magic eye doctor

Chapter 3313 Water City

Chapter 3313 Water City

The monks on the first floor of Wanzhen Pagoda who were secretly paying attention to him and Xiyue monks were all caught off guard by the monks who were secretly paying attention to him and Xiyue. When they reacted and used their spiritual consciousness to chase him out to see where his next destination was, the teleportation array that the monks were riding on had already arrived. start up.

The stewards waited until the Buddhist cultivator left Wanzhen Pagoda before chatting using the secret technique of sound transmission to discuss the reason why Fairy Xiyue had earned so many points.

They also knew that Fairy Xiyue had taken on the task of hunting insects, but they didn't know what kind of insects she had hunted and was able to accumulate hundreds of billions of points.

The steward also discussed it curiously, and then revealed the matter.

More than a month after Xiu Xiu and Fairy Xiyue left the Three Pagodas Garden, a major event occurred in the Sensing Tower that shocked the stewards and law enforcement officers - several monks who entered the state of enlightenment on the passage on the seventh floor of the Sensing Tower suddenly suddenly Time has faded!

Those monks were witnessed by their fellow disciples and passers-by. Their bodies were first cracked like stone statues, and then slowly turned into nothingness.

When the monks' flesh and blood bodies disintegrated, not a drop of blood was shed, and even the robes they wore silently turned into smoke.

Moreover, even their own storage containers were cut into pieces by magical power, and then turned into virtual reality.

Not even a scrap of the people or storage containers were left behind.

If someone hadn't seen them with their own eyes, they would have turned into nothingness, and they would have just been considered invisible.

Several monks' companions and the monks who happened to be passing by were so frightened that they didn't even dare to move. It took a long time before they rushed out of the Enlightenment Tower screaming.

Several frightened monks ran out of the Enlightenment Tower, fell to the ground, got up again, and called law enforcement directly.

The law enforcement officers hidden in the clouds above the safety city were alerted and came to the scene to inquire. The stewards of the Three Pagoda Park also suspended what they were doing and rushed to the gate of the Enlightenment Tower to sit down.

The law enforcement officers and stewards listened to the witnesses' accounts of how the bodies of several monks turned into nothingness, and their facial expressions suddenly changed.

In order to enter the Enlightenment Tower to find out the reason, a Daluo Immortal took out the special jade talisman personally awarded by the deity and went to the Enlightenment Tower. However, he was stunned and could not step into the tower door, and his spiritual consciousness could not enter.

The Daluo Immortals separated their spiritual consciousness and attached it to the monks who were mortals or below. Without exception, the young monks entered the tower safely. However, the Daluo Immortal's spiritual consciousness not only bounced out of the light door, but also suffered Backlash.

Monk Daluo was secretly frightened by the backlash of his spiritual consciousness and did not dare to try again. He arranged for young monks belonging to his own Immortal Sect to explore the situation of the monks on all levels in the tower.

The young monks went to the Enlightenment Tower to investigate and found that the monks of all races practicing in the halls on each floor were all safe and sound.

The law enforcement officers also had speculations in their minds: the only possibility for the change in the Enlightenment Tower was that some living being had activated some taboo of the Enlightenment Tower. Those monks had violated the taboo before and were obliterated by the power of the law of the Enlightenment Tower!

Some people suspected that it was the female cultivator Xiyue who inspired the taboos in the Awareness Tower, but the speculation was quickly rejected. In this case, the female cultivator Xiyue activated some of the taboo laws of the Awareness Tower. When the monks violate the taboos, they will be wiped out by the laws on the spot and will not be retained. More than a month later.

In order to prevent what happened in the Enlightenment Tower from spreading, the law enforcement officers came up with a reasonable explanation: when the monks walked to the passage on the seventh floor, they happened to encounter some opportunities, and they failed to withstand the test. obliterated by the rules.

At first glance, the reason given by law enforcement seems far-fetched, but it is the most reasonable and persuasive reason.

