magic eye doctor

Chapter 3336 Parting

Chapter 3336 Parting

Yan Shaoxuan Shao was hit hard and needed the comfort of chicken soup. Unfortunately, no one gave them chicken soup.

It was impossible for the little creatures to comfort the two brothers. They ate and drank happily, played for a while, and then went back to the wishful house where the fairy used to be her bedroom to sleep.

Calabash Baby, humanoid beasts, and Mahayana beasts also entered the inner room, and then saw several large couches carved with spiritual jade in the little fairy's bedroom.

The little creatures like to sleep together on the same couch. Calabash Baby takes the children to sleep. Water Escaper Baiyin Yingsheng and three Mahayana beasts occupy the other two jade couches.

Forget about a group of dolls abandoning him and running away, even his little contracted beast friends also ran away. That's what Yan Shao and Xuan Shao are resentful about.

They were men, and they were too embarrassed to go to the little Lolita's bedroom. They practiced on the Arhat couch they carved outside, and they became gatekeepers.

The two young masters and the little creatures in the spiritual plant space had nothing to worry about and slept peacefully to practice. Meanwhile, Le, who was in the Qingshi Square, also paid attention to the changes in the square while sorting out supplies.

Although there is no noise in the square, monks can often be seen coming and going in the passages between magic weapon barriers. Some magic weapon barriers are often greeted with people coming in and out, which is very lively.

During the period when the ranking list was opened, because the monks of all races had closed the magic weapon barrier, Le Yun also used the Qi Observation Technique to analyze how many survivors there were in that short period of time.

A total of 7.5 million monks of all races entered the secret realm. When the secret realm ended, there were more than 6.3 million survivors gathered in the square.

This means that nearly 1.2 million monks will stay in the sacred tree world forever.

Some may say that this elimination rate is extremely low.

However, don't forget that there is a safe city in the secret realm, and monks basically have no fear of their lives in the safe city.

The monks who died in the secret realm were basically those who left the safe city for activities.

There are two types of monks who leave the safe city, one is completely voluntary, and the other is secretly controlled.

Most of the monks who voluntarily left the safe city were groups or individuals from the fairy world and the divine world. Their death rate was about 30%.

As for the monks who were controlled to leave the safe city, the mortality rate was as high as 99%, and only one or two out of a thousand people might have escaped.

Those creatures who can escape death are without exception the lucky ones with the best luck.

Before the secret realm was officially opened, Le Yun analyzed that there were thirteen little creatures entering the secret realm, including four rock dolls and nine spirit plant dolls.

In addition to the four dolls that found her on the ground and followed her, the other nine spiritually planted dolls and rock dolls were teleported to the square before her, and were coaxed by other groups of monks, or formed alliances with other groups or monks.

Like Kui Wawa, he was coaxed into joining the team by someone named Qiao.

At the end of the secret realm, except for the five dolls that went to Le Yun's own safety, only three of the other eight little creatures that teamed up with other teams survived.

One of the five missing dolls disappeared accidentally, and the team allied with the dolls also lost most of its manpower.

The other four dolls were misbehaving with others and eventually ended up being "cooked to death".

Don't ask how the little Loli knew so clearly.

When I ask, I just look at luck and the light in a person.

There are three monk teams with doll members and a Mahayana monk who is allied with a rock doll. They are all promoted to mortal immortals. They are all stained with blood and have bad luck, and are cursed.

The four little creatures who were cooked with the rabbit also resisted and were cursed before they died. The monks who ate the flesh and blood of the spiritual plant doll and rock doll were all cursed.

Even if the monks who have been cursed can come out of the secret realm alive this time, they are destined not to live long, and they will suffer the same fate as Lingzhi Doll and Yan Doll in the future. That is their retribution.

Le Yun had no sympathy for those monks and turned a blind eye to the curse on them.

Among the monks in the square, the temporary team was disbanded after allocating resources. The monks who needed to trade were busy looking for trading partners.

Many monks in the God Realm wanted to find Fairy Xiyue, but when they found the Qingbei, they were all persuaded to retreat.

The monks of all races had been busy all day, and by the evening all the deals that could be negotiated were basically concluded, and as for the deals that could not be negotiated, there was basically no hope.

After dusk, few monks were seen walking around Qingshi Square, and the entire venue became quiet.

The communication between the monks was almost over, and Nanga also breathed a sigh of relief. Many monks in the world of gods and immortals wanted to find Fairy Xiyue, and some also wanted to find him.

The purpose of monks from all races to find him and Fairy Xiyue must be inseparable from Qianji Secret Valley, or related to some of the items he and Fairy Xiyue exchanged from Wanzhen Pagoda.

Nanga just hopes that the monks from all walks of life will retreat in spite of the difficulties.

When dusk was about to end, several monks hurried to the front of the green monument and hesitated a few feet away from the barrier where a three-shuttle cylinder sign hung.

While Le Yun was taking stock of resources, she found the monks outside who were hesitating and walked out of the barrier.

