magic eye doctor

Chapter 3325 Return

Chapter 3325 Return

Before being dragged into the deep sea by the star core, Le Yun's spiritual consciousness went first to show respect. Naturally, she didn't know how far away from White Goose Island the position where the star core was stationed to absorb water was, so she flew north to look for White Goose Island.

After flying for hundreds of thousands of miles, we discovered another small reef.

The little Loli only hesitated for a moment and decisively landed on the small island to collect aquatic products, spiritual trees, and plants.

She stayed on the island for about a month before heading north again.

No small island was found after that, and after sailing straight for about half an hour, White Goose Island was clearly in sight.

The spirit boat flew closer, and through observation, it was found that she was still on the southeast coast of White Goose Island, east of the coast where she lay down in the shallow water, about 80,000 miles away.

After Leyun landed, the first thing he did was to check whether the sea level had changed.

Theoretically, as she moved so much water, sea levels would inevitably drop.

And when we found the water level of the sea in the past and compared it with the current sea level, we found that the water level of the ocean had only dropped by one foot and eight minutes.

"!" In addition to the exclamation mark in Le Yun's mind, there was also a bold exclamation mark.

Xu Xing originally planned to go to Five Pagoda Peak with the monk, but after receiving the order from his ancestor, he changed his mind and stayed in Xing Lake to raid the array for the two young monks and the beasts.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan, Calabash Boy and the little creatures are all focused on catching fresh fish from the river, waiting for the secret realm to be teleported away when the time limit is up.

After staying on the coast for two months, Le Yun was willing to set off back to White Goose City to find her friends.

The calabash baby, the little creature, Yan Shaoxuan and their contracted beasts did not leave with the Buddhist cultivator. They stayed to continue fishing for crabs. Anyway, the key will teleport them back to Qingshi Square when the secret realm ends.

Spring passes, autumn comes, cold comes and summer comes, and the year goes by in a flash.

Being thanked by the human fairy, Xu Xing felt no psychological burden.

The defensive boundary of the spirit boat was closed, and a flash of blue floated from the bow.

Some monks who were doing tasks in Shuicheng Safety City also handed in tasks and went to Three Pagodas Garden to find a team or exchange resources.

Xu Xing smiled and took care of him. As long as he was around, not to mention other monks from outside did not dare to come to Buddha to practice. Even outside law enforcement officers and managers had trouble approaching Buddha to practice if they had their own ideas.

The two young men and the beasts were reluctant to leave, mainly because they were protected by the natives of White Goose City. They didn't have to worry about being tricked, and their safety was guaranteed.

Most of the monks who came from outside left within a few months.

The God Realm is indeed the God Realm, and its territory is so large that it is unimaginable.

Since they were stationed at Star Lake, the two young men and the beasts had never seen a spirit boat. When they suddenly spotted a spirit boat flying towards them, a group of friends were surprised and looked around curiously.

Their original intention was to stay in Xing Lake for fishing, but they didn’t expect to wait until the little loli/fairy. However, the day when the secret realm was closed hadn’t come yet, and the little loli/fairy was back!

Buddhist cultivators were left last, having to leave only eleven months before the secret realm was closed.

"I have thanked Taoist fellow Xuxing for taking care of my companions these years." Beside the Xing Lake, only the local aborigines did not see the Buddhist cultivator. Leyun also guessed that the Buddhist cultivator must have gone to the Three Pagodas Garden, and conveniently put away the spirit boat.

For a time, the arrival of the spirit boat attracted everyone's attention.

"Little fairy, little fairy, we miss you so much!"

The secret realm will be closed in a few months. Some monks finished fishing and took the teleportation array to the Three Pagodas Garden to redeem resources. Some monks had already redeemed resources before coming to Water City and had no immortal points in their hands, so they continued fishing.

She lay down in the shallow water again, replenishing water for the oceans and giant lakes in the star core world, and then collecting fresh water and other resources.

However, if you plant flowers with intention, they will not bloom, but if you do not intend to plant willows, they will create shade.

The spirit boat flew over the grass like a flying island, flew into the lakeshore area, landed about ten feet away from the human-shaped white goose, and landed on the smooth and flat rock surface.

While the little Loli lay in the sea sucking water, Yan Shaoxuan Shao and the beasts went fishing year after year.

Although Xuan Shaoyan has bad luck with crabs, he is still able to catch one star crab every year. Buddha is even more miserable, not to mention that he doesn't catch any star crabs, not even a river fish.

Young Master Xuan, Young Master, and all the beasts were stunned when they saw the people floating down from the spirit boat. They were stunned before they realized what they were doing. They dropped their fishing rods and scrambled to get out the magic weapon.

He caught a large crab with a back shell one foot and two inches wide.

After harvesting a star crab and gaining face, the Buddhist cultivator put away his fishing rod and watched from the side instead.

The water she transported filled the oceans and lakes of a planet, and the water level of the seawater in the Shenmu Realm only dropped one foot, which shows how wide its ocean is.

The two young men and the beasts and beasts had no expectations, so naturally they would not look around often. On this day, they were fishing as usual, and a leaf spirit boat flew from the savanna plain towards the Star Lake.

