magic eye doctor

Chapter 341 The Highest Realm of Cheeky (2 more

Chapter 341 The Highest Realm of Cheeky (two more
Little Loli is really playing!

The crisp sound of clear drinking came into his ears, and Yan Xing knew that Little Lolita was going to be serious, and in one go, all her internal strength was mobilized into her arms to resist.

At the same time, a frantic force hit him with a "bang". He only felt his palms numb, and the small fist blocked his power back with a mighty force. His stretched arms couldn't stand the brutality Pressing hard, elbows were forced to bend.


Being forced to retreat by a little girl, Yan Xing was so ashamed that he was ashamed, his jade face blushed like a rosy glow.

"Fight!" When he was embarrassed, the little girl raised her eyebrows and smiled, bullying her body, and the other small fist slammed on Brother Jun's jade face, smashing it firmly.

Little Loli's little fist swung, Yan Xing subconsciously tilted his face, but the little fist was too fast, he hit his face before he deviates, and when a burst of pain spread, his whole person was not very good, and he was trying to be soft. , a small loli and a bright smile appeared in her eyes.

That smile was too dangerous. He pulled out his laptop and jumped up, trying to get away from the danger Little Loli. However, Little Loli's little feet seemed to be in the direction of his dodge, and he kicked his left calf, his entire leg. In an instant, I was attacked by soreness, and I couldn't even stand firm. I lost my balance and leaned to one side.

The moment he just fell, the little girl jumped up, her slender hands were like lightning, she tapped on his chest a few times, grabbed it, grabbed the clothes on his chest, and tossed it again, and threw him aside.

First it was sore and numb, and then there was a flash of white in front of Yan Xing's eyes, and he fell to the ground in a flat-sand-falling geese's butt-to-the-ground style, also known as the four-legged posture, spread out into a strange posture.

And because of the little girl's tossing and dropping, he hit one of the fluffy dog's legs when he landed, so he was able to avoid the tragic end of the back of his head.

Punching and beating people, recklessly, then acupoints to bring people down, and finally throwing people away, completing the purpose of bringing down the Yan people, Le Yun waved her small arms dashingly, with a beautiful smile: "Yan people, you actually want to warm up the heat. , I agree, you lie down and heat up, I'll have breakfast."


Yan Xing, who was lying on the corpse, even wanted to scold her mother, little loli cheated!It is obvious that she is more stamina than Nei Li, she conducts raids and points acupuncture points!
He can point acupuncture points, but he can't be as successful as a little loli. At most, he will make people a little numb, just like being electrocuted by a small current, it is impossible to immobilize people.

And the little loli's acupuncture points are always in vain, and they can turn a big living person into a wooden stake. Unfortunately, he was once again turned into a zombie.

This taste is simply... embarrassing.

He fell to the ground and couldn't move, Yan Xing stared at the ceiling, his face was so hot that his brain was almost dizzy. Hearing that Little Loli asked him to lie down and breathe the heat, his face turned black, and he regretted it very much. Why are you making fun of little loli?

He came here specially for that thing, and explained it to Little Loli, so that people would not misunderstand that he was greedy for credit.

Thinking of food, he moved his eyes, or would he be soft?
Thinking about it, but not reconciled, he is a big man, every time he is brought down, humiliated and lost to his grandmother's house!Fortunately, fortunately, the brothers and brothers of the He family were not present, otherwise, he would be really shameless.

The more Yan Xing thought about it, the more depressed he became. He pursed his lips, begging for mercy, and became a lifeless corpse.

Throwing away handsome Yan's music, he didn't bother to care whether Yanren would be mad or not. He rubbed the bones of his fingers, which were slightly hurt by Yanren's palms, and took small eight-character steps, shaking them three times into the small kitchen.

Before handsome Yan came, the porridge was turned off and put in the pot to warm it up. It had been cold for so long and the temperature was not high. Open the pot and bring the fried appetizers to the small living room, and slowly enjoy a nutritious breakfast.

A four-treasure porridge with yam, peanuts, and corn is fragrant, plus the taste of sauerkraut and mushrooms in the appetizers, filling the house with fragrance.

Smelling the nostrils, Yan Xing only felt hungry in his stomach, but he couldn't hold his face and said that he wanted to eat rice. He could only endure the craving for food and smell the fragrance to satisfy his hunger.

