magic eye doctor

Chapter 3348 Leaving

Chapter 3348 Leaving

No gold is barefoot, and no man is perfect.

You are so good, so be shorter.

Being severely beaten by reality and unable to resist, Le Yun had no choice but to use Ah Q's spirit to convince herself not to be sad about her height.

I coaxed myself, took a shower, and blow-dried my hair. When I wanted to tie my hair up, I inevitably became depressed - my hair was too thick!

In the past, the hair volume was the type that would make people with hair loss jealous and want to wear a sack in the middle of the night. This time, about two-fifths of the hair volume has been added.

After tying her hair into a high ponytail, Le Yun tested the weight of her hair. Oh my god, it weighed a full eleven kilograms!

Fortunately, it is hair, and I can't feel the weight. If I wear a phoenix crown headdress, it can compress and deform the cervical spine without breaking my neck. I will be friends with cervical spondylosis every minute.

No matter how depressed Le Yun was about her long hair, it would not help. She raised the ends of her hair to a position almost as high as new hair and then folded and tied it up.

If the ends of the hair are folded too little, they will hang low after being tied, which will slap the heels or calves. If the hair is tied higher and kept in the air, it will be difficult for outsiders to see it if it is covered by a cloak.

A new crop of hair was added, and the volume of hair increased significantly. In order to make people ignore her hair as much as possible, she had to add a few more hairpins and gems to the headband that bound her hair.

After tidying up her hair, Leyun went hiking again.

This time, she really traveled far away from the territories of several nearby orcs, heading towards the east of the Formation Eye Secret Realm, covering a distance of hundreds of billions of miles.

Then it made a big turn from east to north, and finally returned to the Silverhorn Sheep territory from the north.

It was autumn when she left, and she returned to the great plains in the northern part of the silverhorn territory two years later in early winter.

The little Loli first went to the northern part of the plain to scavenge some resources, and took charge of a team of puppets collected in the Great Plains. Then she went to the forest green elephant territory.

The human fairy visited the Green Elephant Clan’s territory for the third time. Fourteen years had passed since her second visit. The resources collected by the Green Elephant Clan also filled the storage bags that the human fairy gave them to hold porcelain sources.

The big demons of the Green Elephant tribe warmly entertained the little human fairy. When they negotiated the deal, they initially agreed on a minimum date of ten years. The big demons of the Green Elephant tribe also rushed back to their families within the deadline.

The little fairy from the human race did not come to trade, so the Green Elephant Clan was not worried at all about her breaking her promise and used the extra four years to collect a lot of resources.

As business was business, Le Yun checked the contents of the storage device and the water in a space bottle and the spiritual spring water in the water storage container that they had collected. She felt that the Qing Elephant Clan would be at a loss if they only changed the storage device, so she asked them if they wanted immortal magic weapons and magic weapons. Pill.

How can the Qingxiang Clan not want it? For them, fairy magic weapons and elixirs are all coveted resources.

Leyun gave the Qingxiang tribe several storage containers, three fairy magic weapons and four elixirs, delivered the trading items, and took the little creatures to lay fish.

This time, she went to the giant lake downstream, sucked half of the water out of the giant lake, caught a large number of fish and shrimp, and then moved up the river.

The little fairy used a magic weapon to absorb water in the front, and a group of little creatures followed behind to catch fish, having fun and forgetting about the world.

Little Loli took a group of helpers to sweep the river in the territory of the Green Elephant Tribe, and then went to fish in the Territory of the Gray Elephant Tribe on the other side of the river.

The human race only cut off water for fishing, and did not rob the resources of the various spiritual caves in their territory, nor did they hunt and kill baby elephants. The Gray Elephant Clan acquiesced to the unreasonable behavior of the human race.

After several rounds of fishing in the Qingxiang tribe's territory, the number of fat fish has decreased a lot. Of course, it is still far more than the number of fat fish in the territories of other beast tribes.

The rivers in the Gray Elephant tribe's territory have never been pumped for fishing. The number of fatty fish is considerable, as are the numbers of other fish and shrimps.

The little creatures carried the nets to fish, and each net brought a bumper harvest. They were so happy that they wished they could grow heads and six arms, and they were so energetic that they worked day and night.

After visiting the large and small rivers in the territory of the Gray Elephant Clan, Classmate Le led a group of little creatures back to the territory of the Silverhorn Sheep.

When she returned to the camp, Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan had already gone to the beast tribe to "study", and only four humanoid beasts and puppets remained at the base camp.

The beasts are dealing with the beasts in the food warehouse, and the cotton doll is packing the spiritual plants.

When the little fairy came back, the beasts stopped working, packed up their tools, turned into little bees and circled around the little fairy, and the cotton doll also dived into the pile of friends.

Three women can put together a show, let alone four beasts and a large group of little creatures. Le Yun was bombarded by the chirping sounds and her head was buzzing.

In order to kill the excess energy of the beasts and little creatures, she decisively led a group of lively beasts out to fish.

