magic eye doctor

Chapter 3344 I’m sober

Chapter 3344 I’m sober

So angry!

Listen to what the little loli said? Every time she didn't hit him, he seemed to feel uncomfortable all over.

Yan Xing, whose IQ was suspected, almost became angry and decided to ignore the little Lolita for five minutes.

"Little Fairy, Brother Yan is quite good. He won't let the fox beast influence his mind." Diamond Ape felt that he had to defend his brother.

"This snow fox is dead. He was also affected by the charm of the snow fox. He thinks the fox beast is quite beautiful. If I were not around and let him face the snow fox, the snow fox in his eyes would probably be beautiful. Fairy.

For a weak-willed guy like him, do you think he can beat the fox demon? "

"What?" Mr. Xuan jumped up in shock. The fox demon was already dead. How can charm still affect people?

The beasts also looked at Brother Yan, right? Brother Yan was actually charmed by Xue Hu's charm?

Yan Xing's face turned green: "I'm not, I'm sober!"

"When you think this snow fox is beautiful, you are not sober. Ask your beast friends, which one of them thinks the fox is beautiful?"

"Snow foxes are not beautiful at all. Just the fur is okay. The fur is relatively smooth."

"It's obvious that he has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, so he's very ugly, okay?"

"The Snow Fox Clan has many branches, and some of them are pretty good-looking. This one has a pointy forehead, and its mouth is so sharp that twelve night shells can hang on it. It's so irritating to the eyes."

"Ugly rejection."

Four humanoid beasts and three Mahayana beasts, their aesthetic values ​​are surprisingly consistent.

Mr. Xuan also thinks Snow Fox is ugly: "There is a saying. This Snow Fox looks really bad. Its awl face is sharper than the snake face in Calabash Brothers. It can be used as a steel drill for mining. La."

Yan Xing was suffocated for a while.

The beasts all expressed their opinions and stared at the fox corpse in the air.

As the little fairy made more than a dozen hand seals, three miniature versions of the snow fox came out of the body.

The three souls of the fox demon left the body.

To force out the soul of the snow fox, Le Yun took out a talisman. The fox soul in it was hit by the talisman and turned into a ball of fire, which burned completely in the blink of an eye.

She once again made a dozen hand seals on Xue Hu's Heavenly Soul and Earthly Soul, and then threw out a talisman.

The fox demon's heavenly and earthly souls turned into points of light and quickly merged into the void.

After returning the two souls of the fox demon to the world, Le Yun threw two flying swords, tied up the hind legs of the fox demon beast and hung them on the flying swords, and then hung them upside down.

Because he was said to be under the influence of the fox demon's enchantment technique, Yan Xing stared at the fox demon and insisted that his aesthetics was fine. Until the fox demon's soul disappeared, he felt that the fox demon was really unsightly.

When the little loli hangs the fox beast upside down, look, oh my god, the snow fox has its canine teeth bared and looks so ferocious, it can scare a child to tears!

How come he thought the fox beast looked good-looking despite how blind he was before?

Young Master Yan, who did not want to admit that he had been affected by the fox demon's magic, was forced to accept the fact that he had been tricked without knowing it, and kept silent and lowered his sense of presence.

But there was a little loli who refused to let him go. She turned around and asked, "Handsome Yan, take a look now. Is the fox demon beautiful?"

"Ugly." Yan Xing had a dull look on his face, and immediately shut his mouth after uttering one word, pretending that he was a clam.

The beasts covered their faces, the slaps came too fast!

"If you know you've made a mistake, correct it. It's a great kindness. In the future, it won't work if you have a longer memory. When you are walking in the world of cultivation, you only need to remember one principle, and that is - Le Yun said that beauty is true beauty.

Anything that Le Yun does not personally agree with is either ugly or mediocre. And if Le Yun does not agree with beautiful or beautiful things, if you think they are beautiful, you should be careful. "

Le Yun conscientiously vaccinated Yan Shuai. Yan Shuai was prone to mental problems due to his childhood experiences, so some early warning work must be done for him.

"Yes." Yan Xing nodded and took note of what little Loli said. Even though she often hit him, she would not lie to him when it came to personal safety issues.

"I've learned, I've learned! This will also be my principle in the future." Mr. Xuan stroked his palms, believing that the little loli would be in peace, and the little loli was a panacea!

The beasts also quickly made a note, the little fairy was right!

Yan Handsome is such a big man, so you have to give him some face, and don't preach too harshly. Le Yun stopped when she felt good, took out a boning knife, stabbed the fox beast quickly, and bled it first.

The fox beast had just died, but its body and blood were still warm.

Fox blood is a good thing, so naturally collect it while it's hot.

After making sure that no more blood could be shed from the fox corpse, start skinning it.

The greedy beasts gathered around, staring unblinkingly.

In the Commentary Department, the little Loli has rich experience and quick hands and feet. In less than a cup of tea, she can pull off a piece of fox skin and then disembowel it neatly.

The beast's urine was not wasted, and was collected one by one.

When cutting the meat, first cut a piece of front leg meat, cut it into thin slices, put it in a wooden basin, and then pour some medicinal juice to marinate it.

After cutting up a fox beast, Le Yun used the dust removal technique to remove the smell on herself, the handsome boy, and the beast, and then used the wind technique to change the surrounding air.

Drive away the smell, open the barrier, and drive the spirit boat back to the camp.

Lingzhou returned to the camp, and the two handsome guys and the beasts jumped off the ground. They first used magic to clean the camp several times, and then picked a place to cook.

The two young men took out the wooden shed that served as the kitchen and set it up, and also put in several stoves. Mr. Xuan took out his apron and tied it on, and asked: "Little beauty, when can we eat the feast you made?"