The law enforcement officers threw down an explanation and left, and the stewards returned to their respective posts.

The sects of the few monks who disappeared also had Daluo Immortal's law enforcement team in the Three Pagodas Garden. They could only admit the deaths of the sect disciples with pinched noses.

After all, they were insiders and knew why the disciples of the sect were on the seventh floor of the Enlightenment Tower. No one dared to investigate the matter further.

Naturally, none of the monks who witnessed the incarnation of their fellow disciples or the monks passing by questioned the explanation given by the law enforcement and calmly accepted the result.

The matter just ended, and the deaths of several monks were like pebbles falling into the sea, without causing any ripples.

When several monks in the training tower turned into nothingness, the little Lolita and the Buddhist monks were still in the process of teleportation.

Shuicheng is far away from the Three Pagodas Garden. Little Loli and the Buddhist cultivator were imprisoned in the teleportation array for seven months and twenty-eight days before they were finally sent to Shuicheng.

Because the transmission time was too long, even the Buddhist cultivator did not react when the transmission ended.

The steward in charge of the teleportation array was not surprised by this. He calmly moved the motionless Buddhist cultivator out of the teleportation array and sent him to a place dozens of feet away from the teleportation array to let him breathe slowly.

The Buddhist cultivator sat down for a long time before he could calm down.

After recovering from the daze, Nanga looked around and saw the safe city barrier, the spiritual plant array barrier, the Ruyi House in the director's area, and the open space.

Then through the Ping An City barrier, I saw the city outline in the distance and the lake about ten miles away from the Ping An City barrier.

Yes, we have arrived in Shuicheng.

Seeing the familiar scenery, Nanga felt at ease, and then looked at the golden lotus on his shoulder.

There was a layer of light between the doors of the Ruyi House placed in the Golden Lotus, and the inside of the house could not be seen. Fairy Xiyue and her companions did not come out, which meant that Fairy Xiyue might be very dizzy.

Nanga stayed where he was calmly.

Leyun was not only dizzy, but dizzy to the point of unconsciousness.

Not only did she faint, but Calabash Baby, five little creatures, and Young Master Yan Shaoxuan also fainted and lay dead.

Calabash Baby and the five little creatures have strong recovery abilities. After recovering from Buddhist practice, they rested for less than an hour and recovered their breath. They quickly fetched water to cleanse the little fairy's face and massage it. It was mid-morning when Buddhist cultivators arrived at Safe City in Shuicheng. Young master Xuan Shaoyan finally woke up after lying down until sunset. At that time, he felt that his head was still groggy, so he rolled over and sat up to practice.

Le Yun woke up in the middle of the night. Not only was she dizzy, she was also feeling nauseous. She was so uncomfortable that she wanted to knock herself out.

After all, she didn't do anything cruel to herself. She swallowed a few pills and sat cross-legged to practice.

The night passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was dawn.

After dawn broke, Young Master Xuan, the Calabash Baby, and the five little creatures finished their training, then quietly ran out of the Ruyi House and went outside to observe the water city.

Young Master Xuan Shaoyan saw the city outline in the distance, the lake outside the safety city barrier and the defensive barriers lined up on the lake shore, and was puzzled.

They were too embarrassed to ask Buddha why the safe city in Shuicheng was not the same place as the city in the distance. They stayed silently in the golden lotus and waited for the little Lolita.

The little creatures were so big-hearted that they just looked at the environment and ignored it, sitting down to eat the spiritual fruit.

Le Yun finished practicing until the end of the morning. She felt her head was no longer dizzy and she no longer felt nauseous. She cleaned herself up before going out to enjoy the scenery of Shuicheng.

Shuicheng is located on an island in the ocean. Its climate is mainly affected by the ocean and has a temperate maritime climate.

