magic eye doctor

Chapter 3347: Give up

Chapter 3347: Give up

A few years ago, Xiong Shan communicated with the long-eared bear demons about sending his two brothers to train. Later, the little fairy went out and did not return, and they never took their brothers to the two tribes for training.

When the big demons of the Long-eared Bear Clan saw Xiong Shan coming with two young human monks, they knew exactly what was going on and immediately made arrangements.

Xiong Shan and Diamond Ape handed over their brother to the big demon of the long-eared bear, and met with the bear clan leader Shan'er.

Xiong Shan opened the wooden box given by the little fairy and took out a storage bag marked with the long-eared bear clan's words to the long-eared bear clan. It was the hard work paid by the little fairy to ask the long-eared bear to train his two brothers.

Patriarch Xiong opened the storage bag and saw several boxes and a jade slip. He first took out the jade slip and put it on his forehead to read the information. His pupils suddenly trembled.

The little fairy gave me two 500-foot-long storage containers for her hard work, as well as ten bottles of elixirs and ten fairy magic weapons!

The lowest elixir is also a heavenly elixir, and there are two kinds of elixirs.

The Immortal Pill is also the Soul-Reviving Pill and the Soul-Returning Pill, which are extremely precious.

The little fairy gave too much!

The wealth was not revealed, so the Xiong clan leader kept silent. He put away the bag containing the hard-earned money and took Xiong Shan and his friends from the ape clan to see how the little bears trained the young monks.

Yan Shaoxuan was ordered not to use magic weapons. Before cutting off, he was forced to change his robes, various defensive magic weapons, and storage containers, and gave them to the contracted beast for safekeeping.

After finishing the meal, the long-eared bear's first partner was a Void Refining Realm bear with the same cultivation level as the two young masters.

The Bear Clan is a powerful beast race with rough skin and rough flesh. Although the two young men also have body training, without the blessing of defensive magic weapons and weapons, they are weak in front of the Bear Clan.

The two young masters were each beaten by their opponents.

When fighting alone, they were suppressed and beaten, and when two people fought together, they were also suppressed and beaten.

The Long-eared Bear's Void Refining Bear completely tortured the two tribes.

At the end of the day, the two young men were covered with wounds, skin and flesh injuries, and internal injuries. They were so painful that they felt like they were falling apart. They couldn't get up even after sitting down.

Beast Beast, who followed his brothers, took out the elixir and gave it to him. The next day, he took the two brothers to the training ground again and was tortured.

The two young masters were not only beaten but also beaten the next day.

The two young men were very good at taking beatings. With the help of the elixir, they were beaten to the point of being half-dead one day, but they were able to show up at the training ground steadily the next day.

There are benefits to being beaten every day. At first, I could only stand on my knees for one stick of incense at most. The more I was beaten, the longer I could stand.

When the little Loli summoned the two young men and the beast back to celebrate the New Year, the two young men could not kneel down for three quarters of an hour under the hands of the Xiong friends of the same level.

Beast Beast, who was on New Year's leave, took his brother back to the camp to celebrate the New Year.

The annual leave is very short, from the day before the New Year's Day to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, King Kong Ape and Long-eared Bear took their two brothers to King Kong Ape for training.

The Diamond Ape also received hard money from the human fairies. Their hard money was exactly the same as that of the long-eared bear family.

Like the Long-eared Bear, the Diamond Ape Tribe is also particularly focused on the task of training the two young monks.

The two young men once again started a turbulent training career.

When the two brothers went to the beast tribe to receive training, the four humanoid beasts followed the little fairy to collect water, fish, and clear the snow. They lived a fulfilling life every day.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao, who were tortured to pieces every day, were not temporarily liberated until the annual gathering season came.

The reason why it is said to be temporary is because they have to continue to be "trained" during the winter.

After class was finally over, Yan Shao and Xuan Shao were afraid that the little Lolita would ask them about the results of their studies in the Orcs. They didn't even dare to go back to the camp and went directly to the various Orcs' territories to scavenge resources.

Today, only resources can soothe their devastated hearts.

A team of puppets and little creatures are responsible for collecting supplies. The little Loli makes spiritual meals at the camp, brews vinegar, soy sauce and miso, and collects water at night.

She only goes out twice a year. One is to dig bamboo shoots in spring, and the other is to collect poultry eggs during the season. She also sends a group of puppets to the great plains north of the Silverhorn Sheep territory to collect pine cones, bamboo bird's nests, and plant seeds.

Sometimes when I have free time, I also collect mushrooms or plants from the mountains or plains near the camp. When I go to the mountains to clean up, I also take the opportunity to release a few silverhorn ewes.

With a word from a gentleman and a whip from the horse, she promised the ewes that as long as they would give her the lambs they gave birth to, she would let them live. Naturally, she could not break her promise.

Unable to find a suitable place to release them elsewhere, Le Yun finally took a few ewes back to the ancient secret realm and sent them back to their birthplace.

