magic eye doctor

Chapter 368 Surprise

Chapter 368 Surprise
Le Xiaoxue, the culprit of the discord in the Wang family, didn't expect that she would step on the scum and make the Wang family's house restless and make Jia Ling restless. She was happily counting the greetings she received. .

Everyone loves gold and silver, and Le Yun can’t put it down. Smiling, she counts the bracelets and gold locks she has received. It’s enough to steal the fun. She is satisfied and puts away the jewelry. She observes the space crops with a rippling mood. I was stunned to find that the leaves of the pear and apple trees turned yellow overnight, as if it was the autumn festival, and some yellow leaves were also dropped.

The bread tree and the dragon blood tree are in good shape, and there is no sign of falling leaves. The second flower of the banana tree is also growing very well, and it is estimated that it will bloom and bear fruit in two days at the latest.

The same fruit trees are planted in flowerbeds, some of them are falling leaves, some are growing branches, and they have completely different growth trends. As the owner of the space, I can't understand their laws.

There are too many little secrets in the space, and what Le Yun can't figure out is not only the yellowing of the leaves, so put aside the problem and go to pick tea leaves, lotus leaves and lotus flowers, and other crops are taken care of by little foxes, so don't worry about it, After I was busy, I slipped out of the space with a pile of medicinal herbs, lilies, yams, and potatoes.

Back in the dormitory, I boiled the medicine I brought yesterday, cleaned the tools, steamed potatoes, yam, and lily slices, rolled them into cakes, and added flour and medicinal powder together with the dough. The proportions of ingredients added are different. , and a total of four doughs, and also used up all the newly bought flour.

When steaming things, chop the stuffing, what kind of material goes with what stuffing, roll out the dough when the dough is ready, make dumplings, boil it in a pot, cook it and take it out to cool.

Le Xiao classmates are busy making medicated dumplings, Qing University students are busy studying, and people in Beijing are also busy with their own business.

The temperature on that day was lower than yesterday, and the weather forecast that there may be a good year of snow on New Year's Day, the temperature is low, and the sky is gray.

The weather is not very good, and it does not affect people's enthusiasm for travel. Cars run non-stop and planes fly all over the sky.

Because New Year's Day is a Sunday and the whole country is closed, there are three days for New Year's Day and the weekend. Tomorrow is Saturday and the first day of New Year's Day holiday. Many people rush back to celebrate New Year's Day, and many people flock to the capital to accompany their relatives or travel. , It is difficult to grab tickets for flights, and the airport is full of people.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was a bit like dusk. Dan Si was waiting at the exit of the airport. Ever since he heard the news that the flight was entering the terminal, he had been paying attention to the guests who walked out of the safety exit, so as not to miss it.

There were a lot of people picking up the plane, coming and going. Several celebrities walked out of the safety exit and were surrounded by a large group of fans. The chatter was very noisy, causing a traffic jam every time.

Tan Si waited for a long time, and finally found the person he wanted to pick up in a new wave of people - Tantai Mixue, the third young lady of the Tantai family.

Tantai Mixue is the daughter of the third son of the Tantai Patriarch, and the cousin of Tantai Xunyang and Tantai Xunhuan. She ranks third among girls. The Tantai family rules have always been named as the female subordinate to the male, the concubine to the descendant, and the patriarch. Tantai Mingguang's "Ming" character refers to seniority. The males of his direct line are all Ming characters, while women take half of the Ming characters and use the moon character as their seniority.

The grandchildren of the Tantai Patriarch have the word "search", and the girls take the word "seek" from the word "seek".

Tantai Mixue is 29 years old, with a height of 1.7 meters [-]. In terms of female height, she is tall. Because she is a martial artist, she has a well-proportioned body shape. The places that should be convex are convex, and the places that should be warped are warped. She is better than the model. .

She also inherited the good genes from the Tantai family. She has exquisite facial features and a beautiful face. The appearance that is properly taken out is a star face, with waist-length hair, light makeup, cold eyes, and a fiery red windbreaker. She added enchanting, that temperament, is the high-cold goddess model.

Tantai Mixue dragged the largest suitcase, stepped on a pair of [-]-centimeter high heels, and walked among the crowds of men and women, which was almost a glimpse of the mountains.

She was still three or four meters away from the safety exit, and she had already seen that the person coming to pick up the plane was Tan Si, not Tan Yi Dan Er, who was in the front row.

