Chapter 367
For Chao's family, a new day is undoubtedly the best day. Last night, the old man's birthday banquet was lively, and a new population was added. The 30th was the first day of the old man's 71-year-old, and it was also the first day of the old man's [-]-year-old family tree. On the first day, Vientiane was updated, and it was full of joy.

Sending off the old and young who are going to work and school, Er Ye Chao also went to the company. He didn't go to work yesterday, so he has to go to a routine today, Er Madam Chao is at home with his family.

Due to the holiday tomorrow, Chao Er's villa is spacious. In order to make it easier for everyone to get together during the holiday, the old man and the old lady also live in Chao Er's house. Chao Xingqiang and Chao Xingyun also retired. There is no work to do, so of course they stay for a few days.

The Chao family was happy.

Some are happy, some are sad.

For the Chao family, a new day is beautiful, but for Wang Yuxuan and the Wang family, the arrival of a new day represents an embarrassing beginning.

Wang Yuxuan cried until she fell asleep naturally, and woke up in the middle of the night because she was uncomfortable in the sofa. She didn't know where she was for a long time, and stared at the white light in the room, unable to tell whether it was day or night.

His eyes were dry and hard to open, and it took a long time for his consciousness to return to the cage. He knew that he was in the place where his grandparents lived, and he also remembered the Chao family dinner and the quarrel between his grandparents.

Thinking of the previously unknown secret revealed by her grandfather's scolding at her grandmother, Wang Yuxuan felt aggrieved and tears welled up in her eyes. What's wrong with her mother being pregnant and asking her father to take charge?

There was silence all around, except for the sound of small sobbing.

Wang Yuxuan, who was aggrieved and crying, didn't know how long it took, when she heard her choking sound, her heart was inexplicable, and when she looked around, the living room was empty, and she was alone on the sofa, feeling like being abandoned by the world Yes, lonely.

When my heart was empty, I thought of Yan Xing inexplicably. It was a subconscious behavior. Every time I was wronged, the first thing that came to my mind was Yan Xing. When I got angry with Zhao Zongze, the first thing I thought of was Yan Xing , Yan Xing would not coax her, but he always stood by her side when she was laughed at.

Staring blankly at the air for a long time, she cried aggrievedly again, and murmured Yan Xing's nickname, "Xiaolongbao, I was wrong, woo, Xiaolongbao, I was wrong..."

Tears were flowing, and his brain was heavy again. He nestled in the sofa again, and fell asleep in a daze.

She fell into a dark sleep as soon as she fell asleep. The nanny got up at 04:30 in the morning to make breakfast, and the light in the living room was still on. She went to check lightly, and saw the young lady nestled on the sofa, and tiptoed into the kitchen to make her own food. live.

Mayor Wang is going to work in the municipality. He lives far away from the work place. He leaves early every day and returns late, so he is used to getting up early. That day was no exception. building.

Mrs. Wang is also a public official. Because she did not like her mother-in-law before, she did not work as a noble wife at home. She still went to work and accompanied her husband to go out early every day.

When the couple went downstairs and saw their niece lying on the sofa, Mrs. Wang's expression was indifferent. Mayor Wang was unhappy when she saw her niece who almost lost the face of the Wang family, and her face was extremely bad.

The couple placed their briefcases, handbags and jackets, sat down on the sofa, and Mrs. Wang made breakfast milk for her husband.

Wang Yuxuan's face was crying, and her tears flushed the makeup powder to the ditch.

That appearance was too stubborn, and Mayor Wang stared coldly at her sleeping niece. Wang Yuxuan's heart was so big that she could still fall asleep when her boyfriend made such a fuss.

Wang Yuxuan slept so much that she didn't know what night it was, and felt a chill in her confusion. She subconsciously shivered, stretched out her hand and rubbed her arm, and after a few strokes, she woke up.

The person was still dizzy, and when he woke up, he was muttering "嘤嘤", sitting or lying on the sofa, lying on the sofa, staring at the air in a daze. There was a sound, and the involuntary master stood up, looked at the source of the sound, saw a man walking with a cup, and sat up in shock.

My eyes were red and swollen from crying, and my eyesight was not very clear, so I couldn't see who that person was. When he found his uncle staring at him with a stern face, he was terrified.

