magic eye doctor

Chapter 355 Exposed

Chapter 355 Exposed


Le Yun originally stayed out of the matter, but when she heard the words of the old birthday star of the He family, her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly felt bad. I was afraid that it would be exposed tonight.

little doctor?
Lan Shao caught the name of the ancestor of the He family, and looked at Yan Shao subconsciously, something in his heart seemed to be about to come out.

Old Ancestor He's words also shocked Old Wu and others once again. What kind of honor is that to allow Mrs. He to say a word?
A flash of light flashed in Old Li's mind, and he suddenly realized that Bo Ge'er's sister was the doctor who healed the ancestors of the He family!No wonder Xiao Bo let them not have to go to the He family to find out any news, saying that he knew who the doctor who brought the He family ancestors back to life.

Le Jiaqi found that the expressions of the people around her were very strange. She knew that the Chao family was a first-class dignitary. Seeing that everyone greeted the He family when they came, she guessed that they must have a bigger background, but her knowledge was limited, and she had never had in-depth contact with Beijing Top-level families, do not understand the mystery, do not understand why everyone's expressions have changed and changed, so complicated and difficult to understand.

Everyone in the He family has always been very calm. When the elder brother of the Chao family pointed the direction of the little doctor, the young and old all searched together. When they entered the hall, they only saw the old and young of the Chao family, but not the little doctor. It was quite strange at the time.

Yan Xing had already seen where Little Loli was, and when she heard the instructions of the great grandmother, she walked out from behind the old ancestor and the old man Chao, and went around the Chao family with Xiao Shiwu, stood aside, and waited for the old ancestor to go there first. Find someone.

Knowing where the little doctor was, Ancestor He didn't grumble, and with a smile, the old man Chao supported him to the main table, and the He family, old and young, walked on high.

Waiting for the ancestor and Mr. Chao to move forward, Yan Xing and He Mingming walked along the edge of the red carpet on the right side of the door.

Mr. Chao and Mrs. Chao accompanied the He family to the main table. Ancestor He did not take Qiao and sat down at the guest seat at the main table. The main seat was given to the birthday couple.

The Chao family brothers and their husbands stood beside the old man and the old lady, and the second lady Chao first offered tea to Mrs. He Tai.

When Mr. Chao sat down, Mrs. He Da, Mrs. He Er and others congratulated Shou Xing and delivered congratulatory speeches, and the younger generation presented birthday gifts.

There are several people from the He Jiaqi generation and the Ming generation holding gift boxes. The two of the Qi generation are presenting birthday gifts. They are the birthday couplets written by the calligraphers of the He family, and the couplets written by the two old men of He Er and He San. They are not particularly valuable. gifts, and not afraid of others saying ya bribes.

After presenting the birthday gift, Qi Ziji returned to his original position and stood there to wait for the little doctor.

Elder Xiao and the others were not in a hurry to sit down and watched Young Master Yan go to invite the newly recognized granddaughter of the Chao family.

The three Chao family brothers were not carried away by the joy, and took the opportunity to instruct the nanny mother and the waiters to add a few more tables behind the main table, and Fang's mother took the waiters to add tables and chairs.

is her!

When the He family entered the hall, Zhao Zongze tried his best not to let anyone see him. When he saw Yan Xing going to invite the little girl, he suddenly remembered that the little girl was the one he met at the antiques and flea market. Xing also said "hob meat" or something, and the one called hob meat was the elder brother of Mr. Chao.

Yan Xing and He Mingming walked over the carpet, walked to the seats, and greeted everyone with smiles along the way. When they reached the table on the edge of the VIP seats, the brothers first said hello to the old men and ladies of the Zhang family.

Greeting Zhang's family and Mrs. Chao, Yan Xinglong's eyes were bright and a deep smile on his lips: "Little Loli, my great grandma has a request."

"Little doctor, our ancestors ask you to show your respect." He Mingzhi stood beside Brother Long Bao with a radiant face, and his brilliance was not concealed. He was a handsome young man, elegant and calm.

"Can you pretend that you didn't see me?" Sister Hiding Ming couldn't hide behind her back, Le Yun wanted to beat handsome Yan with her fist, why did she take her to see the He family? "Call it.

"This can't be done. Little Loli went back to Chao's house to recognize her relatives. My grandma specially sent a congratulatory gift." Yan Xing's smile was as beautiful as the sun, shining brightly.