In the spring, the two young men did not want to see the little Loli. When the time entered the autumn, the embarrassment of the two young men disappeared. The two young men and the beasts ran back to the camp the day before the Double Ninth Festival, and asked the Little Loli to help them show off the newly collected Camellia oleifera fruits, Make Double Ninth Festival wine.

After brewing a batch of Double Ninth Festival wine, steaming rice and brewing a large amount of vinegar and sauce, Young Master Xuan and the beasts went out to collect supplies in a hurry.

Although the two young masters were a little resistant to "learning", they just said that during the cat winter season, they would honestly go to the orcs to be trained.

The human race seemed to be in a permanent position, and the resources in the surrounding orcs' territories were taken away time and time again, but none of the orcs dared to say a word.

The aroma cloud above the human settlement persists for years, and the aroma of the food is driving many big demons crazy.

Spring has passed, autumn has come, cold has come and summer has passed, and in the blink of an eye, it has been five years since the little Loli emerged from the Secret Realm of the Formation Eye.

Young Master Xuan and Yan, who was mentally tortured, never reminded the little Lolita to set off back to the Northern Continent.

Little Loli spent five years to accumulate a large amount of stored food, put away her own spiritual meals and ingredients, and made spiritual meals for them with the ingredients provided by Beast Beast and the two young masters.

The beasts and the two handsome guys had limited ingredients, and they had less time during the spiritual meal preparation period. She decisively led the puppets to shell the sun-dried camellia oleifera fruits and squeeze out the oil.

There are professional machines for oil extraction, and there are puppets to watch over them. They work day and night, and in just two months, all the camellia berries that the two young masters and the beasts have accumulated for many years have been turned into camellia oil.

Little Loli herself is not short of food oil, so she has not squeezed the camellia oil for the time being. She will wait until all the camellia oleifera fruits are dried out before squeezing them together.

She couldn't sit still, mainly because she didn't want to waste time, so she arranged the work of making sausages.

The puppets making sausages are still the same batch as before and have work experience.

It only took the little Loli three months to get the personal ingredients of the two young masters and the beasts, and then use the public ingredients to continue making spiritual meals.

When the snowfall came to an end, Yan Shaoxuan found out that little Loli was making sausages, transformed into a sticky bug, and pestered Little Loli to help them make some.

The beasts are not far behind.

The beasts did not understand the meaning for the first time and exchanged their shares for Brother Yan. Later, they tasted the sausages made by the little fairy, understood the essence and taste, and regretted it.

The two handsome guys followed them around like bees. Le Yun was so annoyed that she couldn't help but nodded with a sullen face.

After successfully persuading the little Loli, Yan Shaoxuan was afraid that the Little Loli would regret it, so he added a bunch of meat raw materials to the public ingredients and hurriedly went to the Orcs to "train".

The two young men provided the most raw materials, and the tools, puppets and puppets were forced to work.

Because more ingredients were added, Le Yun's workload also increased again. The work that could have been completed within five months was unexpectedly extended by a whole month.

It was also autumn at that time.

Finally finished, Le Yun breathed a sigh of relief, put away the kitchen utensils, and used a few small clay stoves to boil special medicine for herself to help bone growth.

She prescribed herself a course of medication, nine doses in total.

It takes a total of nine days from the time the medicine is put into the pot to the time it is taken out of the pot.

A dose of medicine is boiled three times. The first time it takes four days and four nights from the time it is put in the pot to the time it is taken out of the pot. It is boiled with boiling water for two days and two nights. The third medicinal soup is also boiled for two days and two nights.

Mix the medicinal soup prepared three times together, boil it for a day and night, and then take it in two doses.

The little Loli devoted herself to brewing the medicine for herself. She put the first dose on the stove and boiled it for a day and a night, then started another pot to boil the second dose, and then followed the same pattern.

When the first dose of medicine is heated, the soup is as dark as ink, but there is no smell at all.

It was the morning of the day when the medicine came out. Taking into account her own uniqueness, Leyun also increased the amount of medicine she prepared. The amount of medicinal soup she brewed was about thirty kilograms, and she had to drink fifteen kilograms at a time.

Divide the medicinal soup into two parts, take one part in the morning and evening.

The portion to be taken in the evening was packed in a jade bowl that was kept warm and fresh and stored in the space. Le Yun held the medicinal soup to be taken in the morning, waited until the temperature was moderate, and took a sip.

After that bite, her facial features wrinkled up.

OMG, sweet, so sweet!

So sweet!

Le Yun, whose facial features were so sweet that they all squeezed together, swallowed the medicinal soup forcefully and pursed her lips.

Don't ask how sweet it is.

Anyway, Le Yun would not tell anyone that the sweetness of that medicinal soup was equivalent to the sweetness of thirty pounds of refined white sugar!

It was the first time she prepared medicine to help her grow taller. The medicine was painfully bitter and spicy.

This time it was better, the medicinal soup was neither bitter nor spicy, it turned into a deathly sweet taste.


After taking a moment, Leyun breathed out slowly, not knowing what to say.

