magic eye doctor

Chapter 3334 I want to beat you up

Chapter 3334 I want to beat you up

With Dragon Elephant Wood, the ancestor is saved!

Mingxu's emotions were like a sea tide, hitting the walls of his heart one after another, shaking the earth.

The ancestor suffered a serious injury, and his body could only be repaired by sacred trees such as Dragon Elephant Wood or Dragon Soul Wood. Because Long Ting deliberately made things difficult, the ancestor could not find Dragon Elephant Wood to repair his body, and he suffered for tens of thousands of years.

With Dragon Elephant Wood, the ancestor has repaired his body and is just around the corner when he returns to his peak.

Mingxu, whose heart was ups and downs, changed for a while, and calmed down a little. He closed the lid of the box, turned sideways, raised his hand and rubbed Junior Sister's head: "Junior Sister, we... found the Dragon Elephant Wood."

"Yes." Hua Zhang's voice had a heavy nasal sound. He slowly sat down and raised his hand to wipe his eyes, but more and more tears were wiped away.

Mingxu also sat down again and apologized to his host: "We senior brothers and sisters were so excited when we saw the sacred tree. Please forgive me, Taoist Taoist Xiyue Fairy Nanga."

Nanjia half-jokingly comforted: "Congratulations to both of you for getting the sacred tree. Your reaction is quite normal. No one else would be excited when they see the treasure they were looking for. It would be easy for the young monk to cry with joy when he finds the sacred tree one day. Yes, I might hug a tree and cry for three days and three nights.”

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Haihan! I also wish Fellow Daoist Nanga that he will get what he wishes for soon."

Mingxu thanked you sincerely and sat upright: "Fairy Xiyue, what resources do you need before you are willing to exchange the spirit wood? Please tell me directly. If the resources in my hands and my junior sister's are not enough, I will immediately go to a familiar sect to raise resources.

Or, if the fairy can go to the Star Sea Realm, my junior sister and I will go back and report to the sect. The sect has prepared all the resources and is waiting for the fairy to come and pick them up, or the fairy will designate a place and the elders of the sect will send them there. "

"Don't be so troublesome. You can give me all your gains during this trip, except for the Enlightenment Lake, Sword Valley, and the ninth and tenth floors of the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond and Wanzhen Pagoda. In addition, you can do one thing for me."

Le Yun put forward the conditions and added: "What this fairy asks you to do will be beneficial to you without any harm, especially to your ancestor who needs the Dragon Elephant Wood."

Such a good thing?

To be honest, Mingxu couldn't believe that he had such good luck, and asked doubtfully: "Excuse me, fairy, what do you want our senior brothers and sisters to do?"

"You guys help me bring a box to your ancestor who needs dragon elephant wood. The box must be handed over to your ancestor in person. You cannot pretend to be someone else's hand, and you are not allowed to let others touch the box. Can you Can it be done?”

"Will the box and the contents inside it endanger the life of our sect ancestor?" Mingxu was worried that there was something dangerous in the box that would hurt our ancestor.

"Inside the box is a small magic weapon. It was left behind by a fairy who ascended to the Star Sea Realm. I am too lazy to go to the Star Sea Realm to find someone in person, so I leave it to you to help take him to the Star Sea Realm. Your ancestor will Send the box to someone.

Your ancestors need to handle this matter personally and cannot let others do it for them.

This fairy will not let your ancestors suffer, and I will give you something as a gift. If your ancestors get this thing, you will have no worries from now on, you can practice without distraction, and becoming a god will no longer be an unattainable dream. "

Fairy Xiyue was very open and frank. Hearing that something could help the ancestor become a god, Mingxu was very excited. He looked at his junior sister and asked with the sound transmission technique: "Junior sister, what do you think?"

Hua Zhang has calmed down and his eyes are firm: "I do! I am willing to take a soul oath and hand over the box to the ancestor."

"Fellow Daoist Huazhang doesn't need to swear a soul-level oath. I can trust you and your senior brothers' character." Le Yun declined and the female cultivator took the oath. Female cultivator Huazhang is upright and a gentleman.

There is no need to swear an oath to a gentleman monk, because his own character and thoughts will prompt him to keep his promises, act prudently, be lenient, and be benevolent and righteous.

The trust given by others is more binding than an oath.

Anyway, she decided to help Sister Huazhang, and Le Yun didn't mind helping her more thoroughly, giving Sister Huazhang trust and respect, and protecting her crumbling faith from collapse.

Knowing that the box would not harm his ancestor, Mingxu's heart dropped and he could think normally. He asked the question: "Why did the fairy exclude the Sword Valley, Enlightenment Lake, Wanbao Pond, and the ninth and tenth floors of Wanzhen Tower?" What you get?"

"The things obtained in Sword Valley and Enlightenment Lake are the monks' luck. What the monks obtain in the ninth and tenth floors of the Ten Thousand Treasure Pond and the Ten Thousand Treasures Tower is their luck.

