magic eye doctor

Chapter 3326 Changed

Chapter 3326 Changed

Xu Xingcheng really wanted to be friends with the little human fairy. He didn't feel embarrassed that he was a big Luo Jinxian digging bamboo shoots. He was like a bamboo rat, digging bamboo shoots all over the mountain.

He has a high level of cultivation. He can use his spiritual power or spiritual consciousness to find the bamboo shoots and their location, and then use the laws of the earth system and the law of the wind system to pull out bamboo shoots within a radius of dozens of miles in one go.

Of course, even if the bamboo forest is wild, it cannot be exterminated. Three to four bamboo shoots must be left as seed plants in every one foot radius.

Thanks to the intervention of Daluo Immortals, it took less than ten days to clear the mountains with bamboos.

Xu Xing took the little fellow Taoist to run away again and went to the bamboo forest farther away. When the bamboo shoots passed the growth period, he took the people to mix the jungle and meadow, collect fresh and tender plants, and cut down the spiritual trees.

The little loli followed and ran all over the mountain.

Xu Xing and the human fairy went out at the end of February, and when they came back it was already the beginning of August in autumn.

One person and one White Goose, who had been wandering around for several months, entered the city from the north gate of White Goose City, walked around the North District, then passed through the East District to the South District, and then walked around in a circle before leaving the city.

Xuxing accompanied the little Taoist friend to Shuicheng Safety City.

All the planting tasks in Ping An City have been completed. The planting monks who have not left Water City have also gone to Xing Lake to fish for crabs. Ping An City is extremely quiet.

As soon as Wan Zhen Tower's new front foot arrived, Nanga's back heel arrived, sweeping Wan Zhen Tower once again, but still had a surplus of points.

Little Loli went to the director's area and asked the stewards to exchange for spiritual herbs. She wanted to spend all her points and didn't want to waste them.

After that resource enters Wan Zhen Pagoda, Wan Zhen Pagoda will no longer replenish supplies.

The soup is ready. Let's set the table for dinner.

In the end, he carefully selected several divine minerals and finally spent all Fairy Xiyue's points.

There are no taboos on the first to eighth floors of Wanzhen Pagoda, and both high-level and low-level immortals can visit.

Xu Xing looked at the little fellow Taoist's expression that looked like he was being cut off. He wanted to laugh but was embarrassed, so it was a bit hard to bear it.

Following the human race fairy, he could taste delicious spiritual meals from time to time, and Xu Xing was having fun in Star Lake without thinking about Shu.

After taking out all the divine marrow on the eighth level, there was still a large amount of points belonging to the little Taoist friend that had not been spent, so I kept them for the time being and chose another resource for myself.

In the hands of excellent chefs, meals made from the most common ingredients are also delicacies.

One and a half months before the secret realm was closed, the last resources were delivered from Ice City and Fire City, which were the farthest from the Three Pagodas Garden.

Nanjia didn't care what the monks of various races thought of him. He started selecting from the second floor, selecting the best products on the second and third floors, bypassing the fourth and fifth floors, and starting from the sixth floor, he started the sweep mode.

The little fairy is back, and the Calabash Baby and his friends fly over to cling to people again.

The Buddhist cultivator calmed down and saw the immortals from the White Goose tribe. He put his palms together and thanked them.

A White Goose Immortal accompanied him, and several others were waiting on the first floor.

When Xu Xing accompanied the human race fairy to sweep up plant seeds, Buddha Nanga's teleportation journey also ended successfully and he successfully arrived at the terminal.

It was almost noon when she and Xu Xing returned to Xinghu, and the soup was naturally prepared for dinner. The pot of soup was simmered until it was heated before dark, and it was taken out in time for dinner.

After exchanging a lot of resources for fellow Taoist Xiyue, Nanga was in a particularly good mood and waited for the secret realm to close.

Nanga entered the tower, took several small baskets and then climbed up the stairs.

There were dozens of monks and Buddhist cultivators taking the teleportation array at the same time. When they arrived at their destination, they were all a little dizzy and were moved to the square to calm down by the stewards.

Before Nanga returned to the Three Pagodas Garden, he also redeemed it once in Shuicheng and picked out some items at Wanzhen Pagoda. He spent very little of his points.

The leader of the team, the White Goose Immortal, smiled and handed the volcanic ash they collected to the Buddhist monk in front of everyone, and then accompanied him to Wanzhen Pagoda.

Little Loli had no choice but to leave the safe city with heartache and heartache.

The staple food is steamed buns, thirty large meat buns per person, a bowl of soup, a roasted suckling pig and ten fish, plus a bowl of braised pork per person.

After picking up plant seeds on the plains, the little Loli went to harm the grasslands and jungles in other places. She also traveled hundreds of millions of miles to go to the primitive jungle and cut down a batch of spiritual trees.

The most common bamboo shoots in the God Realm were made by the little fairy into a delicacy unique to Lingzhen. Xu Xing had to admit that there were no so-called ordinary ingredients in the world, only Lingzhen who was not good enough.

After calculation, the little fairy still had more than 500 million points left.

Some monks exchanged resources and waited for targets in the Wanzhen Tower or in the square, looking for suitable trading partners to exchange resources.