There are no big demons stationed in the canyon area to the east of the Secret Realm of the Formation Eye, and the fish in the river have also had to recuperate for more than ten years. In addition, fish from other areas enter the canyons with the aura of the big demons to avoid the attacks of aquatic monsters. The number of fish-like creatures is astonishing.

Little Loli took the beasts and little creatures to clean up the rivers in several canyons outside the secret realm of the Formation Eye, and then also cleaned up the rivers in the Silverhorn Sheep territory and the great plains further north.

The four humanoid beasts and a group of little creatures were so excited that they were busy fishing day and night. After catching the fish and returning to the camp, they sorted the fish and then peeled off the membrane of the white fish. They were too busy to stick to the little fairy.

Arranged jobs for beasts and little creatures, little lolita and a group of foodies.

She makes handmade cold skin, and of course there is a simple method - prepare the ingredients, then use a bamboo dustpan as a template, spread the ingredients into a thin layer inside the bamboo dustpan, and then put it in a steamer to steam.

There are simple methods available, making cold skin is quick and labor-saving.

She worked non-stop for five days, and the Liangpi piled up several hills.

Collect enough ingredients, cut the cold skin into two-finger-wide strips, mix with seasonings and cool.

Liangpi and shredded cucumber have always been a golden partner. The ingredients for Little Loli also include cucumber and an aquatic plant that tastes like kelp.

The little fairy was mixing cold skin, and four humanoid beasts and little creatures stood around and stretched their necks to wait, swallowing saliva while waiting.

When the bowl filled with snacks is given to you, you can't wait to eat it without waiting for the taste.

The beasts and little creatures each received a large basin of cold skin, which weighed at least a hundred kilograms including the ingredients, and they were all finished in less than ten minutes.

As a chef, Le Yun first set up the ingredients and some small tools, and then sat down with a porcelain bowl to taste her craftsmanship. As a result, she saw that the bowls of the beasts and little creatures were empty.


Just suffocating.

The fruits of her five days of hard work were wiped out by the beasts and little creatures in less than five minutes. This achievement was astonishing.

Little Loli pretended not to notice the looks of the beasts, slowly finished her small bowl of cold skin, cleaned the bowl, and calmly returned to Lingzhou's tree house to sleep with Baby Dan and Baby War Beast.

The four humanoid beasts and the little creatures saw that there was no chance, so they packed up and continued to deal with the white fish.

The beasts and little creatures worked hard, but Le's conscience did not allow her to be lazy for too long. After resting for a few minutes, she got up and continued making cold skin.

The little creatures are more energetic.

Little Loli saved up all the cold skin she made, put away her tools two days before New Year's Eve, made New Year's spiritual meals, and notified the Diamond Ape and Long-eared Bear to return to the camp to celebrate the New Year.

The Diamond Ape and the Long-eared Bear took their two brothers with them from the Silverhorn Sheep territory, the territory of the Diamond Ape family, on the day before the Chinese New Year. The two young men returned to the camp, ran to the work shed where the little Loli was cooking, moved a chair, sat down and collapsed into a panda stall, moaning that it hurt.

"Childish!" Le Yun sent two words to the two young masters and ignored them directly.

The two childish young men were so evil that they ran to the little Lolita and rolled up their sleeves to show her the bruises.

"I'm not talking nonsense, little beauty, look at my arms that are almost swollen like eggplants."

"Look at this, how badly I was beaten. I was almost beaten into a dog."

The two young men were showing off their injuries. Le Yun glanced at them in a dignified manner and asked calmly: "I saw it, what happens next?"

"Ah, what then?"

Yan Shaoxuan Shao was a little confused.

"Didn't you two ask me to examine your injuries? I looked at them and you asked me to help you fight and beat up the diamond ape and the long-eared bear, or something like that?"

The little Loli seemed to be smiling, but Yan Shaoxuan was so scared that he waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, no need to help fight."

"What about that? Just give me some medicine to apply on it, and some fish paste and fish jelly to eat."

Yes, the fox of the two young masters was exposed. Le Yun smiled brightly: "A little skin injury does not require fish paste and fish jelly. How about I call the Jiuxing brothers over and let them train you for a few days."

"Oh, no need!"

"No, no! We just got back from studying and we don't want to go to class again!"

Xuan Shaoyan was so frightened that he ran away without even taking the seat. He ran out of the wooden shed and hid in the beast group to help deal with the white fish, so as not to be caught by the little lolita and thrown to the puppet man for training.

The two young monks fled like rabbits to take refuge, but they made a group of little creatures laugh out loud.

"This is called immortality if you don't do it." Calabash kid laughed openly at his two brothers.

"It's hard not to break up, little Guozi, we are friends who have been dependent on each other for hundreds of years." Mr. Xuan discussed with Calabash Baby with a smile on his face.

"Okay, next time you act like a monster, my friends and I will pretend we didn't see you." Calabash Boy nodded solemnly.

