magic eye doctor

Chapter 3329 I drink

Chapter 3329 I drink

Le Yun walked out of the Ruyi House and looked face to face with the Buddhist cultivator. She did not pay attention to the outside of the barrier. When the Buddhist cultivator drifted away, her eyes were also distracted and she saw the Tianlu beast and the beast Xiong Xuerong outside the barrier.

When the Buddha cultivator came, the Tianlu beast and the beast cultivator came to him at the same time, which was quite neat.

Needless to say, Le Yun also knew the purpose of the humanoid beast cultivator and discussed with the Buddhist cultivator: "Fellow Taoist Laonanga, please wait a moment. I will handle my personal matters first and then talk to the Taoist monk."

"No problem. The little fellow Taoist is busy first. If you need to avoid it, the little monk will go out for a walk first." The little fellow Taoist regards himself as one of his own, and the Buddhist monk is in a happy mood.

"The discussion between me and the two fellow Taoists outside was not about anything harmful to nature, so there is no need to avoid it." Le Yun smiled, walked to the center of the Golden Lotus magic weapon, and placed a set of tables and chairs.

First set up the seats, then open a door in the barrier, and invite the humanoid beasts outside to enter the barrier to talk.

Nanga also floated over and stood next to the little fellow Taoist, waiting for Tianlu Beast and Xuerong.

Mi Guang and Xuerong stood outside and only saw the Buddha cultivator talking to Fairy Xiyue. They could not hear what they said, but they could see that the Buddha cultivator and Fairy Xiyue had a very good relationship.

When the owner opened the door, he floated into the magical realm.

Across a layer of barrier, Mi Guang didn't feel anything special about Fairy Xiyue. After entering the magic weapon barrier, he looked at Fairy Xiyue subconsciously.

A period of time has passed, and Fairy Xiyue's appearance has not changed at all, her face looks more delicate, and her dress is similar to before, except for the addition of an eyebrow line between her forehead.

However, Miguang intuitively felt that Fairy Xiyue had changed. He couldn't tell what it was, but he felt a sense of awe for the strong in his heart.

Tianlu beast is naturally sensitive and instinctively friendly.

I felt a sense of awe towards Fairy Xiyue that I could only feel when facing a strong person. This showed that my guess was correct. Miguang opened his eyes to see what changes there were in Fairy Xiyue.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a golden bowl that was more blazing than the light of the sun. His eyes were stabbed by the light and felt as if they were being gouged alive.

Mi Guang immediately closed his eyes and closed his eyes, unable to suppress the fear in his heart.

Before the secret realm was opened, the golden light of Fairy Xiyue's merits was very strong, and at least her outline could be vaguely seen. Now, only the bright golden light is visible, and it is unknown what great things she has done to benefit all living beings in the secret realm.

Mi Guang suppressed the turmoil in his heart and walked towards his master with another beast cultivator.

When the guests came in, Le Yun activated the magic array, and at the same time laid a layer of consciousness barrier, and then invited the guests to sit down.

Milo, who was being held down by his brother, saw the little human cub with two drops of water in its eyes. It struggled to lean forward and kept shouting: "Little fairy, little fairy..."

His younger brother made a fuss when he saw the little fairy. Mi Guang was so angry that he wanted to give him a slap and hold him down to stop him from messing around.

Leyun looked at the little Tianlu beast and wanted to cover her eyes. Oh, the little Tianlu beast has lost weight again!

She had put so much effort into feeding the little beast to gain a few kilograms of meat, but she had lost all of it, and she is even thinner now than when he first entered the secret realm.

Looking at a skinny mythical beast baby, Le Yun smiled and reached out to grab the back of the little beast, lifted it up and weighed it, smiling from ear to ear: "Fellow Taoist Miguang, I have reason to doubt your family's This cub has spent all these years gnawing on stone tree bark, so not only has it lost weight, it has also lost weight.

