magic eye doctor

Chapter 3314 White Goose City

Chapter 3314 White Goose City

Le Yun had never seen Buddha Cultivator in such a hurry, and without asking why, she bowed towards the director area from a distance and followed Buddha Cultivator towards the barrier.

The man-made Safety City Plantation is located in the southwest of White Goose City, so relatively speaking, White Goose is in the northeast of the safety barrier.

The two of them were fast and reached the barrier in just a few moments.

The little loli jumped into the Buddhist monk's magic weapon. The Buddhist monk took him out of the barrier, and then jumped to the ground.

Generally speaking, the lake is located to the southwest of Baie City. There is only one lake bay diagonally facing Baie City. Between the lake shore and Baie City is a grassland with scattered trees and a wide variety of plants in the grassland.

There is a natural road on the lakeshore that connects to the south gate of White Goose City. The road was originally a natural dirt road, but was hardened by the power of the metal and earth laws and turned into a rock road.

It was still summer when little Loli left Three Pagoda Garden, and the transmission time lasted eight months. When she arrived in Water City, it was already the spring of the following year.

In the spring of Xingyue Island, everything is flourishing, and the lush vegetation is comparable to the summer in other regions. Some plants and trees also bear small flowers.

After leaving the boundary of Safe City, Nanjia took the lead and headed straight to White Goose City. As he flew, he took out the messenger talisman to send a message to his friends in the city.

The monks have good eyesight and can see part of the city outline inside or outside the boundary of Ping An City. In fact, White Goose City is still far away from the boundary of Ping An City.

There is no road between Ping An City and White Goose City, so the monks fly in the sky.

The Buddha cultivator also flew almost on the tips of the green grass, flew diagonally to the natural road between the lake shore and White Goose City, and then flew close to the ground.

Following the local customs, Le Yun guessed that White Goose City should have a no-fly requirement, so she followed the gourd's pattern and flew low in the sky like a Buddhist practitioner.

The Buddhist cultivator didn't fly very fast, and it took him a cup of tea to reach the south gate of White Goose City.

The number of White Goose tribe members is around 800,000. The city where the tribe lives is very large, and White Goose City is a pure residence. In addition, there are plantation manors in the north and east of the city.

A circle about 100,000 miles wide outside White Goose City is all grassland. In order to prevent intruders from hiding in mountains or trees, there are no trees or peaks within 10,000 miles from the city wall. It is all pure grassland.

The city wall is surrounded by a mile-wide protective avenue, which is equipped with a special magic circle to restrain earth escape techniques to prevent outsiders from using earth escape techniques to sneak into the city.

The city wall is also blessed with a magic circle, which prohibits high-altitude flying and can force the hidden ones to reveal themselves.

The south gate of Baie City has one main gate, two auxiliary gates, and three gates. The main gate is 19 feet wide, and the auxiliary gates are each 15 feet wide. Each gate is covered with a layer of light.

The White Goose Clan is very grand. There are no gates or city fees, but all creatures from all races who come due to the opening of the secret realm can freely enter the city.

Of course, monks of all ethnic groups must abide by the city's rules when entering the city. If they violate the city's rules, they can only seek blessings for themselves, and do not expect the law enforcement or stewards of the safe city to rescue them.

There is no city defense formation in Baie City. Outside the city, you can see the towers, beacon towers, and crenellations on the city walls, and there are sentries on the towers.

Nanga had been here once and got to know White Goose City. He slowed down when he arrived at the city gate and entered the city through the main entrance.

Through the light covered by the city gate, there is a doorway that is 81 feet long. There is also a city protection avenue within the city wall, which is 50,000 feet wide.

Next to the city protection road is the training ground, or war preparation area.

On both sides of the south city gate, in the war preparation area about a thousand feet away from the city gate, the White Goose Clan's city guards were stationed. The tents were all Ruyi Houses that had reached the divine level.

Because the city guard was stationed in the preparation area near the city gate, the preparation area was also reinforced with the power of the golden law, as if it were paved with a layer of gray-brown rocks.

The city guards did not practice. Except for the guards on duty, the others were practicing in their tents.

The Buddhist cultivator and the little female cultivator entered the city. The city guards or sentries of the White Goose tribe turned a blind eye to the two people who entered the city and did whatever they had to do.

Nanjia led fellow Taoist Xiyue and flew straight forward along a thoroughfare that ran through Nanmen City.

The war preparation area of ​​White Goose City is sixty miles wide. Except for the area where the city guards are stationed, it is all green grass, as thin as a needle, short and soft.

Connected to the war preparation area is a moat forest that is hundreds of miles wide, and beyond that is the moat, which is about a thousand feet wide and ten thousand feet deep.

The materials used to build the moat channel are bricks refined by weapon refiners. The Bai'e people used special bricks to build the channel, and then put a layer of green granite on the green surface.

On the other side of the moat, the original trees, grasslands and mountains are protected by nature.

After crossing the bridge, and then walking along the road through a hilly area nearly ten thousand miles wide, the tip of the iceberg was finally exposed where the White Goose tribe lived.

Today, only a small number of the White Goose family in White Goose City are pure-blood Golden Crown White Goose, and most of them are hybrid beasts born from intermarriages between White Goose and other races.

The houses of the White Goose people are mainly wooden houses and stone houses. The houses are relatively tall. The area of ​​each household's homestead starts from one mile vertically and horizontally. The residences of some White Goose people who live in family units may stretch for hundreds of miles or more. Thousands of miles.

