magic eye doctor

Chapter 3328 Reunion

Chapter 3328 Reunion

Because the little lolita was stimulated, in line with the principle that I should not be idle, and no one should be idle, she resolutely refused to let the handsome guys have idle time, and decisively let them struggle with their own gains.

Calabash Baby, Five Little Ones, and Two Young Masters originally wanted the little fairy/little loli to continue to keep the storage container, but they took the bag after hearing that they had to help decode the seal.

Yan Xing hesitated and asked, "Didn't you say that once you leave here, the seal will be released by itself?"

"The seal of the Baoguang Tuan will break itself, but some things are special. If the seal breaks itself after leaving the secret realm, we don't know how much of its spiritual energy will be lost when it returns to us.

It is safer to remove the seal before leaving and seal precious and rare items in jade or wooden boxes.

The seal of the Baoguang Group that I didn't understand before was mainly to prevent some high-level immortals with bad character from looking at your memories when you were undefended and knowing what good things you have and getting rich.

Now that the secret realm is coming to an end, there is no need to worry about being a villain. The advantages of unlocking the seal of the Baoguang Group outweigh the disadvantages. You can clean up on your own and wait until I regain my energy to unlock the seal. "

Le Yun explained, no longer caring about the handsome guys, she closed her eyes and practiced.

Understanding the little Lolita's good intentions, Yan Shaoxuan didn't waste any more words. He put away the storage bag and quickly adjusted his breathing.

The Calabash Baby and the five little creatures were in good spirits. They went out for a look first, then ran back to the Ruyi House, sat in a row next to the fairy, and meditated.

There are only a few monks who are stunned by the teleportation array. However, after being taken to the destination by the key and experiencing the experience of bouncing up and landing before landing, every monk will inevitably feel dizzy.

The monks who were teleported to the square first calmed down for a moment, then took up space and looked for a team, and then had time to observe the square.

The two giant monuments stood quietly in the square. The ranking monument did not move. The huge green monument was shining brightly and was particularly eye-catching.

Many monks were surprised and confused when they saw Xi Yue's name in the top row on the front of the blue monument changing again. No one could figure out what the monk named Xi Yue was doing in the secret realm.

Xuerong was teleported to the Qingshi Square. The accomplice recovered from his fainting state and saw the changes in the Qingbei. He did not go to find Fairy Xiyue immediately. He gathered with his teammates first and occupied the territory as a temporary training point.

He sat and practiced for a week, then flew to the green monument to look for Fairy Xiyue. When he saw the golden lotus magic weapon at the foot of the green monument, he was not sure whether it was Fairy Xiyue's training place, so he sat and waited a few feet away.

Mi Guang and his fellow disciples were busy during the whole period of the secret realm. They went to several places but happened to miss Fairy Xiyue. They also accepted the fact that they might have a close fate with Fairy Xiyue.

After being teleported to Qingshi Square, and the five brothers settled in, Milo couldn't sit still and ran out of the circled temporary foothold to find the human cub.

Miguang couldn't resist his younger brother and followed him around.

More and more monks were teleported to the square, and their auras were very mixed.

Miguang had no choice but to search area by area, passing through tens of thousands of temporary cultivation points. When they almost arrived at the central area of ​​the square, the two brothers saw the Buddhist cultivator who had a good relationship with the little fairy.

The Buddhist cultivator must have just teleported to the square not long ago, but he still sat quietly and did not move, and did not use the magic weapon to circle the territory.

Miguang picked up his younger brother and waited for the Buddha to practice.

Nanga was not dizzy due to the teleportation, but was shaken when he landed on the ground. Instead, he was knocked dizzy. It took about half a cup of tea to calm down.

He was in good spirits. He looked around for a while before getting up, straightening his clothes and walking calmly.

He had just taken a few steps when a humanoid Tianlu beast holding a small Tianlu beast came over from the side and greeted him: "Fellow Taoist Nanga!"

Nanga returned the salute with his hands clasped together, and looked at the Tianlu beast brothers with confusion: "I wonder if this Taoist fellow from the Tianlu tribe has something important to do with calling the young monk?"