Zhu Songqing and several companions were still worried about how to see Fairy Xiyue. When they saw a door appeared in the barrier, they were pleasantly surprised and saw Fairy Xiyue walking out.

Zhu Songqing was overjoyed and hurriedly floated up a few steps: "It's been more than forty years since we parted ways in Qiangu Garden. Fellow Daoist Xiyue is well and well!"

Several people with Zhu Songqing also hurriedly followed and performed the monk's ceremony in unison.

"Thanks to all my fellow Taoists, everything is well." Le Yun also politely returned the gift and went straight to the topic: "I wish you all the best and fellow Taoists who came here in a hurry, are you okay?"

When Fairy Xiyue asked about the purpose of her visit, Zhu Songqing did not beat around the bush: "Thanks to fellow Taoist, Zhu and his companions were rescued from the insect tide, and thanks to the elixir given by fellow Taoist, my companions and I recovered as before.

At that time, I was short of money, and it was inconvenient to disturb fellow Taoist, so I didn't dare to come to the door in time to thank fellow Taoist Xiyue for his help. Now that the secret realm is closed, I prepared a small gift to thank fellow Taoist. "

He told the purpose of his visit, took out the prepared wooden box and handed it to Fairy Xiyue.

He didn't say anything. When Le Yun saw them, she guessed that they were here to say thank you, and did not take the box: "I helped out that day out of friendship with fellow Taoists, and I gave the pills because all the fellow Taoists are gentlemen in the Tao. There is no need to let them go." On the heart.

Fellow Taoists each have their own requirements for entering this secret realm. Some resources are urgently needed for fellow Taoists, but not for me. I accept the kindness of fellow Taoists, but please take back the gift.

If fellow Taoists feel that they owe Karma and feel uneasy if they don't repay it, well, I am short of spiritual jade. I believe all of you should have collected spiritual jade. You might as well give me some spiritual jade to solve my urgent need. "

"This..." Several monks hesitated. They naturally knew that Fairy Xiyue understood them by not accepting the thank you gift and did not want them to return empty-handed.

But if they could only repay the favor with a little spiritual jade, they would all feel ashamed.

"For me, giving me something I urgently need is the best thank you gift." Le Yun saw the hesitation of the monks and added another sentence to dispel their concerns.

Some monks from immortal sects and families with profound heritage in the gods and immortal worlds enter the sacred wood world for nothing more than the Tao fish from Wu Dao Lake, the Yuan Bao from Sword Valley, the treasures from Ten Thousand Treasure Pond and Ten Thousand Treasures Pagoda, and the snow fat from Ice City. Fish, water city star crab.

In addition, it is the opportunity of Qianji Secret Valley. The chance of the Qianji Secret Valley has always been slim. The various forces in the divine world are more concerned about the Wudao Lake, the tenth and ninth floor of the Wanbao Pond and the Wanzhen Pagoda, as well as the Snow Fat Fish and Starlight Crab.

Monk Zhu and his fellow disciples or allies naturally need those resources.

Based on the style of the Zhu monks and their allies, they must have gathered together the income from Ice City and Water City, as well as the most valuable resources exchanged at Wanzhen Tower, as a thank you gift.

Give good things to yourself, and they are almost busy in vain.

He pocketed all the treasures in the pillar space of the Wan Zhen Pagoda, and also exchanged a large amount of resources from the Wan Zhen Pagoda. Not only was he the richest man in the world of immortality, he was at least a very rich man.

Le Yun thought that she could not use the treasures she had gained in the sacred tree world to "help the world". A gentleman still has the grace of an adult, and he was willing to help Zhu Zhu's team.

Fairy Xiyue spoke frankly, and Zhu Songqing took back the wooden box without any further hesitation: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue is upright and upright. We are more respectful than obeying orders."

The teammates all said that, and several monks also thanked them happily, and then looked for the spiritual jade they collected.

Spiritual jade is not a top-level resource. It can be used to make talismans, communication talismans or alchemy bottles and spiritual planting boxes. No matter which tribe the monks are, they will collect some, depending on the quantity and the quality of the jade.

Zhu Songqing and his companions transferred all the spiritual jades in their hands, regardless of their level, into a small storage bag, put them in a wooden box, and gave them to Fairy Xiyue.

Le Yun took the wooden box and used her consciousness to check it. She saw that it was all filled with spiritual jades, so she accepted it happily: "Thank you so much, fellow Taoists. With these spiritual jades, I won't have to go to the jade mines in the short term. You can make elixirs with peace of mind.

The secret realm is about to be closed, and I don’t want to leave you fellow Taoists behind. Let’s say goodbye and see you again when we are destined. I wish all fellow Taoists a smooth journey to immortality! "

"I wish the fairy a smooth journey!"

Fairy Xiyue refused to accept their thank you gifts, and all the monks were grateful and said goodbye together.

