared layer by layer.

As the light groups continue to disappear, the vacated space becomes larger and larger, and Le Yun can continue to enlarge the space bottle.

The size of the space bottle is getting larger and larger, and the speed of absorbing light groups is getting faster and faster.

When the vacant height reaches ten thousand feet, the space bottle no longer needs to restrain its hands and feet, and its size is enlarged to ten thousand feet wide, covering all the light groups.

After half a cup of tea, Le Yun took back the space bottle, and there was no more light group in the pillar space.

The pillar space also showed its true face. It was a cylindrical space with a diameter of ten thousand feet and a height of one hundred thousand feet. The wall was blessed with a time array, so that the time power on the surface of the magic weapon that entered the pillar space remained immortal.

Le Yun also sent the space bottle back to the star core space, and carefully studied the time array and divine characters on the pillar space wall.

The treasure light group in the pillar space was cleared, and there was finally movement inside the gray-white vortex on the ceiling - it started to rotate slowly.

As the vortex of the pillar space moved, a large number of light groups in Wanbaochi disappeared one after another, and they appeared silently on the top floor of Wanzhen Tower.

While studying the music of the magic circle, I also found that the vortex at the top of the space was spinning. I stared at it for a while and continued to study the time magic circle and the looming words.

The pillar space does not distinguish between day and night, and time passes imperceptibly.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Le Yun, who was still immersed in studying the magic circle, was attracted by a strong force, and the next moment her eyes were spinning.

Amid the intense dizziness, the stars dancing in front of my eyes turned into bright light.

The shadow changed from shaking to still. Le Yun closed her eyes, then opened them again, and saw the empty hall and the sky-shaping pillar in the tower.

Oh, time's up, she was thrown out of the pillar space!

Looking at the big pillar in the center of the tower, the golden vortex has disappeared, and the original magic circle has returned to its original state.

Because the magic circle that covered the surface of the magic circle diagram and acted as a shield was unlocked, the magic circle diagram was also exposed, which was obviously different from other areas.

After the magic circle was restored, Le Yun was still a little dizzy and floated to the tower hall to sit down and meditate.

She meditated for an hour, and she recovered. She flew to the space near the ceiling and added sealing fingerprints to the surface of the array diagram.

As many seals as she had unblocked in the beginning, she added as many sealing handprints as she could to seal them, perfectly hiding the magic circle diagram, and the magic circle on the surface of the pillar also became one.

After blessing the magic circle diagram with a hidden seal, Le Yun flew down again, flew to the middle area of ​​the pillar, went around to another direction, and formed hand seals against the pillar again.

This time, only three hundred and sixty hand seals were formed, and a magic circle was revealed on the surface of the pillar.

Le Yun cut her finger and dripped blood on it, while the power of spiritual consciousness also poured into the magic circle.

The magic circle absorbed about half a tael of blood, and the contract was established.

After successfully contracting the Wan Zhen Pagoda, Le Yun's spiritual consciousness also spread to the entire tower. She first understood the structure of the tower, how many magic circles there were, and the functions of each magic circle.

The structure and array of the ancestral treasure are extremely complex, and it took about an hour to fully grasp every detail of the Wan Zhen Pagoda.

The Wanzhen Pagoda is located in the center of the Five Pagoda Peaks. It is also the center of the Five Pagoda Peaks Formation. Controlling the Wanzhen Pagoda is equivalent to controlling the Five Pagoda Peaks Formation.

After getting familiar with the structure of the tower, Le Yun unceremoniously erased the divine ban that some villains had attached to the light gate on the ninth and tenth floor of Wanzhen Tower, and formulated new rules.

After signing the contract with Wanzhen Pagoda, she will be the owner of Wanzhen Pagoda. She will have the final say on Wanzhen Pagoda and the entire Five Pagoda Peak. From now on, no one can do anything in Wanzhen Tower without her permission.

