magic eye doctor

Chapter 3352 Don’t want to go it alone

Chapter 3352 Don’t want to go it alone

Leaving the cave with the teleportation technique, Leyun appeared in the sky facing the cave.

The cave is located halfway up the mountain, covered in clouds and fog.

The clouds and mist were as thick as white cotton that couldn't be melted away, and it felt like I could grab a handful if I grabbed it.

Standing in the clouds and mist, the distant scenery is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Standing in the sky, after taking a few breaths, Le Yun also collected first-hand resources - the spiritual energy in the secret area of ​​the main hall of Yaoguang Palace was eleven times stronger than when she went to the Southern Continent.

Because of the sudden increase in spiritual energy, plants grow more luxuriantly. The spiritual energy and the mist rising from the vines in the valleys and forests turn into curls of light smoke, making the mountains and rivers even more mysterious.

After feeling the spiritual energy for a while, Le Yun flew towards the main peak of Yaoguang Palace without stopping.

The secret realm of the main hall of Yaoguang Palace is shrouded in clouds and mist. When the clouds gather and disperse, the tip of the iceberg of the main hall of Yaoguang Palace or the pavilions and pavilions between certain mountain peaks occasionally appears.

The spiritual energy in the various buildings in the main hall of Yaoguang Palace condenses into flowing clouds and gathers, disperses, and reunites regularly, restoring Yaoguang Palace to the mysterious feeling that a fairy palace in the world of mourning halls should have.

Because of the circulation of spiritual energy clouds, the square looks like a sea of ​​clouds.

The two ginkgo trees in the central flower garden of the square have grown for more than 200 years and are over four feet tall.

The power of the sacred tree condenses into a natural barrier. The diameter of the barrier is thousands of feet, invisible and colorless. No matter where you look from, you can see the tree, but you can't get close to it.

Le Yun flew to the main hall of Yaoguang Palace and admired the majestic ginkgo trees in the air. She then flew across the square like lightning and walked into many buildings. She was so happy that she rubbed her spiritual plant.

She left the wilderness at the turn of autumn and winter in the southern continent and returned to the Yaoguang Palace in the northern continent. Judging from the growth conditions of the plants, it was estimated that it was midsummer.

Summer is a suitable season for collecting.

The plants in the courtyards, aisles and flower beds between the Yaoguang Palace buildings are growing exceptionally well. The previously inconspicuous small trees have suddenly become towering trees, blooming and bearing fruit.

The little Loli summoned the Twelve Gold Star and Silver Star brothers and sisters, and led a puppet team to scavenge resources.

Both Venus and Silver Star are fairy-level puppets. In terms of speed and work efficiency, one can equal several puppets in gold and silver armor.

Bringing high-level puppets to collect resources will be more efficient.

After picking up the plants in the main palace area, Le Yun went to the Lingtian area, sent the blue-armored puppets to dig up spiritual soil and spiritual plants, and took the gold and silver stars to various hills, valleys and plains.

Not only did she not let the two handsome guys show up, she also didn't call out the Chiba dolls and the little flower essences who were originally transforming in the Yaoguang Palace to help.

It's not that she is stingy and doesn't want the two handsome guys to get more resources, but the two handsome guys have entered the Yaoguang Palace before, and they should not appear in the Yaoguang Palace again unless the Yaoguang Palace is open.

Classmate Le and his puppet traveled around the secret realm of the main hall of Yaoguang Palace for a month and a half, picking up the plants on all the main peaks and the canyons with the strongest aura.

She also ran into the underground mine where the spirit stone mine had been dug before, and scraped away the small amount of spiritual liquid that had condensed in the mine.

For more than two hundred years, only a small amount of spiritual liquid has been condensed in the mine, and there are no spiritual crystals.

The plant resources in Yaoguang Palace are rich and it is impossible to collect them all. Le Yun is not greedy. She searches for the spiritual liquid in the mine and returns to the spiritual field to pick up the blue-armored puppet.

The blue-armored puppet is very powerful and has collected a large amount of spiritual field soil and spiritual plants.

