magic eye doctor

Chapter 354 Shining On The Stage

Chapter 354 Shining On The Stage
Mr. Xiao and the old Beijing family were sitting in the seats very close to the main table. When they saw the Chao family siblings walking towards him with their new sister, their whole faces burst into smiles.

Before anyone approached, he turned around and waited cheerfully. When the little guys came, he shouted brightly, "Little girl, are you coming to drink with me?"

"Grandpa Xiao, please don't spoil my sister, Xiao Lele is only 14 and a half years old, can't drink alcohol, okay?" Chao Yubo smiled, and took a bag containing pills from the plate and handed it to the old man: "Grandpa Xiao , My sister gave you a return gift, don’t eat it like a quail egg, the minimum price for this one is [-] yuan, and the price is out of stock, if you always waste it, I can’t do anything if you want to ask me again.”

"Oh, it's fortunate that you said it, I was wondering if it was a hangover for me." Xiao Lao grabbed the ball in his pocket and said, "Xiao Bo, tell me what special purpose it has?"

"Grandpa Xiao, I'll tell you more about the usage after the dinner party or when I'm free. Now I'll bring Xiao Lele back as a gift." The beautiful young man smiled, deliberately intriguing.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Lao understands, the little guys will be very useful if they don't say anything.

Several old men in the same seat poke Elder Xiao with jealous eyes.

After the beautiful young man nodded and greeted everyone, he led his pretty sister to Qing Lao's table, and gave a gift in return. Qing Lao took the gift and put it in his arms, winked at everyone, and didn't ask for the purpose.

The grandfather of the Li family is very funny, and the little classmate Le also makes a cute grimace.

The little girl was delicate and pretty, and she was lively and cute with grimace, which made the old man unbearable.

Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Yang and the two old men of the Chao family sat close to each other, and they happened to give the gift back together. The old men smiled and accepted the gift well, without showing it to others.

In the end, I sent a gift to the Zhang family. The Zhang family has several generations, but they are not willing to sit in the most prestigious seats. In the partial seats, the Zhang family is also the home of the tiger generals. The husband of Mrs. Chao is an educator and a standard scholar.

Mr. Zhang retired from the Ministry of National Defense. He is a 1.7-meter-eight tall man, with a face like steel, and the vigor of a tiger general's blade and sword can be vaguely seen between his eyebrows and eyes.

Mr. Zhang received the return gift from the three brothers and sisters of the Chao family. Mrs. Zhang was also a gentle old man, holding the little granddaughter who was still in the swaddling clothes, with kind eyes and kind eyes.

When classmate Le Xiao saw that the child was willing to move, he wouldn't leave. Chao Yubo and Chao Yufu couldn't beat her, so let her play for a while, and they went back to accompany their grandparents first.

The Zhang family warmly welcomed the little girl, asked her to sit down, and Chao Yuming took the baby over to the little sister Fandanzi.

The little great-granddaughter of the Zhang family is almost half a year old, pink and falling asleep, with a bubble coming out of her mouth, she is so cute.

Holding the soft child, looking at the ball of pink powder, Le Yun grinned and opened her mouth, stretched out her tender white paws and poked the baby's face, the baby was sleeping, and she didn't protest when she was poked in the face. .

A little girl who hasn't grown up is teasing the baby. The picture is very loving, and the Zhang family's young and old are smiling.

Poke the baby's face and play, Le Yun is doing the right thing, feel the pulse of the little man, look at the little arm, take off the shoes and look at the soles of the feet, look at the calves, and then look at the baby's buttocks, stomach, back As well as the back of the brain, check the whole body.

"Little dumpling, does the baby have any health problems?" Chao Mingfu nervously watched the little dumpling to check the baby's whole body.

"There is a problem with the gallbladder and the liver. The baby's liver lobes have small blisters, and the gallbladder tends to develop into gallbladder inflammation." Le Yun held the baby who seemed to be waking up in her arms and gently returned it to the mother.

"Is it serious?" The Zhang family was horrified.

"It's not serious at the moment, but it can't be ignored. Try not to feed milk powder. The baby is too young to take medicine directly. I'll go back to school and study the appropriate medicine or recipe for Brother Chao to bring back to Sister Ming to make breast milk healthier and more nutritious. , and indirectly recuperate the baby's body, wait for the baby to get older, and then take targeted medicine next year."

