Chapter 342
At Kyoto International Airport, flights are flying all over the sky every day. Even if the capital is the coldest season, there are still an endless stream of guests coming and going every day.

Shoubo waited at the airport until twelve o'clock, and the plane to pick up arrived. After a long time, he saw Tan Yi Tan Er and four young people from the Tantai family pushing suitcases and walking out of the safe passage with a wheelchair. .

It was cold in Kyoto, and the person leaning on the wheel was wrapped in a thin blanket, and also wore a dust mask to prevent dust and cold wind, and also wore a hood and a scarf, making it difficult to see the face.

Shou Bo greeted them, went to the Tantai family to meet the youths, and took the wheelchair from the youth to personally push them to walk. He asked the youths, "Is the road safe? Has the eldest young master been frightened?"

"No, the journey is safe." Dan Yidan replied in a low voice.

Tan Yi Tan Er was ordered to go back to the Tantai family to pick up the eldest young master who was paralyzed into a vegetative state. When he returned to the Tantai family, he first arranged everything properly, packed his luggage, and took all measures before he set off for the flight to Beijing.

The journey was safe, indicating that there was no accident such as assassination. Shoubo was also more at ease. He went out of the terminal building with the young people wearing sunglasses and masks, and called three taxis outside to return to the city.

After walking around and stopping all the way, he returned to Tantai’s house near Jingbeiyuan after two hours. He still got off at the alley closest to the house, and then walked back to the house.

Back in Tantai's small courtyard, the young people went to rest first, and Shoubo took Tan Yidaner to push a wheelchair into the second courtyard to see the owner and the young master.

Tantai Mingguang's grandson and grandson were waiting in the main hall of the upper house. The air conditioner was turned on in the main hall to warm the house. The grandparents and grandchildren were looking forward to it. When they saw several people pushing wheelchairs into the inner courtyard, they were excited and worried.

Shoubo and the two young people first reported the news of the arrival of the youth guards to the owner and the young master under the eaves porch, then carried the wheelchair into the main hall, waited at Tantai at the door and rushed up happily, holding the wheelchair and calling "brother", followed by Wheelchair trot.

Shoubo pushed Lun Yi in front of the owner sitting in the east wing, and helped the eldest young master take away the blanket and scarf. Tantai Xunhuan happily went to help brother take off the hat and take off the mask.

After removing the extra things, the man in the wheelchair showed his face. It was a beautiful young man. The facial features and contours were perfectly matched. to wake him up.

He is Tantai Xunyang, the eldest young master of the Tantai family. He is 24 years old. He was paralyzed into a vegetative state when he was 15 years old.

"Brother, I'm Ah Huan. It's a little cold, but it'll get warmer soon. Touch your head." Tantai Xunhuan touched his brother's face, it was cold and cold, like when he was coaxing him when he was young, he touched the top of his head.

The younger master and the elder brother have a close relationship, and Shoubo was also very happy, so he unbuttoned the eldest master's down jacket to avoid sweating for a while when it was too hot.

Tantai Mingguang moved the wheelchair to his side and stroked his eldest grandson's face: "Ayang, don't be afraid, grandpa will take you to see a doctor tomorrow, you will definitely get better."

Dan Yidan Er entered the main hall of the upper room and stood there waiting for the owner to ask questions.

Tantai Xunhuan was intimate with his brother for a while, Sa Huaner ran to Tanyi's side, raised his head, and his eyes were shining: "Awu, did you help me bring my little jade horse?"

"Bring it, young master, Yuma is in the small suitcase." Dan Yi smiled brightly, bent over, moved the small suitcase beside him, opened it himself, and held out a mahogany box.

Tantai Xunhuan saw the wooden box, hugged it happily, ran to the table, put the box on the chair, picked up the key on the box lock and opened the small golden lock.

The mahogany box is about one foot and four inches long, and it is stuffed with red flannel. Take away the flannel that has been plugged in the gap, and only a ball of flannel is left. Open the red flannel again, and there is a soft white cloth inside. Open it again to reveal It is only a white jade horse. The jade horse is about one foot two long and ten inches high. It is beautifully carved and lifelike.

The white jade horse is the favorite thing of the young master of Tantai. Because he was born in the same year as a horse, it is one of the gifts specially created by his grandfather's family for his grandson Qingsheng.

Seeing his little jade horse, Tantai Xunhuan's mouth curled happily, he took it out and stroked it for a while, then stuffed it back into the box and wrapped it up, stuffed the fluff in the gap, and locked it up. Give the little jade horse to the little fairy, of course, protect it well.

After locking the box, he ran to Grandpa's side and asked expectantly, "Grandpa, when are we going to Uncle Xing's house to find the little fairy?"

"Soon, grandpa will call your uncle Xing at night and ask him when he is free. You can only go after an appointment." Tantai Mingguang touched his little grandson's head, and there was some hope in his eyes. Let Ayang wake up, he would rather lose his life than regret it.