She was so stiff that she didn't dare to move, she shouted in fear, "Big... Uncle, Big... Big Aunt."

What happened last night, Wang Yuxuan had no confidence to face her eldest uncle and aunt, as if a mouse saw a cat, she was trembling and did not dare to let out the air.

"Humph." Mayor Wang snorted coldly, too lazy to answer, took the milk handed by his wife and drank it slowly.

Madam Wang sat down next to her husband, but she didn't respond, didn't accuse her, didn't even give a straight eye, and completely ignored it.

Old Mrs. Wang walked to the living room and heard her son's snoring, her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help looking at her wife who came out of the study two steps behind.

Last night, she was sprayed by her wife in front of her granddaughter. Old Mrs. Wang lost her face and felt extremely aggrieved. She didn't sleep well all night. In addition to being old, she couldn't stand the toss. In the morning, her eyes turned blue.

Wang Lao also didn't sleep well last night. He was confused for a while, and got up and went into the study room. He sat there until he heard the footsteps of his son and daughter-in-law walking around before leaving the study room.

Seeing that his wife was not moving, Mrs. Wang crossed over to the living room with a cold face; Mrs. Wang was even more aggrieved, and she knew she was right, so she followed behind.

When Mayor Wang saw his parents, his cold expression didn't change. He just called out "Dad, Mom", and Mrs. Wang graciously went to make breakfast milk for her parents-in-law.

"Master...Master, grandma." Wang Yuxuan shivered again when she saw her grandfather, and stood up mechanically.

Wang Lao saw the sloppy appearance of his granddaughter, his face was even more ugly, and he scolded in disgust: "Shame." After scolding, he thought that the place where she sat was dirty, and sat on the single sofa angrily.

His wife's anger was not gone, but Mrs. Wang secretly snorted, and she couldn't help frowning when she saw her granddaughter's embarrassed appearance. In the end, she loved her grown-up granddaughter, and didn't scold or ignore her, because her wife didn't have her own place there. She can only sit on the couch.

Being reprimanded by her grandfather, Wang Yuxuan's heart contracted sharply, and she almost lost her footing.

Mrs. Wang poured a glass of milk and brought it to her parents-in-law, then sat next to her husband, quietly acting as an invisible person.

Wang Lao drank half a glass of milk, barely suppressed his anger, and said to his eldest son: "Boss, what do you think of the wedding the day after tomorrow?"

Wang Yuxuan and Zhao Zongze are scheduled to get engaged on New Year's Day. If this happens, should the wedding continue?
This is a problem.

Wang Lao is not worried that his granddaughter is lucky or unhappy, but is worried that the Chao family and the He family will blacklist the Wang family equally because of Zhao Zongze.

"Dad, this is still a question for Mom," Mayor Wang hesitated, and put the question to the other side: "In the beginning, everything was decided by Mom, the date was negotiated by Mom and the Zhao family, and the list of invitations was also drawn up by Mom and asked me to send it. Yes, it's still up to Mom to decide what to do."

"..." Mrs. Wang opened her mouth, but she didn't make a sound. She was the first to agree with Xiaoxuan and Zhao Zongze, and she persuaded her son to agree. It was still up to her to choose the date and wedding. The hotel is also what kind of wedding she proposed to the Zhao family.

But now throw the question back to her, she... what can she do?
Mrs. Wang was speechless as if eating a plum stuck in her throat.

Wang Lao looked at his wife with a bad look, he was confused, wouldn't he still want to protect something humiliating?

Seeing her wife's cold eyes, Mrs. Wang was frightened for a while. Seeing that her wife's eyes were not good, her heart was beating suddenly. She understood her wife's temper.

She looked at her granddaughter with red and swollen eyes, and swallowed hard: "Yuxuan, why don't we investigate Zhao Zongze's character issue, and the engagement ceremony should be postponed later."

The wedding banquet held by the Wang family and the Zhao family businessmen on New Year's Day is not a real wedding banquet, but a Wen Ding engagement. For a family like them, once a child gets engaged, it is not much different from getting married, so the person who receives the invitation eats the order. There is no difference between a wedding reception and a wedding reception.