The new rules of Wan Zhen Pagoda follow the laws of nature. From now on, only those who truly meet the requirements of Wan Zhen Pagoda can enter the ninth and tenth floors.

If the forces from all walks of life in the Qingxu God Realm want to use the back door again, not to mention that there is no door, there will not even be a window crack!

Setting new rules for the Wan Zhen Pagoda, Le Yun continued to work hard. Divine consciousness penetrated into the formation eye under the base of the Wan Zhen Pagoda, and also formulated new rules for the Enlightenment Tower and the Calendar Tower.

After changing the rules of the game for the three towers, Le Yun felt happy, hiding her merit and fame, and headed to the twelfth floor with her little hands on her back.

After passing through the light door and stepping into the twelfth floor hall of Wanzhen Tower, I happened to see several colorful light groups flashing silently in the void below the ceiling.

More than forty years have passed since she last visited the twelfth floor. Many light groups were transmitted from the Ten Thousand Treasure Pool into the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower.

There have been about 5,000 new light groups in the past few decades. Most of the items in the light groups are ordinary resources, and rare resources account for about one-fifth of the total.

In the short period of time since she entered the pillar space and entered the hall on the twelfth floor, nearly 10,000 light groups entered the twelfth floor from the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond.

Almost all of the new light groups arriving that day were rare resources.

Groups of light continued to appear in the air under the ceiling. The new groups of light slowly sank, landed on the floor, and lay quietly in a circle.

Looking around the hall, Leyun slipped over, rolled up the newly added light ball, and put it into her pocket.

I moved away the new light groups that day and the light groups that were added in the past few decades, then walked around the previous light groups, and picked up the light groups that were pleasing to the eye.

After picking up the light ball, sit in the center of the tower, take out jade or spiritual wood to make a box containing rare resources, and wait for the light ball from the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond to come over.

With no outsiders around, Le Yun no longer uses knives to carve jade or wooden boxes, but directly uses the rules to easily knead jade or wood into the shape of a box.

Jade or spiritual wood blessed by the law becomes as soft as plasticine, and can change shape and thickness at will according to people's thoughts.

Little Loli was waiting for the light group on the twelfth floor of Wanzhen Tower. Xuan Shaoyan and her children were looking for the destined light group on the tenth floor. After searching for a few times, they didn't find any, so they meditated on the spot to feel the light.

The Calabash Baby and the five little creatures spent a day and a night, and each found the light group that was destined for them, and they were satisfied.

Diamond Ape, Long-eared Bear and White-sounding Eagle Sound Water Escape also got out of the spirit beast bag and sat in the light group to sense. They sat quietly for three days and two nights, and also went to pick up a light group.

The beasts found their own opportunity, holding the light ball and getting into the spirit beast bag.

Xuan Shaoyan and Shaoku sat there for five days and five nights before they had a weak telepathic response. They wandered around the hall for a long time before finding a light group with a weak telepathy.

The Buddhist cultivator was not in a hurry, and after the two young monks and six dolls all found the opportunity, he slowly strolled around the hall and picked up four light groups.

"Fellow Taoist Nanga, you...what kind of luck are you doing?" Mr. Xuan looked at the handsome Buddhist cultivator who returned holding four light groups, and he deeply suspected that the magical light groups also judged people by their appearance.

"You can't stop the opportunity when it comes." Nanjia calmly walked into Fairy Xiyue's golden lotus magic weapon and put the opportunity he had found into his own small basket.

"The master's merits are profound, so naturally we can't compare with him." Lanwa and her friends grinned. The little fairy said that Master Nanjia was a born Buddhist, and his destiny was naturally not that of Brother Xuan and Brother Yan. Comparable.

"In terms of the depth of blessings, your little fairy beats the little monk by a thousand streets." Nanjia sat down next to the little creature and took out the spiritual fruit to share.

The little creature smiled happier than when he picked up the magical light ball. Their little fairy is the most blessed person in the world and will not accept any objection!