Tell me, why does the medicine she prepares for herself always taste so weird?

No matter how weird it is, you still have to drink it.

In order to grow taller, be sweet.

After convincing herself, Le Yun closed her eyes, raised her neck, swallowed like a cow drinking water, and drank the whole bowl of soup.

After finishing the medicinal soup in one sip, he rinsed the bowl with warm water and drank the water from the rinsing bowl. He tightly closed his mouth and suppressed the sweetness in his throat.

She felt like she had turned into a little saccharine!

Le Yun closed her mouth like a clam shell and sat for a whole hour before digesting the sweet taste in her stomach. She lay down on the spot and pretended to be dead.

It is too sweet!

It's so sweet.

She had never tasted anything sweeter than medicinal soup in her life. The sweet fruit she tasted in Ningcheng was nowhere near as sweet as medicinal soup.

The world is so big and full of wonders, but I still don’t know much about it.

To be honest, after taking the medicine, Le Yun felt that the breath she exhaled was sweet, and the smell of sweat exuding from her pores was sweet.

The medicinal soup is too sweet, so sweet that people don’t want to taste it again.

But no matter how sweet it is, you have to drink it.

The little Loli bravely boiled the medicine and poured the medicine herself.

After drinking the first dose of medicine, there was no movement in the bones and muscles, only the hair showed a tendency to grow.

After taking the second dose of medicine, there was still no effect as expected. The hair growth was visible to the naked eye, and it could grow two inches in one day.

It wasn’t until I finished the third dose of medicine that I felt a reaction!

Unfortunately, it's not the bones that react, it's still the hair.

The hair grows rapidly, growing up to four centimeters in just one night.

"I..." Le Yun almost cursed when she saw the new long hair.

She wants to grow taller, not to grow longer hair!

Le Yun was about to cry but had no tears, so she could only comfort herself: "This is only three doses of medicine, don't rush!"

After taking the medicine for the fourth time, I still haven't grown in height. The growth rate of my hair is visible to the naked eye. It has grown by 11 centimeters in one day and one night.

On the evening of the fifth day, less than two hours after taking the medicine, Le Yun felt itchy on her scalp. The itch was not any kind of itch, but the itch caused by new hair rushing to drill into certain "holes".

And the itch caused by the hair's own expansion of territory, a road to the sky emerging from the scalp.

Le Yun untied the hairband and let her hair free.

She also didn't sleep all night, and she "witnessed" the process of hair growing from scratch. She felt that a stubble of hair grew overnight, and then it was simply ruined.

Of course, I will continue to drink the medicine. As for whether I will grow taller after drinking it, I will leave it to fate.

The little loli who resigned to her fate, with a sweet-forget-it mentality, drank a bowl of sweet medicinal soup every morning and night, and watched her hair grow with great resentment.

In her resentful little eyes, her hair looks the same every day.

After the ninth dose of medicine was finished, the little loli put away her tools and lay down on the spot. She didn't care anymore and did whatever she liked.

She slept for the first time in nine days, and she slept for two nights and one day before waking up naturally.

Get up after a nap and look at your hair again.

Very good, in just a few days, her hair, which was almost even with her ankles, has grown dozens of centimeters longer than her height, with a total length of 2.28 meters.

The new hair that grew later was about ninety-five centimeters long, measured from the nape of the neck, and the tip of the hair was only a few centimeters away from the bend of the knee.

As for height...

The question is just five words - I have a hammer!

He is not tall but his hair is long.

Just asking how you feel!

Looking at the long hair that stretched to the floor, Le Yun felt bitter: "You idiot with hair! Why do you grow it so long! It's obviously not yours to grow, so why are you joining in the fun!!"

She couldn't blame herself, she could only blame her hair.

It's not as long as it should be, and there's no need to try to grow it as long as it needs to be.

The typical example is "If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not live, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade."

But Le Yun doesn't want Liu.

The most depressing thing is another problem - new hair also has the power of merit.

This is very puzzling.

Could it be that because she has so many merits, her original hair cannot bear the weight of her life, so she grows another hair to help relieve her worries?

She didn't understand why, and Le Yun didn't bother to waste any more energy. She went back to the Ruyi Room on the Lingzhou to take a shower and wash her hair with a sad face.

This is what happened, even if she doesn't want to accept it, she has to accept it.

Before, she still had some hope and thought it could be saved.

Nowadays, the growth-enhancing medicines that are mainly composed of Thousand Silk Grass, Ice Muscle Fruit and Jade Bone Grass are not effective, and even if they find various heaven and earth divine objects, they will not be effective.

Her height in this life has been fixed at 1.58 meters.

If you want to transform into a tall beauty with long legs, do it in your next life.

In fact, the moment she knew that she had created a perfect golden body, she should not have given up hope. However, because of the Thousand Silk Grass, Ice Muscle Fruit and Jade Bone Grass, she would not be willing to give it a try.

Now, she has given up completely.

No matter what kind of magical plant can be found to help bone growth in the future, she will never bother and will just be a thousand-year-old little file.

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