magic eye doctor

Chapter 3355 Night Tour in Blue City

Chapter 3355 Night Tour in Blue City

The news of the birth of the Immortal Tree has not yet reached the Golden Lion City, so even if he appeared openly, it would not cause much of a sensation. Leyun was not in a hurry to leave, allowing the two handsome guys to shop as much as they wanted.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan also lived up to the opportunity, moving from north to east, from east to south and then to the Western District, wandering around various districts of Golden Lion City, buying up goods.

The two young men also experienced for the first time what it means to "spend money like running water".

The spiritual stones flow out like water, which makes people feel distressed, but every time I see spiritual food, rice food, spiritual birds and spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, I still can't give up, and continue to buy and buy despite the feeling of heartache and physical pain.

The group of people wandered around Golden Lion City for eleven days before heading to the "Dongcheng" located to the east of Golden Lion City, which is mainly about planting.

In the planting industry in Dongcheng, the first industry is spiritual grain, and the second industry is spiritual plants.

Because there are many spiritual plants and spiritual grains, it also drives the tertiary industry - breeding.

The breeding industry in Dongcheng mainly focuses on raising small poultry, such as winged meat poultry, chickens, ducks and geese, as well as small dolphins and sheep.

Because it is mainly planted and has a lot of food, Dongcheng is also a place of vinegar and wine production.

Xuan Shaoyan vigorously raided spiritual grains and ordinary rice grains. Little Loli's focus was still on spiritual silk, cloth, meat and poultry, vinegar, wine, etc.

The two young masters and the beasts all held huge amounts of spirit stones and had bulging pockets. They were not stingy about food, and they also bought spirit poultry and meat ingredients in large quantities.

Wandering around Dongcheng for more than ten days, we then transferred to Xiacheng.

The two young men had done shopping in Xiacheng before. They were familiar with the old place and went straight to the manors and shops that raised spiritual birds that the little Loli had visited before to shop for goods.

Classmate Le didn't go with them. She asked Jiuxing to go to other streets to buy silk, cloth and other items. The handsome guys didn't go with them, so she picked up the food along the way and put the carnivorous soul birds in her pocket.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan visited all the large and small estates that raised poultry in Xiacheng. He also visited all the streets and districts in the city. He bought a lot of goods and was finally satisfied.

After the three parties converged, Nine Stars and Three Stars and Four Stars left the city from the south gate of Xia City.

When they were thousands of miles away from Xia City, Le Yun put away the puppets and ran away in her spirit boat.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan, who went on a shopping spree, happily counted their harvest in Golden Lion City with the beasts and calculated how many spiritual stones they had spent in total.

Golden Lion City is more than 50 billion miles away from Wanghai City. At the speed of Qingyun, it only takes more than ten hours to fly at full speed.

The little Lolita, who is the driver, flies slowly in the spirit boat.

At that time, she said that the spirit boat could fly more than 10 billion miles in a day and night. She was referring to its speed in the God Realm, but did not mention its actual speed in the Yunlan Realm.

In order not to scare the two handsome guys, she had to delay her trip to Wanghai City for a few days. Therefore, she deliberately flew over the mountains where no beasts or humans lived, to see if there were any smokeless charcoal veins that could be mined.

She looked for the anthracite coal mine for the sake of the two handsome boys. They did not have flame stones on hand and would have to search for fuel when refining weapons in the future.

However, the anthracite coal mine was not found, but a vein of spiritual stone was found.

The mountain range where the spirit stone veins are located originates from the southernmost tip of the central area of ​​the Golden Lion Clan's territory and stretches for billions of miles to the southeastern area of ​​the Golden Lion Clan's territory.

The spirit stone vein is more than 500,000 miles long and can be considered a medium-sized spirit vein.

I didn't find any flame stone mines, but I found a vein of spirit stone, which can be regarded as an unintentional one.

There is not only a medium-sized spirit stone vein in the mountain range, but also a secret realm.

The spirit stone vein is not within the secret realm. Judging from the light and aura, it is a brand new ore vein that has not been mined.

Little Loli is not interested in the secret realm, nor is she much interested in the spirit stone veins. It is quite confusing to find the spirit stone veins that are not in the secret realm.

To dig or not to dig?

After much deliberation, I finally decided to dig it!

Immortals all over the continent are not even willing to let go of the spirit stone veins in the secret territory. If the spirit stone veins are found in the mountains, it is impossible for them to continue to grow.

Mining by others is mining, and mining by yourself is also mining.

It is better to benefit yourself than to benefit others.

Deciding to mine, the little Loli shrunk the spirit boat and sent it back to the conifer spirit plant space. She sneaked into the mountains, drove away the monsters around the spirit stone vein line, and then used the formation disk to circle the vein.

Do a good job of safety, then dive into the spirit stone veins deep in the earth, dig a cave, and arrange a team of puppets to mine.

The vein line was long, so in order to save time, she divided the vein line into several sections, divided the puppets and puppet beasts into several teams, and each team was responsible for one section.

After arranging the puppet army in place, Mr. Le Xiao dug a mine on a branch and asked a group of spiritual plant dolls and rock dolls to give some personal pocket money.

Then dig a hole in another small branch, sneak out Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts, and let them dig for spiritual stones.

Because the light will change when the spirit boat is thrown into the spirit plant space, Yan Shaoxuan and the beasts are all confused from the brightness of the light to the map.

When he was moved from the spirit boat to a new place, he saw the sparkling spirit stones, each of which seemed to be stepping on springs, jumping three feet high.

"Wow, spirit stone mine!"

"Here comes the pocket money!"

"This is not a spiritual stone, it is clearly a fruit shell, spiritual meal and spiritual rice!"

The beasts screamed and rushed to the mine wall, happily waving their claws to dig.

