magic eye doctor

Chapter 3335 Another day of failure

Chapter 3335 Another day of failure

Le Yun left the two monks to drink tea and let them sort out their emotions.

Sitting down again, Mingxu still asked his junior sister to keep the box. His ancestor had met them for him, and among them, the younger ones had the best luck.

Hua Zhang didn't show any pretense and put the two spirit wood boxes into the void space.

The senior brothers and sisters followed the guests and drank tea slowly. After a few cups of tea, their hearts calmed down, their thoughts became clearer, and they knew what to do.

After finally having the determination to deal with it, Mingxu Huazhang bid farewell to his master.

The two monks had a stable mentality and adjusted their emotions. Leyun opened the door to see off the guests.

Mingxu and Huazhang, who had already put on Mingxu and Huazhang, who looked as if they had been struck and looked sad, floated to the door of the magic weapon barrier, floated out and went out, turned around again, hesitated for a moment as if they were still about to speak, and gave a salute before slowly turning around. leave.

The surrounding monks who were watching secretly saw the monk coming out of a certain barrier and carefully observed his appearance and behavior to collect the information they wanted.

Even though the two monks tried their best to restrain themselves and pretend to be strong, the other monks could detect their low mood from their auras and facial expressions, and the feeling of decadence and disappointment almost overflowed.

It also shows that the trip of the two monks probably did not go as planned.

Some monks breathed a sigh of relief, but still secretly watched the two monks.

Mingxu and Huazhang kept their expressions of being hit hard but pretending to be fine. They floated to the opposite side of the passage, found an empty spot, placed a magic weapon to activate the defense, and entered the magic weapon defense array feeling dejected.

Le Yun, who was seeing off the guests, closed the defensive formation after the two visitors left the barrier, then took out a flying sword and sent it out, letting it hang above the magic barrier.

A rope hangs from the hilt of the flying sword, and a three-shuttle cylinder made of three wooden boards hangs below. The surface of the shuttle cylinder is covered with a layer of white paper and written on it.

Letter: Thousand Silk Grass, Moon Flower, Nirvana Tree, Inch of Mountains and Rivers, Heart of Ice, Tianxin Pearl Grass, Seven-Star Lianzhu Vine, Sun and Moon Shine Mountain Halo, any of the above sacred plants and spiritual objects will not be entertained.

There is also a line of small words next to it, indicating that the Heart of Ice requires completeness. If it is incomplete, please do not disturb it, and the owner will not negotiate with it.

The three sides of the prism are clearly visible in black and white.

The piece had just appeared and was discovered by the nearby monks who were paying close attention and the spiritual consciousness wandering in the air.

The monks and many spiritual consciousnesses in the open and secret were all stunned. Not to mention that they didn't have the thing that Fairy Xiyue mentioned. If it did exist, they would definitely be covering it up. Who would be willing to exchange it for it!

The monks and monks' consciousness lingering nearby were successfully persuaded to retreat.

When the little Taoist friend threw the little magic weapon above the barrier, Nanga released his spiritual consciousness to watch in the air. When he saw the conditions on the cover, his spiritual consciousness wanted to cover his eyes.

When it comes to controlling people, it has to be Fairy Xiyue.

Once Fairy Xiyue comes out, who will dare to come?

Anyone who comes to Fairy Xiyue's place means that he has some kind of divine plant, which means there are more than one, and he will definitely be targeted for this.

Under such circumstances, no matter whether they want to exchange resources with Fairy Xiyue or have other purposes, they would not dare to visit again.

This is done once and for all.

The little fellow Taoist has great wisdom, and Nanjia did not ask whether the little fellow Taoist was really asking for divine support or deliberately trying to scare people, and practiced quietly.

After throwing a small magic weapon out, Le Yun no longer paid attention to the monks of various races in the square. She put away the small clay stove and first checked the soil collected by the White Goose Clan Gang.

Among the space bottles sent back by the Golden Crown White Goose Tribe, there are one hundred and seventy-four bottles filled with volcanic ash soil. Six bottles are filled with volcanic gravel or various rocks. One bottle is half filled with volcanic ash soil, and the other half is filled with volcanic ash soil. mud.

Of the remaining bottles, two bottles contained grassland vegetation, the thickness of which was about ten miles; there were five bottles of gravel desert soil, and the other twelve bottles contained various types of soil collected in the wild.

There are other types of soil, which means that the White Goose tribe has swept away all the volcanic ash soil that the volcanic mountains can move away.

After receiving a lot of soil, the little Loli was in a particularly good mood and looked at the thank you gift from the White Goose Clan again.

The thank-you gift included 90,000 star crabs, 19 kinds of spiritual shells, 12 kinds of spiritual shrimps and 29 kinds of spiritual fish, each with tens of millions of kilograms of shells, fish and shrimps; nine kinds of carnivorous spiritual birds raised on Baie Island, Ten thousand each.

