magic eye doctor

Chapter 361 Reaction

Chapter 361 Reaction
The Feng family was one of a group of guests who left in the middle. When they walked out of the Chao family banquet hall safely, Feng Shao secretly thanked the gods and thanked the gods. After the banquet was over, it was finally safe.

It was obviously a banquet, but he felt as though it was difficult to go to the gate of hell, but fortunately, there was no danger, the Feng family did not lose face because of him, and he did not lose his reputation.

Lan Shao's expression was indifferent. When the car left the villa area, he asked Feng Jinlin to park on the side of the road, and told Mr. Feng that he would go to a friend's house at night, and let his grandparents and grandchildren go back first.

Mr. Feng didn't ask much, and he sent Lan Shao off the bus as instructed, and went home with his grandson.

The Yuan family and the Feng family left at about the same time. The driver of the Yuan family drove to pick up the general, and Yuan Zhen took his grandson to the back seat.

When the car was far away from the Chao family villa area, Yuan Zhenhu grimaced and asked his grandson seriously: "Yuan Weijie, after you beat the Chao family brother home tonight, you have been left in a daze, and at the banquet, your heart has not been wilted, and you are always distracted, what is your answer? thing?"

"Grandpa, I..." Yuan Weijie's back was stunned when he was called by his grandfather's first and last name. He sat up straight and his heart was beating wildly. According to past experience, grandpa called the family's full name, indicating that he was very serious. , Whoever doesn't take it seriously will be punished less, and there may be a house-to-house law.

"Say, don't hesitate, don't try to fool around, dare to lie, I will find out something and I won't spare you." The grandson's reaction made Yuan Zhen feel that there was nothing good.

Under Grandpa's strong air-conditioning, Yuan Weijie did not dare to lie, and said in a panic, "Grandpa, I... I may have accidentally caused trouble."

"What kind of trouble did you get into?" It's nothing to get into an ordinary calamity, don't have anything to do with the Chao family and that little genius doctor.

"I... I went to the swimming pool last time after playing a ball game with my classmates. When I saw a girl with a very good figure and a watery appearance, Feng Shao ran to admire the beauty, and Liu Shao and I also went to join in the fun..."

Yuan Zhen's breath was dull: "Isn't that girl the younger brother of the Chao family tonight? What have you done to the little girl?" The boy from the Feng family has been a lecher since he was a child, and when he sees a good-looking girl I just want to take advantage of it, say to admire girls, and understand that everyone knows that it is molesting or eating tofu.

"Feng Shao takes advantage of the little girl, I...I also touched...touched the little girl's thigh." Yuan Weijie can't wait to go back in time, back to the moment before he played hooligan to the big-breasted little loli, if he knew that the hot body The big-breasted little loli is Brother Chao's younger sister, and the genius doctor who saved Mrs. He Tai. Even if he was killed, he wouldn't dare to take advantage of him, and he wouldn't even dare to have an idea.

"You... pissed me off too!" Yuan Zhen almost turned his back, and the Wang family's prospective son-in-law verbally molested the little girl and was embarrassed. His unsatisfactory grandson even ate the little girl's tofu, he was courting death.

At the dinner party, the little girl frequently looked at his grandson when he came to toast with Chao’s elders. What happened, I didn't expect it to be like this.

Judging from the little girl's behavior of making the Wang family's son-in-law shameless, the little genius doctor is the kind of person who will take revenge. Although she can't guess why the little girl didn't expose the foolishness of the three boys of the Feng family, Yuan family and Liu family at the banquet, she must be It is impossible to pretend that nothing happened, and sooner or later someone will settle the account.

If the elder brother of the Chao family and the He family knew that the boy of the old Yuan family was playing hooligans with the little girl, could Lin be able to spare his grandson?Even if he doesn't turn his face, he will definitely punish Weijie severely.

Thinking of the stupid things his grandson did, Yuan Yuan rushed his head with blood, and his eyes were dizzy.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you? Grandpa, grandpa..." Yuan Weijie was frightened and shook Grandpa Chao anxiously. Although he was muddled, he was not confused about important matters and understood the importance of grandpa.

"Shut up, don't call me." Yuan Zhen was furious in his heart, and with a flick of his hand he threw away his grandson's hand that was holding his arm. He worked hard to train his grandson, hoping that there would be successors. Who knew that his teachings would be thrown into Java. Now, a good grandson made friends with friends at school, and was easily taken away, destroying the style of the Yuan family's Humen.