Xu Xing also followed around.

He waited until half a month before the secret realm was closed, then went to Wanzhen Pagoda again, and collected all the high-level fairy rice, spiritual plants and spiritual fruits that no one could afford to give up.

Little Loli made a spiritual meal to thank Xu Xing. The next day she caught nine star crabs and went out again to collect plant seeds in the plains.

After returning from an outing, Leyun played with the little ones for a while, then went fishing again. After catching nine poles, she stopped and set up two large stoves on the bank of the lake, one for cooking flower, poultry and bamboo shoot soup, and one for steaming steamed buns.

After settling the account, Nanjia also went to the White Goose Immortals to practice first, and then exchanged it after Wanzhen Pagoda replenished the goods.

Some of the monks who rode the teleportation array with the Buddha cultivator, but stayed in the Ruyi House and were carried by their companions, and some of the monks who were obviously waiting for someone in the square, originally wanted to negotiate a deal with the Buddha cultivator, but when they saw the beast cultivator beside him, they I had to stop and think first.

Fresh bamboo shoots, garnished with flower poultry and bamboo mushrooms, the soup is so delicious that you can't wait to swallow it.

Before the Buddhist cultivator could calm down, the immortals of the White Goose tribe who were guarding near the teleportation array discovered him and went to him to protect him.

After shopping around, I went downstairs to pay the bill.

Basically all the harvest from Safe City was sent to Three Pagodas Garden and exchanged for a batch of spiritual herbs. In the end, there were still more than two million points left.

The secret realm was about to close, and a large number of monks poured into the Three Pagodas Garden.

Nanga calculated while picking things. When he got to the eighth floor, he scanned it first and found that there was still a large surplus of points. He did not hesitate to throw the ridiculously expensive divine marrow into the small basket.

Wherever the Buddhist practice passes, a large number of light groups disappear, and the light groups left behind are sparse, looking particularly messy, deserted and helpless.

Le Yun, who was gathering wool in White Goose City, also counted the time with her fingers. She calculated that when the secret realm was about to close in twenty days, she stopped running around and returned to Star Lake.

Xu Xing spent two days fishing for crabs with his fellow Taoist at Xinghu Lake. On the third day, after the fellow Taoist had finished fishing, he invited her to have tea at the Flavor House.

Generally speaking, when people talk about drinking tea, they really mean drinking tea. When an upper class person makes an appointment to drink tea, it may mean cooperation.

The human-shaped white goose invites you to drink tea. Naturally, it is impossible to really drink tea. Le Yun thought about it and accepted the invitation. Xu Xing invited the little Taoist friend into the flavor building and entertained him in the private room on the top floor as before.

After tasting three cups of spiritual tea, Le Yun got straight to the point: "What Taoist Brother Xu Xing wants to say, just say it without beating around the bush."

"My little fellow Taoist guessed it." Xu Xing also simply gave up the so-called verbal tests and said bluntly: "To be honest, my little fellow Taoist, I will repeat the same old thing and want to exchange for the little fairy's jar of elixir."

Le Yun looked at the immortal with a faint look in her eyes and a faint tone in her voice: "Fellow Taoist Xuxing, you want me to break my promise and gain weight."

"I didn't mean this. I know that my little Taoist friend values ​​​​their faith and promises, so naturally I can't make things difficult for you. You said you would increase the code ten thousand times and you would not change it. I will add more money on top of the ten thousand times the code. Little Taoist friend you have If there are no special resources needed, I’ll ask the seniors in the family to check the inventory.”

The humanoid white goose made up his mind to have a long conversation, and had the attitude of never giving up unless successful. Leyun was not stupid, so she naturally guessed that it must be the white goose clan's intention, not Xuxing himself.

The White Goose Clan refused to give up until they got the elixir. Le Yun was quite helpless and said, "The White Goose Clan has no ill intentions towards the human race. Fellow Taoist Xuxing has taken care of my companions for many years. The White Goose Clan wants the elixir. I If you don't agree to change, it would be really unkind.

Fellow Daoist Xu Xing takes the original base price as the base price, plus 10,000 times the amount you added, plus an additional portion of seafood ingredients, so I don’t break my promise. "

The little human fairy finally relaxed, and Xu Xing couldn't help but be happy: "Thank you, little Taoist friend, for giving me your love! Our tribe has accepted this favor from you, and we look forward to continuing to have long-term relationships with you in the future."

"This is a deal. I received the resources. You're welcome, fellow Taoist Xu Xing."

Le Yun never thought about exchanging elixirs for favors. She understood the White Goose tribe’s desire to exchange elixirs at all costs. The elixirs that were effective for the body of the deity were too rare. There was a deity in the White Goose tribe. How could he not be a deity? Thank you for your consideration.

After successfully negotiating the important matter of exchanging the elixir, Xu Xing wasted no time in reporting the good news to the elders in the clan who were waiting for the result.

He explained the process in detail, and the matter of inventorying and sorting out resources was naturally left to the elders. He entertained friends in the flavor building.