Mi Guang held his younger brother in his arms, who always wanted to flutter outside, and honestly explained the purpose of his visit: "Mi Guang is rude. My younger brother and I are looking for Fairy Xiyue, because we know that fellow Taoist Nanga and Fairy Xiyue have a deep friendship. Seeing fellow Taoist Nanga, he took the liberty to come over and ask if he knew where the fairy was staying."

"The young monk is about to go to the place where he agreed to meet with his fellow Taoists. Fellow Taoists can go there together." Knowing the purpose of the Tianlu brothers' visit, Nanjia did not shirk. He directly stated his purpose and took the lead.

As expected, he could find Fairy Xiyue by following the Buddhist cultivator. Miguang thanked her and floated side by side with the Buddhist cultivator in his arms.

The secret key keeps sending people to the square, and golden light groups often fall from the sky.

In order to avoid being hit by the golden ball of light or walking too fast and hitting the golden ball of light falling from the sky, Nanga and Mi Guang were always cautious, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and managed to pass thousands of light balls without getting into trouble.

After floating for about a cup of tea, the two monks arrived behind the ranking stone. They walked forward to the back of the Qingshi Monument and then walked around to the front of the Qingshi Monument.

The front and back of Qingshi Monument are relatively empty.

Nanga glanced over and recognized that the golden lotus magic weapon with a barrier not far from the green monument belonged to fellow Taoist Xiyue. He also saw the beast cultivator Xue Rong squatting several feet away from the magic weapon barrier.

He walked towards Fellow Taoist Xiyue's magic weapon barrier without hesitation.

Xuerong closed her eyes to rest, and separated a ray of consciousness to observe the surroundings. When she saw the Buddha cultivator, standing tall and tall, she greeted him first: "Fellow Taoist Nanga!"

"Fellow Taoist Xuerong is also here to find fellow Taoist Xiyue?" Nanjia returned the greeting and calmly moved forward, taking three steps and two steps to float outside the defensive barrier of the golden lotus magic weapon.

"Exactly. I noticed that this magic weapon looks like the golden lotus commonly used by fellow Taoist Xiyue, but I was worried that I might make a mistake, so I didn't dare to disturb it."

"This is indeed the station of fellow Taoist Xiyue. The three of us will wait a moment. The young monk will go and see the fellow Taoist first." Nanjia informed the beast cultivator, then turned around and walked into the golden lotus magic weapon barrier.

Xuerong and Miguang thought that the Buddhist cultivator would contact Fairy Xiyue in other ways, but they never thought that he would enter the magic weapon barrier unimpeded.

Fairy Xiyue gave the Buddhist cultivator permission to pass. This shows that the friendship between the Buddhist cultivator and Fairy Xiyue is extraordinary.

The two immortals who had successfully advanced to the level of mortal immortals in the secret realm were shocked in their hearts, and there was no trace of water on their faces.

After sitting quietly and doing the exercises for a whole day, Le Yun also regained her strength. Because the little creatures around her were like old monks in meditation, she did not move, so as not to disturb the little ones' practice.

She was thinking about how many seafood ingredients the White Goose Clan had added to exchange for the elixir, and what spiritual objects the White Goose Clan had used to exchange for some of the divine crystals. She checked the storage bag containing the resources of the White Goose Clan with great interest.

The Golden Crown White Goose are meticulous in their work and organize their resources neatly. Divine crystals, flame crystals, spiritual plants, spiritual grains, spiritual shells, spiritual birds, and minerals each occupy a storage bag.

Moreover, White Goose City stores the resource for the basic price of the elixir separately, and the other is the code that is increased ten thousand times, and is summarized into another share.

She specified that she wanted more than five kinds of spirit shells, and Baie City generously collected twenty kinds of spirit shells. The shellfish occupied one storage bag, and the starlight crab occupied an exclusive storage bag.