Such a skinny little beast is irritating to hold in the hand, and it doesn't eat enough meat to fit between its teeth. It must be that even the big monsters in the wild wouldn't bother to catch him. "

Xuerong took the seat first, and when Miguang took the seat, the little fairy came to pick up the younger brother. He withdrew his hand as fast as the god of plague and let the younger brother be carried away.

The younger brother fell into the hands of the little fairy. Mi Guang sat down gracefully and laughed happily: "He is very noisy and has a naughty mouth. He won't eat this and that. Naturally, he fell into the trap. Even the wild beasts saw it. The point where there is no flesh on the bones.”

Milo, who was being carried away, was dissatisfied. He had only bones and fur!

"That's what you deserve. Come on, you should go with your brother. I don't like to coax unruly little beasts." Le Yun showed no sympathy at all and stuffed another cub into the arms of the humanoid Tianlu beast.

Milo, who was despised, was so sad that he wanted to cry. He wanted to pounce on the human fairy but didn't dare. He lay on his brother's arm in aggrieved manner.

Mi Guang: "..."

Nanga was delighted to hear what happened to the little Tianlu beast. He sat down next to the little fairy and happily took out a large plate of spiritual fruits to entertain the guests.

After returning the little Tianlu beast to his brother, Leyun first washed his hands with water, then put a plate of fried clams on the table, sat down and greeted the visitors for snacks.

Mi Guang and Xuerong took fried clams and ate them.

The little Tianlu Beast, who was picky about food, saw his eyes glowing green when he saw the humans taking out the food. He got up and lay on the table, swallowing his saliva in vain.

When it was ready to eat, he eagerly stretched out his claws and pulled out twenty or thirty fried clams, then brought them all in front of him.

Mi Guang took two fried scallops and was about to give them to his younger brother. He was so shocked by his sudden actions that he froze up. He was so angry that he immediately wanted to teach him a lesson.

In the end, he held back and did not beat his weak brother in front of outsiders, and expressed his humility to his master and the other two immortals: "My brothers and I spoiled my young brother rotten, and let the little fairy and the two Fellow Taoist laughed."

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry too much. Little Tianlu is still a cub, and it is natural for cubs to protect food." Nanjia and Xuerong didn't care about Little Tianlu's food-protecting behavior.

Leyun didn't care about the greedy behavior of the little Tianlumon. It would be fine if the little Tianlumon didn't monopolize the whole plate of fried snacks. If the little beast monopolized the fried clams, it would be embarrassing for the humanoid Tianlumon.

The host and guests didn't mind, but Miguang himself had to take care of it and always be on guard against his younger brother, not giving him a chance to repeat his old tricks.

Nanga was not familiar with Tianlu Beast, so he did not take the initiative to ask about Tianlu Beast's whereabouts. He talked to Xuerong: "The young monk has stayed in the secret valley for more than ten years. After leaving the valley, he heard the spiritual plant dolls and rock dolls from the little Taoist friend's family say that Xuerong Fellow Daoist has gone to another safe city, will Fellow Daoist Xuerong get his wish in the Secret Valley?"

"Thanks to fellow Taoist Xiyue and fellow Taoist Nanga, I got my wish." The Buddhist cultivator handed over the steps. Xuerong quickly grabbed it, took out a storage bag that had been prepared and handed it to Fairy Xiyue.

"Thanks to Taoist Taoist Xiyue for bringing it into the Secret Valley, Xuerong also harvested a lot of spiritual herbs on the way. According to the rules, it is fifty-fifty, and this belongs to Taoist Taoist Xiyue."

Le Yun took the storage bag containing resources and put it away without being polite. She did not inquire about the experience of the beast cultivator in the secret valley, or talk about the specialties of each safe city.

Fairy Xiyue didn't ask about her experience in the psychedelic forest, and Xuerong naturally didn't mention it either, telling which safe cities Queen Gu had gone to.

The Buddhist cultivator also went to the places he visited after leaving the Secret Valley. There were only so many safe cities, but they always missed them.

Mi Guang also joined in the chat.

While his elder brother was chatting with others, Milo immersed himself in eating fried clams. Whenever there were one or two left, his elder brother would get him a few more. He wanted to get them himself, but his elder brother restrained him.