"Little girl, thank you for your hard work." Mrs. Zhang was very grateful. The Zhang family has four sons, one to two in each of the four sons. There are no daughters in the three generations. The eldest grandson of the fourth generation is a girl. Afraid of losing hands.

"You're welcome, the baby calls me auntie, it's my niece, and it's my own family." Le Yun smiled and leaned over to Sister Ming to watch the baby yawn.

The Zhang family knew that the elder sister of the Chao family was a real person, and she was not polite.

Here they are talking, over there the waiters set the wine, and the steward asks the three masters of the Chao family when to serve the food.

Just as Chao Yi was about to say it was okay, he heard Uncle Hu's loud announcement: "Old man and old lady, Mrs. He Tai of the He family brings the children and grandchildren of the He family to congratulate the old man on his birthday!"

The voice came, and the whole hall suddenly fell silent.

If you ask what has your circle been most concerned about in recent months?
Of course, it is a major event for the ancestor of the He family to be brought back to life.

What do people care about most?
In addition to power and money, of course it is health, and health is precisely the basis of power and money. Without health, no matter how great the power or money is, it is just a flash in the pan.

The ancestors of the He family stepped into the coffin with one foot and the other foot on the edge of the coffin, and in a blink of an eye, they were alive again. They are highly valued.

But no matter how the people in your circle tried to pry, they couldn't open the mouth of the He family, and no one knew the secret of the recovery of the ancestors of the He family.

The He family became more and more low-key, and almost did not attend any banquets after October. However, the silent He family came to congratulate the old man of the Chao family, or Mrs. He came to the door in person, which was of extraordinary significance.

In an instant, all the high-ranking officials and cadres, and all the dignitaries turned their minds around countless times, and the things they thought of were absolutely profound.

Le Yun's mind was filled with question marks first, then exclamation marks. Hearing that the He family was here, the heartbeats of the whole audience quickened in seconds. Do you think the He family is good?

Because Mayor Wang did not allow Wang Yuxuan to walk around with himself, Zhao Zongze has always been a gentleman. However, when he heard that the He family came to celebrate his birthday, his face suddenly changed. Why did Mr. He come here?

He had a hunch that Yan Xing would most likely come together with He Jialao immortal.He had seen Liu Shao and Yan Xing on the Liu family's side before. He thought that Yan Xing would not come. Who knew that the He family would be killed halfway when the banquet was about to start.

The He family recognizes him, will they embarrass him?

Zhao Zongze suddenly lost his bottom line, and his heart was up and down, messing up the rules.

Zhao Shao paled in shock, and Mrs. Wang's face was also extremely unnatural. The Wang family lived in the same compound as the He family. She and her wife had been sent off to the He family several times, and the He family treated them more and more. Getting colder.

On her birthday last month, she invited the He family when she invited her to the table. However, the He Qiying, who was also a cadre of the Beijing Municipal Standing Committee, went to take a gift because of human relationships, and left without even sitting down.

Now, the ancestors of the He family personally led the descendants of the He family to the Chao family to congratulate the old man on his birthday. A comparison between the two parties shows how the He family treats the Chao family with courtesy, and how despise the Wang family.

Old Mrs. Wang felt uncomfortable because the Chao family brothers had warned that the Chao family had a distinguished guest, and when she heard that the He family members were coming, she felt even more uncomfortable when she thought of her family's hot face on the He family's cold buttocks.

Wang Yuxuan's back was also suddenly tightened by the sound of the announcement. Is the ancestor of the He family here? !

When Lan Shao heard the news that the He family was coming, he raised his eyes to look at Liu Shao, and saw that Liu Shao's face was full of sunshine. He suddenly realized that Liu Shao should have known that the He family would come to Chao's house, so he smiled unpredictably.

Why did the He family come to the Chao family to celebrate their birthday?
The ancient martial family's inquiries from the side and the west did not reveal anything. The He family never expressed that they were special to anyone. Today, they suddenly came to the Chao family. Does it mean that the person who healed the ancestors of the He family has something to do with the Chao family? The family loves Wu and Wu, so they all went to Chao's house to celebrate their birthday?

While thinking about it, Lan Shao looked at several other places, and observed that the people of the Guwu family who came to the banquet with some families in Beijing as ordinary people were not particularly unusual, and he tacitly watched the changes.

