magic eye doctor

Chapter 333 Young Master Yan's Lethality

Chapter 333 Young Master Yan's Lethality
Li Yubo, Chen Shuyuan, and talented brother Jun walked around the living street in the severe cold, purchased the raw materials and hurried back to the Zhuangyuan Building. Seeing that the dormitory on the fourth floor was not lit, the three of them were happy and relieved. On the fourth floor, take the key to open the door of Little Loli's dormitory.

Classmate Li just turned the door lock and heard someone talking behind him. He turned around and saw the tall man with glasses in the dormitory opposite the door. He stared in amazement, "Senior Wang, are you back to China?"

"Minister Wang." The talented man greeted the senior politely. Wang Yuzhe is one of the ministers of the student union's study department. I have seen him, but of course I don't know him.

"Wang Yuzhe, your kid has been in Y country for half a year, and he came back with a bit of British style, which is even more charming." Chen Shuyuan teased his junior unscrupulously.

"Country Y is about to have a New Year's Day holiday, and the exchange is over. I didn't return to China until Friday afternoon. I was busy sorting out the report, and I didn't have time to report to the student union, which surprised you." Wang Yuzhe pushed his glasses and smiled gently: "You don't live here. Why did you come here from the west?"

"Hey, you don't know about this, there is a geeky little loli living in this dormitory, we are here to eat." Classmate Chen smiled proudly, and laughed freely.

"Is there a dormitory key for those who eat rice too?" Wang Yuzhe just had an expression, don't lie to me that I don't read much!

"Little Loli is the sister of our good brother. This is the key given by little Loli's brother. Let's bring things back first. Little Loli is taking the sixth-level English test."

"Category [-] English for freshmen?" Wang Yuzhe once again showed the expression "Don't lie to me". It is normal for freshmen to apply for CET [-], and it takes too much courage to challenge CET [-].

"That's right, Little Loli is very fierce. She got a perfect score for CET 11 and only [-] points for CET [-]." In the mid-term exam in November on the new calendar of English speaking, you can check the results in the first two days. A+ also made English majors cry a lot.

"Sure enough, I can't keep up with the times." Wang Yuzhe sighed with emotion, probably because the pace of life in country Y is slow, so after half a semester abroad, he has been unable to keep up with the pace of domestic freshmen.

After a sigh, I got down to business: "By the way, there is a junior girl looking for someone you know. Because no one answered the door, she insisted on waiting for someone to come back. It's too cold outside, so wait in my dormitory first."

Wang Ziyan tripped over the chair and alerted the previous senior. She was a little flustered, but fortunately, the senior didn't care. She raised the chair, lifted her bag, and carefully moved to the door, standing behind the tall and straight boy.

When I heard senior Chen greet the young men, and heard that the boy was also surnamed Wang, I was pleasantly surprised. I accidentally met a gentle and loving senior who had the same surname.

After listening to Senior Wang speak out about her existence, she was too embarrassed to hide her head again, and gently walked away from the boy's back to show her own face.

"Who's looking for Little Loli?" The talented man and classmate Li Chen were quite surprised. Who came to look for Little Loli and insisted on seeing people?

The three of them looked at the opposite dormitory, and saw a beautiful red-clothed woman walking out. When they saw the girl, the three classmates frowned indistinctly.

"Oh, it turned out to be Wang Xuemei." Li Yubo nodded lightly, looked at Wang Xuemei, and his tone became light again: "Wang Xuemei, if you are not busy, come over and sit down when you are free."

"I'll meet with you another day. I've been so busy these two days that I can't find time."

"Okay, you're busy, we'll talk another day if you have time." Chen Xueyuan wished that Classmate Wang was not free. If he had time to play in Little Loli's dormitory, there would be one more diners, and he would eat a few bites of delicious food. Thanks.

"Thank you, Senior Wang." Wang Ziyan walked out of the boys' dormitory and expressed her gratitude to the senior who took in her.

"No thanks, you guys had a good time, I'm busy." The girl knew Xiao Li a few times, and Wang Yuzhe was no longer mother-in-law, took two steps back, closed the door, and hurriedly went to work on his study report.

"Wang Xuemei, what are you doing with Xiao Lele? Just tell me if you have anything to say, and we will pass it on to Xiao Lele. After you have finished speaking, go back to your site, lest Xiao Chao pick up Xiao Lele. Come back and see you're not happy."