There is also a bamboo shoot in a storage bag 5,000 feet wide, a mushroom in a storage bag 1,000 feet wide, and an aquatic spiritual vegetable in a storage bag 10,000 feet wide;

There are 260 boxes of various spiritual fruits from Baie Island; 120 boxes of spiritual herbs; and eight kinds of spiritual grains, each weighing 500 kilograms.

There is also a box of spiritual jade paste, a box of fire spiritual paste and a box of earth gold spiritual paste.

Fire paste is a paste-like spiritual soil that is higher than the fire spiritual soil and slightly inferior to the fire crystal. It can only be absorbed and cannot be eaten directly.

The fire spirit paste, which is only one word different from the fire paste, is a spiritual object that can be eaten directly. The energy and aura it contains is second only to the fire spirit marrow.

Earth-metal spiritual ointment is a spiritual ointment with two properties: earth and metal.

Spirit ointments with attributes such as fire and earth, like their spiritual marrow, are soft peach gel-like pastes.

The thanksgiving gift from the White Goose Clan is very generous.

The value of an Immortal Lord is immeasurable. The White Goose clan can give thank-you gifts calmly, and Leyun can also accept the thank-you gifts with peace of mind.

After checking the soil and thank-you gifts collected by the White Goose Clan Gang, Leyun put the storage aside first and sorted out the resources exchanged by the Buddhist Clan Gang.

Xuan Shaoyan and his contract beast friends have been appreciating various items in the Ruyi House. When they were busy, they ran out of the Ruyi House to find a little Lolita to express their feelings, but they couldn't find anyone.

The two young masters and the beasts came out of the little Loli's wishful house again. When they saw the familiar scenery, they knew they had entered the little Lolita's spiritual plant space and rushed into the wishful thinking room in the space.

The Ruyi House in the space has not changed much. The Calabash Baby and the five little ones are leaning on the couch and eating snacks, leisurely and comfortable.

The beasts also went over to gather together, and the two young men also moved a chair and sat there to join in the fun.

A group of friends were eating snacks while waiting for the Chihuahua friends. Until dusk, a group of dolls who had gone to nowhere came back.

Realizing that Lingzhi Doll Yan Doll was back, Mr. Xuan missed his cotton doll and ran out of Ruyi House in a hurry.

Young Master Yan and the beasts didn't want Brother Xuan to steal the limelight, so they all ran out to show their faces.

However, when they saw the mighty team of dolls, both humans and beasts were shocked.

After being stunned for a moment, Mr. Xuan’s scream resounded through the sky: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh being being being here being being being here!"

Yan Xing's eyes almost exploded.

The humanoid beasts and Mahayana beasts were also shocked and motionless.

The sunflower dolls, orchid dolls, medicine dolls, golden dolls and white jade dolls were stunned at first, then jumped three feet high, spinning around in circles and clapping their hands in excitement.

"Wow, the fairy has so many more dolls!"

"So many friends!"

The five little ones were crazy with joy.

The Grain Dolls and Fungus Dolls saw a group of little creatures in front of the Ruyi House and knew that they were the Fairy's other dolls, and they screamed with joy.

A group of little creatures held hands and blew like the wind in front of Ruyi's house.

"Oh my, there are so many little cuties!" Calabash Baby abandoned his brother and his beast friends and rushed into the group of dolls. He caught this one and rubbed his head, and caught the little Miao Miao who poked the top of his head. "Brother Guo!"

The grain dolls, fungus dolls, and spirit plant dolls also unanimously recognized Calabash Baby as the boss and said hello to Brother Guo happily.

Kui doll, orchid doll, medicine doll, golden doll, and white jade doll also rushed into the group of dolls to get to know each other and say hello to their new friends.

A group of boys ran to compete with one another, bumped foreheads to another, and jumped and screamed with excitement.

Several beasts looked straight at him.

Mr. Xuan: "..."

Mr. Yan: "..."

The eyes of the two young men are not enough.

A bunch of dolls greeted each other, holding hands, like ants on a string, and lined up to enter the Ruyi House.

Calabash Boy called out to the Orc friends, ran into the Ruyi House, spread out a piece of cloth, and placed several large plates of spirit fruits in the middle, as well as a plate of fried clams and sugar-fried chestnuts.

The little kids sat happily on the floor and ate snacks.

Shui Dun, Baiyin Yingsheng, Diamond Ape, and Long-eared Bear also followed Calabash Baby into the Ruyi House, and also carried the two stupid brothers into the house.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao, who were still immersed in the huge shock of seeing a group of dolls at first, were carried into the house, silently adjusted their clothes, and sat on the floor with the beasts.

Mr. Xuan was very smart and added a basket of bad fish to Ling's mouth. Then he carefully picked up his precious little cotton-padded jacket, took the fried shellfish, peeled the shells, and fed the cotton-padded baby to eat the shellfish meat.

Yan Xing was so jealous that he got pink eye.

A group of little creatures were chattering and it was very lively.

Cotton Baby ate some fried clams fed by the adults, and sat next to the adults, grabbing fruits and frying clams to eat.

Mr. Xuan successfully fed the little cotton-padded jacket several times and was satisfied. He ate snacks with the dolls and their beast friends.

