magic eye doctor

Chapter 334 Let's Talk

Chapter 334 Let's Talk
Yan Shao made a big move and Wang Xianhua fled, Li Yubo rubbed his teeth secretly, Xiao Chao said that if Young Master Yan came forward, he would ensure that he could easily abuse Wang Xianhua's heart and let her raise her in a short time. Can't afford to entangle Xiao Lele, the fact is true, Young Master Yan came forward to support the three of them, mighty!

Wang Xihua fled the door, and her classmates blinked, and sincerely felt that softness is not as hard as they are these days. They euphemistically expressed their unwillingness to make friends with Wang Xihua. A slap on the face, and the face will be stomped on the face directly. Now Wang Xianhua can't pretend to be stupid, and she must have no face to disturb the little loli again in the future.

"Young Master Yan, be gentle, it's not good to scare girls." Classmate Chen sighed, Young Master Yan is ruthless, it's good for people to retreat in spite of difficulties, but it's easy to provoke hatred for Little Lolita.

"Don't blame others for not giving you face if you don't have the right mind. It's not ashamed if you don't have amazing talent, as long as you work hard and make progress, you're also worthy of respect. If you don't have peerless talent, you always think you're amazing, and you think others are fools. , will only bring shame on himself." Yan Xing did not feel that he had done too much, and calmly closed the door: "Little Loli is young and innocent, and who wants to take advantage of such a small child, she has to ask me if I agree or not. agree."

San Xueba: "!" Young Master Yan, people are still outside and haven't run far, you are so crazy, you are not afraid that others will hate you.

Yan Xingcai is not afraid of attracting the king's hatred. If the girl is self-improving and self-respecting, she should reflect on herself after he refused to take the ride, stop pretending, and stop trying to use the little loli, relying on her own strength to win others take the initiative Olive Branch, but in fact she still didn't realize it, and even came to entangle Little Loli, and wanted to use Little Loli's momentum to enter the upper circle of Kyoto, so she couldn't blame him for not giving her face.

He has always been very annoyed by women who always want to rely on others to climb high branches. Wang Xiehua just bumped into it, of course, he rudely cleaned up, so as not to upset the little loli.

Because he never thought of saving face for Wang Xiehua, his voice was not suppressed. Niu walked to the door coaxingly, without looking out, closing the door, not closing it, and leaving a gap.

After blasting away the annoying molecules, Yan Xing only felt that the air was a little fresher. The girl changed her perfume, but it was still very strong. If she only had a natural body fragrance like a little loli, he might give it to her. Order a good color, spray such a strong perfume, apply such a thick powder, ugly, hot eyes.

Ugliness brings trouble.

He looks ugly and gets in the way, I really can't blame him for hitting people.

Young Master Yan didn't feel guilty about driving away the girl. He strode into the small kitchen, washed the pot or stand and put it back in place, put the dumpling bag back in the freezer, checked the time, the exam was over, and he didn't look for it either. Read the book, drag the chair, and take a seat first.

Wang Ziyan, who suffered a huge blow, rushed out of the girls' dormitory, leaned against the wall with one hand, and almost slipped. She heard the words of Classmate Chen and Young Master Yan, and hated Young Master Yan. He was obviously an officer, right? The people should treat them equally, but he only favored Le Yun, stomping her face on the ground as a girl, without any pity for the disadvantaged.

Young Master Yan is ruthless enough!
But if she had a backstage, why would she be humiliated so much?
Wang Ziyan has never had such a deep desire for power, and her obsession with power and the top-notch circles is deeper in her heart. When she climbs higher than the surnamed Yan, who will dare to show her color again?
The cold air hit her face. She felt that the whole building was suffocating. She didn't want to stay for a while, so she ran downstairs. On the way, she met a few people who were talking to her without realizing it. She ran downstairs and up the avenue leading to the building. , the tears on his face were blown dry, and the cold feeling penetrated his body and mind.

She ran even faster. Just as she ran to the stele in front of the Zhuangyuan Building, a black Chery came slowly, Wang Ziyan stopped subconsciously, and plunged into the cold wind again and ran to her dormitory.

When the CET-[-] exam was over, it was pitch dark and thousands of candidates poured out of the exam building, some shaking their heads and sighing, some secretly beating their chests and stomping their feet, some laughed, and some made great promises to come back next year.