He endured and endured, and in the end he couldn't hold back, his stomach growled.

Hearing his stomach upset, Yan Xing felt ashamed and his face was hot and hot, but secretly looked at the small table, hoping that Little Loli would pity him, let him go, and ask him to have breakfast.

The imagination is beautiful, the's cruel, the little loli is hard-hearted, ignoring the sound of his stomach growling and ignoring him at all.

Yan Xing gas knot.

Enjoying the music of breakfast and hearing the sound of Yan Shuai's intestines turning over, but so what?It was him who was hungry, not her.

Yesterday, handsome guy Yan came to eat. She gave him face because of his haggard face. She made his favorite loofah and celery. Now, she is still stubborn, do you really think she has no temper?Humph, starve him!
In a bad mood, Le Yun has no sympathy for Yanren at all, and she will not pity him at all, so let that kind of face-saving foodie suffer.

Drink two bowls of porridge, eat a plate of mushrooms and pumpkin blossoms, put half a plate of sauerkraut in the small refrigerator, wash the dishes, clean up your own small kitchen, and sway back to the small living room.

When I was about to read the book, I looked at the person who was lying flat and still occupying his own seat cushion. The door, bent over, grabbed the handsome young man's shirt with one hand, grabbed his pants on one leg with the other, and lifted the man easily.

The heater that was on in the morning turned off after smoking for more than an hour. The temperature in the small living room was not too high. Handsome Yan didn't take off his coat when he entered the girls' dormitory. The clothes were of excellent quality and could withstand his weight.

Le Yun rudely threw the Yanren on the floor, made him lie down like a dog, swayed her small body, went to the place where she was reading, took the fluffy dog's legs as a cushion, and leaned against the dog's stomach against the wall. , holding a book, turning into a book madman in seconds.

When Little Loli bent over, Yan Xing thought that she had finally found out that she wanted to relieve her acupuncture points, and she was a little bit overjoyed, thinking that she would finally be liberated, but when she was lifted up like a sandbag, his face was blue and he didn't need to clean up. The little loli, it's so hateful!
Little Loli is so unscrupulous, is she sure he won't do anything to her?She knows that he is in charge of protecting her now, and won't take care of her, will she?
Being thrown on the floor, Yan Xing was so angry that he wanted to yell at Little Loli, but he held back. He was under the eaves and had to bow his head. He was in Little Lolita's dormitory and angered Little Lolita. I didn't know she would come up with it. How to fix yourself.

I can't move, I can only swallow.

That forbearance lasted for a full two hours, and the numb limbs and muscles gradually became conscious. After being left in the cold for so long, Yan Xing's resentment disappeared. When the numbness disappeared, he secretly adjusted his breath for a while to eliminate The discomfort of poor blood flow, turned over and got up, and activated his hands and feet.

When he stood up, he looked at the little loli, the little guy buried his head in reading, only looked up at him, as if he hadn't seen him, and then lowered his head and struggled with the book.

Such a little loli makes people hate it, but she is reluctant to destroy the quiet beauty of her concentrated reading.

Yan Xing, who was ignored, stretched out his arms and moved his legs and jumped around again. He took off his windbreaker and threw it aside. He walked to sit down opposite Little Loli, picked up his computer and checked it. Working with a laptop.

Le Yun naturally knew when handsome Yan should recover from the acupoints she ordered. When he explained the acupuncture points, she thought he would find her angrily to settle the bill, so she might as well clean him up again and swept him out of the house in an upright manner. She didn't jump into a rage, but she was a little surprised.

When handsome Yan sat down, he calmly hugged the computer and started work again. She was impressed by him, handsome Yan's forbearance skills are really awesome, stronger than Ninja kung fu of R country.

When she finished scanning a book, she found that handsome Yan was not pretentious, he was really calm, as if nothing had happened, and she admired him more and more. He could afford to lose and let go. He was a real man.

Yan Xing held the thin books and handled the official affairs she had accumulated in an orderly manner. She occasionally observed the little loli. When she was reading, she not only did not hear anything outside the window, but she never even glanced at her. It seems to be glued to a book and can't be torn off.

When she put down a book, he thought that Little Lolita would talk to him, but in fact, Little Lolita didn't even give him a straight look, she held another book, and read it again attentively.