Tan Si waited by the side of the exit, waited for the third lady to come out, and went up to help drag the suitcase: "third lady, why didn't you bring a bodyguard, the owner and the third master know they will be worried."

"It's okay, I can take care of myself." Tantai Misue didn't need to drag the suitcase, put his hands in his pockets, and asked as he walked, "How is grandpa? Is Xunhuan doing well? Is Xunyang getting better?"

"The owner of the house is healthy, the young master is also very good, and the eldest young master is still the same." Dan Si dragged his suitcase and followed the third young lady, and answered quite well.

There were a lot of people talking, and Tantai Mixue didn’t ask too many questions. Tan Si accompanied Miss San out of the terminal building and went back to the residence. .

The car didn't return to Tantai's villa until after five o'clock. There was no need for Tan Si to knock on the door. Tan Wu saw him coming back in the back seat on duty and opened the door.

Tan Si accompanied Miss San through the outer courtyard and into the inner courtyard. Dan San waited in the inner courtyard and sent Miss San to a wing room on the south side of the West Wing for resettlement.

Tantai Misue followed to see the room, and asked casually, "Is there any distinguished guests in the east wing?"

"Not yet." Tan San replied calmly, "The owner told me that there might be a guest coming to stay for a while. Uncle Shou has already packed up the east wing and is waiting for the guest to come."

"How is Uncle Shou? Why didn't I see him."

"Uncle Shou attends the master's side, and takes care of the young master at Professor Wan Cheng's house. Third Miss, dinner will be served in the west hall at six o'clock. If you have anything, please call. There is someone on duty in the east and west wing."

After sending Miss San to the door of a room on the south side of the West Wing, Dan San opened the door, and Dan Si stood outside the door.

"Got it." Tantai Misue stepped into the south side of the west wing, turned around and carried the suitcase in, closing the door.

Dan San and Dan Si exited the West Hall and went to the East Hall to read books or watch movies and TV dramas.

Tantai Mixue looked at the place where I lived temporarily. The house in the old courtyard house was not well lit, and the lights were a little dark. The old walls and wooden furniture were not a little bit worse than the modern seaside resorts, and the weather was cold. , there is a cold breath everywhere.

Every room in the courtyard is similar, and there is no choice. The bed is clean, the wardrobe is empty except for towels, and the slippers that she wears are also men's. She put her suitcase aside and used her mobile phone to make a call.

Shoubo received the call, his tone was as flat as ever: "Miss San has gone to another courtyard? Did the journey go well? How many bodyguards did you bring?"

"Grandpa Shou, I'm afraid that I will not be able to arrange accommodation with too many people. I went to Beijing by myself. I just arrived in another courtyard. Is it the habit of grandpa to live in Uncle Xing's house? Has Ayang's physical condition improved? A Huan is having a good time. Are you happy? I want to see grandpa tomorrow, is that okay?"

"The master lives here very well, the eldest young master is still the same, Professor Wan Cheng's house is limited, and the professors come every day to give the eldest master acupuncture and moxibustion, and it feels crowded when they come and go, so the third young lady does not need to come, there are too many people for the master To cause trouble, the master is teaching the young master in the study at the moment, and it is temporarily inconvenient to answer the phone, I will report it to the master later, presumably the young master will call the third young lady when he is free."

"Okay, then I'll call Grandpa and Xiao Ahuan again tomorrow." Tantai Misue heard that Grandpa was teaching his cousin, so he didn't talk much, and took the initiative to end the call.

Hanging up the phone, Shou Bo went out from Professor Wan Cheng's kitchen and went to the living room. Seeing that the owner didn't want to ask more about the situation, he didn't talk too much.

Tantai Mingguang didn't want to ask about the messy housework. After thinking about it, he asked, "A Shou, how many people have called today to ask about the situation?"

"From this morning to the present, ten masters and six young ladies have called to ask about the situation, excluding the third young lady who came to Beijing in person, the third young lady's younger brother, Master Midong and the second old man, and the fifth master's call was to Dan Liu of."

"Oh, their news is quite well-informed." Tantai Mingguang gave a faint sigh and stopped asking. Last night, the little girl just revealed that she was the one who rescued the old lady of the He family, and she was also suspected of being a member of the Xianyi family. Today, Tantai Mixue Then he hurried into Beijing, not knowing whether he really cared or fake cared.

