magic eye doctor

Chapter 3356 Shunfeng City

Chapter 3356 Shunfeng City

She traveled to Blue City with her spiritual consciousness and discovered some news that she didn't want to hear. Le Yun felt a little unhappy.

If the news hadn't reached Wanghai City yet, she could naturally sweep away jade shells, golden shells, and spiritual rice in Wanghai City and the coastal area without any scruples.

The news of the birth of the sacred tree spread to Wanghai City, and everyone knew that she was the one who planted the sacred tree. As a result, she was wearing the crown of the guardian of the sacred tree, and it was inconvenient for her to do many things.

If she sends word that she wants to buy fruit shells, whether it is Wanghai City or fishing boats in the offshore area, the monks or shopkeepers who have fruit shells, whether out of sincerity or helplessness, will definitely offer the fruit shells as gifts.

After inquiring about information related to herself, Le Yun was not interested in visiting Blue City at night anymore. She withdrew her consciousness and quietly went downstream along the river that surrounded Blue City.

Arrive at the intersection of the lower reaches of the river and another river, then use the swallowing snail to suck the river water, and send the twelve golden stars to catch fish and shrimps.

Twelve Venus had no breath of flesh and blood, and moved silently. It followed its master up the river without disturbing any monks in Blue City.

The little Lolita traveled backwards along the river, traveling tens of thousands of miles, then turned back and went to the small basin where she had stopped before, sucking up most of the water in several lakes.

After that, continue to go to various nearby rivers to absorb water and catch fish and shrimps.

In order not to attract the attention of the Blue City monks due to the sudden decrease in the water volume of the river, Le Yun stopped working near dawn, moved to the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds again, took out the spirit boat and ran away.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and his friends Beast Beast were used to it when the spirit boat was hidden, and Beast Beast simply went to Ruyi House to sleep.

In the early morning, Young Master Xuan finished his training. When he saw the white clouds and the horizon at the end of his field of vision, he knew that the spirit boat was sailing at high altitude again. He was extremely calm.

After tidying up his appearance, Mr. Xuan walked up to the little Lolita and gave her a piece of fruit. While eating the fruit, he asked: "Little beauty, where are we at the top of the mountain now?"

"We just left Blue City, and the land below falls under the jurisdiction of Wanghai City." Le Yun held a spiritual fruit and ate it in small bites.

"Ah, are we in Blue City?" Mr. Xuan was shocked, jumped up, ran to the side of the boat, stretched his neck and looked down.

"It's already passed. Do you want to go to Blue City?"

"Yes, I also want to pick up some blue-leaf grass. I found that blue-leaf grass is super interesting. It can remove the smell of meat ingredients, especially the smell of mutton, and it also has the effect of increasing freshness. .

Blue-leaf grass can be said to be the best partner for mutton. Guan Jian is the combination of blue-leaf grass and mutton. Not only does it not absorb the smell of mutton, it is also extremely crispy and more refreshing than eating kelp tubes. "

"You finally discovered the magical power of blue-leaf grass. Real knowledge comes from practice. I am in a hurry to go to the city next to the sea where the Silver Dragon Clan's neighbor lives to sweep up fruit shells. I won't look back for the time being.

If you want to collect some blue-leaf grass, when you go to Wanghai City and I hand over the spirit boat to others, if you have time, you can go to Blue City to pick up plants. "

Yan Xing grasped the key point: "Why should we go to sweep Guobei first and not wait until the spirit boat is handed over before going to other coastal cities to sweep Guobei?"

"The news of the birth of the sacred tree has spread to the Northern Continent, and both Wanghai City and Lan City know about it."

"Ah?" Young Master Xuan Shaoyan was startled for a moment, then he was surprised: "The news spread so quickly. Did Wanghai City and Lancheng also set up a statue for you?"

"There is a statue in Blue City." Le Yun sighed: "I originally wanted to catch some fish and shrimps and pick blue-leaf grass near Blue City. Then I found out that there was a statue of me in Blue City. I immediately changed my plan and went to the neighbors of the Silver Dragon Clan first. The family territory is raided for fruit shells.”

The little Lolita wanted to go far away from home and go to the territory of the rhinoceros demon to buy fruit shells. Yan Xing was a little confused: "You want to buy fruit shells, why are you going to the territory of the neighbors of the Silver Dragon Clan?

The news of the birth of the sacred tree has spread to the northern continent. Wouldn't it be better this way? When you come to Wanghai City, you only need to say that you want to buy fruit shells, and the fruit shell merchants and monks in the city will definitely be happy to deliver them to your door.

Just like Ningcheng, if you want to buy rice and grain, the Ningcheng County Sheriff will issue a warrant worth hundreds of billions without saying a word, and you can buy unlimited grain.

Wanghai City is a monk city with no restrictions. There is no need for any warrant issued by the Silver Dragon Clan. You can buy whatever you want. You can buy as much fruit shells and spiritual rice as you have.

