magic eye doctor

Chapter 366 I Sympathize With You

Chapter 366 I Sympathize With You
Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang encountered two traffic jams on their way back to school, which caused a lot of delay. They finally returned to the west gate of Qingda University. From a distance, they saw a few young men in suits and leather shoes waiting on the right side of the school gate. It's not good, are those guys coming too fast?
"Xiangyang, stop in front of the car at the nearest gate guard, and then you go to the school to wait for me." Seeing the group of handsome young men looking over, he knew it was impossible if he didn't see it.

Without saying a word, Liu Xiangyang passed over several cars, stopped at the front of the row of cars, put the person down, drove the cheetah into the school, and drove to a place out of the way.

Yan Xing got out of the car without the windbreaker jacket. He was also wearing a black suit. The difference was that the group of ancient martial arts youths showed off their bodies. They were all suits and shirts, and he also wore a thin sweater.

Yan Shaomei is graceful, graceful and graceful, with a graceful beauty and a beautiful face, a handsome young man of ancient martial arts, recognized as the number one beautiful man in ancient martial arts, cold in the middle of the winter, cold and windy, he walks slowly , like a beautiful butterfly dressed in a black butterfly coat, coming, domineering, cool and stable as Mount Tai.

Numerous: "..." Can you not be so elegant every time you appear?Even if the appearance is more handsome than them, the smile is also more beautiful than them, a slight smile does not talk about the country, and there is no problem in killing men and women.

Good-looking men are not good people, and men who are better-looking than them are not good people. Yan Shao is definitely the one other than good people.

Yan Shao smiled slightly, elegant and beautiful, and the few wanted to attack in groups, but in the end they were silent. Forget it, for the sake of his friendship with the suspected immortal doctor, he didn't care about him.

"Brother Yan, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Xuan Shao stuck his head out of the car, his beautiful face exuded a friendly light, and the corners of his red lips drew an elegant smile.

"I'm flattered." Yan Xing replied with a shallow smile, his long eyes were bright, and he nodded hello to the elite juniors of the Guwu family.

The Count's family is very thoughtful. The young people sent to the capital are either the pre-determined next family head or the best candidates for the next young master. They all appeared at the internal meeting of the Count's family, and basically everyone is familiar with them.

Everyone has an impression of each other, and naturally they will not suspect who is impersonating, so it will not lead to secret fights and jokes due to misunderstandings, and because everyone is familiar with each other, it is easier to reach a consensus when cooperation is required.

After greeting the handsome men, Yan Xing opened his lips, and his voice flowed like spring water: "Everyone is coming to Qingda in person despite the severe cold. I don't know if you are here for Professor Wan Cheng, Professor Fu, Professor Zhai, or for someone Yan?"

"All." The few answered with a smile, a rare unanimous voice.

"I feel flattered again, I don't know what to do with Yan?"

"I heard that the little girl Le is very good at cooking, so I came to visit specially and made an appointment to discuss cooking skills with the little girl. By the way, I invited the little girl and Yan brother Liu Shao Chao Shao and three professors to have afternoon tea together. The invitations are placed in the guard room. , I want to ask Mr. Security to help you in, I'm waiting for an answer." Master Xuan calmly confessed his intentions.

"I heard that Dr. Le is excellent in medical treatment, and Zhou Jiate came to visit. Please invite the little girl, Yan brother Liu Shao, Chao Shao and the three professors to have tea together when you have time." Zhou Shao replied calmly.

"I heard that the little girl Qi Huang has superb skills, and the Ji family admires her, so I came to visit."


The Si family, the Hua family, the Dongfang family, and the Jiang family all came to admire the little girl's medical skills, and Lan Shao smiled slightly: "Brother Yan, the last time we said goodbye to the restaurant, I originally wanted to visit Qingda and invite Brother Yan to drink tea this weekend. , If something is delayed, it will not come until today."

Yan Xing knew the intentions of the group very well, but he didn't expect that they didn't hide it. He raised his hand, and his slender fingers like white jade lightly pressed his temple: "I can guarantee that the post will be delivered to Little Loli. However, it is estimated that Little Loli will not see guests."

"How do you say it?" Several elites of the ancient martial arts family humbly asked for advice.

"Little Lolita has never played cards according to the rules of the card. She thinks that drinking tea is purely arty and is wasting her precious time, especially since she is doing research recently, either reading books or tinkering with medicinal herbs, right? In all likelihood, she is disdainful of her external affairs, so I suggest that you invite Professor Wan Cheng, Professor Fu, and Professor Zhai for tea, Xiao Luoli has great respect for her tutor."

