magic eye doctor

Chapter 3349 Hunting

Chapter 3349 Hunting

Young Master Xuan and Young Master were both excited and melancholy.

Returning to the Northern Continent also means that the time to go home is not far away.

Time flies so fast, and before they know it, they have stayed in Yunlan for more than two hundred years. Before that, they had been busy scavenging for resources and rarely missed home.

Having no time to miss home does not mean missing home.

To be honest, if they were allowed to go home, they would really be reluctant to leave Yunlan. There was no other way, Yunlan had too many cultivation resources.

Young Master Xuan was in a very conflicted mood.

The four humanoid beasts saw the familiar scenery and guessed that the little fairy was going to enter the ancient secret realm. They almost jumped up with excitement. There were good ingredients in the secret realm, but they didn't know if they could still hunt.

Le Yun did not explain where she was going, she shrunk the spirit boat and put it in her sleeve, walked into the cloud layer, and then stepped into the barrier.

The two young men and the beasts who stayed in the spirit boat could see bright light through their sleeves at first. Soon, white light flashed in their field of vision. The white light was dazzling.

The two young masters and Beast Beast were forced to close their eyes, feeling vaguely dizzy.

I don't know how long it took, but Young Master Xuan, Young Master Yan, and Young Master Beast Huoran, who had their eyes closed, felt as if the spirit boat was being thrown up with such force that even their hearts lifted up.

After the violent shaking, everything was calm.

At the same time, the light source can be sensed.

Young Master Xuan Yan and the beasts opened their eyes and looked around, and were surprised to find that the spirit boat was parked in the air several hundred feet above the ground. They could also see the grassland and rolling hills in the distance.

That is to say, they should have entered the Formation Eye Secret Realm of the Ancient Secret Realm and landed successfully.

The two young men and the beast jumped up excitedly, rushed out of the spirit boat and looked around. Outside the spirit boat, the sky was vast, the grass was covered with green grass, and groups of herbivorous beasts were wandering in the distance.


The eyes of man and beast were fixed - the little lolita/fairy fell straight on the grass, still lying motionless with her face on the ground.

"little fairy!"

The gourd baby rushed towards the little fairy in shock.

Yan Shaoxuan and his fellow contract beasts were also frightened and rushed towards the little loli/fairy.

Calabash Baby flew to the little fairy and carefully leaned over to pick up the little fairy.

The little fairy had no external injuries and was temporarily unconscious.

"The little fairy must have suffered the sequelae of teleportation because she fainted after entering the barrier." Calabash Baby guessed the reason and hurriedly sent the little fairy back to the spirit boat to rest.

Yan Shao, Xuan Shao and the beasts also followed back to the spirit boat and waited for the people to wake up together.

They sat there for nearly three hours, and the person who had been lying still for an hour and a half finally woke up.

The gourd boys and the beasts gathered around them excitedly, saying "little fairy" one by one, with a tone full of concern.

Leyun lay looking up at the sky, looking at the faces of the beasts, grinning: "Nothing's wrong."

Nothing happened means nothing serious, and I was still a little dizzy.

After moving a little, it felt like water was swimming in her head. Le Yun sat up and started practicing immediately.

When Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts saw that the little Loli/fairy was really fine, they stopped staying in the spirit boat and ran to the grassland to pick spiritual herbs.

I don’t know if I can hunt yet, but picking plants should be no problem.

Even if Shao Xuan, Shao Yan, Shui Dun, and Bai Yin Ying Sheng are not particularly sensitive, they can still feel that the spiritual energy in the Formation Eye Secret Realm is much richer than before.

The spiritual energy in the secret realm of Zhenyan is strong and the climate is warm and humid. In early spring, the plants are already growing prosperously, and even many plants that used to be weeds have been promoted to spiritual plants.

The grass is covered with spiritual herbs, and the two young men and the beasts happily pick/dig the spiritual herbs.