Hearing the rattling of the pages, he checked the time every once in a while. When it was 11:30, little Lolita didn't move, and when it was twelve o'clock, little Lolita still didn't intend to make lunch. In the past, when it was ten past twelve, he couldn't help reminding: "Little Lolita, get out of class is over."

"I know." The head of the man who was desperately chewing on the book didn't lift his head, and his voice was soft.

Yan Xing frowned depressedly: "Little Loli, it's time to cook lunch."

"I don't have to cook at noon."

"What about mine?"

"You eat your canteen."

"Little Lolita—" Yan Xing was so depressed that he vomited blood. He resigned to his fate and lay in bed for two hours. He waited until noon with an empty stomach. Little Lolita didn't let him eat. The strange little Lolita's heart must be beaten with iron.

After thinking for three seconds, he put down the books, stood up and went to the kitchen by himself: "Little Loli, where is the rice, I'll cook by myself."
Le Yun looked up in amazement and looked at the tall figure walking towards the small kitchen, her eyes flashing with mosquito coils, he he he... he actually cooks by himself?

Just as she was stunned, the handsome young man slipped into the kitchen, picked up the inner pot of the rice cooker as quickly as possible, opened the kitchen cabinet door to find rice, and put the rice and noodles in the cabinet, and you can find it as soon as you look for it. .

Young Master Yan quickly took the rice, washed the rice, and then walked to the small living room in three steps, put the inner pot of the rice cooker in the pot, covered the lid, and connected the power supply.

While cooking, I swiftly rushed to the refrigerator, opened the small refrigerator, took out green vegetables, a pumpkin, and a piece of meat, took them to the kitchen for processing, washed the things, cut them into pieces or sections, and placed them on a plate.

After finishing the dishes to be cooked at noon, Yan Xing washed his hands, slipped to the little Loli and sat down again, facing the little Loli Wu's eyes, the tips of his ears were slightly hot: "I've finished washing the dishes, wait. Once the rice is cooked, stir fry it and eat it.”

Look, look, look, Le Yun stared at handsome Yan hard, did she allow him to eat?

Without her consent, he washed and cooked rice by himself, and he had an unprecedented thick skin.In order to eat rice, he can endure what others can't bear, and he has to admit that handsome Yan's brazen state has reached its peak.

Looking at the handsome guy with red ears, Le Yun blinked her eyes and stared at him, and found that his ears were getting redder and he pouted in contempt.

Anyway, handsome Yan went to cook, so she didn't stop him and let him toss, so she stared at handsome Yan for a long time without saying a word, and she looked back casually and continued to scan her book.

Little Loli's eyes were clear and energetic. When she stared at her, Yan Xing felt like she was going to be stripped. She secretly let out a sigh of relief until her eyes shifted. It's good that Little Loli didn't get angry. He really didn't know what to do.

For his own lunch, he paid special attention to people's livelihood issues. After 5 minutes after the rice cooker tripped, he went to unplug the power, then returned to sit in front of little Lolita, and just looked at little Lolita eagerly, looking forward to her to cook.

Handsome Yan's eyes are like light bulbs. Under the gaze of a tiger, Le Yun wanted to punch him several times with a swollen nose and blue eyes. In the end, she thought that she was her family's future bodyguard, so she resisted the urge to beat him Continue to read the book, wait for about 10 minutes after the rice cooker is unplugged before putting down the book, and go to the small kitchen to eat.

Little Loli was finally willing to eat lunch, Yan Xing sneaked to the dining table secretly, took a seat, and admired Little Loli busy in the kitchen.

When the dishes are on the table, the tableware and chopsticks are also taken. When Little Lolita enters the small kitchen to wash her hands, she prepares the meal first. However, Little Loli returns to the living room with a bowl of fragrant porridge.

Not for him!
Little Loli sat down holding the porridge, Yan Xing was greedy, and did not dare to say that he also wanted to eat medicated porridge, so he silently grabbed the chopsticks, and when Little Loli took the vegetables, he quickly put the green vegetables in the bowl and tasted One bite, not a medicated meal. Little Loli did not put the medicinal ingredients she made in her cooking. The taste was better than that of ordinary people, but it was far less delicious than the medicated meal she made.