Forgive him, in order to keep the little loli from being disturbed, I wronged Professor Wan Cheng as a shield. Anyway, the old professor is rough and rough, no matter how others try to pry it, he will be unstoppable.

"!" A basin of cold water was poured over, and many wanted to beat Young Master Yan again. The little girl didn't like to drink tea and chat, so how did you make friends with the little girl?
"The little girl is busy, it doesn't matter, please ask Brother Yan to hand over the invitation to the little girl. Whether the little girl will reward her or not is another matter."

Zhou Shao is stable and mature, and doesn't mind the attitude of the little girl. Selecting the post to ask for directions means that they attach great importance to the little girl, and it is another matter whether they can meet people or not.

"This is no problem. You might as well go back and wait for the news. Little Lolita will usually reply in advance to make an appointment if she is interested in going on an appointment. Today is not a Sunday, and the school is not open to the public.

"I'll wait until another day to visit the academy again."

"Brother Laoyan helped send the post on your behalf."

Hua Shaozhu and others accepted Yan Shao's suggestion like a good follower. Of course, if you want to go to an appointment, you must make an appointment in advance, and both parties are prepared.

Many people are also at ease. Elder Shan Weng has an excellent reputation and has never broken his trust. His disciples will naturally not damage his master's reputation. Everyone got on the car, and the cars crossed the arc one by one. Leaving outside the school gate, everyone went back to their own homes, each looking for their own mother.

Watching the eight cars line up and go away, Yan Xing went to the gate guard to get the greeting card. The security guards were still 5 minutes away from handing over the shift. I gave him all the stacks of posts, and I am very grateful in my heart.

There are too many invitations, and the security guard is also considerate to find a red plastic bag to pack it, so as not to accidentally drop it.

Yan Xing walked into the school gate with a bag of greeting cards, walked to the cheetah car and opened the door to enter the passenger seat, his bright and handsome face was also full of gloom.

"My God, so many invitations? Those people are so fast." Liu Xiangyang saw the big bag of red posts and exaggeratedly called his father and mother. Those ancient martial arts sects had dog noses, and they moved when they heard the wind. , went to the capital to inquire about the news. Last night, the little beauty just revealed her identity, and the post was sent to the school just after dawn, and she acted quickly.

"Everyone wants to be the one with the deepest impression, of course, only has the first chance."

"Xiao Xingxing, why are you so depressed?" Liu Xiangyang originally wanted to see who sent posts to the little beauty, but Xiao Xingxing's tone was full of depression and puzzled.

"Little Lolita will definitely make me look good when she comes back."

"..." Liu Xiangyang was silent, nodding sympathetically: "I sympathize with you about this. If it were me, I might also be very angry. It was a bit awkward that I had promised to keep it a secret, and then exposed her as soon as possible. A sense of trustworthiness.”

"I don't want to, but this is the best opportunity. If I miss this opportunity, the effect of exposure will not be so shocking in the future." Yan Xing rubbed his aching head: "Little Loli took over to heal the two Tantai family members. Grandson, paper can’t contain fire. Once it is known, it is impossible to guarantee that no one will secretly make a bad hand. Now that she is exposed, the elites in Beijing know that she has excellent medical skills and want to make friends. The hidden family of strange people is also interested in her. Xuanyuan Shi, Feng Shi and Ji Shi cherish talents the most, and it is shameful that no one is jealous of Yingcai, knowing that Little Lolita has a strange knowledge, she should take care of one or two secretly, and Little Lolita is safer."

"Xiao Xingxing, you pulled others into the water again, do those families know?" Liu Xiangyang rubbed his forehead. Xiao Xingxing never wastes resources. The Ji family of Xuanyuan's family knew that Xiao Xingxing had calculated that they would be free bodyguards for the little beauty. , will you be furious?

"They will be more grateful to me when they know about it. The Xuanyuan family has a talented young master who is obsessed with cooking. An old senior in the Ji family has a medical condition. He was secretly looking for medicine many years ago. The Hua family, Si family, and Zhou family also seem to have encountered unspeakable hidden dangers and urgently need a good doctor. At this stage, they will not let anyone touch the little loli. The little loli who has a good rejuvenation technique is exactly what they need, so how can they blame me. "

"You don't know what to do, you bull." Xiao Xingxing has calculated everyone's thoughts, what else can he say?
Liu Xiangyang murmured, opened the bag and read the invitation, read his name while reading, and read his own name, and grinned in surprise: "Oh, and my post, I also got a little beauty. The light, the rhythm of rising water in an instant."