The food was right in front of him, but he couldn't push it in front of him. Little Tianlumon was so anxious that he scratched his ears and cheeks.

As we chatted, the bottom of a plate of fried clams came to an end.

Buddhist monks invite guests to eat spiritual fruits.

Le Yun took the rare initiative to ask about the humanoid Tianlu beast: "Has Taoist friend Mi Guang found the divine plant within an inch of mountains and rivers and three feet of ground brocade?"

Speaking of the divine plant, Miguang looked regretful: "It's a pity that my brothers and I didn't have enough opportunities. We only found a three-foot brocade plant, but not an inch of mountains and rivers."

He looked at the other two fellow Taoists: "Fellow Taoist Xuerong and fellow Taoist Nanjia are also blessed by chance. I wonder if there is an inch of mountains and rivers. If so, I am willing to exchange for a share." Xuerong Nanjia both shook their heads. , they picked a lot of rare spiritual herbs in the psychedelic forest, but did not find an inch of traces of mountains and rivers.

Fairy Xiyue had some important matters to discuss with the Tianlu clan. Xuerong talked for a while and then stood up to leave.

The secret realm is about to be officially closed. Based on past experience, monks of all races generally stay in Qingshi Square for one to three days before being teleported away.

The time to stay in Qingshi Square is limited, and monks and teams from all races who need to exchange resources will exchange their resources with monks from other races during this period.

The beast cultivator resigned, but Le Yun did not leave him empty-handed. She stood up to see the guests off, opened the barrier to see the beast cultivator Xuerong leave, and then closed it again.

Returning to his seat again, he stretched out his hand and picked up a small beast from the arms of the humanoid Tianlumon. He put it on his knees and felt the bones. He also opened the mouth of the little Tianlumon to check the teeth.

The little Tianlu beast finally fell into the arms of the little human cub that he had longed for, and he was so well-behaved.

Miguang was afraid of hearing the bad news that his younger brother's condition had deteriorated, so he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Le Yun was curious about how the little Tianlu beast became thinner and thinner as she was raised, so she did a physical examination for the little beast, took out a bamboo bowl, then took out the magic gourd, and poured medicinal soup into the bamboo bowl.

The bamboo bowl is better said to be a basin than a bowl.

The medicinal soup was so black that it turned purple, and it was steaming hot, exuding a burnt smell.

Little Tianlumon smelled the smell of medicine and covered his nose in disgust.

After filling a bowl of medicinal soup, Le Yun closed the gourd lid, picked up the bamboo bowl and handed it to the little Tianlu Beast's mouth: "Drink."

Little Tianlumon was so shocked that he almost screamed: "Give me something to drink?!"


"It smells so bitter, I...I don't want to drink it." Little Tianlumon wanted to cry. The little human cub was obviously soft and fragrant, how could he be cruel enough to treat him like this!

"If you don't drink it yourself, I don't mind drinking it."


The little Tianlumon wanted to protest, but was worried that if he didn't drink, he would be forced to drink by the human cub. He put down his paws in grievance: "...I will drink."

"That's good." Le Yun moved the bowl to the little beast's mouth.

The little Tianlumon, who was forced to become a good boy, sniffed, held the bowl with his paws and raised it, closed his eyes, raised his neck, and swallowed in big mouthfuls.

Like a cow drinking water, he gulped down the bowl of medicinal soup.

Just when he thought he had finished drinking, the little human cub unscrewed the gourd and took another bowl.

Little Tianlu Beast: "..."

The medicine is so bitter!

But he can't say yet.

Little Tianlumon looked at his brother aggrievedly, and when he saw that his brother ignored him, he resignedly picked up the bowl again and drank it all in one gulp.

The little beast drank the medicine obediently. Leyun turned over her hand and took out a lollipop and stuffed it into his mouth.

The candy was made during her spare time while refining alchemy in Shenmu Valley. It was a candy tailor-made for her baby brother, little carrots and a group of little creatures.

Candies are equivalent to nutritional pills, and the quantity is small. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't be willing to give them.

