Chapter 360
Zhao Zongze sent the Wang family to the compound, but the Wang family turned a blind eye to him, and was so angry that they were ruthless in their hearts. Did the Wang family think they were high-ranking people?
At the beginning, Mayor Wang was not the mayor, and there were not many ladies in the capital who were better than Wang Yuxuan, and there were about a dozen of them of the right age.

I spent so much time chasing after Wang Yuxuan, but just wanted to snatch someone away from Yan Xing, and wanted to embarrass Yan Xing. Does the Wang family really think that he is not Wang Yuxuan?

Wang Yuxuan really thought she was a green onion and he was an ATM, ready to provide her with high consumption at any time. If she wanted to ignore people, she would ignore them. She had to coax her when she lost her temper. She really thought she was a noble princess.

Hmph, ignore it and ignore it. Now that the wedding invitation has been sent out, ignore him, okay, the big deal is not to get married, let's see who is more embarrassed by then.

With fire in his heart, Zhao Zongze spat fiercely, turned the steering wheel, drove away from the gate of the compound, stayed far away from the compound where the Wang family lived, stopped at a parking place, lit a cigarette, and made a phone call.

Not long after Jia Ling fell asleep, the old thing Yan moved back to the master bedroom. The two of them slept in separate rooms. It was like living apart. what to do.

Since she remembered that her grandson would go to Chao's house at night, she felt a little irritable since the afternoon, always worried that her grandson would not be accepted by the elites in the capital.

The Chao family is the same old dignitaries as the He family. They know not only intellectuals with real knowledge, elites in the education world, but also powerful and powerful dignitaries. Everyone at the Chao family dinner party is a big man. She The grandson's Zhao family can only look up.

Knowing that the Wang family will bring her grandson to Chao's house, she was happy for several days, secretly rejoicing. When she arrived at Chao's house, her grandson's communication skills should be able to handle even in front of the powerful. With the help of the Wang family, I believe Zongze will soon be be recognized.

If you want to be recognized by the elites in Beijing, you must show your face in the top noble circle. The Chao family dinner is undoubtedly the best fulcrum, a shortcut to enter the noble circle. As long as Zong Ze is not bad at the banquet At that time, he was not accepted, and he would show his face at the Chao family banquet, and his worth could be raised a lot.

Remembering her grandson's harvest in Chao's house, Jia Ling went back to her bedroom early. She watched the hit TV series without any hesitation. She didn't wait for her grandson's phone call. Shake the screen.

When he heard the vibrating sound of the phone screen, the person turned over and got up, reached for the phone on the bedside table, and turned on the lamp to the brightest by the way.

When she got the phone and saw that it was the baby's grandson, Jia Ling was overjoyed. She smiled involuntarily and climbed up to her face. She pressed the answer button: "Ozawa, is the banquet over? Play..."

Before she could finish her question, she was interrupted by a gloomy tone: "Grandma, the banquet was messed up..."

"What, screwed up, did you do something wrong?" Hearing the angry and gloomy tone of his grandson, Jia Ling was startled, her voice raised by one decibel, she said a few words hastily, and lowered her voice again.

"I didn't do anything wrong. The Chao family saw Mayor Wang taking Wang Yuxuan and me to the banquet. Their faces were very bad, and they lost the face of the Wang family. Mayor Wang was afraid that I would bump into the distinguished guests of the Chao family and did not allow me to go to the event. I After being a wooden man for a long time, there is no chance to do anything."

Zhao Zongze briefly reported the passage, with a gloomy face, a cigarette in his hand, and the sparks of the cigarette butt flickering.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know the big man, just show your face," Jia Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "Who did the Chao family invite? Even the Wang family is afraid?"

"Tonight is said to be the birthday banquet for the old man of the Chao family, but it is actually the family recognition banquet. The young master of the Chao family recognizes a younger sister who has a righteous knot with Jin Lan and brings it home to recognize his relatives. The Chao family has added people to the family tree. Knowing that it was a family recognition banquet, the military and political leaders are almost here, the current deputy head of state and the retired old head of state Wu also went, and... all the generations of the He family were present."

"What did you say, the He family...all gone?" Jia Ling's heart throbbed, and the He family went all over. Did Zongze say he screwed up in front of all the nobles when he suppressed Zongze?As for what the young master of the Chao family recognized as her younger sister, she simply ignored it.