A gentleman has something to do and something not to do. I don't despise taking away other people's opportunities and luck, and I don't want to block people's path to immortality, so I don't want things from these four places.

What you gain from other places is not much, and it is far from being comparable to the value of Dragon Elephant Wood. Therefore, I asked you to take the box to the Star Sea Realm for me. You run errands for me, which can be regarded as making up for the lack of resources. .

If your harvest can be equal to that of Dragon Elephant Wood, you can openly reject the other conditions mentioned by me. I will not force anyone to do anything difficult. "

"..." Mingxu was stunned for a moment.

Fairy Xiyue has an open mind and a heart that can illuminate the sun and the moon. Hua Zhang stood in awe: "Fairy Xiyue is benevolent and righteous. I will keep this grace in my heart!"

She paused and asked a question that was puzzling to her: "The fairy already has the Dragon Elephant Wood in her hands, why did she hide it from Senior Brother Hua Zhang and others?"

"If I tell you that I have the Spiritual Elephant Wood in my hand, can you still remain calm? Can you keep your composure?

If you can't suppress the emotions in your heart and are overjoyed, do you think it will be known by someone who doesn't want you to get the Dragon Elephant Wood? If someone discovers that you have obtained your wish, do you think you will still be able to return to the Star Sea Realm alive? "

The fairy asked one question after another. The more Mingxu and Hua Zhang listened, the more frightened they became. When they heard the last question, they couldn't help but sweat like rain.

They haven't obtained the Dragon Elephant Wood yet, so they will inevitably be besieged and almost broken. If the Dragon Elephant Wood they are looking for is found, they will be happy and have clues, how can the five senior brothers and sisters still be alive!

There are some things that you can't think about. The more you think about it, the more afraid you become. Hua Zhang's voice was dry: "We... shouldn't be able to keep it secret."

"Thank you so much, Fairy, for taking care of our senior brothers and sisters!" Mingxu understood the stakes, stood up and bowed to Fairy Xiyue to thank her.

Le Yun deserved the monk's thanks. She had indeed taken care of the lives of the five brothers and sisters Hua Zhang, and it was right for the other party to thank her.

"As long as you do not return to your ancestors and the Dragon Elephant Wood is not handed over to your ancestors, it means that the crisis has not been truly resolved. This is what I say here."

Even though he had reminded him so clearly, the two monks still couldn't understand it. If an accident still happened, they could only blame themselves for being stupid and not blame others.

Are Huazhang and Mingxu stupid?

Of course they were not stupid, how could they not understand what Fairy Xiyue was referring to? Because they understood, they couldn't help but feel frightened and turned a little pale.

Nanga also guessed some of the truth and kept silent, not saying a word.

Having said what needed to be said, Leyun slowly refilled the tea for the visitor and continued drinking tea.

Hua Zhang Mingxu drank several cups of tea before suppressing the fear in his heart.

After their emotions became more stable, the brothers and sisters organized the storage device and transferred the income from the four places named by Fairy Xiyue. They put the other income, regardless of value, into a storage device.

The two of them each packed up their belongings, put the two storage containers in a small wooden box, and presented them to Fairy Xiyue for inspection.

Le Yun put the small wooden box in front of her and used two parts of her consciousness to check what the monk Huazhang and his team had gained in the secret realm.

Sister Huazhang's luck is pretty good. With her here, if there is no team with better luck to suppress their senior brothers and sisters, they can avoid danger even if everything goes smoothly. Due to an accident on the way, the five-person team spent a lot of resources, and the remaining resources were basically some mid-level spiritual herbs collected in the Baicao Valley Mountains and the wilds of Mucheng.

After three people in the five-person team were seriously injured, the remaining two people did not dare to leave the safe city again. They took on some tasks, exchanged a small amount of resources from Wanzhen Tower, and also went to Water City and Ice City.

The two brothers and sisters had a good harvest in Shuicheng. They each caught a dozen star crabs. They also caught spiritual fish in Bingcheng, but the number was smaller. Mingxu got one fish and Huazhang got three snow fat fish.

After checking the supplies in the two storage containers, Le Yun combined the items into one and asked the others to wait. She went to place the chopping board, took out the snow-fat fish, bled it neatly, and then peeled off the transparent fish membrane. .

After collecting all the fish blood, he put the snow-fat fish in a jade box and returned it to Sister Hua Zhang: "Bring the spirit fish from Bingcheng back to your ancestor, he needs this."

"We have limited income in the secret realm. We only exchange these few items for dragon elephant wood. We are ashamed. Fairy Xiyue, just accept it." Hua Zhang felt ashamed.

"This fairy only needs fish skin and fish blood. Fish meat is for healing. This fairy has no shortage of these precious treasures. You can take them back to nourish your ancestor's body."

Is Leyun just a few shortcomings?

Of course not. The snow-fat fish she bought in the Great Wilderness Network were measured in units of tens of thousands. Otherwise, where would there be so much fish membrane to refine the invisible robe?

For current classmate Le, snow-fat fish is a spiritual food ingredient, while for Hua Zhang and his party, snow-fat fish is a sacred healing product.