The high-level fairies of the White Goose Tribe were very surprised when they learned the result. They were mentally prepared to increase the amount by another fifty thousand to one hundred thousand times. However, as a result, the little fairies of the human race were not as open as the lions.

The little human fairy only asked for ten thousand times the chips Xu Xing raised, and only added one portion of seafood ingredients, in order to prevent herself from breaking her promise. This kind of courage may not be possible for ordinary Daluo immortals!

The favorability of the fairies of the White Goose Clan towards the little fairy from the human race has skyrocketed again.

The little fairy from the human race was so grand that the White Goose tribe couldn't take advantage of it. The fairies discussed it and started to collect the resources to exchange for the elixir.

Xu Xing entertains friends warmly, with the best spiritual tea and spiritual fruits, followed by spiritual meals.

Spiritual meals can be counted as morning meals.

The guests of honor enjoyed themselves.

After chatting for a while, Le Yun handed a jar of fish paste to the human-shaped white goose and took her leave.

Xu Xing wanted to send his friend out of the city, but was declined. He sent his Taoist friend out of the flavor building. Seeing that she was gone, he immediately sent the elixir back to the main peak halfway up the mountain and handed it over to the elders.

The immortals of the White Goose Clan also asked Xu Xing to stay for a few days, and then he would send them away after they had packed up the resources.

Classmate Le himself walked around the South District again, sweeping up a lot of snacks and snacks. He also went to a business that supplied spiritual birds and swiped away a batch of carnivorous spiritual birds before leaving the city.

She went into the city in the morning and left the city in the evening. She really left early and came back late.

Xiuxing Lou Xuxing invited the human race fairy to tea and also packed a spiritual meal for her companion. Since she had been shopping all day, the breakfast became dinner.

As long as the two young men and beasts had something to eat, they didn't care whether they ate in the morning or at night. They happily enjoyed a spiritual meal and still stayed up all night guarding the fishing rods.

Le Yun took advantage of her free time at night to sort out the natural resources she collected in the wild and go fishing on time the next day.

This time, she changed the bait.

The effect of the new bait was immediate, and there was movement within only four or five breaths of time after the fishing line was cast.

After raising the pole, a large crab with a back shell over three and a half feet wide was dragged up.

The little creature was used to being very lucky with the little fairy, so she made an exception and didn't pay special attention to it when fishing. When she accidentally glanced at it at a certain moment, she realized that she had caught a big fish, and she screamed in shock.

The five little creatures whirred, which also attracted the attention of the beasts and the two brothers. They also looked over and saw the little fairy/little loli pulling out a big pet.

The beasts and the two young men, who could not sit still, ran over to watch.

The little Loli calmly picked up the star crab she caught for the fourth time, tied its legs and feet, and threw it into a bamboo bucket. She lowered the pole again, and after a few breaths, she pulled up another large creature with a back shell four feet wide.

"Little beauty, are forcing us to jump into the river!" Mr. Xuan covered his heart that was about to be broken by the blow, looking more fragile than Xizi holding his heart.

"Don't trick me. If you jump into the lake, you will definitely be torn into pieces in minutes. The lake is polluted, and the quality of fish and shrimp will also be affected. If White Goose City knows about it, it will not come to me to fight for it."

"Please let me go." Mr. Xuan's heart was pierced with a knife, a big hole that could not be repaired.

"I suggest you change the bait frequently. People will get tired of eating the same dish all the time, let alone fish and shrimp."

"We often change the bait, but it doesn't work."

Yan Shaoxuan Shao was extremely frustrated. Did they not change the bait?

Of course not, they even used the spiritual meal meat as bait, but the Starlight Crab just wouldn't eat them, so there was nothing they could do.

"Oh, then you just let nature take its course." Le Yun stopped giving chicken soup to the handsome guys because...there were crabs biting the fish again.

After just a few words, the little loli gained something again. Young Master Xuan Shaoyan could only watch as she pulled up a big fish and then lowered it down the pole.

If they stayed any longer, they were worried that their souls would not be able to withstand the critical blow and would be shattered into pieces. They turned their heads with difficulty, forced themselves not to look again, and crawled back to their positions to fish.

The little Loli did things efficiently and effectively. She caught nine big fish, packed up her tools, and set out the Ruyi House, which she used as a refining room. Then she went into the Ruyi House and found the spiritual wood she liked to make furniture.

Her purpose is to create an exclusive seat for Lingzhi Doll Rock Doll.

The little creatures are small and only take up a corner of the human chair. The human chair is too wide, and one chair for each doll takes up too much space.

Leyun tailor-made one-legged high chairs for little creatures. It is simpler than the modern minimalist style single-legged high chairs and eliminates the need to step on your feet.

She also eliminates the need for automatic height adjustment. The chair has a fixed height, a circular seat surface, and a low arc-shaped backrest. The backrest, seat surface and chair legs are integrated.

The secret realm was about to be closed, and she was not going to run around. She had plenty of time. Le Yun did her handiwork in a leisurely manner, first making the shape of the chair, and then carving it later.

Work slowly and work hard.

In addition to fishing for crabs, she spent the rest of her time doing carpentry in Ruyi House. She spent several days carving four sets of one-legged high chairs of different woods, and also built a matching one-legged table.

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