The little Tianlu beast just drank the medicine, and his mouth was full of bitter taste. He didn't taste what the human cub stuffed into his mouth, but he subconsciously held it in his mouth.

He held the thing in his mouth and sucked it several times. Finally he tasted the slightest sweetness and his eyes widened with joy.

The little Tianlu beast chewed happily for a few times, thinking about finishing it quickly and asking the little cub for some more. Unexpectedly, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he couldn't hold on even if he wanted to. He closed his eyelids and fell into a deep sleep.

The little cub fell asleep, and Leyun returned a little Tianlu beast to Xingtianlu: "Let him sleep well, and when he wakes up, his physical problems will no longer be a problem."

Fairy Xiyue asked Milo to drink medicine. Mi Guang thought it was a medicinal soup that warmed the foundation. When he heard that Milo's physical problems were solved after waking up from sleep, he was surprised and happy: "Fairy found an inch of mountains and rivers?"

"No. I found a lot of rare spiritual herbs in the Qianji Secret Valley and replaced an inch of the mountains and rivers with other spiritual herbs. The little Tianlu beast may sleep for three to five years. In the first year or two after waking up, let him eat something lighter. The spiritual meal.

The kind of spiritual food that was not suitable to be eaten in the past is still not allowed to be eaten. Once his body returns to the standard that a cub of Tianlumon's age should have, he will generally no longer need to eat food. "

Le Yun is super calm, there is not an inch of mountains and rivers, but there are thousands of grasses, isn't it?

Knowing that his younger brother's physical problem was resolved, Mi Guang was excited. He stood up with his younger brother in his arms and solemnly thanked the fairy: "Thank you Fairy Xiyue for your generosity!"

Leyun waved her little hands: "Don't be too polite, Mi Guang. The Tianlu tribe is an auspicious beast. I am a doctor and I will do my best to heal the little Tianlu beast."

For Fairy Xiyue, it was her duty as a doctor, but for Milo, it was nothing more than a life-saving grace. Mi Guang felt it in her heart, so she did not dare to neglect it.

He sat down, quickly rummaged through the storage container, and transferred the divine crystals and other items he carried, as well as the spiritual herbs obtained in the secret realm, into a storage bag and gave them to the human fairy.

"Fellow Taoist Xiyue must have spent a lot of money to treat Miluo. This is what I got in the secret realm, which is used to offset part of Miluo's pills. Fairy, let's see how much is missing. I will contact my fellow sect to send them all."

Mi Guang was already prepared. He would first collect all the belongings of his senior brothers. If it was not enough, he would contact another team member from the same sect.

The medicine she brewed was all rare spiritual herbs. The humanoid Tianlu Beast took the initiative to pay for the medical treatment. Naturally, Le Yun did not refuse and took the storage bag.

The humanoid Tianlumon and his party could not enter the Qianji Secret Valley, so they went to the mountains where the Baicao Garden is located and the Mucheng Wild Mountains, and collected a lot of fairy grass and spiritual plants.

They also went to the Water City and the Ice City, and gained something from each of them.

Outside monks go to Water City to catch star crabs, while to Ice City they go to Ice City to catch spiritual fish.

Bingcheng’s specialty spiritual fish is the snow-fat fish!

Tianlumon is an auspicious beast, so its luck is naturally not bad. Among the humanoid Tianlumon's resources are eleven snow-fat fish and thirty starlight crabs.

In addition to spiritual grass and spiritual treasures, there are tens of thousands of divine crystals, two hundred thousand spiritual crystals, more than a dozen kinds of divine minerals, and the beasts they hunted in the wild.

Le Yun calculated that the materials given by the humanoid Tianlu Beast were enough to make up for the spiritual herbs she used to make medicine for the little Tianlu Beast.

She has professional ethics and tells the truth: "The value of these resources from fellow Taoist is enough to cover the decoction and medicine for Xiao Tianlu's animal suit and my consultation fee.

Fellow Daoist Miguang exchanged resources for the elixir to cure the little Tianlu beast, and he did not owe any favors. "

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