The driver originally thought that the lieutenant general passed out, and was about to pull over to stop to have a look. Hearing the old man's roar, he drove calmly.

Being thrown away, Yuan Weijie was stunned and didn't dare to move. Although grandfather was strict with him at times, he had never thrown him away as ruthlessly as this time.

After a few minutes, he looked at his grandfather with trembling fear, and saw that his eyes were still closed, his lips were pursed tightly, and a familiar face had obvious wrinkles.

He was stunned, when did grandpa have so many wrinkles, when did grandpa have so many gray hair on his temples?
"Grandpa, I was wrong. I will no longer dare to tease girls, and I will no longer mess with Feng Shao. I will change, I will definitely improve, and I will never cause trouble to the family again. Grandpa, I will go to Chao's house on vacation to ask for forgiveness. You have to scold me for taking it upon myself." Yuan Weijie was flustered and clenched his fists, he almost embarrassed his grandfather in front of others, he was frightened and knew he was wrong.

Yuan Zhen closed his eyes and his temples were throbbing. He had planned to take the children to visit Chao's house again on New Year's Day. He invited the little girl to visit Yuan's house, and he also sought medical treatment from the little girl. Now, what face does he have to go to Chao's house? ?
If someone offends the little girl and makes him unable to seek medical treatment, he will definitely slap him to death, and the one who kills is his grandson. , it is possible to destroy the foundation of the old Yuan family.

When the grandson admits his mistake, Yuan Lao pretends not to hear it, and he is determined not to be soft-hearted. If the child really makes a mistake, he will correct it. No matter what the result is, he admits it.

When he got off the Feng family's car, Lan Shao called Fang Shao to ask where he was, and told each other's location. He walked in the opposite direction to where the Feng family went, and walked for more than a thousand meters. He found the parked car and pulled it. Open the door and get in the passenger seat.

Fang Shao leaned lazily on the seat, and asked leisurely, "Qingxi, what is the big thing to call someone for an interview in the middle of the night?"

"King Kong, is there any progress in the investigation of the female geniuses of the ancient martial arts school?" Lan Shao also leaned on the seat and let out a long sigh. No one knew whether it was a sad sigh or a relieved sigh.

"No. Do you have any new leads?"

"No need to check, I already know who she is."

"Hey, what do you say?" Fang Shao was surprised. They searched the ancient martial arts family and the sects they knew and couldn't find anyone. Nalan Qingxi attended the banquet and knew that there was nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes. Effortless?
"That little girl is the one who saved the ancestors of the He family, and is also the righteous granddaughter newly recognized by the Chao family tonight. The little girl is familiar with Young Master Yan, the three professors of Wan Cheng's family, Zhai's family, and Fu's family, and she is also a medical student of Qingda University. Xing is the little girl's tutor."

"Wait, you said that the little girl is suspected to be from Xianmen?" Fang Shao sat up straight, his eyes still a little doubtful: "If the little girl is a person of Xianyi, there is no reason for the Fu family of Wancheng's family to not communicate with the family. ."

"It may not be completely certain yet. The three families are still under observation. The Tantai Patriarch did not bring his eldest grandson to Beijing to take him to Qingda University. He must have also sought medical treatment from a little girl. If the little girl can rescue Tantai Xunyang, it means ten There are eight or nine people who are from the Immortal Medicine Sect.”

"That possibility is not ruled out," Fang Shao pointed on the steering wheel, his index finger gently rising and falling: "You have a relationship with the little girl, have you spoken?"

"The little girl is very vengeful. Feng Shao, who accompanied me to Xuanyuan's restaurant, had a conflict with her. I didn't clear the siege. I'll talk more."

"Pfft, it turns out that you also have a day of being left out." Fang Shao laughed unkindly: "According to this, the little girl is really holding some grudges, have you found out the name and so on? If you know the name, we will post it tomorrow. visit."

"I have found out the names, but I don't know the exact address of the dormitory. I decided to visit Young Master Yan tomorrow..."

There were no cars around, and Shao Fang and Shao Lan were not afraid of others coming to eavesdrop, exchanged opinions with each other in the car, and chatted for a long time before driving back to Shao Fang's residence.

The identities of the suspected immortal doctors were exposed, and several of the ancient martial arts families in Beijing received news within minutes of the Chao family banquet.