The houses of the White Goose people are large, and they can open a spiritual field for planting rare spiritual herbs or dig a pond in the house.

Some spiritual planting fields have also been opened near the homes of the White Goose people who live on the edge. Each planting field is relatively small, about half a mile wide.

White Goose City is extremely well planned. Each street is lined with pavement houses on both sides of the avenue. The pavement houses do not interfere with the residents' homes. Because it is most convenient to go to the lake from the South City Gate, the avenue from the South City Gate to the center is also the main street. Even the most peripheral paved buildings are rarely vacant.

Some private residences have boundaries opened, some do not. You can see buildings with high courtyard walls. The styles of the buildings vary depending on the owners' preferences.

Entering the residential area of ​​the Baie tribe, Le Yun was extremely curious. She walked along the pedestrian path in front of the pavement, which is wider than the two-way five-lane highway on earth, and admired it while walking.

Xuan Shaoyan, Gourd Baby, and five little creatures also transformed into curious babies, admiring White Goose's buildings and shops, and what kind of business they were running.

The White Goose people do business voluntarily, without publicity or shouting. The shopkeeper/waiter will sit quietly in the shop, close his eyes and meditate when there are no customers, and stand up to entertain when there are customers.

The first section of the road was relatively deserted. After walking for more than twenty miles, there were gradually more humanoid creatures on the street.

Le Yun observed as she walked, and found that there were many races of humanoid creatures on the street. Although some had the blood of the White Goose clan, most of them were of the blood of other clans. Their restored beast forms were no longer in the shape of white geese, but They are lions, tigers, leopards, cranes, birds, etc.

Among all living beings, there are also many half-beasts with human blood.

After walking for about three hundred miles, the streets looked like a bustling metropolis on the earth. After walking for about a thousand miles, the streets looked like the capitals of various countries on the earth, prosperous and full of humanoid creatures.

There are also street stalls on the pedestrian streets, with a wide variety of items.

Yan Shao, Xuan Shao, Gourd Baby, and five little creatures were dumbfounded.

Observing along the way, Leyun also figured out the trade rules of White Goose City. Generally speaking, there are two ways of trading: one is bartering, and the other is exchanging money.

Divine Crystal is the basic currency of the God Realm, and it is also applicable in White Goose City.

Nanga just walked, and the little Loli just watched without taking any action.

As they walked, Young Master Yan Shaoxuan realized later that they seemed not to understand the local language!

Finally realizing something was wrong, Mr. Xuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and used his spiritual consciousness to ask Little Lolita: "Little beauty, I...can't understand the language of the local aborigines. Are they speaking the language of the White Goose tribe?" , or is it a local dialect?”

"..." Le Yun was stunned, turning her head to look at the magic weapon placed on the Buddha's shoulder with a faint look in her eyes.

"They didn't speak the common language of the fairy world that you speak." Mr. Xuan was so furious at the sight of the little loli that he insisted on asking for advice humbly.

"That's right." Le Yun nodded and explained: "The residents of White Goose City speak a rather special divine language, which is also one of the original languages ​​of the divine world.

Every word in this divine language is extremely profound, and I can’t teach you at the moment. Even if I write the words, you won’t be able to see them.

After you go to the Great Luo Realm and fully master the immortal rune writing, you will have the initial conditions for contacting this kind of divine writing. If you do not meet certain conditions, forcing yourself to learn the divine writing may lead to the collapse of the sea of ​​consciousness. "

"So... magical?" Mr. Xuan was so shocked that a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"The origin of the language of the gods is strange. At first, every word contained the power of law, which was naturally magical."

"Little beauty, how do you understand the language of the gods?" She also has twelve years of compulsory education. Why is the little Loli so good?

"Me? Maybe I was born with a talent for languages, and I learned them as soon as I learned them."

Don't ask her how she learned it.

When I asked, she gained the ability to listen to the sounds of all things after empathizing with a certain mysterious seed. No matter what she had learned or not, she could understand it as soon as she heard it.

"..." Mr. Xuan felt like he had received a hundred thousand critical hits, and his heart was about to be pierced.

He is also from the earth, and he has only scratched the surface of learning immortal writing. Little Loli has already learned the language of the gods. The contrast is simply huge.

Xuan Shao is sour, very sour, very sour.

Only when you are under pressure can you be motivated. Little Lolita was not afraid of Mr. Xuan being hit, so she did not give him chicken soup for the soul and continued to observe.

The local guide from Nanjia led the young Taoist friends to walk straight along the street for more than 8,000 miles. Finally, they turned a corner and then zigzagged through the streets and alleys.

After walking through the city for nearly half an hour, we entered one of the main roads in the bustling area of ​​Baie City.

Nanjia, who led people around for dozens of streets, then drifted for dozens of miles and brought the little fellow Taoist to a spiritual food building.

Lingshan Building is nine stories high. The building material is gold-melted rock, and it is covered with a layer of wooden boards. It looks like a wooden building.

The dining building is extremely tall, with only nine floors, but it is 500 feet high. The building is decorated with colorful paintings everywhere, and the decoration is exquisite, exuding grandeur and luxury.

There is also a small square paved with bluestone in front of the dining building, where monks can park their chairs or drive their cars.

As soon as the Buddhist cultivator arrived outside the square of the dining building, a green figure came out of the window on the second floor of the dining building, and Qingyue's voice boomed in the air: "Why are you so stubborn, Taoist monk Nanjia? I almost thought you were halfway there." I’m looking for a partner to give birth to a little monk.”

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