Senior Chen and the talented person are seniors of the medical department, it is hard to say that Wang Xihua is not from the medical department, so he is not afraid of being told that he does not know how to care for girls, nor is he afraid that Wang Xihua will not be able to go to the stage.

The talented man and Senior Chen agreed with Minister Li's words, let's talk about it, if you have something to say, hurry up and leave, don't be here to affect people's mood.

Xiaochao said it very clearly last time, and there was no misunderstanding. There is no need to always use that kind of reason to talk about things. If Xiaochao sees Wang Xiehua running around and messing around again, he will definitely be in a bad mood. Xiaochao is not happy. Xiaoluo Li will not be happy either. Little Loli is not in the mood to cook a big meal if she is not happy. Why don't they eat air for nothing?

To tell the truth, they have no interest in how Wang Xiehua gets along with other classmates. Whether Wang Xiehua and other classmates are sincere or fake has nothing to do with them. Also disgusted.

"Minister Li, I... I'm researching how to make medicated meals. I heard that classmate Le is good at medicated meals, so I came to ask classmate Le for advice and advice." Wang Ziyan held the bag she brought up and looked at the three boys timidly, as if The delicate flowers that are being devastated by the wind are very delicate.

Medicated food?

San Xueba's eyes are weird, does Wang Xihua know that Xiaoluoli's medicinal food is exquisite and delicious?

If Wang Xihua wanted to be good at pharmacology by learning pharmacy, and deliberately made some medicated meals to provoke the little loli, they could only hehe, they dared to bet that no matter how perfect the medicated meal made by Wang Xihua was, it could not compare with the little loli's craftsmanship. You must know that Professor Wan Cheng and Professor Zhai are famous for being stubborn, and even the five-star chefs did not win their praise. It is a feast for the eyes, and one can imagine how successful the medicated meal made by Little Loli is.

San Xueba quickly glanced at each other and showed a meaningful smile.

"Oh, that's it." Li Yubo dragged his tail, and said something that didn't mean anything. He pushed open the door, turned on the lights, entered the girls' dormitory, and turned on the heating.

The genius and senior Chen jokingly picked up the big and small bags, and rushed into the small living room to store things, running and running, when they found a big plush toy, and shouted: "My God, who gave the little loli It's scary to buy such a big dog, isn't it?"

"Such a big dog, can Little Loli use it as a bed to sleep in?"

Li Yubo glanced at the place where Little Loli often sat and read, and wiped her sweat silently: "It is estimated that it was given by friends that Little Loli knew, anyway, it was not Xiao Chao, Xiao Chao said that Xiao Lele doesn't like plush toys. "

The two seniors Cai and Chen had an epiphany, not Xiao Chao bought them, probably Liu Shuai and Yan Shuai wanted to do what they liked because of their lack of discipline in order to get a meal, and gave Little Lolita toy puppets.

The three boys left themselves behind and rushed into the girls' dormitory. Wang Ziyan was embarrassed. She didn't follow, and she didn't follow. In the end, she gritted her teeth and moved to the door of the girls' dormitory in small steps. She timidly stepped into the living room of the dormitory.

After entering the door, I quickly looked at it. The design of the girls' dormitory was similar to that of the opposite boys' dormitory. The different dormitory had only one bedroom door, indicating that it was a rare dormitory with one bedroom and one living room in Xueba Building.

Things are well-organized, except for the pile of books stacked like a wall, which is very eye-catching and dazzling.

Seeing the piles of books that are half a person's height, Wang Ziyan felt terrified. Does Le Yun really want to teach herself completely?She didn't dare to show too much emotion, she stood at the door, like an angry little daughter-in-law waiting for the verdict.

"I actually came in, sit by yourself, don't cry again, so as not to be misunderstood by us and bully you." Li Yubo turned on the heater, turned around and saw Wang Xihua's sheep-like expression, he was a little upset, Wang Xihua Obviously not a weak person, he looks three points weaker than Xiao Chao back then, and pretending to be too weak is a pretentious gesture.

Talented Zijun remembered what Little Loli said in the conference room, and couldn't help but talk more: "Student Wang, Little Loli said that it's not good to use too many things that irritate the eyes. Wouldn't Classmate Wang still carry it with her?"

Classmate Chen looked curious, something that irritates the eyes, shouldn't it... He glanced at Wang Xihua, and he had a clue in his heart. If it was correct, Little Loli might be referring to some kind of hidden Wang Xihua. small thing.