The area where the puppet man dug dirt was also an area where the little Loli had not dug dirt before. She had dug out the dirt and then filled it back into the spiritual field, and the soil was once again upgraded to spiritual field soil.

Le Yun backfilled the area where the puppet had scraped the ground with ordinary soil, then recalled the blue-armored puppet and went straight to the secret realm of the Five Elements Spirit Tree.

Except for the secret realm of the main hall of the Immortal Tree and the secret realm of the Five Elements Spiritual Tree, the spiritual energy in the entire secret realm of Yaoguang Palace is more than twelve times richer than before.

The aura is rich, and many weeds become spiritual plants, and wild beasts become demonic beasts. Low-level spiritual plants and demonic beasts either improve their grades or improve their cultivation.

Le Yun entered the Secret Realm of the Five Elements Spirit Tree, and first arranged for the twelve gold and silver star brothers, and the blue-armored puppets to be collected in various areas outside the sinkhole. By the way, she also patrolled the Secret Realm of the Five Elements Spirit Tree.

Generally speaking, the number and population of monsters in the entire area are in balance, and there is no need for manual intervention.

There were no hidden dangers in the secret territory, so she didn't care about it. She first went to the underground mine of the mine to collect the spiritual liquid, and then went to the sinkhole where the Five Elements Spiritual Tree grew.

The growth rate of the ginkgo trees in the tiankeng is similar to that of the ginkgo trees in the main hall of Yaoguang Palace. They have also exceeded the four-foot mark. The trees are tall and straight, with strong branches.

There are many immortal trees in the tiankeng where the Five Elements Spiritual Trees grow. The spiritual energy inside the tiankeng is thirty-seven times richer, and the spiritual energy outside the tiankeng is twenty times richer than before.

Because there are both Five Elements Spirit Trees and growing trees in the tiankeng, and the number is large, the natural boundaries of the two overlap into one, and they also expand outwards, enclosing the entire mountain peak where the tiankeng is located within the boundary.

After Le Yun entered the barrier, the first thing she did was to take out the Sky Swallowing Snail, first absorb all the water in the small lakes and pools, and then pick the flowers and fruits of the Five Elements Spiritual Tree and various spiritual plants.

Due to the rich spiritual energy, most of the wild trees in the tiankeng have become spiritual trees.

The trees are dense.

The little Loli picked up the spiritual fruit, and then cleaned up the overcrowded trees to create a more stable, sound and harmonious environment for the Five Elements Spirit Tree, Ginkgo Tree, and various plantings.

After rectifying the tiankeng environment, you can go to collect resources outside the tiankeng with peace of mind.

The Five Elements Spiritual Planting Secret Realm is not narrow in area. Leyun only stayed for twenty days and took the puppet to move the position again and wander around other spiritual places outside the formation.

Time flies so fast, and summer slips away quietly in the blink of an eye.

The little Loli stayed in the secret realm of Yaoguang Palace until mid-autumn, collected a lot of plant seeds, and left the secret realm of Yaoguang Palace through the invisible transmission channel.

After being teleported out of the secret realm, he fainted and was forced to rest for a day. He swept through the plant resources in the canyon and then hurried to the mountains with large camellia trees 200 million miles away from the Fluctlight Secret Realm.

The Qingyun flew slowly, and it only took the time to burn incense to reach its destination.

After arriving at the destination, Le Yun first flew several times in the air to reconnoiter the environment, then flew to the canyon where she had previously camped, and landed on the dry river beach.

The spirit boat landed, and then the spirit boat, which was traveling at a speed of 100 million miles, was moved out.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao are still spending their youth in their Ruyi House, which is also on the deck of the spirit boat.

The two young masters' contracted beasts and gourd babies went to the wild with a group of little creatures to collect plant seeds.

Le Yun's consciousness wandered into the spiritual plant space, and quietly transferred a group of small creatures, four humanoid beasts, and three Mahayana beasts out.

The beasts and little creatures were suddenly pulled away, and they were still stunned after landing.