Because the escort who escorted the eldest grandson had just gotten off the plane, he was not too obsessed with his thoughts. He asked Dan Yidaner how the rest of the family reacted when they went home to pick up the eldest young master. After listening to the story, he asked the two young people to go down to rest as well.

When Tan Yi and Tan Er went to rest and eat, Shou Bo took the medicine to help the eldest young master inject nutritional potion, and then sent him to the room to the west of the upper room to rest.

Tantai Mingguang did not deliberately conceal the fact that he took his eldest grandson, Tantai Xunyang, into Beijing. Therefore, before Tantai Xunyang stepped off the plane, several ancient martial families in Beijing received the news.

When Shao Fang received the news, Shao Lan and Shao Lan had just finished lunch and were sitting in a restaurant drinking tea. After drinking tea calmly, they left the restaurant and boarded the car.

After getting in his car, Fang Shaocai exchanged information with Lan Shao: "Tantai Xunyang arrived in Beijing not long ago."

"So, does the Wan Cheng family have clues about people from Xianmen, so the Tantai Patriarch hurriedly brought the eldest grandson into the capital?"

"Qingxi, you can talk to Tantai Midong quite well. Why don't the Tantai family know why their owner brought Tantai Xunyang to Beijing."

"I'll find a time to ask at night, and I'll let you know if I have any clues."

"Well, you should pay attention to Tantai's side. My focus will be shifted. It is reported that Weihua School and Huo Jiaquan also intend to visit Beijing. I will have people focus on investigating the whereabouts of the eight-knife veteran of the Hua School. "

"it is good."

Lan Shao nodded, and the Dongfang family focused on checking the whereabouts of the master and apprentice of the old master of the Eight Swords. Naturally, he had to allocate a part of the staff. Anyway, he was idle, and he could just let the family guards pay attention to the whereabouts of the Tantai family.

The two chatted for a while, Fang Shao started the car and went home. The black domestic Tenghui moved out of the side street and soon merged into the traffic on the street.

The Dongfang family was able to find out that Tantai Xunyang had been brought into Beijing, so the Xuanyuan family naturally knew a little about the major actions of the ancient martial family in Beijing. , "Isn't it just taking a patient into Beijing, what is there to make a fuss about?", so lightly exposed the Tantai family matter.

The incident at the Tantai family in Guwu affected the family who were also looking for a suspected immortal doctor, but Young Master Yan was unaware, and he was still in the dormitory of Little Loli.

After getting Little Loli's arrangement of a nutritious medicated meal for a month, Yan Xing was beaming and didn't mind Little Loli's indifference. After drinking the porridge, she washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, and helped to mop the kitchen and small living room. Once again, Zi Lai Shu sits in front of the small desk with his computer in his arms and does his own work.

For the shameless behavior of handsome Yan, Le Yun was also deeply intoxicated. Yan people obviously looked so noble and glamorous, how did they become so unscrupulous in just a few days?
Is it because of his nature that he is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, or is it because she is too talkative that he has become so stubborn?

Le Yun, who was deeply puzzled, couldn't figure out the reason after thinking for a long time. She didn't bother to pay attention to him, and let Yanren occupy the land. She just wanted to try to see how thick-skinned Yanren was and how many unethical things she could do.

Experiments have proved that young master Yan really doesn't understand what is reserved and what is called doing what others want, he has done the thing of making noise and stealing the host very well, just at 04:30 in the evening, without the little girl doing anything, he ran to wash rice and cook, Wash and choose vegetables, do the preliminary work, and only leave the last process to the little loli.

However, when he did those things, he still looked serious, as if it was just right.

Le Yun: "..." What's the matter, does Yanren really regard her dormitory as his home?
She endured it, and resisted the urge to strip people and throw them out the door. As he wished, to cook vegetables for dinner, she just wanted to see what shameless things he could do.

Little Lolita doesn't bombard people. Yan Xinglai stayed in the girls' dormitory for a day. She got two meals. She was in a happy mood. She ate dinner and then finished her work as a dishwasher. Little Loli beat her handsome face with a small group of bruises and retreated contentedly.

Yan Ren was full, waved his sleeves and walked away, Le Yun was stunned again, losing his grandfather, Yan Ren was really just trying to get food for a day?It has to be said that handsome Yan's method of rubbing rice has reached the pinnacle, unparalleled.

Also surprised by handsome Yan's way of rubbing food, classmate Le Xiao was sullenly bored all night, and then put it aside when he woke up the next day.

In the morning, she finished picking tea leaves in the space and collected the last batch of lotus roots. The red and white lotus roots in the large ink-colored vats have grown for more than two months, and the nutrients in the water have probably been absorbed, and the leaves finally withered.