Just move your mouth and you can achieve what you want effortlessly. Why bother to be secretive, go far away from the near, and travel thousands of miles to buy fruit shells from the neighbors of the Silver Dragon Clan? "

"Theoretically, it is true. After revealing your identity, it is indeed very convenient to buy whatever you want, but there are too many disadvantages in that approach. It is almost equivalent to stealing in a gentle way.

After all, my identity is there. If I offer to buy something, the buyer will have to sell to me first, regardless of whether they are willing or not. This invisibly undermines the freedom and fairness of trade.

Believe it or not, if I do that, those with bad intentions among the high-level immortals of all races in the mainland will definitely take advantage of this loophole to secretly change their minds.

They will rely on their high cultivation and noble status to plunder the precious resources from other immortals in an honest and fair manner under the guise of trading.

So, for long-term considerations, it’s better to be secretive and secretly go to various places to get what you need. "

"Then, what if the neighbors of the Silver Dragon Clan also receive the news of the birth of the sacred tree and make a statue of you?"

Mr. Xuan asked, if the Rhino Demon Territory also received the news and set up a statue to worship the little Lolita, and the little Loli ran to the Rhino Demon Clan and was recognized, her treatment would be the same as that in the Silver Dragon Clan. Wouldn’t it mean that A trip in vain.

Le Yun rolled her eyes helplessly: "I have been to Wanghai City, you have also shown your face in Wanghai City, and the monks from all ethnic groups who have been to Yaoguang Palace have also seen us.

The Silver Dragon Clan and many monks in Wanghai City are relatively familiar with you and me. Whether you or I show up, we will be easily recognized.

Silver Dragon's neighbors, the Rhinoceros family, have never seen you. Even if there is a statue of me, as long as I don't come forward and you two slightly modify it, the monks there won't be able to recognize you.

Besides, when the nearby cities received the news of the birth of the sacred tree, they must also know that the monk and I have an appointment to meet in Wanghai City. When I return from the Southern Continent, I must go to Wanghai City first.

When the monks in the cities in the territory of the Rhinoceros Family see unfamiliar faces, they just assume that they are monks from the Southern Continent or other places who come to buy fruit shells from them. It is difficult for them to suspect me. "

Yan Xing thought for a while and suddenly realized: "I understand. The monks who have an appointment with you don't know when you will come to Wanghai City. They will be waiting in Wanghai City early.

While waiting, monks from various tribes took the opportunity to collect jade shells and went to the rhinoceros territory and offshore areas to trade. It was not surprising that the rhinoceros clan and the teams fishing for shells along the coast were numerous.

They have seen too many monks of all races and have preconceived notions. Naturally they will not pay too much attention when they see a new face again. We buy shellfish in the Rhinoceros tribe and offshore areas. As long as you don't show up, little loli, you will basically not be exposed. . "

Handsome Yan is not too stupid yet, Le Yun nodded: "You and Mr. Xuan's contract beast friends should not show up."


Xuan Shaoyan naturally understands the reason why the beasts should not show up. Some of the monks who went to Yaoguang Palace have seen four humanoid beasts, and the monks who brought the news of the birth of the sacred tree from the southern continent must have seen the elders. One of the monks of Ear Bear and Diamond Ape.

He actually had to disguise himself, so Yan Shaoxuan didn't have a mother-in-law, so he adjusted his face by himself.

After all, the two eldest young men are Void Refining monks, and they have spent decades in seclusion at the Awareness Tower. They have no experience in certain aspects, but at least they have experience. He had transformed himself into a handsome middle-aged monk with a delicate and gentle appearance.

After Young Master Yan adjusted his face, he turned into a young and middle-aged man. There was a coldness about his whole person, as if he wanted to keep people away from him thousands of miles away.

The two young men have changed quite a bit. If they return to Earth with their adjusted faces, they will really have achieved the true meaning of "not even your mother can recognize them."

Yan Shaoxuan took a look at himself in the mirror, then practiced in front of the mirror, adjusting his micro-expressions, trying not to reveal any flaws.

The four humanoid beasts and the Mahayana beast ran out of the Ruyi House after having had enough sleep. Naturally, they saw two unfamiliar faces and thought they had visitors.

Then they recognized the two brothers from their breath. The seven beasts were surprised and circled around the two brothers curiously, asking for advice on disguise techniques.

Yan Shao Xuan Shao imparted his experience to the beasts without reservation, and told them where they were going and why they needed to adjust their appearance.

The four humanoid beasts and the three Mahayana beasts knew the reason, and without any nonsense, they slipped into the spirit beast bags and hid.

The two young masters and the beasts were well prepared, and Le Yun, who was confident, watched silently without making any comments, and calmly let the spirit boat fly.

The spirit boat crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, flew billions of miles, and arrived near the largest seaside city on the southern coastline of the Rhinoceros Clan.

Le Yun reconnoitred the environment at high altitude, then landed in an inaccessible mountain range, put away the high-speed spirit boat, and replaced it with a spirit boat that could travel only five million miles.

Moving from the Qingyun to another spirit boat, she silently entered the Ruyi House first, and then slipped Little Huihui out of the Star Core World to whisper.