Mingxu and Huazhang looked hesitant. Fat fish is also a rare spiritual treasure in the fairy world. Fairy Xiyue said that she had no shortage of that spiritual treasure, but they were embarrassed to take it back.

Fellow Taoist Xiyue has a gentle temperament, so Nanjia decided to satisfy his curiosity: "Excuse me, little monk, how many fat fish do you have, little fellow Taoist?"

"I still have 10,000 to 20,000 tails on hand." Le Yun smiled with a heartless and innocent smile.

"..." Nanga was choked for a while.

The snow fat fish in Bingcheng is more difficult to catch than the star crab in Shuicheng.

How difficult is it to catch?

Just like Nanga himself, he braved the severe cold and heat to sit by a frozen lake in Ice City for more than ten years, and only got one snow-fat fish.

Even so, he himself is very satisfied.

According to the records of previous secret realms, the total number of spiritual fish caught by monks from all walks of life in the ice city each time they entered the secret realm was approximately 20,000.

And now, Fairy Xiyue said that she has ten to twenty thousand snow fat fish.

I just want to ask you if you want to punch her after hearing this!

Nanjia took a few deep breaths and said, "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, be kind. If you act like this, even the little monk will be so jealous that he wants to beat you up."

"I'm very kind. In order not to fight for the spiritual fish with the world genius, I didn't go to Ice City." Le Yun's heart was as stable as a mountain. What does this mean? She hasn't said that there is an ancient bead.

Nanga was speechless. What kind of friend had he made?

People cannot be compared with others.

The more I compare, the more useless I feel.

Fairy Xiyue was born to attack the geniuses from all walks of life, and Nanjia did not have trouble with her or compare herself with fellow Taoist Xiyue.

Knowing that Fairy Xiyue had 10,000 to 20,000 fat fish, Hua Zhang did not hold on any longer and silently put the box into the storage container. Fat fish is a good thing to warm and nourish the immortal body, and the ancestor needs it.

After collecting the spirit fish, she put away the jade box containing the dragon elephant wood like a treasure and sent it into the void space in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Before Fairy Xiyue confiscated their resources, Hua Zhang and Mingxu were embarrassed to take the Dragon Elephant Wood as their own, no matter how much they coveted it.

It is rare for me to see someone who is very pleasing to my eyes. The female cultivator Huazhang who appeared this time is very suitable for my eyes. Naturally, Le Yun is willing to help people who like her.

She took a few talismans and talismans and handed them to female cultivator Hua Zhang: "You are absolutely safe here in this fairy's place, but once you leave here, it will be hard to say how long it will take until you return to your ancestor.

These are the talisman and talisman made by my son himself. They are both soul-protecting objects. The jade talisman is placed in the sea of ​​consciousness to prevent high-level immortals from peeking into your memories when you are unprepared. "

Hua Zhang's pupils were shocked. He stood up and took the talisman. He gave his senior brother Mingxu a talisman and a talisman. He contracted the talisman with blood on the spot and sent it into the sea of ​​​​consciousness. He turned his back and stuck the soul paper on his heart. .

Mingxu also knew the importance, and like his junior sister, he contracted the talisman first, and then kept the soul-protecting talisman paper close to his body.

Hua Zhang then took out the Ruyi House where his senior brothers retreated, and pasted a talisman on the lintel and roof to protect the Ruyi House.

Judging from the looks and auras of the two monks, Le Yun also knew that they had an idea and could guess where the danger they were facing came from.

She stopped talking endlessly and took out the two prepared spirit wood boxes.

The materials of the spirit wood boxes are different, one is red sandalwood, and the other is covered with golden texture, which is easy to identify.

"This is the box I asked fellow Taoist Huazhang and fellow Taoist Mingxu to take out. There is a box inside the box, and the box inside has a seal and is blessed with this fairy's curse.

Where to send this box and to whom, you will know after your ancestors unlock the seal. "

Le Yun moved the two boxes in front of the two monks, first pointed to the red sandalwood wooden box, and then pointed to the box with golden texture: "The contents of this box are your ancestor's reward. Likewise, There are seals and curses.

Only the people designated by this fairy can open the two boxes. If others force the seals to be opened, they will be possessed by a curse, their souls will be scattered when they go through the thunder tribulation, or they will be wiped out by the thunder on the spot.

This fairy knows your ancestor's Taoist name and true name. You can hand the box to him and tell him to declare his true name before unsealing it. "

Mingxu and Hua Zhang learned that the box was blessed with a curse, and were frightened for a while. When they heard that the curse only targeted those who forcibly opened the box, their hearts dropped to the ground.

When Fairy Xiyue said that she knew the true name of their ancestor, she was so horrified that her face turned pale.

The brothers and sisters have never mentioned their ancestor's Taoist name, let alone his real name. However, Fairy Xiyue knows the ancestor's Taoist name and real name. How much magical power must she have? !

Ming Xu and Hua Zhang were shocked, but they were also thankful for their good luck, and they both stood up to thank them.

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