"That's not what I meant. What I mean is that next time we are in trouble and we are trying to commit suicide, if you find someone who is targeting you, please stop us in time and don't let us mess with your little fairy."

"This is too difficult. After all, you and Brother Yan are really good at acting like monsters. If you don't slip away, you will go off to mess with the little fairy. We may not be able to bring you back even if we try."

"Xiao Guozi is right." The other beasts agreed in unison.

"..." Mr. Yan and Xuan Shao, who are good at making monsters, are so angry. They are obviously very contented, but why do they become good at making monsters in the eyes of their friends?

The two demon masters, who couldn't figure it out, were killing fish in a depressed manner.

However, the depression was temporary. In less than half an hour, their souls were healed by the aroma of the spiritual meal and resurrected with full blood.

After regaining his energy, Mr. Xuan did not make the spiritual meal. He and Mr. Yan killed a fish with their friends and had New Year's Eve as a holiday.

People and animals are on holiday, playing happily all day long, and in the evening there is a New Year's Eve dinner cooked by little lolita/fairy.

The New Year's Eve dinner was so sumptuous that people and beasts were almost swallowed by the rice bowls and chopsticks. They also drank the long-awaited pumpkin pot seafood soup.

Xuan Shaoyan will have to go to the beast tribe to study when he is a teenager, and they will continue to enjoy the holidays after the New Year.

Unfortunately, after three days of eating and drinking, the little Loli couldn't stand it anymore and asked January and February, one of the Silver Moon siblings, to personally test the two handsome boys' learning achievements in the Orcs.

The little lolita, the beasts, and the little creatures moved to a bench and sat in a row, holding snack bags, eating fried clams and watching the two brothers being drilled by the puppet man.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were tortured by Mahayana beasts in the beast tribe and by puppets in the camp. They were tortured to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. When the little Loli shouted to stop, the two of them lay down on the snow and pretended to be dead.

Student Le did not spoil the two of them. On the sixth day of the New Year, he still let the long-eared bear and the king kong ape take the two handsome guys to the beast tribe to "learn from them" as usual.

Before leaving, the little Loli talked to the ape and the bear alone for a while. When they set off, the ape, the ape, and the bear were all happy.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan did not dare to ask at that time, so they pestered their contract beast partners to find out what the little Loli wanted to say. Unfortunately, their partners refused to tell.

His own contracted beast followed little Loli's words. Yan Shaoxuan was so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall to no avail, so he was sent to the long-eared bear clan by the beast.

The long-eared bear went to the chief of the bear clan alone and handed over another thank-you gift from the little fairy to the two training brothers of the long-eared bear clan.

The big demon of the long-eared bear tribe accepted the thank you gift and quickly changed the training plan, arranging for the eleventh and twelfth level demon to conduct special training for the two youths.

Diamond Ape and Long-eared Xiongxiong Mountain, I stayed with my two brothers at Long-eared Bear until the ice and snow melted, and then I took my two brothers to the Diamond Ape tribe.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan thought he could collect them when spring came and the flowers bloomed. However, he was thrown into the Diamond Ape by his beast companions and was once again forced to undergo training with the 11th-level and 12th-level demons.

The great demon of the Diamond Ape started twenty days of special training for the human race, and then reluctantly sent away the two great demons of the ape race and the three guests.

The long-eared bear and the diamond ape did not take the two brothers to the collection site, but took the two brothers to the camp.

When they returned, the little Loli had packed up all kinds of tools and supplies, leaving only the formation disk untouched.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan originally thought that he was going to be inspected by the puppets when he returned to the camp. He looked decadent, but he was shocked when he saw that the wooden sheds and other things had been pulled out.

"Little Lolita, are we... leaving?"

"Yes, it's time for us to return to the Northern Continent." The two handsome guys and the Mahayana beast came back. Le Yun flew out of the magic weapon barrier in the spirit boat and recalled the array.

"Ah, so fast." Mr. Xuan was reluctant to leave.

Young Master Yan and the beasts were also a little reluctant to part with them. The treasures in the secret realm were so luxuriant that people couldn't let them go.

"This stay has lasted more than ten years, and you are still not satisfied?"

"The wilderness has beautiful mountains and clear waters and rich products. It is simply a paradise on earth. Even if we live there for another fifty years, it won't feel long." The most important thing is to go to the territory of the Orcs to grab resources. The Orcs still dare not speak out in anger.

Le Yun looked at the two handsome guys and ignored them. The two handsome guys were typical of the lack of support. They were not afraid that they would steal the resources in the core area of ​​the orc tribe's territory every year. As time went by, the orc tribe became intolerable and started to attack in groups.

Although Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were reluctant to give up resources, they did not cause any scenes of crying, making trouble and hanging themselves to make the little Loli change her mind, and just accepted the reality.

When the spirit boat flew to a certain canyon filled with clouds and mist, the two young masters were sure that they were really going back to the Northern Continent.

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