He almost didn't laugh out loud, the little loli's nose is N times sharper than the dog's nose, and even a talented person can distinguish the raw materials with a little face powder. If Wang Xihua hides a small thing and shakes it in front of the little loli, 100% There is no secret at all, and the little Lolita has a pure heart and speaks quickly, 囧, Wang Xihua's face must not know where to put it.

"I...I didn't..." Wang Ziyan wanted to deny it, but she was startled, and she quickly cut off the conversation. She almost wanted to say that she didn't bring it. If she said that, it would be tantamount to admitting that she had carried something that irritates her eyes.

Inexplicably, there was a chill in her heart. Minister Li, Senior Chen and senior Cai are 100% in the same group as Le Yun. No matter what she does, I'm afraid they won't be moved.

She realized later that she came at the wrong time, but she followed suit, and she didn't want to run away, so she gathered up her courage, moved slowly, walked timidly to the place where she was entertaining guests, and took a seat. Chair.

Classmate Chen put down his belongings, touched a book, closed the door lightly, and sat down at the table to dig into the book. Li Dashao also put the things in his hand next to the refrigerator, and then went into the kitchen to find a pot, measure the rice, wash the rice, While cooking, he also went to the writing table to get a book, and then moved a plastic bench to sit next to the talented man, sitting in a row of three men's volleyball teams, facing Wang Xiehua who was sitting alone on the side of the table in a three-to-one manner.

The three school tyrants read the book as if no one else was around, and Wang Xiehua could only sit awkwardly.

After a while, I heard footsteps. The footsteps stopped at the door. Then someone knocked on the door three times. Originally, the three school tyrants thought that Xiao Chao was back. A beautiful young man with beautiful scenery.

"Young Master Yan?" Li Yubo almost threw the book away, why did Young Master Yan come to join in the fun?

The talented man and classmate Chen looked resentful, woo, another one to eat!

Wang Xiehua was nervous by the atmosphere in the dormitory. When she heard the knock on the door, she turned her head to look. What she saw was neither the elegant and beautiful President Chao nor the dormitory owner. When the young man's face came into view, she suddenly felt Recalling the picture of him refusing to carry himself that time, Mo Ming felt suffocated.

Yan Xing held a bag of refined flour in one hand and several full plastic bags in the other, pushed open the false door, and saw three young men and one girl, all familiar faces, Ying Ting's eyebrows were frowning. Whew, how is it so coincidental?
He knew that Little Loli took the English proficiency test on Saturday, so he went back to the station on Friday evening, and only came back this afternoon. He went to the mall first, then returned to Qingda and went straight to the Zhuangyuan Building. He originally wanted to wait for Little Loli to take the test on the fourth floor. When I came back, I went to the fourth floor and found that the door was open. I thought it was Xiaochao in the dormitory of Xiaoluoli, but it turned out to be someone else.

He was not surprised by the presence of Young Master Li, that girl came to Little Lolita's dormitory. It was simply... He glanced at the girl, but it was still not pleasing to the eye.

"Little Li, you are all here, Little Loli hasn't finished the test yet?" He calmly carried things into the room, gently pushed the door closed with his elbows, and then carried the things towards the small kitchen.

"The exam is over at 25:[-], it should be soon." Li Yubo put the book on the desk, feeling very entangled in his heart, feeling that Yan Shaolai's little loli dormitory is more familiar than them, this is the rhythm to steal their limelight.

Yan Xing didn't chat, he put some things not far from the refrigerator, put the refined flour into the small kitchen and put it on the kitchen table, and then raised his hand to look at his wrist. At [-]:[-], the exam will be over soon.

When I walked out of the small kitchen, I saw a girl who was always weak like a willow. I always felt annoyed, and asked bluntly: "Xiao Li, what's the matter with that girl coming to find Xiao Loli again?"

Young Master Yan obviously didn't want to see him, and Wang Ziyan's face was burning up, feeling like she was sitting on pins and needles.

Li Shao and his classmate Chen have deep eyes, while Yan Shao uses "you", which means that he has seen Wang Xihua entangle little Lolita before, which also proves that Wang Xihua is not very lovable.

"Student Wang said that she was studying medicated food, and she brought it to her. She wanted to ask Little Loli to give some advice." Li Shao was also used to being flamboyant, and he never thought about helping Wang Xihua round up the field or cover up.