Le Yun went out of the exam building with the public, found Brother Chao, climbed into the passenger seat, and took the beautiful young brother's special car back to the dormitory. On the way, they briefly discussed the old exam questions. When they arrived at the dormitory building, both of them saw the student from the school. The king flower that ran out of Balou.

Classmate Le Xiao was stunned: "Brother Chao, isn't that beauty Wang Xianhua? Why does it feel like she's been wronged by the sky?"

Wang Xiehua's running posture is not very graceful, with a light foot and a heavy foot, no matter how you look at it, it does not match her image of a dignified lady.

"Xiao Lele should be concerned about what Wang Xihua is doing at the Zhuangyuan Building." Chao Yubo glanced at Wang Xihua who was about to pass by, and his phoenix eyes flashed with disgust.

"Whatever she is here for, she's gone now anyway." To guess the purpose of Wang Xihua in the Zhuangyuan Building, the first possibility is to find the beautiful young brother, the second is to find her, and the possibility of finding someone else can only be ranked third .

Xiao Lele has a big heart and doesn't care about trivial matters, Chao Yubo smiled slightly, and did not discuss in-depth about Wang Xihua's issue, no matter what Wang Xihua does, he will know soon.

Parked the car in front of the building and the two went upstairs.

When Yan Shao smashed Wang Xiehua away, Li Shao and Chen Xuecai held the book again, and soon heard that the door was pushed open, and the beautiful boy came back with the host of the dormitory.

The three school tyrants howled: "Congratulations to Xiaolele on your successful exam!"

As soon as he stepped into the dormitory, Chao Yubo glanced at the dormitory, and found that in addition to his brother, there was also a young master Yan. smoothly?"

"Xiao Lele is so smart and absolutely, it must go well."

"Don't look at who Xiao Lele is, how can a sixth grade exam stumped her."

"Xiao Lele is very talented and will win every exam."

Classmate Chen, classmate Li, and classmate Li slobbered and slapped the horse without morals.

Le Yun followed behind the beautiful young brother, and when she heard the roar, she silently scratched her hair, and another group of people rubbed off on the food!It feels like her dormitory is going to upgrade the rhythm of the restaurant.

Smelling the smell of someone not present in his nose, his face wrinkled into a ball: "Wang Xihua has been here?"

The three young people were flattering, Yan Xing tilted his head to look at the owner, and heard Little Loli asking about a certain girl, her voice was intoxicating: "Little Lolita, the surnamed Wang brought her own food to challenge you, I hate her The smell of perfume drove her away."

There were mosquito coils in the eyes of the three classmates Li. Wang Xiehua was here to ask for advice, but when it came to Young Master Yan, it became a provocation. He was not afraid of lying about the military situation and being scolded by Little Loli when she knew the truth?

"Wang Shihua brought a medicinal meal to challenge? Wang Shihua must have some nerve in the wrong place, so she is either looking for me to communicate or learn from me, or to cut my cooking skills, and always do something utterly boring." Le Yun's eyes widened. Yuan, rolled her eyes in disgust, and understood why Wang Xihua seemed to be aggrieved, so she must have been hit hard by handsome Yan.

"Wang Xihua is crazy, Xiao Lele doesn't need to pay attention to her." Xiao Lele was obviously annoyed by Wang Xihua, Chao Yubo patted the little guy's head and closed the door with one hand.

"Well, as long as she doesn't bother me, I'm too lazy to pay attention to her." Handsome Yan kicked away the unpleasant person, and Le Yun found him more pleasing to the eye, so she didn't care about his behavior that he always came to eat when he had nothing to do.

A bunch of foodies were waiting for her, and she didn't have time to study how much crit value Wang Xihua had received. She put down her backpack, took off her jacket, and went to the freezer to check what food the foodies bought.

Little Loli is going to make dinner. The foodies report to their families and report what they bought by themselves. Both of them bring enough ingredients, such as sparse vegetables, meat, and fish.

Le Xiaoxue picked out the ingredients to be used at night and brought them into the small kitchen to clean up. The three Xueba, Yan Dashuai and Chen Xueba, also briefly talked about the process of Wang Xihuan's arrival and departure.

When the beautiful young man heard that Yan Shao had heated a dumpling for Wang Xihua to eat, he felt so distressed that he wasted a dumpling in vain.

Although the matter of Wang Xiehua was very unpleasant, after everyone said it, they forgot about it, didn't read books, and waited eagerly for food.