Tantai Misue frowned slightly after the phone call. How could she feel that the master's grandfather and Shoubo didn't want people to see Xunyang and Xunhuan?
Quietly pondered for a while, lowered his hair, chatted with familiar people, and inquired about the current situation of the ancient martial arts family in Beijing and whether there was any special news.

Just before five o'clock, there was an uninvited guest in the restaurant of Xuanyuan's house - a monk in green clothes, who looked like he was about to know his fate. His eyes are distant and indifferent, and the weather-beaten facial contour still can't hide the traces of handsomeness. It is not difficult to see that he was a handsome and handsome man back then.

The old man in Tsing Yi carried only a blue backpack and no Buddha dust. Except for his ancient hairstyle and Taoist robe, he was no different from an ordinary old man.

The old man walked into the restaurant calmly, sat down on the bench next to him and waited for an empty seat to meet the gaze of the diners, sitting like a bell, with a celestial demeanor, with a detached demeanor that was fascinating.

The diners frequently bet their respects, and some even secretly photographed the sitting posture of the old Taoist priest.

When Ah Fu saw the old Taoist priest, he ran into the back kitchen and reported to Xuan Yi. Xuan Yi went to the young master who was cutting cabbage with a knife and whispered in a low voice, "Master, old man Shan Weng is here."

"Hey?" Xuan Shao cut vegetables for a while, his face full of surprise: "He came so soon?" After a pause, he ordered: "Please go upstairs where I live."

"Young master, are you sure it's upstairs, don't you want to go to the restaurant?" Xuan Yi's face twitched, the upstairs is the bedroom, not the private room, okay?Treating guests in the bedroom, not afraid of being reprimanded by the master of the home?
"It's just upstairs. Is it possible that the low-cost boudoir is not high enough?"

"!" Young Master Xuan almost fell over, Young Master, everyone is saying that you look like a girl, do you really think you are a girl?The boudoir of a rich girl is called a fragrant boudoir, and yours is more or less the same as a snail dwelling.

The young master never took the usual path, and Xuan Yi had no choice but to follow the young master's temper, get out of the kitchen, walk to the dining room, and find the old man Shan Weng.

Because the restaurant was all full, there were even five or six people sitting on the bench area. The old man Shanweng in blue clothes and Taoist robes sat among the red men and green women.

Xuan Yi walked to the old man's side and bowed: "I have seen Senior Zhong Li, our young master asks you to move upstairs."

"Alright." Zhong Li Yurong was not surprised, picked up his backpack, followed the Xuanyuan family's guard calmly and calmly. He led him to the door leading to the back hall and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Ah Fu was very clever, and followed behind with hot water.

Xuan Yi invited the old man Shan Weng into the bedroom of the young master: "This place is small and there is no private room. Seniors are invited to take one or two."

"It's okay." Zhong Liyu took a look, sat down at the table by the window, and put his backpack on a chair.

Ah Fu took out a jar of tea leaves from the box, washed the tea set, and brewed the tea.

When Xuan Yi went to invite the old man of Shan Weng, Xuan Shao slowly washed his hands after cutting the two cabbages in hand. He only took off his apron and kitchen hat, and did not take off the chef's clothes, and went upstairs lightly.

Wandering to his bedroom, he walked in with a smile, and his soft voice was almost a female voice: "Senior Zhong Li, there are so many good things in the capital that you have come out in person."

"Little Chenbei, don't lie to me again, I know you're a boy, not a girl." Zhong Liyu looked at Young Master Xuanyuan in disgust, Xuanyuanchenbei is good at everything, but has two unique hobbies , one is in love with the chef, and the other likes to pretend to be a girl to deceive people and play pranks. Needless to say, because of his delicacy, he has really pretended to be his sister several times and successfully concealed it from everyone's eyes.

"How can I lie, I am gentle," Xuan Shao pursed his lips, sat down next to the old man Shan Weng, and handed the tea that A Fu had made to the old man: "Senior Zhongli, what do you want to ask the boy? ?"

Zhong Liyu took a sip of tea, um, yes, Tieguanyin before the Ming Dynasty.

After drinking tea, he spoke slowly: "Has the identity of that little girl been confirmed?"

"It's hard to say whether it's an immortal doctor, because the little girl never admits it, but if there is an immortal doctor, she must be her. The little girl can do acupuncture at a young age, and the precision of her strength is better than that of my peers. Even I didn't see how deep her inner strength was."