Facing the person who was going to push her to the cusp of the storm, Le Yun gritted her teeth, what's the matter, let him be stunned now, and take care of him when there is a chance!Angrily, she rolled her eyes and moved away from Sister Ming's side. If she couldn't escape, then go and "enjoy" the feeling of being called out by people with goosebumps all over her body.

Little Lolita reluctantly appeared, Yan Xing's handsome face like a fairy and jade face was bright and bright, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised to draw a graceful arc. Little Lolita is so beautiful in pink!

When He Mingzhi saw the little girl come out, he looked away embarrassedly, not looking at her breasts and legs. The beautiful little doctor was turbulent, and her long legs were as white as jade.

The Zhang family watched the two handsome young men take the little girl away, and the old man asked in a low voice, "Amin, who is your sister?"

"Grandpa, I don't know much about this either. My beautiful younger brother only said that the medical professors praised our little sister as a genius." Chao Yuming felt helpless in her heart. She didn't know the origin of Xiaolele, but it was rather mysterious.

Mr. Zhang stopped talking. The professors of medicine must include Professor Wan Cheng and others. If you think about it, it is also true that the little girl can adjust Brother Chao's body to the current results. How could the medical skills be poor.

A few tables away, Wang Yuxuan saw Yan Xing smiling gently, talking to the little girl tenderly, pressing his hands tightly to each other. He used to treat himself so tenderly before, but now, he never looked at himself halfway.

Seeing that Xiaolongbao and Xiaoshiwu invited the little girl out, the He family turned around in unison, facing the little girl's direction, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

The little girl they have seen before doesn't care about the clothes, and the casual home clothes can't hide her natural beauty. She has a translucent aura. She dresses up a little and puts on a bright skirt. She looks like a little fairy in jade, beautiful and pretty. ,energetic and cute.

Ancestor He saw the little girl coming out of the seat, and also stood up with the table, smiling and waiting for the little beautiful doctor.

Mrs. He's family cared so much about Xiao Lele, and the old man and old lady Chao also stood up to accompany him. Everyone in the Chao family looked at the little girl who came over with pride.

When the little girl was still two meters away, He San led his family to bend slightly: "Hello, little doctor."

Boom, as if there was a thunderbolt, and the guests were smashed inside and out.

Everyone in the He family saw that although the old man Chao was polite, he was polite, but he respectfully bowed his noble waist to the newly recognized granddaughter of the Chao family, even the old man He San was no exception. Respect.

Professor Wan Cheng knew why the He family treated Xiaole with courtesy, and he was in high spirits, humming, scare is healthier!Look, I'm scared like this. If I knew that it was the ancestor of the He family who was rescued by his elementary school students, would he be scared to pee?

Wu Lao looked at the He family, his eyes sank.

Mrs. Wang almost jumped up, and the He family greeted a little girl, why?
scare!Again!The frightened Le Yun's legs froze, and her smile froze: "The two old masters, the old ladies, don't be too polite, I'm afraid of losing my life."

"The grace of saving lives is like rebuilding. The little doctor has the grace of saving life for my old wife. My children should be like this. The little doctor does not have to be afraid of losing their lives. You have a pair of wonderful hands to rejuvenate the dead and heal the wounded.

The children and grandchildren were startled by the little doctor, Ancestor He explained with a smile, everyone in the He family straightened up, and He San smiled and said, "My mother said it very well, the little doctor is kind to the He family and deserves to be congratulated. Family gift."


The people who were shocked by the gesture of the He family bending over to say hello to the little girl were dizzy, and when they heard the words of the ancestors of the He family, they were horrified by cold water, and the crowd erupted in exclamations.

Is that little girl the one who saved the ancestors of the He family? !

In disbelief, the crowd of rich and powerful people looked at the little girl in the pink dress with a ghostly expression.

Lan Shao rubbed his forehead, his eyes slanted towards Yan Shao with an epiphany, so it was!
That little girl was the one who saved the ancestors of the He family, so Young Master Yan was so nice to the little girl, accompanied him to dinner, and even gave the little girl a doll to make her happy.

He and the Dongfang Jingangman ancient martial arts sect searched for the information of the little girl who could match the number, but they did not expect them to go astray. If they started from Yan Shao and Liu Shao, how could it be delayed until now and still get nothing?
such a small child...