When the Xuanyuan family's guard in charge of the news received the information, he immediately reported it to the young master's personal guard Xuan Yi, who asked in detail about the process before going to the young master.

Xuan Shao was already asleep, and the bedroom was on the second floor of the restaurant. He was forcibly pulled and pulled up by his personal guard, with a pillow tucked behind his back, his eyes half-opened: "Da, can you stop scratching people? The young master is cooking in his dream, and being disturbed by you like this, it's a waste of a pot of dishes."

Xuanyuan's restaurant is an old building. The interior of the second floor is more aged than the exterior. The brick walls and walls are mottled in the brick-wood structure. The furniture is of the same color. There is an old wardrobe, a shelf with small boxes on the upper and lower floors, and There is a bookshelf, the bed is an Arhat bed, there is a footrest in front of the bed, and a set of old sandalwood tables and chairs under the lattice window.

A place full of quaint flavors, revealing a sense of seclusion.

The young man on the Luohan bed was wearing a retro white cotton undershirt with a right collar. The straps were not fastened, and the clothes were loose, revealing a delicate collarbone and a small piece of white jade-like chest.

The young man with Zhang Xiumei's face lazily leaned against the pillow, looking weak and boneless, and half-awake, charming and sexy.

The young master is evil again!

Looking at the young master's appearance than Hua Jiao, Xuan Yi's heart was covered with black sweat, and he couldn't help laughing at the young master's habit of not caring about anything other than his interest in cooking. Before, I quickly reported: "Young Master, there is news about the identity of the suspected immortal medical practitioner. The young master has a relationship with the suspected immortal medical practitioner."

"Oh?" Young Master Xuan finally lost interest, opened his half-squinted eyes, and asked in a relaxed manner, "Da, tell me who is the famous person who disturbed the Guwu family and still has a relationship with this young master. Does it have three heads and six arms? Or does it look like a fairy, or is it elegant and has a peerless beauty that flutters like the snow in the wind?"

With a slap, a drop of the boss's sweat dripped from the door of Xuan Yi's forehead, and he pouted angrily: "Young Master, the suspected fairy doctor is really related to the beautiful person who the young master said is like the snow in the wind."

"Hey, are you related to the most beautiful Yan Shao? I have a relationship with me again, it won't be the one who came with Yan Shao last time, and used the Nalan family and the little valet as a wooden stake. A little pink and tender girl with a personality and an air, right?"

Xuan Shao touched his chin: "If it's really that little girl with pink looks, doesn't it mean that this young master has no eyes to recognize gold and jade, and he didn't even recognize a master? Oh, hey, this young master's face seems to be It's lost. Da, tell the young master, it's not that little girl, is it?"

"Young Master, you are extremely intelligent and talented. As you guessed, the suspected fairy doctor is the little girl who came with Yan Shao last time."

"It's really that little girl with the size of a bean? Such a small person has excellent medical skills, and can also point acupuncture points. Oh, it's incredible. It really compares me. The young master is shameless, and the young master is injured."

Shao Xuan touched his heart, leaned back, and lay the corpse upright.

"Young Master, I haven't finished my words yet, don't be sad," Xuan Yi stood by the bed, but immediately shook the Young Master: "Young Master, I heard that the little girl makes a good herbal meal, and she cooks it well. …”

He didn't finish his words, and the beautiful young man with a corpse turned over and sat up, his eyes bright as torches: "Da, you didn't lie to me, the pink-looking girl can make medicinal meals and cook?"

"Yes, yes, no one dares to blame the young master, this is the news from the people who have a good relationship with the little girl. There are two boys who are still disciples of the ancient martial arts school. Their teachers are better than Professor Wan Cheng, and the news is reliable. ."

Young Master Xuan's eyes shone with starlight, and when he lifted the quilt, he was not afraid of the cold, and jumped out of bed excitedly: "Da, what are you still doing? , to discuss cooking together.”

"Young Master, why don't you go in person? We will send a post on your behalf to meet the little girl." The young master got up without even putting on his clothes. Xuan Yi also felt powerless and went to get his coat.

"Go, all of you are stern, terribly serious, look fierce, let you go, what if you scare the little girl? It's good or bad to scare such a cute and delicate little girl, who will I look for then? Discussing cooking skills, you are not allowed to deceive and hide from the young master, whoever steals the young master's head, I will blow up his balls."