About two breaths later, the little creatures who reacted saw the little fairy, jumped up with cheers, flew to the little fairy in a swarm, and all swarmed on the little fairy as pendants.

The little loli was overwhelmed by the dolls.

Four humanoid beasts and three Mahayana beasts came to their senses and ran to the little fairy dancing with joy.

The little creatures were so enthusiastic, Le Yun pulled each one down and gave them a few hard and heavy kisses without even touching the ground, plus bags of popcorn for each one.

A group of little creatures who were favored by the little fairy smiled so sweetly that they could not see their teeth. They sat in a circle and ate snacks with sweet smiles on their faces. Le Yun didn't favor one or the other. She even rubbed the heads of the four humanoid beasts that came up to her, and gave each beast a bag of snacks.

The three Mahayana beasts also gave their heads to the little fairy to stroke, and joined the group chat holding snack bags.

After chatting for a while, the four humanoid beasts confirmed that they had returned to the northern continent and had arrived at the place where camellia oleifera was picked. They jumped up with joy and ran into the two brothers' Ruyi House, slipping the man out to see the light.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were carried out of Ruyi House by Beast Beast. He thought something had happened, but when he saw the familiar environment, he was a little excited.

"Little beauty/little loli, are we back to the Huju Mountains?"


"Ahhhh, we're finally here!" As soon as Beast Beast put himself down on the ground, Mr. Xuan turned into a gust of wind and whirled to the little Lolita, and successfully grabbed the seat next to the little Lolita.

Yan Xing was half a beat slower. He was a little behind. He couldn't get over Mr. Xuan, so he could only sit next to Mr. Xuan.

On the left hand side of the little fairy is Calabash Baby, and the two brothers occupy the position on the left hand side of the little fairy, where Baiyin Yingsheng Water Escape originally ran to carry the brothers.

Three humanoid beasts: "..." I really want to beat my brother!

There was a contractor on the stall who was always trying to snatch little fairies from them. The three beasts had no choice but to find another place to sit down.

After Xuan Shaoyan sat down, he saw the beasts and little creatures holding storage bags and eating popcorn, and each took out their own snack bags to eat snacks.

The two handsome guys had their own snacks, but Le Yun decisively did not share any more snacks with them.

"Little beauty, it seems that it takes more time to come back than to go to the Southern Continent." Mr. Xuan ate popcorn and mentioned business again.

"It may be that we went from north to south, which is the direction of the wind, and it takes less time. When we come back, we go from south to north, and it may be that it is against the wind, and it takes more time."

"Eh? The transmission of the array is also divided into tailwind and headwind?"

"This is normal. The teleportation between the two teleportation arrays is actually tearing out a space channel along a predetermined route, similar to the route of the big iron bird in the sky in our hometown.

The speed of the big iron bird when flying is affected by the wind direction, and when the teleportation is in progress, when it passes through certain space segments due to the influence of the external environment, the speed of crossing the space channel will also be faster or slower. "

The beasts and the two handsome guys said they understood.

Yan Xing asked the question he was most concerned about: "Little Loli, can we stay in the Huju Mountains for a few years?"

"I planned to go directly to Qianchuan Swamp to dig dirt. I thought that this season is the season when chestnuts and other wild fruits are ripe, and camellia oleifera fruits are also about to mature. I didn't miss this time, so I picked them along the way.

You don’t have to go to Qianchuan Swamp. You can stay in this area to collect resources. I will come to pick you up in a year or two. "

"Little fairy, we will go wherever you go." The beasts were simple-minded and did not want to go it alone.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan had no intention of going it alone: ​​"We will go too. We also need to dig some soil to fill the spiritual plant space later."

There is no sign of the spiritual plant space yet, so you can save some soil first to be prepared.

This season is the ripe season for wild fruits such as chestnuts, sorbets, hawthorns, and pomegranates. There are wild fruit trees all over the mountains and plains, and they are all full of fruit.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan and the beasts and beasts could not sit still and stopped eating snacks because they were thinking about the wild fruits. They set off happily, like birds out of their cages, towards the mountains.