Moreover, the engagement wedding is held vigorously. Men and women are equivalent to formal marriage. When they get married, they don’t want to have a drink. They can live at home when they get the license. Those who like toss can also hold a grand wedding banquet.

"I'll listen to grandma." Wang Yuxuan nervously waited for the result. She was secretly relieved when she heard that the engagement ceremony was postponed. Grandma still loves her and doesn't want her to marry unhappily, so she is not afraid of being talked about behind her back. Willing to temporarily cancel the engagement banquet.

Mrs. Wang secretly sighed in relief. Yuxuan did not resist strongly, indicating that she was also dissatisfied with what Zhao Zongze had done. In this way, even if the two broke up after canceling the engagement banquet, they should not resent her and blame her for breaking them up.

In the past, even if Zhao Zongze was not as good as Yan Xing in all aspects, fortunately, the Zhao family was a rich family, and the granddaughter married a ready-made rich wife. In addition, with the backstage of her mother's family, Yuxuan would definitely be like a duck to water in the Zhao family, she only needed to be a husband and wife. Mrs. Broad will do.

Now, Zhao Zongze offends the Chao family, offends the righteous granddaughter of the Chao family, and offends the little doctor who saved Mrs. He Tai. In order to gain friendship with the Chao family, the entire noble circle will look for opportunities to step on Zhao Zongze at any time. It's not certain which family will fall into trouble. Zhao Zongze is equal to enemies from all sides. The Wang family is also married to the Zhao family. The powerful and powerful people who used to be at odds with the Wang family just have the opportunity to target the Wang family. .

Mrs. Wang loves her granddaughter, but she cares more about her status. She cancels the engagement banquet. At most, it is not kind to be talked about behind the scenes, but she can keep the foundation of the Wang family intact. Also give a little bit of thinness, and don't arrange affairs in front of the little doctor.

She was just glad that her granddaughter cooperated with her decision, and there was no confusion, but she heard her wife's cold tone in her ears: "Since it's all up to you, how can you tell the guests invited by the Wang family to cancel the wedding? You must know what happened, and know how to explain it to others."

"I..." Mrs. Wang felt a chill in her heart, and asked her to explain to the guests that her granddaughter's engagement was temporarily canceled.
The wife asked her to inform the guests that the engagement of the granddaughter of the Wang family was cancelled for some reason, in order to save the face of the eldest son. If the eldest son explained it to the guests in person, it would damage his image. If they were grandparents to explain, It can keep the eldest son out of the way.

She knew that it was the best choice. However, she had been flattered for most of her life. How could she be so embarrassed to do such a shameful thing?Especially not one or two, but dozens, all of them are powerful or wealthy.

At this moment, for the first time, she was helpless. Two months ago, she was happily planning a wedding, thinking about who to invite to have a face, but now she has to think hard about how to end it. This is what people say. .

Mrs. Wang resisted, and she shifted her gaze to the eldest daughter-in-law: "I'm too old, I don't have a good memory, and my friendship with the noble ladies in Beijing is just average, so the eldest daughter-in-law..."

"Shut up!" Wang Lao was so angry that his anger changed, and he smashed the milk glass in his hand towards his wife: "All good things are up to you, when it is your turn to take care of the aftermath, you will think of the eldest daughter-in-law? You are so embarrassed to be this Mother-in-law? Don't you feel guilty when you touch your heart?"

There was still half a glass of milk in the cup he smashed. The milk and the cup "bang" hit the old lady Wang's shoulder. The milk splashed on her face and body. The cup rolled and fell to the ground. smash.

Mayor Wang didn't expect the old father to be so angry, and was shocked: "Dad—"

Madam Wang jumped up in shock, while Wang Yuxuan watched helplessly as the cup flew towards her grandmother, and watched her being splashed all over her body. When she heard the sound of the cup breaking, her body was shocked, and she was instantly stiff as iron, her eyes full of horror.

The wife said "shut up", which made Mrs. Wang's brain buzzing. Seeing a cup flying over and trying to hide, it was too late. She subconsciously tried to avoid it, but she was not spared. .