"..." Xuan Yi got the coat and caught up with the young master's gang to put it on, and his heart collapsed. Before the little girl could cook and make medicated meals, the young master wanted to pretend to sleep and sit and see what other noble families would do. When he said he knew how to cook, he immediately got up to write a post with a hundred spirits, and the reaction before and after was completely different.

The young master's reaction was completely different. For the sake of finding someone to study cooking skills, he even described them as ferocious family guards. In the young master's mind, aren't they as good as Lao Shizi's cooking skills?

In fact, it's okay to be inferior to the cooking skills. The most tragic thing is that the young master's cooking skills are really hard to compliment. Every time the young master creates dark dishes for his great "cooking skills" to reward them poor Personal bodyguards, if they fail to learn skills with the little girl and make strange new tricks of dark cooking, they will be the ones who will be tossed.

However, even if this is the case, they still have to clearly report to the young master that the little girl who is suspected of being a fairy doctor knows cooking skills. If she doesn't report it, the little girl will be tricked by others, causing the Huaxia Kingdom to lose an ancient martial arts genius. , the young master will fall into self-blame to ensure that he will not become a demon.

Xuan Yi felt that the young master was a great man Xiaoqiang who only knocked down the southern wall for his cooking skills and never looked back. He was a poor Xiaoqiang who only ate all kinds of dark dishes and could not die from poison or death. He was a hard-working Xiaoqiang, and he was even more bitter.

"Ah Da, you haven't said where the pink and tender little girl lives, how can I get the greeting card to her, who else is in her family, and who is better than her. "Xuan Shao wanted to rush to sit by the window, but he turned and flew to the box rack halfway, and opened a small square box to find the four treasures of the study and the post.

"The little girl is in Qing University Park. She is this year's freshman. She is fifteen years old and fourteen and a half years old. She is a student in the class led by Professor Wan Chengxing, and is also the sworn sister of the only grandson of the Chao family, the only grandson of the meritorious Chao family in Beijing. I will bring it back tonight. The family recognizes the relatives, and the Chao family put the little girl on the genealogy. It is still unclear who the little girl’s best classmates are, and who is in the family, and there will be news in two days at most.”

"According to this, I have to give Wan Zhai, Fu, and Professor Zhai a post, as well as Yan Shao and Yan Shao's post, and the little girl's righteous brother can't be left behind, or the little girl will receive the post. A glance, ah, I don't know, and then throw it away and ignore it, the young master can't wait for a hundred years to hear back."

"Young master is wise."

Xuan Yi resolutely agreed with the wise decision of the young master. After tonight, the little girl will definitely receive greetings from various families. In case she does not know, or actually knows that the ancient martial arts or the powerful people in Beijing want to visit her, she is too lazy. Don't worry, maybe I really put the invitations on the shelf. If I give the little girl a copy of the invitation to the people she is more familiar with, let alone other people, because of the relationship between Yan Shao and the little girl, I should go and tell the little girl something about the ancient martial arts family. The situation, told her that the ancient martial arts sect wanted to meet with her, and the little girl also knew who was with whom the inexplicable greetings were.

After finding the four treasures of the study, the post, Shao Xuan ran to the sandalwood table next to the table and sat down with great interest. Be prepared for a series of post visits.

After writing a large stack of pilgrimage posts, Shao Xuan was in a good mood. He checked several times to confirm that there was no typo, put away the post, and went to sleep in peace.

When Xuan Shao finished writing the post, he went back to the bed and took a beauty sleep. Lan Shao and Fang Shao were still on their way back to Fang Shao's residence. In addition to the teahouse, Dongfang's family in Beijing also had a small courtyard house. People live and take care of it, and someone from the Dongfang family can move in at any time when they come to Beijing.

It was after eleven o'clock when Fang Shao returned to his residence, and the guards who were waiting at the door greeted him. Fang Shao took Lan Shao back to the east guest room, and sat down in the east wing to write a greeting.

The guards of the Dongfang family received a call from the young master. They first prepared the four treasures of the study and the post, and then heated tea and waited for the young master and Nalan four young masters to serve tea first, and then study the ink.

Fang Shaolan sat down for a while, calmly, wrote posts in their own names, dried them after writing, put them together, practiced and rested, and prepared to send them to Qing University Park after dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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