When classmate Le Xiao was busy with dinner, Wang Ziyan ran back to the dormitory building in the cold air, went downstairs, and looked at the bright and dark dormitory rooms in the dormitory building, she almost bit her lip, she also wanted to live in the champion building!

Why does Le Yun occupy a dormitory, and she wants to squeeze a dormitory with others?
Not reconciled!
Wang Ziyan was full of unwillingness and was about to enter the corridor when she finally remembered the dumplings she had brought back, a fire of unknown karma ignited in her heart, she ran to the trash can, and stuffed the bag into the trash can.

Throwing away the things, I was in a panic, rushed into the corridor without looking back, and took the elevator upstairs to go back to my dormitory.

Classmate Chao and other foodies naturally didn't know that Wang Xihua was embarrassed and annoyed. They only saw a small figure in the small kitchen. Under the waiting of a few pairs of eyes, an hour later, Little Loli prepared a sumptuous meal. A group of foodies turned into wolves and started a brutal battle for food.

A war without gunpowder finally ended with the satisfied look of the foodies. When he left, Young Master Yan told the others to go first. He closed the door, slipped back to the table, and whispered in a low voice: "Little Loli, I am tomorrow. I want to go back to see my great-grandmother, can you please help me make dumplings stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms, I want to take it back to my great-grandmother to eat."

Le Yun almost kicked Feiyan Ren. He went home to see Grandma Tai, why did he ask her to help make dumplings?She raised her eyebrows and was about to get angry, but then she thought about it, forget it, don't look at the face of the Buddha, because of the age of the old birthday star of the He family, he must give handsome Yan a chance to honor the old man.

"Only this time, the next time is not an example."

"Okay, I'll come to help tomorrow morning." Yan Xing sweated in her heart when Little Loli's eyebrows stood upright, and when she heard her answer, she felt relieved, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, he picked up his coat and put it on, immediately flashed, opened the door and walked out, seeing four young people standing outside, he smiled indifferently: "Don't guard me, I won't bully Xiaoluo Li's."

"If you dare to bully my sister, even if you are a soldier, I will take care of you." Chao Yubo narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced dangerously at Young Master Yan, and strode downstairs first.

Li Shao and Classmate Chen ran downstairs happily, shouting that they would like to come to eat tomorrow, and asked the beautiful young man if he could, but they were rejected by Yan Ci, and the three learned tyrants had all kinds of grievances.

Yan walked in the back, listening to the chatter of the four-school tyrants. When he went downstairs, the young man went back to the dormitory, and he drove back to his dormitory building.

Remembering his dumplings, Young Master Yan woke up very early. He woke up before five o'clock. He packed up and waited for the morning. He didn't dare to go to the canteen, and only went to Xiaoluo after eight o'clock. Li's dormitory reports.

When he arrived downstairs, he smelled a faint fragrance, was in a happy mood, rushed to the fourth floor in one breath, and knocked gently on the red door of Little Loli's dormitory.

At the request of handsome Xiayan, classmate Le Xiao started working intensively last night, wrapping green vegetable and mushroom dumplings, making noodles by the way, making dumplings again in the morning, and spreading pancakes to make flower rolls.

When handsome Yan reported, she spread out [-] pancakes, and when she heard a knock on the door, she put away most of them decisively, leaving only [-] or [-] burrito pancakes, and then Shi Shiran opened the door.

Opening the door, Le Yun was surprised when he saw that there was still only handsome guy Yan, and handsome guy Yan was acting alone again. Where is handsome guy Liu?
She didn't want to guess, she didn't hide her own doubts, and immediately asked: "Yanren, hello buddy didn't stick to you to eat?"

"Xiangyang returned to the army, but he hasn't come back yet." Little Loli opened the door and let people into the house, Yan Xing quickly squeezed in and closed the door, so that the smell would not attract gluttons.

The heating in Little Loli's dormitory was very warm. He took off his coat and wisely fought for the opportunity to serve Little Loli: "Little Loli, are you looking for Xiangyang? If you have anything to tell me, I'll call him. ."

"Nothing important, I just want to ask him where he said last time he went to train in the most northeastern part. Will handsome Liu go?" Le Yun didn't stop, and went back to the small kitchen to take care of her pancakes.

"Xiangyang's team's snow training should be the forest near the border between He Province and M Province. If you want to go, Little Loli, I will immediately notify Xiangyang to accompany you, and the team will leave tomorrow."