She could endure being reprimanded, but when she was slapped with milk, she became stupid and looked at her wife sadly. In the past few decades, he had never treated her like this. Even if he quarreled about his younger son, he was carrying his son behind his back. Daughter-in-law, he still takes her face very seriously and won't embarrass her too much.

When he was young, he didn't let her down, but when he was about to fall into the ground, he showed her shame in front of his son and daughter-in-law, or his eldest daughter-in-law, whom he disliked, so why would he save her face?
Mrs. Wang forgot to wipe the milk on her face. Looking at her wife, she was trembling all over, her heart was sore, her big eyes rolled out of her sockets, but her teeth were clenched tightly, and she didn't growl or cry hysterically. , just trembling and crying.

"Boss, go to work with your daughter-in-law, don't worry about your mother, she has done her own thing these years, and the consequences of what she and her granddaughter, who is the treasure, should be borne by them."

Wang Lao's anger did not subside, and he was angry when he saw the old man and the young man. He only felt that it was an eyesore. He said something to his eldest son and daughter-in-law, and then turned to his granddaughter who couldn't help: "And you Wang Yuxuan, go and wash your face. Once washed, it's dirty and ugly, am I willing to be mad at me?"

"Uh...uh." Wang Yuxuan was so frightened by the roar that she started to cry. She only cried and bit her lip. She got up and rushed upstairs to wash her face.

The old father let himself avoid, but Mayor Wang didn't say anything, he took his wife away, took the briefcase and clothes, and stayed away from the war at home.

Mrs. Wang is very grateful for her father-in-law's protection. Her mother-in-law doesn't like her. Her father-in-law is sensible and does not despise her. She also respects her father-in-law. Have breakfast outside.

Her son and daughter-in-law were gone, and her granddaughter was kicked away. Madam Wang was in tears. She went to find a broom and bucket by herself, swept up the broken cups and put them in the trash can, and sat on the side wiping her tears.

The old man was ruthless, and she didn't dare to scratch the tiger's beard any more. No matter how big the grievance was, only she could bear it. Besides, the eldest son was taught by the old man, and she listened to the old man's words. In the future, her son will also have a prejudice against her, and she has no status at home.

A man wiped away tears sadly, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and acted as a housewife and an old lady, so as not to make his wife angry again.

Frightened, Wang Yuxuan rushed back to her room on the second floor, washed her face in a hurry, looked in the mirror and found that she almost fell over, hurriedly washed off her makeup, fixed her hair, and changed into home clothes again, enduring her heart skipping a beat. Panic, go downstairs.

Grandma couldn't protect herself, she didn't dare to challenge her grandfather, and she didn't dare to show her temper. If she didn't go downstairs in hiding, her grandfather would only dislike her even more, maybe she would be kicked out, and she would not be allowed to come again in the future.

Now, she needs the identity cover of her uncle. Even if her grandfather hates her and scolds her, she will hold her grandmother's thigh as a protective umbrella.

Moved downstairs and sat obediently.

She tidied up, Wang Lao was more pleasing to the eye, no more eggs and chicken bones, waited for the nanny to make breakfast, and went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

Mrs. Wang, Wang Yuxuan, grandparents, and grandchildren also went to have breakfast without a word.

After breakfast, Wang Lao ignored his wife and granddaughter and read the newspaper by himself.

The old lady Wang was thinking about how to explain to the guests who sent the invitations. Her face was blue and white, and Wang Yuxuan didn't dare to disturb her.

Wang Qianjin stayed beside her grandparents in fear, while Jia Ling almost collapsed. She collapsed on the bed after receiving a call from her grandson yesterday, thinking of Yan Ming's dead wife, Yan Xing's mother. Yan Feixia, thinking of Yan Xing's childhood, was overwhelmed with fear and did not sleep a night.

She didn't sleep all night, and her eyes were bloodshot in the morning. She was worried that what happened to her would be revealed. Red and swollen, she could barely keep her composure.

After a difficult breakfast, she went back upstairs and wanted to quietly call to ask about her grandson's situation. She found that her grandson's phone was turned off, and her granddaughter's phone was also turned off, making her even more panicked.

She seldom went to the circle of the powerful, and she didn't know where to find out what happened last night, so she could only wait anxiously for news from her grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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