When Mr. Chao heard Butler Hu's loud voice, he looked at his wife in astonishment, Mrs. He Tai is here, right?

There is a person in the He family who is the same as Chao San. If that person brought his wife and children to the Chao family, the old man would not be surprised, but even Mrs. He Tai also came, which is very strange.

Her wife has never been very proficient in human relations, so Mrs. Chao was stunned at first, and immediately stretched out her hand to take her wife's arm and stood up: "Mrs. He is a senior, let's greet you." Then she called her children and grandchildren: "The boss, the second and the third, you too. come together."

"Yes!" The three brothers agreed, and followed the old man and old lady with their wives. Chao Yubo and Chao Yufu were even faster and followed beside their grandparents.

The master of the Chao family came out to greet him, and the atmosphere in the hall was stagnant at first, but then the bigwigs who were closest to the main table didn't dare to push them any further, and got up and left their seats one after another.

Mrs. He Tai of the He family was a revolutionary veteran who had fought on the battlefield and killed the enemy before, and won the August [-]st Peace Medal, which represents the highest award for military merit.

Everyone in the Chao family went to greet the guests in person, and everyone in the VIP seats stood up to greet them.

Outside the door, Uncle Hu was shocked.

After seven o'clock, even if there are no guests, the waiters are still guarding the door before the dinner starts, and they will not leave until at least ten minutes after the dinner starts.

Uncle Hu was guarding the door, thinking that there would be no more guests, but just when the food was about to be served in the hall, he saw a group of people approaching.

When the guests approached, he was stunned to find that it was the He family or the ancestor of the He family who led the team.

Surprised in his heart, Uncle Hu didn't hesitate, and immediately reported to the old men in person, so that the old men and the old ladies were mentally prepared, and he sent a message to the inside, and trotted to meet the members of the He family.

Ancestor He took off his down jacket when he arrived at the door of the second master Chao on the first floor, and was surrounded by his children and grandchildren into the banquet hall.

The members of the He family filed in, and the people who greeted them could see clearly the He family's camp. The He family's team was very large. Mrs. He was in the front, wearing a dark red cheongsam and a long winter dress, her hair was coiled up, and a few gems were dotted with it. Hairpin, with light makeup, does not look like an old man who is nearly a hundred years old at all, as if he has just turned 70 or [-] years old.

Mrs. He Tai held her head high, her chin raised slightly, her steps were calm, her bearing was elegant, and she was indescribably graceful and luxurious. Looking at the ladies in the banquet, the kind of extravagance was only comparable to that of Miao Miao.

If the ladies in the banquet are stars, Mrs. He Tai is the bright moon, and if the noble ladies are flowers, Mrs. He Tai is the peony in the flowers.

As soon as Le Yun saw the old birthday mother-in-law of the He family, she was immediately stunned. Oh mom, the old birthday mother-in-law is so aura!The old birthday star mother-in-law is full of aura and swept all directions, overwhelming the bravery of the group.

Le Xiaoxue stared blankly, Li Lao and others were a little stunned, no one expected that Mrs. He Tai, who had not been away for many years, was still full of heroic spirit and her aura remained undiminished.

Mrs. He Tai calmed down as soon as she appeared, but she didn't look sideways. She put her left hand on the arm of the glamorous young man who was supporting her on the left and walked towards the masters calmly and gracefully.

The young man on her left is Sun Yanxing, the grandson of the He family. The young man wears a gray-black suit and a red pattern tie. He is tall and tall like a moving mountain. The elegant smile, the long eyes are full of light, and the end is unparalleled in style and unparalleled in elegance.

He supported the old man, and he raised his hands and gestures with awe-inspiring aura. His aura and elegance were somewhat similar to that of the old man.

Mrs. He Tai also has a handsome young man in the right hand, with a slender figure, a man like a jade, and eyebrows like a knife. The handsome young man supports the old man with his left hand and a lady's coat on his right.

Many people know the young man on the right hand side of Mrs. He Tai, who is He Zhiming, the fourth great grandson of the He family, and one of the descendants of the third grandfather of the He family.

The ancestors of the He family did not let their sons and daughters-in-law help them, nor did they let their grandchildren and grandchildren help them. Instead, they supported the two juniors, the grandson and the great-grandson. It also shows how much the old man loves the great-grandchildren, and it also indirectly shows that Yan Shaoyan travels. How favored it is in the He family.