Headache, Lan Shao looked at the little girl, his temples beating slightly, who would have expected such a small child to be the one who rescued the ancestor He, who was also suspected of being a fairy doctor.

Immortal doctors have always been experts in medical skills, but they have never heard of a little girl under 15 years old who has the skill of rejuvenation, which can bring people back to life.

Immortal doctor family, Wan Cheng's family!

Huo's, Lan Shao's eyes shrank, Wan Cheng's family, Fu's family, Zhai's family are in Qingda, and Chao's youth is also at Qingda. Does it mean that the little girl brought back by Chao's teenager is also at Qingda?The Tantai family brought their youngest grandson to Qingda first, and then brought their eldest grandson to Beijing. Based on this, it was speculated that the Tantai family must have a look when they asked the little girl to see a doctor, and then they also brought their eldest grandson to Beijing to send Qingda for treatment. .

It also means that the three members of the Wan Zhai family, Fu family and Zhai family in Beijing already knew who the ancestors of the He family were, and perhaps even knew what school and sect the little girl came from.

Thinking of that possibility, Lan Shao's heart sinks like water. He should have gone to Qingda to meet Yan Shao immediately. Maybe he could find out that the little girl was in Qingda at that time, and he could also find out that she was a suspected immortal doctor. Now, late After half a step, the Tantai family seized the opportunity.

Old Ancestor He, He San and the others didn't care whether they scared others out or not, and they all smiled.

"You guys are always like this, maybe one day you'll scare me out of a heart attack." Looking at the smiling faces of the old ladies and gentlemen of the He family, she stretched out her hand not to hit the smiling faces. Even though she was full of resentment, Le Yun couldn't get angry.

Thinking about it, I was very upset, and fired at the handsome guys in the He family: "He Xiaoer, Xiaosan, and Xiaoba three uncles, wouldn't you persuade your parents to be more? In the future, your old man and old lady will still salute so solemnly to scare you. I, I am not good at doing things to your parents, I will beat you up immediately."

A few children from the He family: "..." They have no right to speak.

He Xiaoba gave a sunny smile: "Little beauty, you look at us so handsome, are you willing to give up your fist?"

"What's there to bear? You're not my brother, so there's no pressure to beat him up," Le Yun said with a star-filled smile: "You're handsome, it's even more fun to beat up. Beating a handsome guy into a pig's head makes you feel more fulfilled."

"Little doctor, please let me go." He Xiaoer's back was cold, and he begged the little doctor to raise his hand.

"The little doctor wants to beat people, except for girls, the boys of the He family welcome the little doctor to beat them at any time, but it is not enough to beat. The He family has many children from in-laws and cousins, enough to make up two football teams. Now, Xiaolongbao is hard-boned, a top three."

"Grandma too, please let me go." Yan Xing's face turned green. Little Loli had long been disliked by her, so she would give him a meal from time to time. If Grandma too gave him to Little Loli as a sandbag, he would It must have been bruised and swollen in three days.

Ancestor He ignored his great-grandson, took a step with a smile, and grabbed the pink and tender little girl's little hand: "Little doctor, how are you doing recently? I heard that the little doctor is busy researching medical skills, and the He family is also I haven't posted a post to ask for a little doctor, so don't be surprised."

"Mother-in-law, the old birthday star, I'm pretty good. I have to worry about it. If the xiaolongbao in your hometown doesn't go to see my cooking skills every three days, I will be better. You sit down." , Please help me with a Ping An pulse. The old birthday mother-in-law is very healthy and her pulse is very stable.

"The little doctor's medicated diet is exquisite and unparalleled. I want to come to Xiaolongbao and become addicted to it. I often run to cause trouble for the little doctor.

Old Ancestor He was supported by the little girl and sold his beloved Xiaolongbao in front of his great grandsons.

Yan Xing's elegant and noble smile was a little stiff. He was obviously the great-grandson of the great grandmother, how could he be sold in a blink of an eye?
He Mingsheng, He Mingjun, He Mingtao pursed his lips and snickered. Now, someone can finally cure Xiaolongbao.

He Mingjing, He Mingzhi, and He Mingxin gave Brother Longbao a sympathy sweat. Brother Longbao must be sad when he was sold, and ask for Brother Longbao's psychological shadow.

"In this case, I'll be rude. If the Hejia Xiaolongbao makes me unhappy next time, I can beat people without pressure. I'll try my best to be merciful, so that you won't even recognize you."