As time goes by, there is only one year left before the secret realm is closed.

Xuxing was so angry and funny that he stopped fishing for crabs. He took the monk out for a walk every once in a while, sometimes cutting grass, sometimes going to bamboo forests hundreds of millions of miles away to dig bamboo shoots and look for magic mushrooms, and sometimes collecting plant seeds.

Xu Xing had already guessed who it was, floated out a magic weapon, and greeted him with a smile on the lake shore.

Fortunately, hard work paid off, and at the end of the autumn of the fourth year, Buddha's fishing rod started to move for the first time.

"Welcome little fellow Taoist to return to White Goose City." Xu Xing smiled warmly and brightly when he saw the little human fairy whom he hadn't seen for several years.

Not to mention them, even the foreign monks who were hundreds of miles away were very surprised.

Young Master Xuan and the beasts continued fishing for crabs.

The five little creatures and the gourd baby ran the fastest and rushed to the little fairy. Some hugged the thighs and the other hugged the arms.

The river delicacies in Xinghu are all good, but there is no shop like this after passing this village.

He didn't do anything else, but he nipped possible troubles in their bud for the Buddhist cultivators and the minor monks. This kind of care was truly worthy of the name.

The shocked student Le calmed down his frightened heart and summoned a puppet team to continue digging sand, sifting shells, collecting coastal plants, and collecting water.

It would take eight months to go to Three Pagodas Garden. Instead of wasting eight months, it would be better to stay in Xing Lake and fish for more river delicacies and save some money for the family.

The little creatures who successfully became pendants, inhaled the fragrance of the little fairy, and their smiles were brighter than spring flowers.

The other three humanoid beasts, the Mahayana beast, and the two handsome men crowded around the little fairy/little loli, and they all smiled as if they had picked up millions.

Le Yun stroked the baby for a while, then stroked the heads of the humanoid beasts with a smile, and with quick eyes and quick hands, stroked the heads of each Mahayana beast, contentedly clasping her little hands behind her back, walking on her short legs, and walked out in a way that she would not recognize her relatives.

"Seeing that you are all smiling so happily, I must have gained quite a lot. Let me appreciate your achievements over the past few years and see who has caught the most star crabs."

"Little fairy, is there any prize?"

The five little creatures ran in front of the little fairy, still walking backwards.

"There must be."

"Wow!" The beasts cheered excitedly, running into the golden lotus magic weapon in a hurry, and quickly showed off their harvest.

The two young monks and a group of beasts and beasts all became lively and lively when they saw the little fairy. They were completely different from the calm and calm before. Xu Xing also found it doubly interesting.

He followed the little human fairy to watch the excitement and walked into the Lotus Magic Treasure alongside her.

Leyun carried her little hands on her back, admiring the fruits of several years of work by the little creature, the two handsome guys, and the beasts.

When it comes to harvest, whether it is quantity or quality, Calabash Man deserves to be the first. He caught the largest number of star crabs and they were also big. The harvest for the five little creatures was slightly less.

The two handsome guys and their beasts, Xuan Shao took advantage of the spiritual roots and caught more star crabs, but Yan's harvest was much bleaker.

He knew his harvest well, but Yan Xing was shy inside and calm on the outside.

"Oh, my little Guozi is indeed an all-round expert, he can do anything!" After admiring the fruits of the work of her friends, Le Yun flew to the Calabash Baby, grabbed one of the dolls and ravaged its head.

Calabash Baby: "..." So excited!

After pampering the baby, Leyun took out a bowl, took out two fragrant fried chickens and stuffed them into the gourd baby, and then went over to distribute rewards to the little creatures.

The little creatures each have a fried chicken.

There were also two young masters and their contracted beasts. Their harvest was less and the rewards were smaller. The beasts and young master Xuan Shaoyan only got half a fried chicken.

The beasts who received the reward were so happy that they jumped three feet high, put away their catch, and ran away to taste the delicious food.

Yan Xing: "..." Alas, the spiritual root is not strong, but fortunately it is not embarrassing.

Xu Xing was beaming with laughter, but suddenly the human fairy stuffed him with a golden fried chicken, and he accepted it without any courtesy.

The beasts gathered together, Le Yun took out a set of tables and set them up, and asked the human-shaped white goose to sit down before getting the spiritual meal.

When the two young men and the beasts saw each other, they turned into a gust of wind and took their seats one after another.

Le Yun took out two braised whole camels and cut them into pieces, then gave each person a roasted whole lamb, ten smoked fish weighing a hundred catties, and ten steamed buns the size of small basins.

A separate meal system is implemented, one per person.

The stewed camel meat and roasted whole lamb were still steaming hot. The beasts held their own bowls, evened out a portion, stored it, and ate half of it.

Xu Xing also put away half of it first, leaving only one smoked fish.

There is spiritual food to eat, and humans and beasts have no time to talk.

The informal spiritual meal is not so particular. The beasts clean the bowls after eating, and after the little fairy and the rising star fairy finish, they run non-stop to catch crabs.

Xuxing talked to the little fairy, first briefly explaining the handover situation of the goods she ordered, and then the White Goose clan also handed over the items for the elixir and the collected water to the Buddha cultivator as scheduled.

