magic eye doctor

Chapter 3351: To the Northern Continent

Chapter 3351 Return to the Northern Continent

The little loli has a very good memory. She clearly remembers the route of the underground fire vein network. She jumped into the magma lake and then sank down. She dived into the underground fire vein channel and headed towards the location of the teleportation array.

When leaving from the underground fire vein, in order to find spiritual objects such as the Earth Flame Lotus, I wandered around the underground fire vein network, taking many detours and taking a shortcut on my way back.

The initial magma channel was small in diameter and was crowded with magma. After sneaking for a while, it turned into an underground magma channel with a wide diameter. The magma only occupied a part of the channel.

After the Galaxy Disk landed, many craters in the volcanic mountains were sealed, and less fire spirit energy escaped. In just over a hundred years, the fire veins actually produced a lot of flame lotus and fire spirit soil.

According to this phenomenon, the underground fire veins containing fire ointment and fire crystals are just around the corner. Given the date, it is not impossible to contain fire spirit ointment.

The little Loli doesn't go looking for spiritual objects, so she has no reason to reject them when she encounters earth flames, lotuses, fire spirits, earth, etc., so she just picks them up.

After going around for a while, we entered the main channel of the underground fire veins. The space above the magma was wider and the fire aura was richer.

Le Yun, who lived with the magma, finally got rid of the way of walking with the crowd, jumped above the magma and flew, picking up spiritual objects along the way.

The Earth Flame Lotus and Fire Spirit Earth are both small in size and of good quality.

The fire vein passages were intertwined, and Le Yun shuttled between the passages, passing through more than a dozen passages, and finally found the location of the fire cave with the teleportation array.

Following the lava flow upstream, I picked up a dozen small ground flame lotuses and several pieces of fire spirit soil along the way, and successfully arrived at the bottom of the teleportation array.

The teleportation array hung quietly on the ceiling of the passage. Even though the temperature in the underground fire vein channel was extremely high, it had no effect on the teleportation array.

Leyun passed the teleportation array and floated to the edge of the passage entrance to observe the fire cave.

The lava in the fire cave surges like a spring, and the red slurry flows layer by layer, quietly blooming like peonies.

There are more than a dozen earth flame lotuses floating on the surface of the magma. The big ones are as big as fists, and the small ones are as small as a finger.

At the same time, there were large and small fire spirit soil, fire paste and two fire crystals swaying with the waves. The crystal light of the fire crystals was even more dazzling against the red light of the magma.

The temperature in the fire cave and the passage is very high. In the past, Le Yun could not withstand the high temperature of the fire cave's magma. She could not enter the fire cave to retrieve the treasure. It was not a problem for her now.

This time, she didn't need to send Taixu or True Fire to help. Instead, she wrapped herself in several layers of immortal energy, floated into the fire cave, and wandered above the surface of the magma to find treasures.

Fish out all the Earth Flame Lotus, Fire Spirit Soil, Fire Cream and Fire Crystals, and then float out of the pit.

Returning to the magma channel, Le Yun flew to the rock wall and dug out hundreds of pieces of dragon-patterned black rock divine gold as quickly as possible. She did not stay any longer and floated to the teleportation array.

The teleportation array remains sealed. If you want to activate it, you must first unseal it.

Little Loli did not rush to teleport, but silently studied the teleportation array, comparing it with the teleportation array in the northern continent, looking for similarities and differences.

She stayed in the magma channel for half a month to study the teleportation array, thoroughly analyzed its structure, and then returned to the star core space to rest.

After staying in the star core space for two days, he recovered completely. He asked the little fox to mark the time, left the star core world, and made his fingerprints on the teleportation array.

The seal of the teleportation array was quickly unlocked, and Le Yun jumped into the teleportation array.

When a person steps into the teleportation array, the array lights up.

After a few breaths, the magic circle glowed brightly, then disappeared in a flash.

After a while, a glimmer of light appeared on the surface of the teleportation array embedded in the rock wall of the ceiling of the magma channel, and then fell silent again.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan didn't know when the little Loli took the teleportation array to start the teleportation journey. They took the beasts and beasts to roast the camellia oleifera fruits and squeeze the oil wholeheartedly.

Artificial frying of Camellia oleifera fruits is limited in speed and requires several days of accumulation of nuts before squeezing.

A group of friends started the machine every few days and worked intermittently. It took seven months to squeeze all the Camellia oleifera fruits into oil.

The squeezed oil is temporarily undivided and is still used as public food.

After finishing a project, Yan Shao and Xuan Shao took out a large number of herbivorous beasts and mixed them up for the beasts to deal with. They honestly went into Ruyi House to retreat and study the refining of weapons.

The little fairy asked the two brothers to study the level of weapon refining. The beasts raised their hands and feet to support, and they did not stay on the spirit boat. They happily ran to the grass to find a place to put an array plate and open up a place for processing ingredients.

Four humanoid beasts and three Mahayana beasts set up a field, slaughtered the herbivorous beasts, and strictly implemented the day shift system, working during the day and sleeping at night.

Moreover, Beast Beast also implements a five-day work system. After working for five days, he has a holiday. He also takes monthly holidays from time to time, so he can go out and wander around with the little creatures.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao, who was locked up in the small black room, focused on refining weapons. He only came out for some fresh air when he was exhausted from all the hard work. After resting, he continued to stay in the small black room.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and the beasts and beasts were busy with their own affairs. Sometimes they only met once every seven or eight months, and they always exchanged information when they met. The total time passed by several months.