"Despite the little doctor, Xiaolongbao's skin is thick."

Going to the table, Le Yun helped the old birthday mother-in-law to sit. The old man insisted that she sit next to Grandpa Chao, so she had to sit down.

The little doctor took his seat, and Ancestor He nodded to the veteran cadres: "I'm sorry to disturb you, all distinguished guests, please take a seat."

"Where are you, you are very kind. Mrs. He, please take a seat."

Li Lao Wu Lao Zhou Lao Yang Lao and others nodded politely.

Ancestor He smiled and nodded, sitting next to the little girl, Yan Xing He Mingzhi stood behind the ancestor.

Mrs. He Tai was seated, Elder Li and other talents took their seats one by one, the first-class dignitaries were seated, and the other guests returned to their seats lightly.

"Chao Laozhang's New Year's Banquet is a happy event, and he is happy to have a golden grandson. The happiness is added to the happiness. The He family brings a small gift to congratulate, please accept the little doctor with a smile."

The old lady He Da and others were still standing, and He San spoke on behalf of the He family and asked the children to present congratulatory gifts.

He Qiwen took a box and sent it to the main table of the Cheng Chao family. He Qili presented the gift box. He Qishu and He Qiying also presented the gift box.

Yan Xing took a gift box held by the Little Sixteen Gang. He represented the fourth daughter of the He family.

When the He family presented the gift box, Liu Xiangyang held a small box and ran to stand beside Xiaoxingxing, when the He family presented the gift box, he also presented the small box: "Master Chao, this is what the Liu family gave to the little beauty. Congrats, I'm Xiao Xingxing's brother, so I didn't send it before, waiting for Xiao Xingxing to come."

"Well, why would you be so embarrassed to let everyone spend money?" The old man was blushing, and the old lady smiled like a sunflower: "Thank you very much, Xiao Bo, A Fu, help your sister unpack the presents."

"Yes." The brothers and sisters readily agreed.

"Wait a minute, there's my family." The Chao family was about to open the gift box, and a nice female voice came from the guest seat.

Everyone looked and saw that Mrs. Wang had stood up and walked to the main table with the small box in her arms, with a smile on her face as gentle as the warm light of March.

At the same time, two of Brother Chao's friends also stood up, they were the beloved disciples of Professor Fu and Professor Zhai.

Only then one more person stood up from the VIP seat, and many guests were surprised. That was Wang Yanli of the Wang family, one of the three kings in Beijing. Wang Yanli and Wang Lao also worked in politics, and now he is the secretary general of the State Secretary's Office.

Immediately afterwards, Deng Yuxuan's grandfather Deng Lao, Xu Hope's father, Minister Xu, who is currently the second-in-command of the Ministry of National Security, also carried a small box to the Chao family.

The Deng and Xu families had an old friendship with the Chao family. Deng and Xu were both drugged by Vice President Le and suffered together with Chao, so the family relationship became deeper.

Others were dumbfounded.

Mrs. Wang walked gracefully to the main table and put the box on the table: "Sister Ye, Elder Chao, this is a gift from my family for my little padded jacket, not a birthday gift."

"Sister, are you going to grab Xiao Lele from me? I won't let you just because you are my sister, Xiao Lele belongs to my family." Mrs. Chao took the hand of Mrs. Wang.

"I won't rob you. Xiao Lele was originally a primary school student of my old Wan Zhai, and my little girl. You love you, I love me, and we have no conflict."

"Okay, everyone hurts together." The old lady Chao smiled brightly: "You have a good eye, the clothes you bought for Lele fit well, and the little dumpling looks like a jade carving."

"That's it, I finally got such a cutie, how can I not be pretty? I only have such a hobby now, don't take my interest away."

"Grandma Wang, no one is vying for you, you can dress up as a little dumpling as much as you like." Chao Yufu smiled and leaned over to Mrs. Wang's side, let's go over and steal some incense.

"Stinky girl, you're still so naughty." Wang Shima blamed the second girl Chao, she liked the second girl Chao, but the husband and wife of the second master Chao were such a sweetheart, so she didn't rush to dress up.

Miss Chao grinned and hid to the side, beaming with joy.

Chen Xueba, Cai Xueba, and Xueba sent the gift box and reported to himself, "This is a congratulatory gift from my master, Professor Zhai/Professor Fu."

The Chao brothers hurriedly took the boxes and arranged them in order.