While listening to the little sister's instructions, Xiao Huihui nodded frequently, her eyes full of surprise, hey, the little sister has sent her on a mission.

Entrusted with the important task, Xiao Huihui happily transformed into a human form, put on a robe given by the young lady, and tied up her hair.

After tidying up for a while, the rejuvenated little Huihui followed the young lady out of the Ruyi House and met two handsome guys.

When the little Lolita went to Ruyi House, Young Master Xuan Shaoyan thought she was going to disguise herself, but when she appeared again, her appearance and clothes had not changed, which was quite surprising.

Turning around, the two young men's eyes froze when they saw the beautiful girl appearing right after the little Lolita.

The beautiful girl following the little Loli has delicate features and beautiful eyes. She wears a white robe with butterflies and flowers, and wears a pair of gray magic shoes. If it weren't for her gray-white hair, she would look just like a human race at first glance.

The two young men saw the beautiful girl for the first time, and their four eyes were filled with astonishment.

"Little...little beauty, who is this beautiful girl?" Mr. Xuan almost stuttered. He felt that the beautiful girl's aura was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

"My little baby, nicknamed "Ban Yue". She is my leg substitute. She runs errands and buys fruit shells for me. I just stay in Ruyi House to settle accounts." Le Yun introduced her little cutie with a smile on her back, holding her little hands behind her back.

Xiao Huihui smiled so hard that her almond-shaped eyes almost slitted into slits. She is my little sister’s baby!

Yan Xing looked at the beautiful girl with a suspicious look on his face: "I always feel like I've seen this girl somewhere, her aura is very familiar."

"You guys have seen each other before. Ban Yue is my baby Xiao Huihui." Le Yun wanted to give Yan Yan a look, but Young Master Xuan couldn't recognize Xiao Huihui's human form, and Young Master Yan couldn't recognize it either. question!

"Oh!" Master Xuan looked shocked: "When did your little Huihui give birth to a baby?"

Yan Xing finally suddenly realized that the beautiful girl was actually Little Mo Monkey? !

"My little Huihui is very talented. She just likes planting but not practicing. This time she went to the Qingxu Secret Realm and advanced there." Le Yun smiled brightly.

"Oh, it's really a good idea to let your little cutie come forward!" Mr. Xuan manually gave the little loli a hundred likes.

Some monks in the southern continent have met Little Loli's puppet team, and they brought news to the northern continent. Maybe the monks who heard about the birth of the sacred tree also know the details.

If a little lolita asks a puppet to run errands, the monk may think of her when he sees the puppet. This is the same as how others will think of little lolita when they see a long-eared bear.

"Of course. Even if this little classmate doesn't have a perfect plan, he is not stupid at all." Le Yun raised her little head proudly.

She didn't talk nonsense anymore, she got into the Ruyi House and hid it, then shrunk the Ruyi House, and then drove the Ruyi House into Xiao Huihui's sleeves.

After parking the hiding place, a ray of spiritual consciousness was attached to the top of Xiao Huihui's head, and then the spirit boat took off.

The spirit boat flew to half height and flew at a low altitude.

After about a stick of incense, the spirit boat flew to the north gate of Linhai City.

The rhinoceros tribe's territory has a long coastline, and there are hundreds of towns along the coast. Although there is no large natural harbor like the Immortal Wang Harbor like the Yinjiao tribe, there are many bays with good geographical environment.

The city chosen by the little Lolita is a big city among the coastal cities of Rhinoceros. It is located in the bay and is a real seaside city.

The city has a name, Shunfeng City.

The bay where Shunfeng City is located is shaped like a peninsula. It is better to say that it is a bay than a peninsula.

In addition to Shunfeng City, there are many large and small collections on the peninsula.

Shunfeng City is located due south of the Rhino Monster Territory. It is the largest outlet to the sea in the south and is also the gathering place for jade shells along the southern coast of the Rhino Monster Territory.

The spirit boat flew openly and openly before stopping outside the city gate.

Young Master Xuan, Young Master Yan and Xiao Huihui flew out of the spirit boat, and Le Yun, who was hiding in Xiao Huihui's sleeves, put away the spirit boat.

Xuan Shaoyan and Xiao Huihui walked towards the city gate with their heads held high and their chests held high. They paid the spirit stones at the city gate in exchange for their waist badges.

Mr. Xuan was a clever guy, so he gave the city guard a tip to find out where there were channels for selling large amounts of fruit shells.

The city guard smiled brightly: "Oh, in the past hundred or so years, monks from all races have come to our Shunfeng City to buy fruit shells. Fruit shells are very popular, and our city doesn't have much stock.

The existing inventory has been accumulated in recent years. The quantity is not large and scattered. After the three of you enter the city, you will go to various districts. Whether you can find a store with a large amount of inventory depends on your luck.

If you go to a market outside the city, you will usually only get the latest catch this year. Of course, if you are lucky, you may encounter a fishing team of monks returning from the sea, and you may also get a rich harvest. "

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