"Yes, the old He Clan brought Yan Xing and all the great-grandchildren of the He Clan to the scene. The old He Clan personally presented Miss Chao Er with a bead hairpin, and also sent a congratulatory gift to the newly recognized righteous granddaughter of the Chao Clan."

"Hey—" Jia Ling gasped, what was the reason for the old He family to go to Chao's house to celebrate his birthday in person?She took a breath and hurriedly asked, "Ozawa, do you know why the He family went to the Chao family?"

"..." Zhao Zongze's face became even more gloomy: "Grandma, I know who rescued He Lao immortality. He's family went to Chao's family to give that person a face."

"Who is it? Who saved He Lao from dying?" Jia Ling only felt that his heart was about to pound, and he didn't care to ask the He family why they went to Chao's home. He just wanted to find the person who saved He Lao from dying. .

"The person who saved He Lao from dying was the sworn younger sister of the young master of the Chao family. That person has a very good relationship with Yan Xing." Zhao Zongze could not wait to rip off Yan Xing alive, how could Yan Xing's broom star be so lucky?Where did he find someone who could save the undead He Lao immortal.

Om -
When she heard that the person who saved He Lao immortality had a good relationship with Yan Xing, Jia Ling's mind was blown up by a thunderbolt, her ears were buzzing, and her mind went blank for a moment.

The person who saved the old man from death can save the old thing and is very good with Yan Xing. So, will the hands and feet she did on Yan Xing have been exposed?
Yan Xing knew that he had been plotted against him, so there was no reason not to investigate. Even if he didn't investigate, Yan Xing would list her as the first suspect. After all, besides playing tricks on him, she also did other things. He didn't admit to himself and had a cold relationship with her because he remembered what she had done.

Jia Ling's heart contracted suddenly. What she did to Yan Xing in the past, Yan Xing secretly repaid her part of it when she was an adult, which was more vicious, poisonous and bloody than her.

Fear struck her heart, her hand holding the phone was stiff, her back was stiff, her breathing became more and more rapid, as if she was strangled by her neck, about to suffocate. Lie down slowly and force yourself to be calm.

He couldn't hear his grandmother's voice, so Zhao Zongze hung up the phone and let his grandmother think quietly about what to do. Anyway, grandma is Yan Laogui's legal wife. It is impossible to treat his grandmother, he is not worried about her.

The most important thing now is how to avoid suspicion, and don't let others reveal that the Zhao family intends to let him inherit the Zhao family's property, lest the He family or those little doctors who want to curry favor with the Zhao family and him.

It was exposed that the little girl with yellow hair saved He Lao from dying. She was worth a hundred times more. At this time, she wanted to curry favor with her, and there were a lot of dignitaries who wanted to seek medical treatment. There was such a commotion last night. When the people in the circle knew that the little girl was having a holiday with him, He will definitely hit him by various means to please the little girl.

Zhao Zongze smoked a cigarette and then smoked another one. His face turned black and blue. If the little yellow-haired girl who saved Mr. He from dying was not on the Chao family tree, he wouldn't mind killing her, even if his medical skills improved. Well, when a person dies, those who want to curry favor will not be able to hold on to it any longer, which means that there will be no future troubles.

But she has just entered the Chao family tree, if something happens, the Chao family will definitely not forgive him, not to mention that he was humiliated at the banquet, he will definitely think that he is taking revenge, and sooner or later he will find clues.

At present, the little yellow-haired girl can't move, and most likely she can only dormant.

Zhao Zongze extinguished the half-smoking cigarette, thought about it for a while, drove the car, and went home. He had to go home to discuss it with his father and grandpa, and then add up what to do.

The Wang family was because Zhao Zongze molested the little girl in front of the Chao family, so they left before the banquet was over. The other guests wanted to inquire more about the little doctor and wanted to get closer to the Chao family. The banquet is infinitely delayed, so why not quit halfway.

The Chao family dinner was not over yet, Fang Shao received a message from Lan Shao when he was about to rest, asking him to go to the Chao family villa area to pick up someone, saying that he had important things to talk to him after the dinner was over. Does Xi have something to say in person instead of over the phone?

Puzzled in his heart, he changed his clothes again, took the car keys and went out, without the family guard, drove by himself, went to the address given by Lan Shao, and rushed to the field, around 10:30.

At 10:30 p.m., the Chao family's dinner party finally came to an end. The guests wanted to chat with each other again, but it was too late, so they had to leave.