Wang Yanli is also an old man in his 60s. He looks like he is in his early fifties. He wears a blue Tang suit and presents a small red gift box: "This is a congratulatory gift for the little golden grandson of the Chao family. It is such a small gift that the master laughs at it."

"Thank you for your love, Mr. Wang." Mr. Chao's eyes almost narrowed.

The Chao family brothers took gifts and shook hands with Wang Lao.

Chen Xueba, Cai Xueba, went back to sit after delivering the gifts, Wang Lao also went back, and then Deng Lao and Minister Xu also arrived, each presented a small red gift box, and the three Chao brothers thanked them again.

Deng Lao and Minister Xu delivered the gift and returned to their seats, only Mrs. Wang and Liu Shao stayed to join in the fun.

When everyone presented the birthday gift, Fang Ma and the waiter also added three new tables, which were placed a little behind the main table, which were the real VIP seats.

All those who had gifts were sent, Chao Yubo and Chao Yufu opened the lid of the box, Yan Xing and He Mingzhi also helped, opening the gift boxes one by one and lining up.

The congratulations are all long-life locks that children often wear, pure gold, only the difference between the size and the weight.

The golden locks given by the He family are quite heavy. The golden locks given by Mrs. Wang and her parents’ younger brother, Professor Fu and Professor Zhai are the same size. The ones given by the Deng family and the Xu family are slightly smaller.

The camera on the wall transmits the congratulatory gifts to the large screen on the wall, and the guests sitting everywhere in the hall can see it at a glance.

A large group of people were stunned, and there was only one thought in their hearts: They must have made an appointment!

The first group of people gave gold bracelets as a gift, and the last group of people were all longevity locks. If they didn't ventilate in advance, they wouldn't believe it.

N many people beat their chests in secret, why didn't they think of that stubble?No, why didn't anyone break the news to them?
As a result, many people who were acquainted with Wang Yanli and the Deng family and Xu family secretly gritted their teeth. Those guys were so unkind that they didn't even talk to them!

It's normal for Li Yubo and Xiao's family to know that the Chao family wants to recognize their righteous grandson, and it's normal for Mrs. Chao's Sanjun's family to know about it. It's more normal to prepare the ceremony early. However, why do the Wang family, Deng family, Xu family know, but they don't?
People who have friendship with the three families feel particularly bad. Those guys all give gifts, but they don't. How can they be so embarrassed to go to the Chao family to have a friendly relationship with the little doctor who has a good rejuvenation technique at a young age?

Lan Shaojing is a beautiful man and woman, and now he has 100% confirmed that the little girl is a suspected fairy doctor.

The He family's whole family was dispatched and sent gifts to the little girl. Even the Wang family, Deng family, and Xu family sent gifts in preparation. Now the people present no longer want to believe that the little girl is the one who saved the ancestors of the He family. There is no reason to convince themselves, no matter how difficult it is to calm down.

Done!Mrs. Wang's face was uglier than crying. No wonder she couldn't find out the news at the beginning. It turned out that the person who saved the ancestors of the He family was someone Yan Xing knew. Her grandson, Queen Yuxuan, chose Yan Xing's step-brother, and Yan Xing also followed her. Her granddaughter has no feelings anymore, and with Yan Xing and He Jiahu's short family style, it is impossible for them to help them speak kindly in front of the little doctor.

Regret, old lady Wang regretted that her bowels were blue, how could her granddaughter be so blind to gold and jade, abandoning Yan Xing and choosing Yan Xing's stepmother to bring into the Zhao family's stepson?

Zhao Zongze's mind went blank. That little girl was the one who saved Old Ancestor He. Then, wouldn't it be possible that his grandmother's hands and feet on Yan Xing were also exposed.

Feng Shao's face is ashes, the big-breasted girl is the master who saved the ancestors of the He family, and the righteous granddaughter recognized by the Chao family. Either of the two identities can make him unable to eat and walk, and he actually has a relationship with such a person. Unruly heart, but also play hooligan to her!
Just thinking about it, Feng Shao's heart suffocated for a while. Grandpa or Lan Shao knew that he had offended a big-breasted girl. If he didn't see a doctor in the Feng family in the future, his elders would definitely beat him to death.

Feng Shao was about to collapse, Liu Shao and Yuan Shao were also heartbroken by the huge blow. They hit a ghost, so they started thinking about big breasted women.

(End of this chapter)

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