Even if he was very greedy for the medicinal diet and could not be satisfied in the end, he did not dare to express his dissatisfaction at all. He quickly ate the two bowls of rice, and then tasted it slowly and waited for the little loli to finish the two bowls of porridge. When he was full, he quickly swept the dishes.

"Are you full?" The little girl asked with a smile as he cleaned out the dishes.

"I'm full." After eating four bowls of rice in a row, there's no way I'm not full.

"Oh, I also kept a bowl of medicated porridge. You won't be able to drink it when you're full. I'll keep it for the evening."

What, and a bowl of porridge?Yan Xing was so surprised that his eyes brightened: "Well, I can still eat it."

Fearing that Little Loli would regret it, he ran to the small kitchen while eating with the bowl.

Pouring the fragrant porridge into his own bowl, the glamorous young man was delighted, his eyebrows were flying, he briskly held the bowl back to the dining table, sat down and enjoyed it slowly.

"Delicious!" He praised after taking a sip.

"It's delicious." Taking the second sip, he narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

"It's so delicious." Taking the third sip, he looked like a cat star who had eaten dried fish.

"It can't be any more delicious." After taking the fourth sip, his whole face was as gorgeous as spring flowers.

"So happy."

Yan Xing took a sip and praised it. It wasn't that he was flattering, but it was really delicious. I don't know what ingredients Little Lolita added. It was better than the medicated porridge I had eaten a few days ago. Throat down, mouth fragrant, the porridge fell into the stomach, as if a hot spring was trickling down, the warmth spread to the limbs and bones, making the body light and light.

Pumping, the corners of Le Yun's mouth and eyes twitched for a while, she couldn't stand it anymore, she said angrily: "I can't stop your mouth if you have something to eat, what else do you want?"

Yan Xing opened a pair of piercing righteous dragon eyes, and his face was radiant and picturesque: "Little Loli, I just can't help but sigh, the taste is so beautiful that I can't stop."

"It's useless to flatter me and give me a high hat, and praise and bribes can't buy me." After saying the compliment, she thought she would be soft-hearted enough to agree that he often rubs rice?Stop dreaming.

"Little Loli, I'm not trying to bribe you, it's really delicious." Yan Xing's eyes were bright, his mood was so beautiful, his smile overflowed his eyes, and the whole person exuded a charming charm.

"Hmph, the medicated food I carefully prepared, the selected medicinal materials that cost at least tens of thousands of raw materials to cook a pot of porridge. If it doesn't taste good, it will be a huge failure of mine."

"Thousands of dollars, so expensive." Yan Xingmei's heart skipped a beat. A pot of porridge cost tens of thousands of yuan of medicinal materials, which is really expensive, and all he eats is money.

"It's good to know. It's not easy to make medicated meals. Don't always run to me to eat."

"I...I don't come here often." He knew that he was not treated as well as Xiao Chao, even though he wanted to eat a meal every day, he didn't do that, so he just thought about it.

"If you have something to do, you will find an excuse to stay here and stay, and you say it's not often?" I really want to kill the cheeky person who always wants to eat rice.

"..." Yan Xing knew that if he argued again, he would probably be scolded again, or he would be acupuncture and corpse.

"Yanren, read your special status, I allow you to eat a medicinal meal a month, in order to restrain the toxins in your body, I will notify you to come to eat when the time is right, and you don't bother me at other times."

"If I'm looking for you on business, I'm not bothering you for no reason, right?" Yan Xing was refreshed and allowed to take a medicated meal for a month, that means it was tailor-made for him?

"Don't take advantage of the loophole. If you have something to call or send a message, you don't need to come to the interview in person."

"The phone is afraid of being tapped."

"..." Le Yun's cold swish eyes fell on handsome Yan, and ordinary contact is not an international secret, so are you afraid of eavesdropping?When the members of the intelligence bureau are communicating?

Little Lolita's beautiful almond eyes are clear in black and white, sparkling and watery, like a mirror that mirrors the soul, even a big gentleman in Yanxing can't take it. Well, as long as I can make a phone call, I'll say it on the phone."

Suppressing handsome Yan with her eyes, Le Yun withdrew her gaze lightly, and no longer admired the foodie's cowardice, moved the car, sat on her own special throne for reading, and scanned the book.

(End of this chapter)

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