Behind Mrs. He Tai are rows of He family members. The first is Lu Xuemei, the widow of the deceased He Zigong, who is supported by his eldest son, He Qiwen and his wife; the second is He Er, He Zirong, Guo Qingqing and his wife; again, He San. He Zirui, Chai Xi and his wife; the fourth is the deceased He family, He Zihua's widow Jin Ali, who is supported by his eldest son He Qiying and his wife;
Then there are He Qishu and his wife, He Qili and his wife, He Qijie and his wife, He Qican and his wife, and finally He Mingsheng, He Mingjun, He Mingtao, He Mingjing, and He Mingxin.

There are 28 members of the He family, old and young, representing Mrs. He's four sons, one daughter, and grandchildren in each house. All the descendants of the He family came, and it also represented that the He family came out to celebrate Mr. Chao's birthday. Grand, formal.

Old Man Li, Old Man Zhou, Old Man Xiao, and the others saw the He family's formation clearly, but their faces remained unmoved, but their shock was no less than a small earthquake.

Wu Lao was shocked as much as Li Lao and others. He squinted at Le Qianjin, and there was a trace of anger in his heart. It was not good for the Le family girl to provoke someone, but she decided to move the crooked idea on the only male sign of the Chao family. Her family was in Beijing. It's too moisturizing to live in.

The three gentlemen of the Chao family saw clearly who was coming from the He family, and the smiles on their faces almost failed. What is the He family doing?Such a grand appearance will scare people.

Old Ancestor He held Xiao Longbao's hand, loud and powerful, and was still far away from the owner, and he arrived before anyone came: "I am delighted to hear that in the year of Lao Qingzhang's country, Xiao Jinsun officially recognizes his relatives, and double happiness is coming. The old woman has the cheek to bring her children and grandchildren to please drink wine."

"The presence of Mrs. He Tai Feng Jia makes Xiaoxiao Chao's house full of light, and the whole house is full of light. Mrs. He Tai's admiration makes the little old man a great honor." Mrs. Chao stepped forward to greet him. Mrs. He Tai and the Chao family passed away first. The old man's peers, a whole generation older than him, are the real seniors.

"Welcome Mrs. He, distinguished guests of the He family, come to the humble house." Mrs. Chao and her son and daughter-in-law extended their most sincere welcome to everyone in the He family.

"We came too late and disturbed everyone, please forgive me." He Da's old lady Lu Xuemei apologized on behalf of the brothers.

"You're welcome." The brothers of the Chao family humbly stood aside, waiting for Mr. He San and others to go first.

Mr. Chao greeted Mrs. He Tai, and personally helped the old senior. He Xiaowu gave way to the master, and Mrs. Chao stayed by her husband's side.

Ancestor He glanced at everyone in the Chao family, stretched out his hand and grabbed the Chao family boy standing on the side, his eyes sparkling with a smile: "This should be the elder brother of the Chao family, he looks so good, it's really a beautiful moon, and the elegance of this body is so beautiful. My little dragon treasures are even better."

"You are too old to be awarded, how can a child deserve your old praise." The old lady and old man Chao smiled with flowers on her face.

"Mrs. He Tai, you have shown your love, how can I, the light of a grain of rice, dare to compete with the light of the sun and the moon of the descendants of the He family. One generation has the style of being a father, the younger generation inherits the style of their ancestors, and the He family is the backbone of the country from generation to generation, it is really not something that a yellow-mouthed child like me can match."

After being praised by the ancestors of the He family, Chao Yubo returned with a smile.

"!" Yan Xing almost broke his work. Brother Chao's heart and liver are only a little less than Bigan, and he has always been a formidable person. It's good to praise the He family like this, this is to create hatred for the He family.

He Er and San: "..."

Brother He Mingzhi and everyone: "!" Brother Chao, please don't be black!

All the guests: "!" Even if you don't want to admit it, you have to admit that the elder brother of the Chao family is right. The He family really does not rely on the family to mess with people, and there are no rice bugs who eat and wait to die. Everyone's achievements are You can get it by yourself.

"Hey, I'm just telling the truth. You are good. You have praised all the boys in my family. No wonder people say that Brother Chao's face is superior to his peers in the capital, and Zhigai is a hero of the same age. Good brother, don't praise my family. Boys, you and my family's fifteen or so are the same age, so please don't see outsiders."