"I don't want to drink the northwest wind. I thought I was going to the mountain where ginseng was grown, and I wanted Liu Shuai to see the ginseng and help me dig two trees and come back to study."

Little Loli rushed into the small kitchen, Yan Xing's mouth turned downward, the ginseng mountain had long been hollowed out, and it was difficult to find wild ginseng in summer and autumn, let alone in winter.

Little Lolita didn't want to play with him, and he didn't need to call someone to notify Liu.

He looked around, didn't find any sign of dumplings, and didn't dare to ask. He watched Little Loli spread pancakes. She added ingredients, turned the pancakes, added eggs, added fillings, rolled pancakes, and cooked the pan. She moved beautifully like she was performing.

Thus, a beautiful scene appeared in the girls' dormitory: a handsome young man turned into a door god, watching very seriously, and it can even be said that he never gets tired of watching it.In fact, he really guarded the little loli and spread out more than 100 flower rolls.

After using up all the raw materials, Le Yun turned off the power of the electric frying pan, then went to the balcony to get the flower rolls to cool, took the film bag and let Handsome Yan help to pack it, and she went to take a shower and change her clothes.

Young Master Yan received the task, went to work with high spirits, and packed the already cold flower rolls. Those that were still warm needed heat dissipation and could not be packed.

Le Yun washed herself from head to toe, washed away the smell of oil smoke, and looked brand new. She went back to the bedroom to blow her hair with a hairdryer. After taking care of herself, she carried her backpack to the small living room and saw handsome Yan sitting at the table with serious eyes. Waiting for himself, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"The medicine is in the electric kettle. After drinking the medicine, I stripped naked and lay down."

Need needles again? !
Hearing that he was called to strip naked, Yan Xingjun's face muscles tensed, and the skin on his back was numb. He glanced at the little loli, um, met the little loli's dark eyes, and he protested even half a word. I couldn't make it out, so I went to the small kitchen, took a bowl, and poured out the concoction from the electric kettle.

The electric kettle is placed on the floor, with heating and insulation, and the medicinal soup is still warm.

The handsome young man drank the dark medicine, packed up his tools, and walked to the empty space of the small living room to take off his shoes, socks, pants, and lie down on his own.

Le Yun arranged medical tools and bottles and jars in the morning, first massaged the acupoints for handsome Yan, and then inserted needles to tie a person into a hedgehog.

Yan Xing endured his shame and practiced the exercises. When he woke up from the practice state, he felt a warm feeling. He quietly opened his eyes and closed his eyes when he saw Little Loli collecting gold and silver needles. .

When Little Loli finished collecting the needles, she told him to stand up, he jumped up, turned his back to Little Loli, and was about to get dressed, when Little Loli poked her finger on the back: "What's the panic, it's not over yet? .Stand don't move, move and just throw you out."

Yan Xing almost choked on his saliva, was he embarrassed or at fault?

People can't help but bow their heads under the fingers of the little loli.

Little Loli is fierce, and he dares to object. Little Lolita may really throw him out for people to watch. In order not to be thrown out naked and be seen as a monkey, she can only be a wooden man honestly.

Le Yun helped Yan Shuai press the acupoints on his back three times in a row: "Men Yan, I will help you unclog some of the meridians, some of your abilities are gradually recovering, and those previously blocked meridians will take some time to recover and adapt, so as not to prevent the The blood spurted out due to the stimulation, causing a second injury again."

Teng, Yan Xing's face was burning hot in an instant, his face was flushed with embarrassment, his ears were hot and hot, he looked up at the ceiling, and issued a mosquito-like "um".

Seeing that handsome Yan was shy and her ears were blushing, Le Yun, out of the benevolence of the doctor, didn't laugh at him. In the end, she focused on helping him soften his waist and eyes. After finishing work, he washed his hands first, and then went back to clean up the medical tools.

When Little Lolita went to wash her hands, Yan Xing put on her trousers, put on clothes, put on socks and shoes, and rushed into the bathroom to wash her hands and face.

He washed his face with cold water over and over again, and after ten times, the temperature on his face slowly faded, and he took a selfie in the mirror. His face was not red, but the tips of his ears were still red.

His face turned crimson again, so he had to wash his face with cold water again, three or four times, and finally calmed down as usual. Feeling ashamed, he was trying to find an excuse to retreat when he heard Little Loli talking to him: "Yanren, let's talk."

(End of this chapter)

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