Le Xiaoxiao happily harvested the lotus leaves, lotus pods, and lotus stems in the water tank, and finally took out the lotus roots. Because there were no harvests for a few days, the lotus roots were almost full of half the tank, and it took an hour to get them all out.

Take out all the lotus roots, go out of the space, move the water tank to a place where only half of the flowerbed is exposed, go back to the space, pour all the water into the flowerbed, wash the ink tank, move it to the well, and put it inside water.

When the water tank is more than half full, it is moved back to the bottom of the dragon's blood tree, and the tree strips are put in the tank again, and the white lotus root is planted.

This time she decided not to mix and see if lotus root yields would increase when planted separately.

After getting the lotus root and frying it in August, I found that some small mushrooms also appeared in the field where the silver plate mushrooms were grown. Except for the two mushroom fields, because all the vegetables planted were harvested, there were only medicinal crops in the spiritual field.

After thinking for a long time, Le Yun rolled up her sleeves and rolled up her trousers, and started planting again, planting a piece of potato, a piece of sweet potato, a piece of corn, and a piece of peanuts, all of which have long growing seasons.

After planting a batch of crops and digging yam, only a small piece of yam was dug. At noon, I had to temporarily stop work and make myself a meal to comfort my hard work. I continued to dig yam and tuckahoe in the afternoon.

Yan Shao stayed in Little Loli's dormitory for one day on Monday, and returned to the dormitory in the evening. Liu Shao thought he had just returned from a mission. The two brothers were close for a while.

On Tuesday, Professor Wan Cheng went to work at the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Mrs. Wang was invited to give a lecture at the Drama Theater in the morning. It was only half the morning after the lecture. She did not go back to the school dormitory, but went back to her home near the Science and Technology Museum Park.

When Old Wan Zhai went to the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, her sons would not come back during work hours. When Mrs. Wang came home, there was no one else at home. After entering the hospital, she opened the door of the small building, opened the windows to let some air out, and then turned on the heating to clean up the house.

At noon, I simply ate the whole meal. Soon after the afternoon, the Tantai family arrived as scheduled.

Tantai’s family has two cars, both of which are five-seater domestic Dongfeng sedans. Tantai’s grandfather and grandson are in the back seat of the first car, and Tanyi is in the passenger seat, and is driven by a special driver; Shou Bo leads the two in the back. a car.

The two cars stopped outside the courtyard of Professor Wan Cheng's house. The Tantai family's guards got off the car. Shoubo hugged the young master, Tan Yidan'er carried the eldest young master out and put him in a wheelchair. Two other young people took four from the trunk. The suitcase, the group entered Professor Wan Cheng's house.

Mrs. Wang greeted them under the eaves of the building, welcomed the guests into the living room, and first brought the Tantai family guards upstairs with their luggage and placed them in the guest room.

Tantai Mingguang brought his grandson and grandson by his side. If he wanted to stay overnight, he naturally had to bring some change of clothes. They didn't have much luggage, but Tantai Xunyang had more things.

The Tantai family guards placed their luggage and went downstairs, leaving only Tan Yi Tan Er and Shoubo, and the others returned to the Tantai family courtyard first.

Sending away the youth of the Tantai family, Mrs. Wang served tea, fruits and dried fruits to the guests, and then went to see the eldest young master of the Tantai family in a wheelchair. She saw the thin and thin teenager who was sleeping, and her mother's love overflowed, pinching the face of the teenager. : "I haven't seen you for more than a year, and this child's appearance has not changed." She looks so beautiful and has a good match with Brother Chao, her little girl might soften her heart when she sees it.

"The appearance has never changed, but I just can't wake up." Tantai Mingguang's heart throbbed, the eldest grandson had a heartbeat and signs of life after the accident, and his appearance did not change, just fell asleep.

"It's okay to fall asleep, it's good to be alive, and there is hope in life." Mrs. Wang comforted Tantai Mingguang. Although Tantai Xunyang turned into a vegetative state, it was heartbreaking, but there was still a glimmer of hope. Maybe one day he would wake up. , if he died at that time, it would mean that there would never be any hope.

Tantai Mingguang sighed, although the truth is true, but every year of hope is disappointed every year, and sometimes people are desperate. Under the repeated blows of disappointment, if it is not for his good psychological quality, he may have collapsed already.

When Tantai Mingguang brought his two grandsons to Wan Cheng's house as a guest, Lan Shao soon received the news that he was drinking tea on the upstairs balcony of Feng's villa and only said "I know" to the guard.

When the guards withdrew, Lan Shao lightly clasped the table with his fingers, and his eyes were deep. The information he got from Tantai Midong was that the three families of Wancheng, Zhai, and Fu had figured out a treatment plan for vegetative people. Tantai Xunyang went to Beijing for trial treatment. Is that really true?

(End of this chapter)

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