They were visitors and could no longer waste the host's time. They said goodbye and turned around to leave.

Zhu Zhu and his companions were far away from the green monument. After leaving the front of the green monument, they flew straight to the temporary training point and entered the magic weapon defense barrier.

Several monks had just entered the temporary training point and immediately told the team members who were waiting for the news that Fairy Xiyue had confiscated the thank-you gift.

Everyone was surprised and happy.

Fairy Xiyue did not thank her for the gift, so Zhu Songqing and her companions redistributed the gifts and waited peacefully for them to be sent back with the secret realm key.

After Brother Le Yundaizhu and his group entered the magic weapon barrier group, they turned back and entered their own magic weapon barrier to continue organizing their supplies.

Nanga didn’t ask the little Taoist friend why he confiscated the thank you gift.

The nearby monks or spiritual consciousness who were paying attention to Fairy Xiyue's magic weapon barrier witnessed the communication process between Fairy Xiyue and a team of monks, and suspected that Fairy Xiyue's claim that she wanted spiritual jade was a lie, and that she was actually trading some kind of divine plant.

Some monks had heard rumors that Fairy Xiyue had rescued a team of monks who were almost swallowed by a tide of insects in Qiangu Garden, and they did not doubt that Fairy Xiyue and the team of monks were secretly crossing Chencang on the plank road.

According to Wen Xiyue, Fairy Xiyue took away dozens of treasure light groups from the Wanbaochi website. She also obtained nine treasure light groups on the twelfth floor of Wanzhen Tower. She exchanged hundreds of light groups from the tenth floor. She also entered the Qianzhen Tower. Ji Secret Valley.

Fairy Xiyue hunted tens of billions of insect monsters, and the resources she exchanged were beyond the reach of other monks. When she said there was no shortage of resources, there was certainly no shortage.

Many monks who still wanted to work hard have given up their efforts. Fairy Xiyue is rich, so she probably looks down on the resources in their hands. If they go to negotiate a deal and get frustrated, they don't have to make themselves depressed.

Dusk passed quickly, and after night fell, the light in the entire square dimmed, leaving only the halo of the magic weapon barrier illuminating the square, making it look hazy.

Nanga sat in meditation for the whole day, and maintained the meditation posture at night. He put a ray of consciousness outside the barrier and paid attention to his surroundings at all times.

He was worried that someone would use the invisible magic weapon to sneak around at night and wait for opportunities, and he did not let down his vigilance all night long.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary and the night was uneventful.

Nanga, who was responsible for the night vigil, withdrew his consciousness at dawn and closed his eyes to rest in peace.

It will be bright soon.

When the light of the rising sun first illuminated the Bluestone Square, the keys to the secret realm carried by the monks simultaneously glowed faintly.

"The teleportation array is about to open!"

Among the monks of various races who held the keys, some were surprised, some felt relieved, some were mixed with joy and sorrow, and some could not believe it.

When the key glowed, Nanga also opened his eyes, stood up and said goodbye to his friend: "The key will open the teleportation, and the young monk has to say goodbye to the little fellow Taoist. It has been many years. I hope all the best to the little fellow Taoist, and I hope to see you again soon."

"There are close friends in the sea, and they are like neighbors across the world, and close friends, no matter how far apart they are, are like walking together. There are surprises everywhere in life, and we will meet again if we are destined."

The key glowed, and parting was coming. Le Yun didn't feel any sadness. She stood up with a smile and closed the defensive barrier of the magic weapon.

"My little Taoist friend is right, we are close friends, no matter how far apart we are, we are still close at hand. I look forward to meeting again in the world and having wine and chatting happily." Nanjia smiled, like a spiritual butterfly, floating out of my little Taoist friend's golden lotus. magic weapon.

"In that case, I have to make some wine and save up."

"The young monk thinks that in addition to wine, the little Taoist friend may also need to save some spiritual food. The young monk can't save some spiritual food. The most he can do is save some food."

"Why don't Nanga bring out the ingredients when we meet again, and I'll cook."

"Very good!"

While joking with Buddhist friends, Le Yun also quickly put away the golden lotus-shaped magic weapon, and recalled the small magic weapon hanging with a three-shuttle cylinder, waiting for the key to open the transmission.

The key was about to be transferred, and the monks from all races also put away their magic weapons and stood quietly.

No one was moving around at this time, except for the tight unity of a team, and the monks kept their distance from each other.

The key's light grew brighter and brighter.

After just one stick of incense, the moonlight-like light emitted by the key was so bright that people dared not look directly at it.

Le Yun, who silently observed the changes in the key's light, quietly threw the storage box containing two jade boxes containing ranking rewards into the star core world.

She moved the storage bag, and the silver leaf key burst out with dazzling brilliance.

The key to the square was activated at the same moment, and the blazing brilliance concentrated into light groups, enveloping the light groups of monks from all races, and rushed into the sky at the same moment.

The bright white light flew into the air, the light flashed, and disappeared at the same moment.

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