"Hey, the secret realm will not end until nine months." Le Yun was shocked to know how long the Buddhist cultivator had been away.

She came out of the sea and went to three small islands to collect resources. She also wandered along the coast of Baie Island for several months, which totaled nearly a year.

On the way back to White Goose City, I also made several temporary stops to cut young leaves of collection plants, and also went to the forest to collect a large number of spiritual trees. The return trip took four months and a few days.

Speaking of which, she only lay in the sea for less than four years this time.

It was very unexpected.

After receiving an unexpected surprise, Le Yun was in a bright mood. She still had a few months to harvest more wool.

"Do you want to go to the Three Pagoda Garden, my little Taoist friend?" Xu Xing asked the little fairy's itinerary with concern.

"No, with the help of fellow Taoist Nanga, I won't go. I will stay on White Goose Island until the end of the secret realm." Le Yun has already secretly planned which direction to go to scavenge plant resources.

"Young Taoist, there is nothing you are looking for. I am familiar with the terrain of this island." If the young Taoist wanted to go to Three Pagoda Garden, Xu Xing decided to seize the time to negotiate with her about changing to another jar of elixir. If she did not go to Three Pagoda Garden, he would temporarily Did not mention.

"It's true. I'm rare for bamboo shoots. Does Fellow Taoist Xuxing know where there are wild bamboo forests on Baie Island?"

"I know this. There is a large wild bamboo forest to the north of Xinghu Lake. It is the spring bamboo shoot growing season. Do you want to go dig bamboo shoots?"

"Wait a minute, I'll catch a fish first." Upon hearing this, Le Yun's eyes lit up, and she floated to the edge of the magic weapon without any delay.

The little fairy wanted to go out to collect, but the gourd baby and the little creatures didn't rush to hurry up, and Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan didn't have any other ideas.

The human fairy was getting ready to fish, and Xu Xing moved over happily, watching to see if her luck was as good as before.

Le Yun walked to the edge of the magic weapon, stopped casually, took out the fishing rod, put a spiritual vegetable on it, and swung the line into the lake.

The gourd baby, the little creatures, the Mahayana beast, the humanoid beast, and the two handsome men all turned their heads in jerky movements, all staring in the same direction.

After the little Loli's fishhook fell into the lake, within twenty breaths, the fishing line was shaking.

Lift up the pole and harvest a star crab with a back shell one foot three inches wide.

Xuan Shaoyan, who only caught one river fish every few months on average, and the contracted beasts said: "..." They had to compare the goods. Should they just throw away the fish and leave?

The little fairy reaped the harvest as soon as she put down the pole, and the rising star was very calm.

The little Loli tied the legs of the crab, threw it into a bamboo bucket, and threw the line into the lake again.

After about twenty breaths, the fishing line moved again.

I started fishing and the star crab I caught was a little bigger than the first one.

Xu Xing touched his chin with a thoughtful look on his face. Could it be that my little fellow Taoist has a single source of light spiritual roots?

Young Master Xuan and Young Master no longer want to speak.

The more exciting stuff is yet to come.

Next, the little Loli harvested a starlight crab every fifteen breaths or so. The width of each crab's back shell was between one foot three inches to one foot five inches.

Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts were sweating after suffering another round of critical attacks. Even if they jumped into the lake to catch crabs at this speed, they might not be able to match it!

Little Loli caught the ninth starlight crab, put away the fishing rod and bucket as before, and stopped fishing.

"Fellow Taoist Xu Xing, go dig bamboo shoots." He put away his tools and took the tables and chairs back to avoid being exposed to the sun and rain.

"Okay." Xu Xing floated into the air first and released his spirit boat.

Le Yun didn't say any more nonsense and jumped into the spirit boat. Star Lake was right under the eyes of the white goose tribe. Even if she and the humanoid white goose were not around, no one would dare to do something evil to the two handsome guys and the beasts.

Xu Xing took up the spirit boat and flew to the northwest.

The animals looked up for a few moments and then went back to fishing quietly.

It would be good for the little fairy to go out to collect. If she sits by the lake and keeps fishing, they will be under great pressure. One day they may not be able to withstand the pressure and want to jump into the lake to fish.

Young Master Xuan Shaoyan also remained silent, hoping to catch a few more river fish before the little Loli came back.

Xuxing carried the human fairy and flew toward Lebei for a while, then adjusted its angle to fly north. An hour later, it reached its destination.

The bamboo forest he was talking about was not narrow, with several species of bamboo mixed with other trees, stretching over a dozen mountain peaks and spanning more than 100,000 miles.

Xuxing put away the spirit boat and took the lead into the jungle.

Various types of bamboo have entered their annual shoot-out period, and new shoots can often be seen high and low in the forest.

They arrived just in time. Most of the bamboo shoots had just emerged a few days ago, and the tallest ones were only about half a foot tall. The most common bamboo shoots were one to three feet high.

The bamboo forest was too wide, and if it was just me and the human-shaped white goose digging, I would definitely miss a lot of bamboo shoots. Le Yun did not hide them and called the nine Yinxing brothers to help with the work.

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