White Goose was happy and Le Yun was in a good mood. They looked at the basic price first, and then the additional price. When Xu Xing added more money, he said he would add another one million pieces of divine crystals, 10 million pieces of flame crystals, five kinds of specialty minerals, each worth tens of millions of kilograms, and 50,000 starlight crabs.

Ten thousand times that amount of chips, there were 10 billion divine crystals, 100 billion flame crystals, 100 billion kilograms of each type of specialty mineral, and 500 million starlight crabs.

Its chips are also a valuable resource in the Qingxu God Realm.

There are many types of light beasts in the God Realm, but the light beasts among the water monsters are extremely rare. You can imagine how precious the light star crabs are.

Starlight crabs are a specialty of the Xingyue Island in the Shenmu Realm, and are only found in the Xingyue Island Archipelago.

Starlight crabs can enhance the affinity between living beings and the law. Starlight crabs are rare among the immortal sects and cultivating families in the God Realm. They have worked hard to build a safe city on Xingyue Island. Every time the Shenmu Realm is opened, people are sent to the safe city to catch starlight crabs.

Every time the Shenmu Realm is opened, disciples from all external forces have worked hard for decades. If they are lucky, they will get forty or fifty praises, but if they are not lucky, they will get only ten or twenty.

Teams from many forces in the God Realm often exchange other resources for starlight crabs with monks from the small world, and sometimes they can accumulate one or two hundred starlight crabs.

The monks from outside who want starlight crabs have no other way but to catch them themselves. The three major orc cities and other tribes on Xingyue Island will not sell starlight crabs to them.

If any tribe dares to sell starlight crabs to foreigners privately, the three major beast tribes will find out about it and will severely punish them and then expel their tribe from Xingyue Island.

The orcs on Xingyue Island can catch starlight crabs at any time if they want to eat them, but they are not allowed to sell starlight crabs.

That unwritten rule was still the island rule set by the ancestors of Chen Guang when they settled on Xingyue Island, and it is still the rule that all clans on Xingyue Island must abide by.

Star Crab is a rare item for all walks of life outside the Divine Tree Realm, but it is a standing resource for the White Goose Clan, Platinum Tiger Clan and Black Turtle Clan.

The three tribes form fishing teams together at regular intervals to catch star crabs from the middle, inner and main lakes of Xingyue Island.

Every time the fishing team of the three tribes starts a crab fishing mission, they harvest hundreds of millions of star crabs.

Starlight crabs can indeed increase the affinity for the law and can also help children become smarter, but there is also a limit on the number. If you eat nine starlight crabs, it is the time limit. If you eat more than nine starlight crabs, starlight crabs will become a spiritual food. , the effect is similar to that of eating other spiritual crabs.

The children of the White Goose Tribe, the Platinum Tiger Tribe, and the Black Turtle Tribe ate enough starlight crabs when they were young, and continued to eat them as they grew up. After being promoted to immortals, they ate very rarely, so each tribe accumulated a large amount of starlight crabs.

The hundreds of millions of starlight crabs provided by the Golden Crown White Goose Clan only used a storage resource for them, which was a piece of cake.

As for the White Goose Clan using Starlight Crabs as trading materials, what will other tribes do if they find out?

In fact, that is not a big deal at all. The white goose tribe only needs to tell the other two tribes to share less crabs next time they fish.

If the Platinum Tiger Clan and Black Turtle Clan encounter an item that they want to exchange at any cost, they will also use Star Crab.

The three tribes have passed down the tradition to this day, and every tribe has to exchange starlight crabs for resources. This has also formed an unwritten rule - whoever exchanges starlight crabs for resources will get less crabs the next time they fish.

Naturally, the outside clans do not know the unwritten rules of the Xingyue Island clan. Even if any of the Xingyue Island clans exchange Starlight Crabs with the Xingyue Island clan, they will keep it secret for the sake of long-term interests.

The White Goose tribe exchanged hundreds of millions of starlight crabs for the elixir without blinking. Leyun was so happy that she grinned to the back of her head when she saw a storage bag full of starlight crabs.

Oh my god, who would have thought that a jar of fish paste can exchange for so many resources!

Make big money again!