The corner of Yan Xing's mouth twitched, but he didn't hit Liu, who was uncontrollably excited. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that the signal tracking showed that Little Loli was on a highway around the city, indicating that Xiao Chao was also on his way back to school.

Knowing that Little Loli is coming back soon, put away the phone, read the posts with someone Liu, pick out their own posts, and leave the posts of Professor Wan Cheng, Professor Fu, Professor Zhai and Brother Chao's Little Loli together, Drive to Zhuangyuan Building and wait for Xiao Chao to come back.

The beautiful boy was on his way back to school. Not only Le Xiao was in the car, but also Miss Chao and Xiao Pang. Miss Chao had a driver's license. She didn't like to drive, so she took a ride with Meiren's brother. In fact, the real reason was She wanted to stick to the little powder dumplings.

With Second Lady Chao in front of Zhuyu, Brother Xiao also followed suit. He was determined not to drive by himself.

The beautiful boy is the driver, and Brother Xiao sits in the passenger cab. Even if Xiao Pang wants to be the driver, the beautiful boy does not agree that he is afraid that it will be unsafe for Brother Xiao to stay up late after fatigue and driving.

Brother Xiao is studying at Beijing University, which is just across the street from Qingda University; Miss Chao is studying at Minzu University, which is separated from Qingda and Beijing University by a certain distance, but not too far.

The beautiful boy sent his second sister back to school first. Because he was not in a hurry to catch up with the class, he stopped once on the way and went to an electrical appliance company for a walk. Le Xiaole bought a small multifunctional household oven.

Brother Xiao heard Little Lolita say that buying a small oven is for trial-making cakes and baking beggar chicken. He was so greedy that his saliva went down three thousand feet. His determination to lose weight was more firm, and he was waiting for the success of losing weight to eat a medicated meal.

At [-]:[-], the four of them arrived at Minda University, and Chao Yufu nibbled on Xiaofendanzi's face again, and then reluctantly got off the bus and went back to school.

There is an old sister who loves to take advantage of Xiaolele. The beautiful young man is also deeply drunk. He drives the car and runs away without turning back. Because of the many cars on the road, it takes half an hour to get to Beijing University.

Xiao Xiaopang took the return gift from Little Loli and went back to school three steps at a time. Classmate Chao didn't see it. Take Xiao Lele back to the dormitory first.

When he went downstairs to Zhuangyuan and saw the military hunting turkey, Chao Yubo couldn't help frowning. When he saw the two handsome young men get out of the car and secretly complained, were the two colonels too attentive?They run Lele's dormitory more often than him, so unscientific.

During the class, the schoolmasters were almost not in the dormitory, and there were no cars in front of the building. The beautiful boy drove the car to the east staircase, backed up the car, and turned the door on the side where Xiao Lele was sitting toward the stairs, and then braked.

"Little Chao, you're finally back, where's your pretty sister?" Liu Xiangyang ding dong dong ran to the eaves and greeted the beautiful boy with a smile.

"Do you have anything to do with Xiaolele?" Xiaolelewo didn't mean to get off the back seat, and Chao Yubo didn't rush him. He got out of the cab by himself, went around the front of the car, and opened the trunk from the side under the eaves.

"There are some, some people sent invitations to the little beauties early this morning. We will help them. There are little beauties, and there are also yours, as well as Professor Wan Cheng, Professor Fu and Professor Zhai." Liu Xiangyang will The bag he was carrying was held high to show Comrade Xiao Chao, so as not to say that he was lying.

"The two hard-working people specially brought them here, just leave it to me." Chao Yubo walked under the eaves of the house and calmly reached out to pick up the bag.

"!" Liu Xiangyang just wanted to show something, and wanted to tell the young man that they went to the Eight Treasures Hall because of something, but the young man didn't follow the cards and couldn't play the cards, so he reached out to get the invitation. Donate the bag.

Ahhh, he still wanted to carry the invitation upstairs and grab a lunch or something, but the little princess Chao actually grabbed the credit and didn't give him a chance to show it, it's abominable!

Grinding his teeth in secret, he still has to put on a smiling face, who is the little beauty now on the Chao family tree, the elder brother of the Chao family is the real brother of the little beauty, they dare not let the boy face, otherwise the little beauty will follow him in minutes. They turned their faces.