The He family was the first to propose to go home, and then the first and second leaders of other departments also cooperated to leave.

Chao Yubo and Chao Yufu received Uncle Hu's message that the banquet was coming to an end. The siblings went downstairs and together with their elders, respectfully sent the guests to the Chao family's banquet.

As for the little girl from the Chao family, um, she is a little doctor with amazing medical skills, so there is no need to come forward. If she does come out to send them, everyone may be uneasy. If they don't come out to send them, they will take it for granted.

Liu Xiangyang did not go with the elders in the family, but walked with everyone in the He family. When it was time to get into the car, He Er and San accompanied the old mother in the same car, and the others took several other cars.

Yanxing Liu Xiangyang, He Mingtao, He Mingsheng and He Mingming shared a car, and waited for the He family's motorcade to set off and drove out of the villa area where Chao's family lived. On the avenue, He Mingtao asked, "Xiao Yangyang, what good news did you find out?"

"Yes, yes, there is good news," Liu Xiangyang said with a warm and bright smile: "Guess what happened at the Wang's table when the Chao family was toasting?"

"I know a little bit," He Mingzhi in the passenger seat replied with a smile: "The news I found out was that the Chao family had a conflict with the Wang family, and they almost turned their faces. Because there were so many people at the banquet, no specific details were given. I believe it will soon be heard in the circle."

"Hey, I know more specifically," Liu Xiangyang bared his teeth proudly: "The Chao family and the Wang family almost turned their faces because the little beauty toasted to the table where the Wang family sat, and the little beauty told the Chao family that she would not give it to that table. Someone toasted, and then the Chao family asked the reason. The little beauty said that Zhao Zongze, the prospective son-in-law of the Wang family, that is, Xiao Xingxing's step-brother, hit her with a crooked idea and wanted to take care of her. Toast to that kind of person."

"Zhao Zongze once met a little loli alone, and said he wanted to take care of a little loli?" Yan Xing's beautiful face was full of blackness, Zhao Zongze put his hand on Wang Yuxuan, he didn't care, and now he still wants to beat the little loli Idea, court death!
The air-conditioning swishes from his body, and Liu Xiangyang, who is sitting beside him, bears the brunt of the cold war, and whispers: "I don't know, I didn't say which day, it might be the little beauty who went to play in the city. I met him by chance, and I'm also curious, why did Zhao Zongze say that he wanted to take care of the little loli?"

"The surnamed Zhao has always been obsessed with me. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xiao Luoli and I were shopping at the antique market. Zhao Zongze and Wang Yuxuan were also shopping. We happened to meet once. It is estimated that Zhao Zongze thought about it and wanted to make a trick again. Reapply, take the little Loli away from me, embarrassing me." Who is the surname Zhao, as the ancients said, as long as his tail is raised, he knows whether Zhao wants to poop or pee.

"It's no wonder, Zhao Zongze's virtue can really do it." Liu Xiangyang was enlightened, Zhao Zongze took pleasure in robbing Xiaoxingxing, thinking that Xiaoluoli and Xiaoxingxing had a good relationship, and he had no evil intentions. question.

"Xiao Yangyang, then, what is the reaction of the Wang family?" He Mingsheng focused on the development of the situation. With the mentality of the little doctor, she could not see Zhao Zongze's kind of thing.

"The little beauty said it in a prudent manner, and who was Zhao's surname, of course the person with the surname Zhao was wronged, saying that there must be someone who looked like him impersonating him, saying that knowing a person's name is nothing, Wang The old lady of the old Wang wants to face, how can she be convinced, and the Chao family must speak with evidence. The little beauty said that the evidence is on Zhao Zongze, pointing out that Zhao Zongze was showing his strength by pulling off his clothes to show his abdominal muscles. She saw a red spot on the left chest of someone Zhao ji, want to verify the authenticity, just take off his clothes to see if it is him.

Someone Zhao was shocked on the spot. Judging from the reaction, even the Wang family didn't know about the red mole on Zhao Zongze's body.Zhao Zongze's fierce reaction also indirectly confirmed that he had molested the little beauty before, and the Wang family was also indifferent. Several masters of the Chao family were also very angry. I heard that the third Jun of the Chao family was black and black at the time, and the eyes of the old man and the old lady were very dark. I can't wait to strip the surnamed Zhao alive.

