magic eye doctor

Chapter 3345 Pathfinding

Chapter 3345 Pathfinding

Mr. Xuan felt that he had eaten too much. In order not to delay the gathering work, he quickly lit a small stove to boil a kettle of water and brew some spiritual tea to aid digestion.

There was spirit tea, but the handsome guys and beasts couldn't control their mouths, so they took out snacks and ate snacks while drinking tea. They were so happy that even the village chief wouldn't change them.

While Handsome Guy and Beast Beast were eating, Le Yun wandered around the area before setting up camp yesterday, guessing that the Diamond Ape and Long-eared Bear might be bullied to let Handsome Guy and Beast Beast know.

Her purpose was obvious. She asked the two handsome guys to take the Diamond Ape and the Long-eared Bear back to the Ape and Bear Clan, and ask them which orcs from both tribes bullied hers, and which orcs bullied them the most. Then she asked the handsome guys to Let's go get some interest.

The way she planned to earn interest for the handsome guy and the beasts was very simple - whichever beast clan bullied the diamond ape and long-eared bear the most would go to the beast clan to grab resources.

There are only two principles for grabbing resources. One is to abide by the same collection principles as before, and the other is to grab good resources from the orcs and leave behind other resources for the orcs to survive.

For example, specialize in grabbing the high-level and mid-level resources of the Orcs, and leave the low-level resources for the Orcs to use. In this way, you can get what you get without cutting off the Orcs' way of survival.

To be more specific, if a certain beast tribe likes to eat apples and figs, let the beast beast and the two young masters eat all the apples in the beast tribe's territory and let them eat other wild fruits they don't like to eat.

The Vajra Ape and the Long-eared Bear also guessed that because of their relationship, the family might be treated unfairly, especially after the arrival of the Mortal Immortal Snow Fox, who would secretly instigate the beast tribe to exclude the Vajra Ape and the Long-eared Bear tribe.

The three Mahayana beasts and the two youngsters readily accepted the suggestion.

Le Yun slipped the cotton doll out of Lingzhi's space and gave it to Young Master Xuan to take care of.

After suddenly changing the map, Mianwawa was a little confused: "Little fairy, why are you only letting me come out to play alone?"

"You are your adult's doll. You are asked to come out and follow your adult, and you help your adult collect it." Le Yun rubbed the cotton doll's little head: "What your adult collects must be divided. You What you collect is yours.”

"Okay." Cotton Doll understood.

When Xuan saw his precious Lingzhi doll, he was naturally overjoyed. He sat down with the little cotton-padded jacket next to him and gave him a cup of Lingzhi tea.

The beasts have no objection to the fairy's decision to "prefer" the spiritual planting doll. Who doesn't like cute little creatures? They are not greedy for the little creatures' share of the harvest.

After drinking the digestion tea, Young Master Xuan and the beasts set off.

Because they brought cotton dolls with them, people and beasts who did not drive the spirit boat could play with their babies, and they were all very happy.

The two young men and Beast Beast went to the territory of the Long-eared Bear family first. When they arrived, the Long-eared Bear family was a little afraid and no longer as enthusiastic as before.

Xiong Shan personally asked the big demons about the situation.

At first, the big demons of the long-eared bears didn't dare to say anything. Later, they heard that it was the human fairy who meant it, and they told how the long-eared bears had been ostracized by the beast tribe since the human fairy left.

The long-eared bear tribe is a powerful orc tribe, and the orc tribe that excludes them is worried that they have gone too far. The long-eared bear tribe is fighting against them to the death, and they do not dare to fight over open fire to grab storage containers. They often take turns to "cut up" with the big bears, so that the long-eared bear tribe will The Ear Bear is struggling to cope.

At the same time, some beasts often sneak into the territory of the long-eared bears to grab high-level resources, bully low-level beasts in other places, and so on.

The experience of the Diamond Ape Tribe is exactly the same as that of the Long-eared Bear.