Although Young Master Xuan and Young Master Yan were jealous of the harvest of the Buddhist Cultivator, because their beasts each picked up a share of resources, they also calmly accepted the reality that the Buddhist Cultivator had better luck than themselves.

The little loli didn't show up for a long time, so the two young men and the six babies went to wander around the hall to see if they could pick up any leaks. Naturally, they didn't feel bored.

Leyun Cat was making a magic box on the twelfth floor, observing the number of light groups coming from the Wanbao Pool, and guessing how many light groups had accumulated in the Wanbao Pool.

After sitting there for several days, I guessed that there would not be a large number of precious light groups coming in a short time. I put away the materials for making the box and took away all the new light groups.

Finally, she picked nine light balls, wrapped them in a shawl, carried the bundles, and walked downstairs slowly.

As soon as she walked through the light door and stepped onto the tenth floor, Buddhist cultivator, Master Yan, Master Xuan, and six dolls also saw her, and they all happily ran out with magic weapons to greet her.

When the gourd baby and the little creature saw the fairy's ball of light wrapped in silk, they laughed so hard that they couldn't even see their eyes.

Mr. Xuan covered his heart: "Little beauty, if you continue like this, let other monks know what you have gained on the tenth level, and their eyes will kill you a hundred times."

"It doesn't matter, I am immortal." Le Yun threw the light ball in the shawl into the golden lotus magic weapon. She smiled and picked up the two nearby light balls and threw them into the magic weapon.

"Little Loli, if you do this... you will be boycotted by the collective." Yan Xing wanted to cover his eyes. Does the little Loli think she is not eye-catching enough?

"Anyway, getting one opportunity will attract hatred, and multiple copies will also attract hatred. It's better to pick up more light balls and attract enough hatred."

There are too many lice and Le Yun is not afraid of causing another wave of hatred. She neatly summons the golden lotus magic weapon to her side, and takes the golden lotus to get into the pile of light to pick up resources that please her eyes.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan stopped talking.

Buddha said nothing.

The Calabash Baby and the little creatures chased after him and jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon to help the little fairy count how many light balls he picked up.

Le Yun walked around the tenth floor and picked up thirty-four light clusters. Then she divided the clusters into several piles. She then put the two handsome guys into the magic weapon and went downstairs with Buddha.

There were more monks on the ninth floor of Wanzhen Tower than when they went upstairs, and they were all picking and choosing.

Entering the ninth floor, the Buddhist cultivator did not choose the treasure light group anymore. Xuan Shaoyan and the six dolls sat in the golden lotus, staring at the light group outside, and had a chattering discussion.

The monks who were sorting out the magic treasures on the ninth floor were jealous when they saw the light clusters piled up in the magic treasures placed on the shoulders of a certain monk.

The good things on the ninth floor had long been cleared away by herself. Without stopping, Le Yun walked straight through the hall, exited the light door and went down the stairs to the eighth floor.

Go down the steps, go through the invisible light door, and enter the eighth floor of Wanzhen Tower.

The eighth floor is the treasure floor.

Le Yun moved the two handsome boys and six babies out of the magic weapon, asked them to choose items according to their fairy points, and started the sweep mode with the shopping basket.

Young Master Xuan Yan was wandering around with the six dolls, not wanting to buy them. It wasn't that they didn't like the various treasures on the eighth floor, but they were really short of money.

The Buddhist cultivator also turned into a shopaholic, constantly throwing magic light groups containing the resources he needed into small baskets.

The little Lolita and the Buddhist monk walked separately, one walked to the left and the other to the right. They acted independently without disturbing each other.

Nanjia reserved three billion points and did not dare to compete with the wealthy Fairy Xiyue. She chose many treasures as appropriate and went to the seventh floor first with a small basket.

Xuan Shaoyan and Calabash Baby followed the Buddhist cultivator with their five little creatures. The little loli/fairy shopping was so crazy that their little hearts could hardly bear it.

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