The Chao family had a good temper, so they didn’t fork people out on the spot. The little princess Chao and the second lady Chao took the little beauty away and didn’t give a toast to the table. Then the two generations of Chao family toasted politely and left, and the Wang family left. He lost face with Zhao Zongze, and then when it was time to leave, he got out. "

Liu Xiangyang happily relayed the news he inquired from the guests who were at the same table with the Wang family. Probably because of the Wang family, the little beauty did not give them a toast at the table they were seated at. Dissatisfied, when he inquired about the news, the person who knew everything was inexhaustible and said everything, including Zhao Zongze's gaffe at the opening.

The four who were seated with the Wang family also agreed that Zhao Zongze had molested the little girl, because there was a ghost in his heart, so when he saw that the little girl was not only the little righteous grandson of the Chao family, but also a little genius doctor with magical medical skills, he was so frightened that he even had chopsticks. I can't hold it firmly, otherwise, how could Zhao be so rude.

Liu Xiangyang, who inquired about the gossip news, was extremely shocked. Why wasn't he nearby?If he was near the Wang family's table, he would have the opportunity to watch the little beauty and the Chao family step on the scum.

Listening to Xiang Yang's description of Xiao Luoli saying that Zhao Zongze has a red spot on his left chest, the black concentration on Yan Xing's original black jade surface has deepened again, black like thick ink, Xiao Luoli can tell that Zhao Zongze has a mole on her left chest, definitely It was really Zhao Zongze who showed her abs by showing off his clothes. Otherwise, how could she know that Zhao Zongze had a mole on his chest?
Thinking that the surnamed Zhao actually showed his dirty chest for Little Loli to see, he clenched his hands into fists in anger, and spit out three words: "Bastard!"

The bastard Zhao Zongze, Lang Zi's ambition to embezzle his property is not enough, he also intends to take advantage of his savior, wait and see, if he doesn't make him regret coming to the world, he will write his name upside down.

Angry, Yan Xing's anger was pouring out, and he wanted to strangle Zhao to death. He allowed his illegitimate son to jump around, but he didn't know what to do. The bitch crawling out of the belly of a bitch is a bitch.

"Xiao Xingxing, don't be angry, can Zhao Zongze offend the little beauty and get good fruit? Tonight, the powerful people here know that the little beauty is the little genius doctor who saved your great-grandmother, so they will naturally show their favor to the little beauty, knowing that Zhao Zongze is not long. The eye has teased the little genius doctor, and in order to show his face in front of the little beauty, he will definitely suppress Zhao Zongze as a form of vote, we just wait and watch the show."

Liu Xiangyang grinned happily, the little beauty is really amazing, such a move at the banquet made the Wang family vomit blood three liters of anger. , Even if Zhao Zongze and Wang Yuxuan get married, Mayor Wang will no longer take care of his niece and son-in-law. Maybe he will be able to win a good image of being honest and not helping relatives.

"Xiao Longbao will also be in trouble," He Mingsheng felt distressed for his cousin for five seconds, and expressed his opinion: "Zhao Zongze will definitely go home to find his mother, and then put the responsibility on Xiao Longbao, instigating the elders to ask Xiao Longbao to plead with the little doctor. , the Zhao family will keep putting pressure on Xiaolongbao."

"I'll turn off the phone later, and turn off all of them. I will contact Xiangyang if there is a task. Xiangyang remembers that the phone should always be turned on. If you have anything to ask me, remember to call me another number that I don't use once in 800 years." Yan Xing He was very calm, those in the Zhao family would 100% put pressure on him, anyway, it has always been like this, let him do things that require effort and money, and let Zhao Zongze do things that require money.

"Xiaoxingxing, when will you clean up the Zhao family's pile of scum?"

"It won't be too long, let them jump around for a while, wait for me to get something and return it in a human way to clean up the garbage, it should not exceed the first half of next year."

"Mmmmmm, it's too cheap to let them dance around for so many years. The more I look at that guy, the less pleasing to the eye, so I should clean it up earlier so as not to be an eyesore. By the way, He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba, do you want to bet on Zhao Zongze? Will I marry Wang Yuxuan on New Year's Day?"

"It doesn't matter if they end up or not."

"Betting, betting, entertainment."

"It's no good if you win, don't gamble. Unless you lose, you're willing to take off your clothes and run around the Beijing First Ring Road."

"Nude Ben? No, change the bet..."

The young people were laughing and laughing, and the car went farther and farther.

(End of this chapter)

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