Knowing what wrongs the Long-eared Bear and the Diamond Ape Clan had suffered, the two young men and the beasts went straight to the orc tribe's territory where they enjoyed bullying the two tribes the most, and specifically selected the core and high-level resources in the spiritual land to attack.

The Beast Clan, which had bullied and excluded the Diamond Ape and Long-eared Bear Clan, knew very well why the humans came and were so frightened that they dared not stop them. They just allowed humans and beasts to grab resources unscrupulously in their own territory.

When Handsome Guy and Beast Beast kicked off the collection work, Le Xiaoxiao was not idle either. She first divided the puppets who had been in charge of collecting in the secret realm into teams and sent them to the site where they had collected many times before.

After arranging the puppets, she rushed to the large triangular basin where the feathered beasts were the most numerous.

The spirit boat moved slowly, and it took less than an hour to reach the Great Basin.

Because Yunlan's spiritual energy unknowingly strengthened, both vegetation and all kinds of beasts benefited. After more than a hundred years of development, the number and population of wild feathered beasts or monsters in the Great Basin have not only not decreased, but have become more numerous. thriving.

It was early summer when the little Loli returned to the wilderness. On the way to pick up the handsome guy and the beast, she stopped by some spiritual places to pick up leaks. She spent a lot of time and it was already midsummer when she returned to the ancient secret realm.

In midsummer, some of the earliest feathered beasts that hatched eggs in the Great Basin also hatched out of their eggs, and the eggs of the feathered beasts that hatched in the middle or later stages also hatched to the later or middle stage.

The little Lolita was busy catching poultry and eggs of various feathered beasts. Occasionally she also caught some young feathered birds that were old or had not yet entered the breeding period.

After the feathered beast's incubation period is over, summon the Twelve Gold Star and Silver Star brothers and ten thousand blue-armored puppets, and then explore further areas to find autumn bamboo shoots, spiritual fruit and spiritual plants, and pick plant seeds that can be harvested.

In mid-autumn, we return to the Great Basin at lightning speed to pick up feather eggs.

After collecting the eggs in autumn, capture a group of feathered beasts, and lead the team of puppets towards the territory of the silver-horned sheep, collecting pine cones, prodigenol plants, and plant seeds along the way.

Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts ran around and raided the territory of the beast tribe that bullied the diamond ape and long-eared bear. It was also the camellia fruit harvest season.

A group of friends quickly returned to the Silverhorn Sheep territory to collect camellia oleifera and some spiritual fruits. They were busy until the first snowfall of winter came and then returned to the camp.

The ground is covered with snow in winter, so it is not suitable to run around. Master Xuan is making a spiritual meal again. The little loli wandered along the road, running here and there, until early December when she reached the great plains next to the territory of the silverhorn sheep.

She first went to the bamboo forest north of the plain to collect a batch of bamboos and dig some winter bamboo shoots, and then collected half a bottle of snow in the great plain before going to pick up the puppet.

After picking up the puppets sent out, Mr. Le returned to the camp.

Back at the camp, the little Loli only rested for one day and then ran away to collect snow. Before leaving, she piled tung fruits on the canyon plain.

Not a single one of the beasts was left behind, but the little fairy was left to serve as the tail, while Young Master Yan was left to be the fireman.

Young Master Yan: "..." He really wants to wander around with the little lolita!

Little Loli and the beasts traveled tens of millions of miles away to the northern prairie to collect snow, to the plains to collect wood, and to intercept rivers to collect water.

The beasts and beasts went crazy playing with the little fairy, and did not return to the camp until the day before the New Year.

Little Loli did not travel far after the New Year, but collected snow or water nearby.

] When the ice and snow first melted, Yan Shaoxuan and Shao Shao couldn't wait to go out with the beasts and visit again the several beast tribe territories that they had raided last year.

The little loli also arranged for the puppet to be on duty, and went on another excursion to clean up various spiritual places tens of billions of miles away. In the autumn, she would detour to the Great Basin to collect feather eggs.