He ate snacks with a group of little creatures, and decisively took out spiritual meals to entertain a group of cuties.

There are many little creatures, so they still sit in a circle and share their meals.

The dolls all had their own rice bowls. Young Master Xuan divided the spiritual food, and each one held their own rice bowls and happily cooked.

After a meal, the little creatures became closer to Brother Xuan.

After successfully winning the goodwill of the little creatures, Mr. Xuan struck while the iron was hot and gave the little creatures snacks to eat. He asked gently and kindly: "Little cuties, I can also make spiritual meals. Which of you would like to come to my house with my cotton doll?" As a companion?"

shameless! Yan Xing almost wanted to curse. Young Master Xuan relied on his ability to cook spiritual meals and was used to finding every possible opportunity, but he took advantage of him again!

Not to be outdone, he showed his most friendly smile: "I don't have a spiritual plant doll or rock doll yet. Which one of you is willing to come to me? If any little baby comes to me, it must be me and my little contract beast friends." The jewel in the palm of your hand and the jade in your heart is our most precious little cutie.”

When Brother Xuan tried to abduct Little Fairy's doll, the beasts all looked at him. When Brother Yan followed Brother Xuan's example, the beasts also looked at him.

Long-eared Bear, Yuan Er and Shui Dun were startled, and immediately responded: "Yes, yes, Brother Yan is right, whoever is willing to come to Brother Yan is the little treasure in the palm of our hands."

"We must protect the little baby properly!"

The three beasts beat their chests so hard that the earth shook, with sincere eyes.

Lingzhi Doll and Rock Doll shook their heads like leaves in the autumn wind: "We are the little fairy's babies, and we won't follow you!"

"Little fairy, you have everything. We won't go with you."

"Don't bother, you can't fool us."

The little creatures said something to each other, laughingly rejecting the two brothers' deception.

Calabash Boy rolled his eyes: "You are obviously friends with the little fairy, but you always want to kidnap the little fairy's doll. This is not very kind."

"I'm very kind. Didn't I discuss this with the little cuties? If I wasn't kind, I would have just used the gloves and sack to snatch the dolls."

Another day of failure! Mr. Xuan felt a little sad, but it didn't matter. Once it happened, it was familiar again, maybe it would succeed next time.

He kept up his efforts: "There are many little cuties, and the space for the little fairy's spiritual planting is limited. If you come to me in several groups, you can not only keep my cotton dolls company, but also help lighten the burden on the little fairy. This is the best of both worlds."

Chihuahua grinned and bared her teeth: "What you said makes sense. Brother Xuan, do you have a spiritual planting space? Is the space wider and more beautiful than the little fairy's spiritual planting space?"

Little Lolita's doll always pokes people's lungs. Mr. Xuan said bravely: "I don't have a spiritual planting space yet. I believe there will be one soon. As long as I work hard, the spiritual planting space in the future will be better than that of your little fairy." Having more space for planting is not a dream.”

Except for the Calabash Baby and the five little ones who returned to the Spiritual Plant Space with him, the other little creatures moved in unison and turned their necks to look at Brother Xuan with strange eyes.

Young Master Xuan was stared at by a group of little creatures, so he pretended to be calm: "Why are you looking at me? What did I say wrong?"

Zhi Ren smiled so hard that his little face turned into a sunflower: "Brother Xuan, did the little fairy not tell you that her spiritual plant space has been expanded again?"

"No." Mr. Xuan was excited and asked hurriedly: "How many thousands of miles has your little fairy's spiritual space expanded?"

"I don't know, we can't measure it." Xiaozhiren shook his head.

"It can't be measured?" Is that too much or too little?

"Yes, it really can't be measured." The little flower essence waved her little hands and took over the conversation: "The space expanded very wide, and it took the friends several years to barely cover every direction. "

"Oh my gosh, how wide is that?"

Not to mention that Mr. Xuan was dumbfounded, even Calabash Baby was surprised.

"I don't know. Anyway, if there are hundreds of thousands of dolls living there, it won't be too crowded." The little flower essence was frightened and satisfied, happily gnawing on its own spiritual fruit.

Mr. Xuan covered his chest: "I don't even have a spiritual plant space. The little fairy's space is already wide enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of dolls. This is too shocking."

"So, don't always think about kidnapping the fairy's doll, you can't compare to the fairy." Zhima made up for it.

"..." Young Master Xuan was choked, and he stepped down the steps himself: "Only through comparison can you know the difference. People, you have to have dreams. My dream is to catch up with the footsteps of your little fairy. "

"Then work hard." Zhima encouraged him nonchalantly.

The action of kidnapping the little creature failed, and Mr. Xuan had no choice but to give up.

After being rejected by the little creatures, Yan Xing shut up and let the air go. Although he did not suffer a direct blow like Mr. Xuan, he also suffered the aftermath.

He still doesn't know when he will have a spiritual plant space. Little Loli's space is already big enough to accommodate countless spiritual plant dolls.

Such a gap, let alone flying a plane, he might not be able to catch up even if he takes a rocket.

So frustrated!

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