After recovering from the practice, Le Yun looked around and found the two handsome guys and the beasts scattered on the grass. They were dozens of miles away.

The handsome guys and beasts were busy picking spiritual plants, but she was not in a hurry. She took out the egg babies and war beast egg babies sent into the star core world and put them in the spirit boat to absorb the essence of the sun and moon.

Then all the little creatures who had returned to the coniferous tree spirit plant space were carried out, and they drove the spirit boat to find the handsome guy and the beasts.

The spirit boat of the little Lolita/Fairy from Yan Shaoxuan and Zhu Shou was here. No need to say hello, they just flew up into the sky and got into the spirit boat.

"Little fairy, can I still hunt?"

"Little loli/little beauty, can you hunt?"

The four humanoid beasts and the two boys asked the same question at the same time.

Even though most of the ingredients they harvested from the first hunt were still in use, they were still greedy when they saw the herds of herbivores and wanted to replenish their food arsenal.

Not to mention the three Mahayana beasts. Their private food store only had poultry and meat ingredients purchased on the way from Zhuzhou to the wilderness, and there were only a handful of wild food ingredients.

"I guessed that you would be happy to meet Hunter Xin, so I sent you to an area where you can hunt. The rules of hunting remain the same, and you can't be greedy." Le Yun turned around in the spirit boat and flew to the eastern plateau.

A few years ago, when she was hunting herbivorous beasts in the Formation Eye Secret Realm, she reserved an area without arranging for puppets to hunt. The purpose was to reserve it for the two handsome guys and the beasts to hunt.

"Yeah!" The four humanoid beasts jumped up and down excitedly.

"The ingredients are coming to my bowl soon!" Mr. Xuan rubbed his hands happily, and then asked: "Little beauty, are the dolls also participating in hunting?" "No, we don't hunt."

"Don't worry, we won't compete with you for prey."

The dolls smiled sweetly, and the little fairy said that they were little cuties who only did delicate and important work, leaving the killing and killing work to the monks who were big and heavy.

"We are not afraid of you snatching prey, but we are worried that you will be injured by herbivorous beasts." The herbivorous beasts also have small monsters that have been promoted to monsters, and they have a certain degree of lethality.

The Lingzhi Dolls and Rock Dolls looked at the big monsters and the two brothers and laughed. They would not tell the two brothers that they had fairy robes, and fairy-level monsters might not be able to hurt them.

Le Yun flew the spirit boat across the plains and hilly areas, entered the eastern plateau of the Formation Eye Secret Realm, and sent the two handsome guys and the beast to the lower reaches of a canyon.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and the seven beasts jumped off the spirit boat and landed on the top of the herbaceous plants several feet high, all eager to try.

"You only have a few months to hunt. If the general sweeps this canyon and I haven't come to pick you up, you can go to the adjacent canyon to the east."

Le Yun gave another instruction and took off in the spirit boat.


Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and the beasts replied passionately, watching as the spirit boat turned into a small dot and disappeared from sight, seeming to emerge from the forest and rush towards the herbivorous beasts on the grassland of the canyon plain.

After driving the spirit boat away from the canyon, Le Yun changed to the Qingyun and flew to the northern plateau in just over an hour, sending a group of little creatures to the largest canyon in the plateau.

The little creatures brought the artifacts for collecting fresh milk and started the collection work excitedly.

Le Yun also sent out the Twelve Venuses, and arranged for 20,000 puppets to collect long-tailed cow dung. He also arranged tens of thousands of puppets to hunt and pick up cow dung in various grand canyons and plains on the northern plateau.

In addition to secretly taking care of the little creatures, Twelve Venus has another task - to collect spiritual plants and plant seeds.

Leyun then turned to the central area of ​​the formation, put down tens of thousands more puppets, and then went straight to the desert that had not yet become an oasis.

When the spirit boat arrived in the desert, it was already past half afternoon.

In the desert in the middle of the afternoon, the light is a little weaker, but the temperature is still very high compared to areas covered by vegetation.