"You can't feel the little girl's inner strength?" Zhong Liyu's eyes turned towards the beautiful young man, Xuanyuan Chenbei's young genius, with high comprehension and innate intuition. Even he couldn't detect the little girl's deep inner strength, indicating that the little girl was very mysterious.

"I couldn't feel her inner strength, or even the little girl's joy and anger. The little girl sat there as calm as an old well. What's even more amazing was that my consciousness was three feet away from the little girl. The outside is like a stone sinking into the sea and disappearing without a trace. To put it in a bad way, I feel that the little girl is even more profound and unfathomable than your old lover."

"Sure enough, there is a strange person from generation to generation, and finally there is a freak who makes your keen insight fail. I'm gratifying."

"Senior Zhongli, are you here to attack me?"

"My old man doesn't hit you, just to confirm whether the facts are true or not," Zhong Liyu's calm face showed a rare smile: "I heard that the little girl has a good relationship with my apprentice?"

"Apart from the elder brother that the little girl recognizes, your old Gaozu is one of the people who have the best relationship with the little girl, so, the rising stars of the ancient martial arts sect have to rely on your beloved disciple to talk to the little girl. ."

"It's so good, Xiao Chenbei, I'm going to visit my little apprentice tomorrow, do you want to go for a walk? It's not good to stay in the kitchen all the time. God knows it will become dull." I was very relieved to have lost a point invisibly. The little girl and Xiao Long Bao were good, so I should meet him as a foreigner.

"Senior invites you, I dare not obey, I will walk with senior tomorrow." Xuan Shao secretly rejoiced, he returned empty-handed today, and tomorrow there is senior Zhongli, Yan Shao should not turn him away.

Zhong Liyu was in a good mood. He asked about the situation of the families of the ancient martial arts sect in Beijing, and figured out and analyzed whether there was any bullying of his younger apprentice and grievances for his younger apprentice.

There are only a few people from the ancient martial arts sect in Beijing, and Young Master Xuan did not hide it. He told who sent whom to stay in Beijing, and whether they did anything. The purpose of those families was to find people who were suspected to be immortal doctors, and they were very safe in Beijing. Points, no secret fights, no trouble.

The old man Shan Weng actually came to the restaurant, Xuan Shao was not stingy, and invited the old man to eat the restaurant's specialty dishes.

Xuan Shao accompanied him, entertained the old man Shan Weng with a meal, and then sent him to the residence over the restaurant to rest.

Young Master Yan didn't know that his old master had gone down the mountain and arrived in Beijing. He turned off his mobile phone last night, cut off all connections, and ended up at ease.

At five o'clock in the evening, a pair of brothers and sisters who had been in the dormitory for almost a day went looking for food.

Chao Yubo was busy in the office building from mid-morning to afternoon, closed the office door four or ten minutes before school was over, and drove to the South School Gate.

When the beautiful boy arrived at the correction gate, the car stopped in the school and walked to the guard room before saying hello, the guard on duty saw the president of the beautiful boy and held out a large stack of invitations to the boy with a tangled expression: "President Chao, today is What a good day, why do people keep sending invitations to you and the professor of the medical department."

The security guards thought it was really weird today. In the morning and afternoon, people sent posts to Chairman Chao, Professor Wan and others one after another, and called to several other school gates. When the shift was handed over in the morning, I heard from my colleagues in the evening shift that someone sent a lot of invitations in the early morning, and when they went to work, there were also invitations in the morning and afternoon, all for President Chao, Professor Wan Cheng and others. .

"Thank you for your hard work. It's probably the New Year's Day holiday, and everyone is free, so I took the opportunity to invite the professors to drink tea to enhance their relationship." Chao Yubo was heartbroken when he saw the bundles of invitations tied with red ropes, and he was so anxious to catch up Why are you sending a post?

The security guard couldn't help laughing. Why didn't they see such crazy things on New Year's Day in previous years?

The beautiful boy thanked the security guard repeatedly, took away a bundle of invitations, turned to the west gate, got a large stack of invitations at the guard, and drove to the medical department. The red rope that originally tied the invitations was subdivided into several strands, and each person's invitations were tied into small bundles.

December 12th was also the last day of class in the new calendar year. At the end of the last class in the evening, the students rushed out of the classroom shouting happily, some ran to the dormitory, some ran to the cafeteria, and some hurriedly drove home.

Chao Yubo saw Professor Wan Cheng go downstairs, get off the car, and wait for the old professor to come over and give him a surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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