Le Yun, who was in a high mood, quickly put aside the bag of starlight crabs and looked at the divine crystals and the spiritual objects that could resist the divine crystals.

The White Goose clan paid for two-fifths of the divine crystal with a drop of jade spiritual marrow, a heart of spiritual wood, and two water souls. The spiritual objects used to equalize the divine crystal were also placed in the bag containing the divine crystal.

The most precious of the three spiritual objects is the Jade Spiritual Marrow Liquid, which is a food supplement for the Immortal Lord and God-level immortals and is the most valuable.

When Little Lolita negotiated the deal with Baie City, she only mentioned the Divine Crystal, but did not specify which type of Divine Crystal. According to the unwritten rules, the Divine Crystal paid by Baie City was a single-color Divine Crystal, with five types: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. There are divine crystals with attributes.

Under the same conditions, the value of single-color divine crystals from the five series of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth is the same. The price of mutated divine crystals with attributes such as wind and thunder is naturally higher than the basic five-series divine crystals.

Baie City paid for some of the divine crystals with three kinds of spiritual objects that were beneficial to Lingzhi dolls. It was also a gesture of kindness, and Leyun accepted their favor.

Look at the divine crystal, then look at the added ingredients.

White Goose City is atmospheric, and the added ingredients include not only dozens of sea beasts, but also fifteen kinds of freshwater fish and shrimp. Freshwater fish and shrimp are all aquatic products in the rivers and lakes of Xingyue Island.

The smallest fish among all sea animals, it looks like a sturgeon, but is larger than the largest blue whale on Earth.

The largest one is a sea beast, with its front body like a giant toothed shark, its back half like a blue whale's body, and legs like a frog.

Le Yun was confused. She didn't know which one of the shark, whale, and frog was the ancestor of that beast, and which one had an affair, causing the offspring to look weird.

In addition to aquatic food ingredients, there are also many aquatic spiritual plants, which are spiritual vegetable food ingredients.

After checking the bag, Le Yun was elated with joy. Oh, if she had known that a jar of fish paste could exchange for so many resources, she should have said more.

If she said there were five altars and ten altars, maybe the White Goose Clan could contact the Platinum Tiger Clan and the Black Turtle Clan, and the three families would work together to divide the elixir, and the resources in exchange would only be more.

Of course, that kind of thought was just in her mind. If she had known earlier, she would still stick to her original approach. Rare things are more valuable, and things become less valuable if they are more. Because there are only two jars of a certain elixir, it is even more expensive. It seems very precious.

Le Yun counted the resources she had exchanged for fish paste, and happily put the two bags of divine crystals together. She was about to study the sea beast ingredients carefully, and then she felt that the defensive barrier of the golden lotus magic weapon was touched.

She opened the golden lotus in the barrier, and granted authority to the Calabash Baby, the five little creatures, Yan Handsome Guy Xuan Shao, and the contracted beasts of the two handsome guys, in addition to the Buddha Cultivator and the humanoid white goose Xu Xing.

She had just come from White Goose Island, so the only one who touched the barrier was Buddhist cultivator.

The Buddhist friend came, and the music floated gently. As soon as he got out of the Ruyi House, he met the handsome Buddhist cultivator who stepped into the barrier and was looking at the door of the Ruyi House.

Seeing a friend she hadn't seen for several years, Le Yun was also happy and laughed: "I guess as long as I occupy some territory next to the Qingshi Monument, fellow Taoist Nanga will definitely find me when he comes."

"When the young monk landed, he also sat and meditated for a while before recovering. I guessed that the little fellow Taoist must have arrived. It can be seen that the young monk arrived in time, and the young fellow Taoist also recovered from the sequelae of the teleportation." Nanjia did not notice anything, and raised his feet. Floated next to a friend.

He stood side by side with the young fellow Taoist and pointed to the three people outside: "The two fellow Taoists from the Tianlu tribe were also looking for the young fellow Taoist. They saw the young monk walking together with the young monk. When they came here, they saw fellow Taoist Xuerong who had been found first. "

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