The temperate maritime climate zone has warm winters and cool summers, small annual temperature differences, and a rainy season throughout the year, which is mild and humid. To sum up, there is no severe cold in winter and no scorching heat in summer.

The temperate maritime climate zone on the earth is not suitable for the development of planting industry due to light and heat reasons. However, in the world of immortality, there are magic weapons that can be used to set up barriers. No matter where it is, planting is not a problem.

The safe city called "Water City" set up by various forces in the Qingxu God Realm is actually a small plantation.

Shuicheng's Safe City is not as big as Baicao Garden and Thousand Valley Garden, covering an area of ​​only 100,000 miles. It mainly grows unique spiritual grasses on islands in temperate seas, as well as several types of immortal rice that are only suitable for marine climates.

The lake not far from the boundary of Safe City is a huge lake, 130 million miles long from east to west and 108 million miles long from north to south. It is the birthplace of starlight crabs.

The city whose outer walls are visible in the distance is where the original inhabitants of the island live.

The island where the city is built has a name, "Xingyue Island".

Xingyue Island is an archipelago. The main island is shaped like the moon phase when it is about to be full. Its surrounding islands are smaller than it. From a high altitude, the islands are dotted on the sea like stars.

Xingyue Island is one of the most famous islands in the ocean of the Shenmu Realm. It was once the territory of an ancestor when he was still a god, and his name was Chen Guang.

Before Ancestor Chen Guang built the cave on the island, the islands had no name. He named the islands "Xingyue Island" after he built the cave on the island.

Xingyue Island also became the territory of a certain god, and later the god's status was doubled because the god was promoted to the ancestor.

The cave of Chenguang Zuzun was built on Moon Island in the center of the archipelago. The island where Shuicheng is located is one of the many islands in the archipelago.

The residents of the current island are descendants of the descendants of the golden-crowned white goose, a contracted beast of the ancestor of Chen Guang.

The body shape of the golden-crowned white goose is exactly the same as that of the whooper swan on Earth. It only has a handful of fluffy golden feathers on the head of the whooper swan on Earth, similar to the crown of a cockatoo.

Chenguang Ancestor is not just a contracted beast with golden crown and white goose. His contracted beast found a mate when he was still a god and produced offspring. Their descendants are naturally followers of Chenguang.

Lord Chenguang treats his contracted beasts and followers very well, letting them each choose an island on Xingyue Island as their family's residence.

The island where the Golden Crown White Goose family settled is now called "Water City" by all parties in the Qingxu God Realm. The White Goose family named it "White Goose Island" after the family.

After Lord Chenguang was promoted to Ancestor, he went to Tianwaitian and took the contracted beast with him. The descendants of his contracted beast became the guardians of Xingyue Island.

With her eyes quickly inspecting the inside and outside of the safe city barrier, Le Yun jumped out of the magic weapon calmly, and after landing, she stood side by side with the newly erect Buddhist cultivator.

She quickly took out a bamboo basket containing toasted bread, gave four toasted loaves to Buddha, took two for herself, and gave the bamboo basket to Calabash Baby for sharing.

The calabash baby excitedly took the bamboo basket and distributed the toasted bread to the little creature, the two brothers, and the two brothers' contracted beast companions.

After dividing the bread, there were two more. Calabash Boy put away the bamboo basket and had breakfast happily with his friends.

The bread was toasted and fragrant, and it was made from spiritual food. Nanga didn't want to eat it in one go, and kept two of them as storage food.

After finishing the morning meal, Nanga tidied up his appearance and asked the Taoist friends around him for their opinion: "Young Taoist friend, should we go directly to Xing Lake to fish for crabs, or should we take a walk here first or go around outside Ping'an City?"

"I'm going to visit White Goose City." Le Yun didn't hide anything and said her plan.

"The young monk made a friend in the city when he came here last time. This time I just want to introduce him to fellow Taoist monks. Let's get started." Nanjia's eyes were shining and he couldn't wait to take the lead.

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