Little Loli/Little Fairy said that the transmission would take more than three years. The exact number of three years and a few months was not clear, so they calculated it based on the time it took.

A group of friends counted the time with their fingers, silently calculating how long it would take them to return to the Northern Continent after a few months.

According to their timing, year after year passed, and three years passed in the blink of an eye.

The two young men and the beasts were looking forward and looking forward to the arrival of the little loli/fairy in the Northern Continent to take them out.

The little Lolita, who was bearing the expectations of the two handsome guys and the beasts, fell unconscious not long after the teleportation started. She was unconsciously carried by the teleportation power and shuttled through the teleportation channel. One day, the teleportation array hidden in a mountain in the Fluttering Light Secret Realm lit up.

Initially, the light on the surface of the teleportation array was very weak, only illuminating the teleportation array. As time went by, the light became brighter and the range of the radiation cover became wider and wider.

The claustrophobic space is open day and night.

Outside the cave, the sun rises and the moon sets, day and night alternate, and three months pass in the blink of an eye.

One day in the fourth month, the light of the teleportation array in the sealed cave illuminated the entire space. Soon after, the teleportation array once again shone with dazzling brilliance.

After about a hundred breaths of time, a beam of light formed on the surface of the teleportation array.

After a while, the speed of light was like mercury leaking out, and a person flew out of the scattered light.

The person who was thrown out of the passage by the teleportation force hit the top of the cave, and a golden light flashed from his body the moment he was about to touch the wall.

The man and the golden light barrier hit the rock wall and were bounced back towards the ground.

The teleportation array sends people out of the array, and the light bursts out and then closes.

The golden ball of light that fell to the ground trembled a few times as it hit the ground, then rolled a few times before finally coming to a standstill.

The light scattered by the teleportation array quickly disappeared, leaving only a golden ball of light in the sealed cave.

The golden light group stayed quietly in the cave, and the people inside were motionless.

Time flies like an arrow, the sun flies like a shuttle, and a month has passed in a flash.

The person who had been lying silently in the golden light for a month finally woke up.


When Le Yun regained consciousness, she felt as if her head had been run over dozens of times by a car. Her skull and brain were crushed into pieces. The pain was so severe that even her consciousness was almost blurred.

The pain of teleportation across the earth is indeed unbearable!

The pain made Le Yun wish she could faint, but unfortunately, she was awake now.

Without even thinking about whether he had successfully reached the Fluttering Light Secret Realm, he took out the Good Fortune Resurrection Pill and Good Fortune Resurrection Pill that he had prepared and swallowed them.

I swallowed the pills, endured the severe pain, and practiced the exercises.

The aftereffects of the teleportation were so severe that she lay down and practiced for seven whole days before waking up again.

After practicing and being nourished by the elixir, Le Yun felt like she was resurrected again. She got up, looked at the environment, and was completely relieved when she saw the familiar sealed cave.

Successfully reached the finish line!

After confirming that she had returned to a certain mountainside in Yaoguang Palace, Le Yun immediately became energetic, turned off the defense of the robe, and then studied the teleportation array.

The teleportation array was quietly embedded in the cave floor, no different from the first time it was seen.

Le Yun opened her external eyes and concentrated on studying the structure of the teleportation array, studying every line and seal character of the teleportation array, and then memorizing it.

Record the teleportation array in your mind, leave the sealed cave with the teleportation array, go to the training cave outside, and then sneak the little fox out of the star core world.

With the little girl grabbing his big tail, the little fox squeaked and protested twice to no avail, and simply waved away: "Little girl, are you at the finish line?"

"Yes, how long did it take?" Le Yun carried the little fox and played with it.

The little fox eats a little fire crystal every once in a while, as well as spiritual food that can warm the soul and body. Even if the seal and cold poison cannot be broken, it will become smooth and smooth, and the tail feels great to the touch.

"So far, it has taken three years, eight months and eight days." The little fox didn't struggle and just thought it was a little swing. It was quite fun to swing.

“It took three years and three months to go, and three years and eight months to come back. It took more than five months to come back than it took to go.

Even if I might have fainted when I was teleported to the end, I wouldn't have been in a coma for five months.

Is it possible that the teleportation array can be divided into forward and reverse directions just like the spirit boat's flight? When the spirit boat flies against the wind, the speed will be slightly slower, and the teleportation time will also take more time due to the reverse direction. "

Little Fox: "..." I have to say, the little girl has discovered the truth.

"Forget it, don't worry about this, just go back to your position and shine."

No one answered her question, so Le Yun muttered to herself and tried to figure out why. She decisively sent the little fox back to the star core world. Anyway, the little fox couldn't see the light of day, so keeping him with her would be a hindrance.

The little fox who was thrown back to the star core world: "..." Humph, if it weren't for the fact that the little girl was his golden thigh, he would have bitten her long ago.

The little fox grinned and went to work quickly.

There was no accident in the teleportation. It was a happy event to reach the Northern Continent safely. Le Yun no longer struggled with why the return trip took so much longer than the previous trip. She quickly completed her hand seals and hid the short-distance teleportation array in the cave.

She also added three magic arrays to the hidden magic weapon for short-distance teleportation, which also made the entire cave's talisman array integrated into one, perfectly hiding the short-distance teleportation array.

After finishing the disguise, leave the cave.

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