"Little fairy, let's go pick fruits too." The little creatures looked at it and thought, hey, my brother and the big monsters were so unkind that they didn't let them play.

It doesn't matter if the brothers and demons don't play with them, they can play by themselves.

"Go ahead. You will be active on the top of this mountain." Le Yun pointed to the giant mountain peak facing the spirit boat, and then sent the nine Silver Star brothers into the mountain.

The Jiuxing brothers used the rudder to control the spirit boat to carry a group of little creatures, fly to the mountains, and then let the little creatures down.

The little creatures spread out, lined up in a line, and started working happily.

Leaving the little creature to the Nine Silver Star brothers, Le Yun left the spirit boat, which traveled hundreds of millions of miles, as a camp in the canyon, and took the Qingyun to the distant mountains.

She only summoned the twelve golden stars, and lit up the chestnuts, cone chestnuts, wild grapes and other wild fruits on several mountain peaks.

Afterwards, quietly leave and go to the giant Grand Canyon millions of miles away to collect fallen leaves, water, humus soil and various wild fruits and plant seeds.

The beasts and Yan Shao ran around in the mountains for several days. When they returned to the canyon camp to catch their breath, they found that the little creatures were also collecting, and they walked together with the little creatures.

The Camellia oleifera fruits can still be picked for a few more days. The two young men and the beasts and beasts took a group of little creatures everywhere to pick wild fruits, spiritual herbs, and wild fungi.

A group of friends ran outside for a while and then ran back to the camp to take a rest. Time passed unknowingly and it was mid-September in the blink of an eye.

The little Loli hasn't come back yet, so Yan Shaoxuan is counting down the days. When it's time to collect rapeseed fruits, he and his beast friends and little creatures go into the mountains to start picking.

The little Lolita was busy collecting plant seeds and did not return to the camp to pick camellia oleifera fruits.

Yan Shaoxuan, the beasts, and the little creatures were escorted by the Silver Star Nine Brothers. They encountered no obstruction during the collection. Even if the eleventh-level and twelve-level monsters came after smelling the smell, they were still attacked by the three Mahayana beasts and the Nine Star Brothers. Beaten to pieces.

A group of friends worked busy for more than a month, digging through every Camellia oleifera forest and once again collected a large number of Camellia oleifera fruits.

Little Loli hasn't come back yet, so the two young men and the beasts opened a drying field on the river bank to dry the camellia oleifera fruits.

The two brothers stayed behind, and the beasts and the boys couldn't sit still, running into the canyons and plains to collect plant seeds.

The little Lolita was collecting plant seeds in the Grand Canyon until the frost time during the day became longer and longer, making it inconvenient to collect them. Then she returned to the temporary camp to pick up the two handsome guys, the beasts, and the little boys.

She didn't stop in the canyon, and headed straight for Qianchuan Swamp with Man, Beast Gai, and the little creatures.

The little creatures returned to the spirit plant space. Young Master Yanxuan and the beasts and beasts stayed on the spirit boat. They finally had some free time to count the newly harvested wild fruits and camellia oleifera fruits and prepare for distribution.

As a result, before they could count their harvest, the spirit boat was notified that they had successfully arrived at their destination after only half a day of flight.

"Arrived in the swamp so soon?" Young Master Xuan almost thought he heard wrongly. The Huju Mountains are billions of miles away from the Qianchuan Swamp, and the spirit boat arrived in just half a day's flight?

"My spirit boat comes from the God Realm. Its speed is N times faster than a spirit boat that can travel hundreds of millions of miles. It only takes half a day to travel from the Huju Mountains to the Qianchuan Swamp."

"So fast?!" Yan Shaoxuan was shocked.

Little Loli has many spirit boats, so even if they found that her new spirit boat had a different style, they didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was also a spirit boat that could travel hundreds of millions of miles.

The beasts were also extremely surprised. Calabash Boy said quickly: "Little fairy, how fast is your new spirit boat?"

"You can run tens of billions of miles in a day and night." The curiosity of the beasts and handsome guys must be satisfied! It would be better if you can stimulate them to work hard.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and the seven beasts were dumbfounded: "..."

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