After a trip to the Great Basin, she hurried back to the camp and unceremoniously picked up all the high-level spiritual plants and spiritual fruits in various spiritual places in the Silverhorn Sheep territory.

The big demons of the Silver Horn Sheep tribe spent a year in fear and fear, never waiting for any retaliatory action from the human race. However, when the human race took action against the high-level resources in their territory, they felt relieved.

As long as the humans don't massacre the Silverhorn Sheep tribe, she can get whatever resources she wants in the territory.

The little loli wandered around the Silverhorn Sheep territory, then walked around with several orc tribe leaders, hiked again, and returned when the winter snow came.

She only picked up the puppet and left a bunch of tung fruits to dry naturally in the canyon. Without the beasts, she went out again and went for a walk in the territory of the Green Elephant Clan.

The Green Elephant Clan was pleasantly surprised to see the human fairy again. The clan leader and the big monsters warmly entertained the human fairy and negotiated a deal again.

The Qingxiang tribe collected various plant seeds and spiritual fruits, and Leyun gave them storage containers.

One needed a lot of seeds, the other needed storage, and the two hit it off.

After agreeing on the cooperation, the little Loli gave the Green Elephant Clan a bunch of storage containers filled with plant seeds, flew to the Elephant Clan's territory and went down the river to collect water, and let a group of little creatures net fish.

Lingzhi Doll and Yan Doll each have a set of fairy robes, leaf-shaped flying machines, and defensive magic weapons. They are very energetic.

The little creatures were each assigned two fishing nets and happily followed the fairy to catch fish.

There is snow in winter, so animals don’t need to run to rivers to drink water. Little Lolita can intercept rivers to get water without any worries, and she can intercept as much water as she wants.

She took the little creature to spend a few days netting fish in the shallow water first, and then went back to catch the snow fat fish.

After visiting all the rivers in the Green Elephant Clan's territory, the little Loli went to other Beast Clan's territories to fish, including all the Beast Clan's territories where there were more snow-fat fish.

After catching the snow-fat fish, the little Loli sent the little creatures back to the spiritual plant space, then collected snow and water, and collected humus soil in the plain forest.

Yan Shaoxuan and the beasts didn't know where the little Loli/fairy had gone. The beasts also blew away a layer of snow in the canyon plain of the Silverhorn Sheep's territory.

When spring returns to the earth again, before setting off to collect, Le classmate, the handsome guys and Beast beast informed them in advance that she was going to a far away place and it might take several years to come back, so that they knew what she was doing.

Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts accepted it well.

Little Loli summoned the Nine Silver Star Brothers and led them to send the puppet teams to various collection points. Then they gave the Nine Star Brothers one bow and rudder to control the spirit boat, and asked the Nine Star Brothers to be responsible for picking up and transporting the puppets.

The Silver Star brothers took on the task given by their master and were responsible for collecting plant resources in the Silverhorn Sheep's territory.

The humanoid beasts with the star patterns on their foreheads were originally ruthless characters whose abilities surpassed those of the mortal immortals and snow foxes. The big demons of the Silverhorn Sheep Tribe trembled in fear when they saw them, and they were all as honest as wild beasts and little lambs.

Leaving behind a powerful weapon that could frighten the beast tribe, Le Yun drove the spirit boat across the mountains and flew to the canyon outside the Formation Eye Secret Realm in the ancient secret realm.

In the past, there were great demons hidden in the clouds and mists to the east outside the secret realm of the Formation Eye all year round, and their number remained at around two hundred.

After the human race killed the Mortal Immortal Snow Fox, the big demons of all races were afraid that the little human cubs would do something to them if they saw them and found them distasteful, so they all left first as a sign of respect.

Without the monsters squatting guarding, the eastern peaks of the Formation Eye Secret Realm barrier are especially quiet.

The little Loli walked alone into the thick clouds and fog, and went to explore the secret realm of the Formation Eye.

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