"Oh, it's easy to handle, wait." Yan Xinglong's eyes flashed, and he walked quickly to the small refrigerator of Little Loli, opened it to check, and saw a package of dumplings, regardless of the eyes of the three young people, took the dumplings and walked to the small kitchen .

Three Masters: "..." What does Young Master Yan want to do?

Yan Dashao entered the small kitchen, quickly filled the pot with water, put on the stand, the stainless steel drain pad for steaming things, then opened the dumpling bag, put a few dumplings in the pot, closed the lid, and turned on the power button.

The three university tyrants outside were confused at first, but after a while, they suddenly realized that they understood what Young Master Yan was going to do, and the corners of their mouths twitched wildly, Young Master Yan, is it good for you to be so self-assured in the little loli site?

Yan Xingcai didn't care what Li Shao and the others thought. He waited for the water in the pot to boil and heated it for another 3 minutes. He took a bowl and put a dumpling in it to taste. Well, that's right, it was a herbal dumpling.

Kill one dumpling, turn off the power, take another bowl to hold a dumpling, take a pair of chopsticks out of the small kitchen, put the bowl with one dumpling in front of the girl: "First try the herbal meal made by Little Loli, and then wait. If you reach [-]% of the taste of the food made by Little Lolita, please give me some pointers, if you can't even reach half of the level, then don't be ashamed, so as not to humiliate yourself."

Young Master Yan's behavior was too rude, Wang Ziyan was surrounded by a huge sense of humiliation, her hands and feet were stiff, under the indifferent eyes of Young Master Yan and Young Master Li, holding back the tears that were about to burst into her eyes, she slowly raised the bowl, trembling. Pick up the chopsticks and pick up the dumplings.

Her hands were so stiff that she couldn't clamp it twice, she pushed the dumplings to the edge of the bowl, took a bite, and bit off half of the dumplings.

Her heart was overwhelmed by the humiliation. She had a dull sense of taste. When she took a bite of the dumpling meat, like a head of ice water, her dull sense of taste instantly awakened. The fragrant and crisp dumplings in her mouth stimulated her taste buds, making her want to bite it Tongue swallowed together.

She also really swallowed, swallowing the food she only chewed twice, and eagerly put the other half of the dumpling into her mouth.

After eating the second bite of dumplings, Wang Ziyan silently analyzed the ingredients. There were mushrooms, sauerkraut and fenfen. She couldn't tell what mushrooms were, or what kind of pickled sauerkraut was. The filling is fragrant and delicious, and the filling is crispy and tough.

The dumplings are a bit small, and you can finish them in three bites.

She swallowed the aroma in her mouth and wanted to eat more. The bowl was empty. When she looked up, she saw three indifferent faces on the opposite side. She subconsciously looked at Young Master Yan who was standing on the side. With a touch of sarcasm: "Can the medicated meal you make still be good in front of this kind of medicated meal? Dong Shi's frowning is just a joke."

The three school tyrants are stunned, people can't be seen, Young Master Yan is handsome and extraordinary, and when he shows his power, his lethality is comparable to that of a missile.

"..." Wang Ziyan's chest felt cold for a while, and after a few seconds, the humiliation of being humiliated and trampled turned into a huge wave in her heart, breaking her body and mind. The sour liquid rushed out of her eyes, she put down the tableware and chopsticks stiffly, shivered a bit, stood up and ran.

There was only one thought in her mind: leave, leave, leave... Subconsciously, she didn't want to face those faces anymore, she just wanted to run far away.

His heart was occupied by emotions, his legs and feet were a little soft, and his steps staggered.

"Wait." Yan Xing immediately stopped the person and brought the paper bag to the girl quickly. When the person left, she would naturally take the things with her. She stayed here and waited for the little Loli to come back and see it, it didn't affect her mood.

Young Master Yan's voice is beautiful and clear, extremely charming, but it is cold, Wang Ziyan subconsciously stopped, turned around, and saw Young Master Yan brought his dumpling bag, and the grief, anger and hatred poured into his heart, Young Master Yan She was so heartless that she didn't even give her any dignity.

Yan Xing caught up with the man and shoved the bag into the girl's hand: "When you really develop a so-called medicinal diet, you will find a little loli to cut it. If you can't make something decent, don't make excuses to disturb the little girl. Lolita learns."

Wang Ziyan suffocated for a while, her arms clasped the bag unconsciously, bit her lip, took a staggering step back, turned and ran to the door, slammed the door open, and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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