"Xiao Chao, the invitation has been sent, we will go back first." Xiao Luoli was late to get out of the car, and Yan Xing also guessed the reason and withdrew with interest.

Even if 1 people didn't want to leave, Liu Xiangyang had to cooperate. The little beauty didn't want to get out of the car. Of course, she was annoyed by the exposure of her identity. She didn't want to see them, so she just stayed in the car and didn't show her face. .

The two young men who ate the soup behind closed doors, with sad hearts in their hearts, crawled back to the cheetah's master and co-driver's cabs, drove the car away silently, and waited to bypass the stone monument in front of the Xueba Building and drove to the main trunk. Dao, looked in the rearview mirror and saw the little girl got off the Chery car.

Liang Jun Shao's heart was empty and dark, because he was in a bad mood, he didn't have the heart to go to class, and climbed back to the dormitory to be a house god.

When the two handsome guys drove away, Le Yun took her backpack and got out of the car slowly, stuffed the invitations into her backpack first, and then went to the trunk with her brother Chao to pick up things. She had her small oven and two bags of flour, which were filled with crab, lobster and Three bags of seafood with sea shells.

Hearing that Xiaofen Tuanzi bought cakes made in the oven, Miss Chao was so excited that she went to the mall to pick up two bags of [-]-pound fine flour, and told her that she would save a copy of the baked cakes for her.

When classmate Le went to Chao's house, he carried a large bag of things. When he came back, he packed a bunch of gold bracelets and locks on his back. Seafood could not be stuffed into a backpack, so if he could, he could pack a large backpack.

Crabs are imported from the distant sea. Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao left the largest four for Xiao Lele. Because of the long distance, crab catchers go out to sea to catch crabs every October, steam them and then pack them into ice packs for export. The country is no longer fresh.

The seashells and lobsters are fresh, and Erye Chao also paid for the master's birthday banquet. There is one lobster on each table, and six lobsters are reserved for Xiaolele.

The six prawns held big tongs and danced with great power. In order to prevent them from fighting when they had nothing to do, they had to glue their tongs with tape before packing the net bag.

Chao Yubo moved things from the trunk to the eaves, Le Yun stuffed some seafood into the oven, put a bag of flour into a large backpack and carried it on his back, holding the small oven in one hand, lobster and seashells in the other, building.

The beautiful boy who was treated like a little princess again looked up at the sky sadly for a while, picked up a bag of flour and a bag of cooked crabs, and followed Xiao Lele upstairs.

Going back to the fourth floor, put things away, Chao Yubo just rested for a while, then drove downstairs to the student union office in the office building to work.

Le Yun was not idle either, she took out the invitation with her name on it, only brought the invitations of the three professors, the foam box containing the concoction, the jade box containing the gold and silver needles, went downstairs, and rode on the Bicycle to Professor Wan Cheng's house to puncture Sleeping Beauty from Tantai's house.

Tantai Mingguang knew yesterday that the little girl was going home with her righteous brother. He had guessed that the little girl might stay at her righteous brother's house for a few days and would not come back until after the New Year's Day holiday. When he returned to school, he came to give his eldest grandson acupuncture for the first time, and he was completely moved.

Shou Bo, who was also impressed by Wu Nei, brewed tea diligently, took the invitation from the little girl and asked them to help transfer it to Professor Wan Cheng and put it away, and went to the guest room to watch the little girl apply needles.

This time, without the little girl's instructions, Tantai Mingguang stripped the eldest grandson to the bottom of his underwear and put it on the ground to suck in the air.

Acupuncture, massage, Le Yun completed the necessary tasks for the day, retrieved the medical needle, washed hands, carried the toolbox and rushed to the dormitory, turned around on the road and went to the living street to buy a large basin and a stainless steel bucket.

Carry the supplies back to the dormitory building, climb back to your own site, wash the buckets and basins, put them under the dining table, cut off the tape on the lobster's tongs, free the shrimps, put the pockets and shrimps in the enlarged basin, and put the scallops in the bucket Inside, add well water and put some green cabbage leaves for the shrimp to eat.

He cleaned the small oven, turned it on for experiments, put in the deodorant, packed the living room, carried his backpack back to the space, happily counted the gold, silver, and jade ornaments he had received, and frowned happily, seeing Tooth out of sight.

The little fox put the little black monkey on his back, and sat on the side admiring the little human girl counting gold. She was excited by her happy look, and looked up at the sky resentfully. The little girl deliberately counted the gold in front of him and let him Can see but not eat, so cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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