"If you don't pursue taste, you can eat it tonight. If you want to have perfect taste, tomorrow morning will be more appropriate." The little loli walked into the wooden shed and calmly took out a clay stove and put it on the ground.

"Eat it tomorrow morning!"

The handsome guy and the beasts said in unison.

"I'll make tonight's evening meal." Mr. Xuan started to arrange things happily.

Young Master Yan and the Beast Beasts ran to help, but in the end, one Brother Yan was left behind as a fireman, while the other Beast Beasts slipped out of the camp and went to the grassland to collect spiritual plants or cut plants.

The fairies need fresh and tender plants, and the plants in the canyon grassland grow just right. They can be cut to feed camels, cows, and sheep.

In order to eat meat, beasts are very dedicated to collecting plants.

All the beasts were gone in the blink of an eye, and Young Master Yan worked conscientiously as a fireman.

Classmate Le used spiritual wood as firewood, lit a fire, put the pot on, heated the pot, and stir-fried the spices. Then he poured the marinated fox meat and marinade into the pot, added a bucket of medicinal soup, and cooked it with the lid. Get up and simmer.

She also left the job of lighting the fire to Handsome Yan, and slipped out of the camp with her little hands on her back, running into the forest to pick mushrooms.

The beasts and beasts noticed that the little fairy had come out, and swarmed over like a swarm of swarms, following the little fairy as she ran through the woods, picking mushrooms, cutting plants, picking fruits, or cutting tree bark to release juice.

The little Loli and the beasts wandered around until it was dark, and then they walked out of the forest. They also harvested plants on the way. When they returned to the camp, it was completely dark.

Mr. Xuan made a few simple home-cooked stir-fry dishes and took out the stored meat. He waited for the little Loli and the beasts to come back and set up a meal.

The beasts ate the food in the bowl and looked at the food in the pot. They had a full meal and stared longingly at the pots still on the stove. No one wanted to sleep.

The little Loli was so generous that she added another bucket of concoction to the stew in the pot, climbed into the spirit boat, hugged the baby egg and ran to the tree house of the baby war beast, and fell asleep holding the two eggs.

As midnight approached, little Loli's stove finally gave off a rich aroma.

A cloud of aroma also accumulated above the camp's barrier, and became increasingly dense.

The canyon was silent.

It wasn't until midnight that the big monsters hiding in the clouds and mist finally showed up and escaped silently. They either went back to their families to report the news, or they sent the news out with roars.

The great demons of all races witnessed with their own eyes how the little human cub killed the mortal snow fox, and also witnessed her skinning and removing the bones of an immortal-level fox demon. Their fear of her had reached its peak.

During the day, the big monsters didn't dare to move at all. It wasn't until late at night that the human cubs didn't dare to leave because they didn't mean to cause trouble for them.

The big demons who were close to the Silverhorn Sheep Family Canyon and had been squatting in the clouds and mist surrounding a certain mysterious place for many years received the news and moved their positions overnight.

The fish-eating crocodile tribe got the news that the mortal snow fox died among the human cubs. The big monsters sent a message at night, telling the little crocodiles to avoid it whenever they see foreign creatures entering their territory.

The news that the human race had killed the Mortal Immortal Snow Fox was transmitted through the starry night by the beast race, and spread like a prairie fire.

The handsome guys and the beasts knew nothing about this.

The two young men closed their eyes and took a nap for a few hours in the middle of the night, while the seven beasts kept watch all night long.

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and soon the nights are over and the dawn is bright.

The beasts approached the little fairy diligently and cleverly fetched her water, wiped her teeth and washed her face.

After cleaning up, Le Yun opened the lid of the pot and divided the meat by the stove where the beasts were looking forward to.

Beast Beast ran to get a porcelain bowl and queued up to share the meal.

While Young Loli was washing up, Young Master Xuan also put away the spiritual meal he had made. He and Young Master Yan also took bowls and lined up with the beasts to wait for the delicious food.

The Mahayana beast had half a bowl of soup and about one tael of meat; the four humanoid beasts had half a bowl of soup and about half a tael of meat; the two handsome guys got even less meat.

The stew was so fragrant that the two young masters and Beast Beast didn't mind that the portion was too small. They sat down at the table and couldn't wait to taste it.

The animal meat that had been stewed overnight was as translucent as slices of raw meat, and it tasted like the whites of boiled eggs. They couldn't tell what the taste was, but it made people want to swallow it.

They thought that just ordering meat and soup would not even be enough to fill their teeth. After finishing eating, they would go to the spiritual meal prepared by Brother Xuan.

However, I felt full before I finished eating the meat. After drinking the last piece of meat and then drinking the soup, I felt full.

The two young masters and Beast Beast were so full that they slumped in their chairs and did not want to move.

Le Yun only ate one piece of meat, drank a few mouthfuls of soup, and was not full. Then she scooped up the meat in the pot and gave one portion to the little fox and two little monkeys, and another portion to the little creatures.

The little fox and the two little monkeys sat and waited for the delicious food. When the little girl brought the spiritual meal, she hugged a rice bowl and sucked it wildly.

He ate the most, weighing at least fifty kilograms of soup and meat.

The two little monkeys only ate half of the meat.

After the little fox and the two little monkeys finished breakfast, they lay down on the spot and slept soundly with their bellies turned.

The little creatures in the spiritual plant space waited for the morning food sent by the little fairy and started to eat it in a hurry.

The little creatures are the spiritual beings of heaven and earth, and can digest the meat of mortal beasts. One baby ate about five kilograms of meat and a large bowl of soup.

After eating well and in a good mood, a group of little creatures ran to the grass and lay down in a row, happily basking in the sun.

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