If there are spiritual stones to dig, they can fill the gap of the spiritual stones they spent.

"Money comes in again!" Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan were also excited and rushed over to dig up the spiritual stones.

Le Yun smiled and said: "Old rules, take it easy. If you make any noise and are discovered, and monks come to grab resources, you can't beat them, so you can only give in."

"Understood!" The humans and beasts said in unison.

The two handsome guys and the beasts were so excited when they saw the money that their eyes were stuck to the spirit stone mine and they couldn't tear it off. Le Yun stopped teasing them and used the teleportation technique to move another branch and started digging the spirit stones herself.

She digs up spirit stones and directly uses the rules, and can transfer the spirit stone mines dozens or hundreds of miles wide into storage containers in an instant.

At her speed, it only takes two and a half hours to clear a branch that is 30,000 to 40,000 miles long.

The little Loli dug out the branch veins that were more than 20,000 miles long, and then opened a separate mine on the main vein line to mine alone.

The puppet army needs to control its strength when mining, and the mining speed is subject to certain limitations.

However, there are hundreds of thousands of puppets in the army. The Nine Silver Star brothers and the Twelve Gold Stars are all fairy-level puppets. They mine quickly and can mine the spiritual stone layer dug out by light energy in just one and a half months.

The little Loli took over the spirit stone mine, then sent the puppet army back to the divine spiritual plant space to recuperate, and then took the twelve gold stars to sweep away the branches of the more than five thousand miles long branch veins.

I scraped off a layer of land, recalled the twelve golden stars, and wandered around to find the little creatures.

The branches mined by the little creatures are 30,000 miles long. Despite their small size, they are not weak at work, and they can actually dig almost everything.

The little Loli took the little creatures to dig for another day and then called it a day.

The little creatures returned to the spirit planting space and happily divided the accounts. They were very caring. No matter who dug more or less, they would divide the spirit stones evenly.

The little loli picked up the little creature, and then went to pick up the two handsome guys and the beasts.

The vein of spirit stone mined by Yan Shaoxuan and the Beast Beasts is more than 10,000 miles long, and they are almost reaching the end.

While waiting for the handsome guy and the beasts, Le Yun also scraped off a layer of the lower-grade spiritual stone, leaving a layer of low-grade spiritual stone about thirty meters thick to continue growing.

The two young men and the beasts fought hard for three days and three nights, and finally dug out all the medium-grade spiritual stones in the tailings.

Little Loli left the mine with a mining team.

Climbing out of the ground, Young Master Xuan Yan and the beasts were so excited that they returned to the spirit boat and happily counted the spirit stones.

The little Loli set off again in the spirit boat, observing the flameless stone mines as she walked.

After a day's flight, we passed through the hills of a plain basin and found a flame stone vein, but the flame stone mine had an owner.

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way. Classmate Le did not go to grab other people's flame stone mines, but crossed the hills with flame stone mines and continued southward.

Several more spirit stone veins were discovered on the way, all of which were small spirit stone veins less than 50,000 miles apart.

Originally, it only took one day to travel from Golden Lion City to Wanghai City, but Le Xiaoluoli extended it several times. At dusk on the eleventh day of the journey, they finally arrived at Blue City.

It was late autumn and early winter when she and her friends set out from the Huju Mountains. They spent a lot of time purchasing and digging for spiritual stones along the way. It was already February of the following year when they arrived at Blue City.

Blue City is close to the coastline and has a warm climate. At the beginning of February, the new buds of plants in the mountains are green.

In the mountains and fields, fresh blue-leaf grass can be seen everywhere.

In early spring, Blue City is full of life.

The little Loli stopped tens of thousands of miles away from Blue City, put away her spirit boat, and used teleportation to enter the mountains from under the sea of ​​clouds.

After nightfall, we went to Xiatu along the river. We paused when passing through Blue City, and sent out a ray of spiritual consciousness to wander around Blue City to find out the news.

In the blue city shrouded in night, warm light shines from every house, and the light from the lanterns hanging under the eaves of the pavilions on both sides of the street is connected. The city is filled with lights, which means tranquility and warmth.

Compared with two hundred years ago, the light of luck in Blue City is more than ten times stronger.

Le Yun's consciousness swayed silently to the sky above Blue City, wandered slowly, and soon wandered to the central area in the center of Blue City.

The center of Blue City is where the Tongcheng Hall and the City Lord's Mansion are located.

The City Lord's Mansion is in the west, and Tongcheng Hall is in the east. The two buildings face each other across the square in the center of the city.

The central square of the city is a public square. Blue City inspects the city guards or holds grand ceremonies, or each monk family publicly tests their spiritual roots to select disciples to absorb new blood. All these activities are held in the central square.

In the past, Blue City Square was a pure square, but now there is a jade statue in the center of the square.

That jade statue is the same as the statues erected in Binzhou Ningcheng and other places. It is also the image of a fairy holding an immortal tree sapling!

The human figure is carved from jade stone and stands on a blue base, with a total height of nineteen feet. The jade statue faces north and south, and nine screens are arranged in a figure-eight shape behind the sculpture.

In front of the jade statue of a fairy holding a tree, there is a blue stone incense burner filled with incense stems.

Blue City Square has its own statue, which also proves that the news of the birth of the Everlasting Tree has spread to the Southern Continent.

Le Yun's consciousness wandering in the air was stagnant. She thought that the news had not yet reached the northern continent. When she returned to Wanghai City, she could happily sweep the fruit shells.

When the news of the birth of the Immortal Tree spread to the Northern Continent, Wanghai City must be the first to receive the news. The Yinjiao family could not remain indifferent.

It is estimated that the whole city of Wanghai City has seen the scene of her promoting the growth of trees. As long as she appears in person, men, women, old and young will be able to recognize who she is.

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