Being praised by the beautiful young man to the whole family, Ancestor He smiled like a flower, and the smile lines swayed on his face. He pulled the second girl of the Chao family again, raised his hand and pulled a peony crested hairpin from his head and inserted it into the little girl's hair. , smiled and said, "The elder brother of the Chao family is very handsome, and the girl of the Chao family is dignified and beautiful. My old man didn't bring any valuables, so I gave him a hairpin as a gift. My sister-in-law, don't despise mediocre gifts."

The ancestors of the He family took the brothers and sisters of the Chao family to speak cordially, and all the guests could understand that when the old man gave Chao Er a gift, they were all dumbfounded.

A girl who was given a pearl hairpin by the ancestors of the He family back then, her husband was a high-ranking official, and the girl was also honored.

Being able to get a hairpin from the ancestors of the He family means that the girl is pure and pure, chaste and gentle, abiding by etiquette and precepts, and a model of a noble lady.


The ladies and daughters here are full of jealousy.

Mrs. Wang could hardly maintain the demeanor of a noble lady. Her granddaughter was so good to Yan Xing back then, and the ancestors of the He family never gave any bead hairpins. Now, this is the first time I see Chao Er girl, but she is generously gifting hairpins. Isn't this hitting her granddaughter in the face?

When this matter spread to the aristocratic circle, the dignitaries in Beijing found out the childhood sweetheart relationship between her granddaughter and Yan Xing, and then contacted that she did not receive the hairpin from the ancestors of the He family back then, indicating that she was not recognized, so where to put her granddaughter's face , where to put the face of the Wang family?

Thinking of the serious relationship between the actions of the ancestors of the He family, Mrs. Wang was stabbed in the heart with a knife, and her face was embarrassed, which could not be hidden even with light makeup.

Wang Yuxuan was dumbfounded at first, and when she came to her senses, Hua Rong was pale and almost cried. When she and Yan Xing were very good, she could easily see the old He family ancestor who was rarely seen in other families. She means something extraordinary.

It doesn't matter if the ancestors of the He family don't give her any gifts, after all, the ancestors of the He family have never given anything to others before, and now they gave the hairpin to Miss Chao Er for the first time, and when compared, she would become a joke. Those who distort the facts will probably think that she is not good, and that she did not catch the eyes of the ancestors of the He family, and they may even expand to say that she is with Yan Xing's childhood sweetheart on the surface, but secretly with Yan Xing's stepbrother , saying she behaved badly.

Thinking of all the possibilities, Wang Yuxuan felt anxious and her eyes turned red.

Not to mention other people, Chao Yufu was also a little confused. It was the first time she saw the ancestor of the He family, how could Mrs. He give gifts?
Chao's father and mother, Chao's mother and brothers and sisters-in-law, looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief, Mrs. He was here with the whole family to celebrate their birthday, and she was giving hairpins, which song was she singing.

"How can this be made." The old man Chao was very embarrassed. Mrs. He Jiatai only gave a gift to a girl many years ago. The girl later married a good husband, and her husband soared. He also presented a meeting gift to the Chao family girl and gave the Chao family face.

"There's nothing that can't be used. Brother Chao is a man, and he doesn't need anything from his daughter's house. My old woman gave a gadget to the girl from the Chao family. It's just a pleasure for the little girl."

Mrs. He Tai was kind and kind, Chao Yufu was a little confused at first, but now he has adapted to the sudden change, and thanked him with a smile: "The elders don't dare to say no, Yufu thanks Mrs. He Tai for the reward."

"This little girl has the same temperament as my little sixteenth, lively and straightforward." Ancestor He praised, and looked at the old man of the Chao family: "Old man Chao, why don't you see the new little golden grandson of the Chao family?"

"Mrs. He Tai, you said my sister, she was playing with my eldest sister's little niece. I'm going to ask Xiao Lele to come over." Chao Yubo knew why Mrs. He Tai was looking for Xiao Lele, and immediately explained the old senior's doubts.

"It's wrong, it's not a call, the little doctor is so honorable, how dare you ask the master to ask for it." Mrs. He Tai stopped the beautiful boy of Chao's family and instructed the children around him: "Xiao Longbao, Xiao Shishi, you go and invite the little doctor. Respect."

(End of this chapter)

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