Le Yun, who cherishes time like gold, will not waste any time. She closed the barrier of the spirit boat, took out several large drying trays and put them in the air, and poured the Camellia oleifera fruits that the two young men and Beast Beast had accumulated for many years into the drying trays.

The purpose of her trip to the desert was to help the two handsome guys and the beasts dry their camellia oleifera fruits and her own camellia oleifera fruits and tung trees.

She had planned to take the teleportation array when she returned to the Northern Continent, because the teleportation array would also take more than three years to travel. At that time, the two handsome guys and Beast Beast were squeezing tea oil in the spiritual plant space.

Vegetable oil is also needed when making spiritual meals. She has helped Handsome Guy and the beasts to dry and squeeze the camellia berries that she had accumulated in the years before she helped them make spiritual meals. The remaining camellia berries were collected later.

There is a drying tray for easy drying.

The little Loli had a rare leisure time and practiced at night. Then early the next morning she put the drying tray in the air and went to the desert to dig sand dunes by herself.

Every time he dug out a sand dune, he spread plant seeds on the spot and became the most qualified gardener.

The temperature in the desert is high during the day, and when the Camellia oleifera fruit is exposed to the sun for about two days, all the shells burst, the kernels pop out on their own, and the fruit and shell are separated.

The little loli dried all the Camellia oleifera fruits of the two young beasts and peeled them off, and then dried her own Camellia oleifera fruits and Tung tung trees. Even if it rained every three or five days in the desert, it only took a month to harvest the Camellia oleifera fruits. And the tung fruit is exposed to the sun.

After drying the camellia oleifera and tung trees, Le Yun left the desert without hesitation and went to the central area of ​​Zhenyan again to pick up the leaves and longevity peaches, the flowers and fruits of the spiritual tree, and the seeds of the spiritual tree.

The ginkgo trees in the center of the array are quite good, more than three feet tall, forming a natural barrier.

There is a natural barrier formed by the sacred tree. Even if the man-made magic circle is removed, foreign creatures cannot enter.

After picking up the sacred leaves and leaves or seeds of certain plants as souvenirs, Le Xiao's classmate drove the spirit boat to the south, inspected the changes in the herbivorous herds, and then made calculations.

After deducing the future of certain areas, she also targeted some herbivorous beasts that reproduced quickly.

It is pushed from the south to the central part, and then pushed horizontally to the east.

Three months later, Leyun entered the eastern plateau, went to several canyons and plains that she had not hunted last time, cleaned up a group of herbivorous beasts, and then went to pick up the two handsome guys and the beasts.

The two handsome guys and Beast Beast were still running along the first canyon, but they had already reached the upper reaches and soon reached the end of the upper reaches of the canyon.

Le Yun went to the adjacent canyon and hunted with hundreds of puppets for half a month, then returned to the west canyon and waited at the end of the upstream canyon.

Five days later, Yan Shaoxuan and the beasts finally arrived at the end of the canyon.

Seeing the spirit boat parked in the sky, the two young men and the beasts knew that their hunting was coming to an end, so they seized the last moment to hunt like crazy.

The final madness lasted for six days,

A small team that had finished hunting dragged their tired bodies and took a bath in the river before climbing into the spirit boat.

They didn't say anything, got into the Ruyi House and fell asleep.

Le Yun sent the spirit boat traveling at a speed of 100 million miles back to the spirit plant space, drove the Qingyun to the north, and walked along the way to areas where the beasts were densely populated.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and the beasts slept for four days and four nights, and did not wake up until they had had enough sleep.

When I woke up, I found that in the spirit plant space, my friends were sitting in the spirit boat counting the harvest.

Because the hunting time was limited, in order to collect as much food as possible, they did not subdivide the food during hunting, but only put the same type of herbivores in the same storage container.

The two young men and the beasts gathered all the harvest together, and then divided the work. Each was responsible for counting a certain type of herbivorous beasts, and first divided it into two parts according to the method of one-nine points.

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