magic eye doctor

Chapter 383 Another encounter (2 more

Chapter 383 Another encounter (two more

Yan Xing kept in mind that Little Loli said that she was assassinated while shopping. For the safety of Little Loli, the first thing she did when she stepped into the lobby on the first floor was to check for potential safety hazards.

He couldn't be sure who would be detrimental to Little Loli, but at least he had to guard against hidden dangers nearby. He glanced around and found no suspicious people, so he took a pair of masks and put them on.

There are too many people, and his appearance is excellent. He is most likely to be watched by superficial people as a star, which is easy to attract attention. Wearing a pair of masks can cover part of his face and is not so conspicuous.

When a group of people came, Yan Xing also immediately discovered that the young master Zhou of the ancient Wu Zhou family and his personal guard Monday, the one surrounded by the crowd was the sect of the ancient Wu Zhou family, the top rich man in Beijing, Zhou. Xin, he thought it was a coincidence, when someone approached and heard Zhou Xin greet the Chao family boy, he couldn't help but be surprised, did Little Loli answer the Zhou family's invitation?

Chao Yubo just wanted to take Xiao Lele for a walk, but when he saw seven or eight people walking a few steps away from him, he recognized Zhou Xin, a giant businessman in Beijing, and responded with a warm smile: "It's a coincidence that Zhou Dong also came to Panyuan to shop for treasures."

"Chou Dong." Chao Yufu also recognized Zhou Xin. She had never seen a real person, but she had seen Zhou Dong who was on TV on the Caijing Channel. Moreover, the meritorious old family like their Chao family had a lot of respect for many powerful and local people in Beijing. The information of the giants must also be mastered, and it is natural to know many powerful people.

"Hahaha, it's a coincidence," Zhou Xin was happy and his smile was particularly brisk: "When I came, I saw the second lady of the Chao family looking around not far from the gate, I guess Shao Shao and the little girl must be too. I will come to play, but I deliberately waited for you on the first floor, the hard work pays off, but you can teach me to wait, Yan Shao Liu Shao and the Chao family brothers and sisters have such a good relationship, which makes people envious."

He explained the reason for the coincidence in one sentence, and even if he waited for Ouou on purpose, it would not be offensive.

Liu Xiangyang also greeted Zhou Xin, Yan Xing also called "Zhou Dong" with his concise words, his eyes met Zhou Shao, and his voice was as clear as ice spring: "Zhou Shao also has Yaxing gambling stones, which is really rare."

Zhou Shao originally came out to walk with Zhou Xin as a close friend. When he saw the little girl and Yan Shao, he did not need to hide his identity, but smiled at Yan Shao and the little girl: "I'm here to join in the fun. Little girl, my surname is Zhou, Zhou Yinghao. , I hope to have the honor to invite the little girl to drink tea together."

Chao Yubo Chao Yufu knew that Jay Chou was so enthusiastic, of course, the purpose was to be Xiao Lele, and he would not overdo it, and let Xiao Lele decide whether to go with Zhou Xin or not.

Zhou Shao and Yan Shao knew each other, Yan Shao and the little girl were very good, and Zhou Xin didn't bother, just smiled and waited for the little girl to talk to Zhou Shao.

Jay Chou's smile is amiable, and he is not intimidating. Le Yun has always been fond of being approachable and approachable. Is it the Zhou Yinghao who sent me the invitation?"

"It's me, the little girl saw my invitation, it's an honor." The little girl smiled brightly, her eyes were sparkling, cute and lively, and when she looked at her, Zhou Shao suddenly saw the spring in his eyes, and his heart was relaxed.

"Many people have sent me invitations. At present, I have about forty or so. It is respect for others to invite me. It is my freedom whether I should be invited or not, but I cannot disrespect others. Although I did not agree, But I have read every invitation, and I have a general impression of the names."

"As Master Xuan said, the little girl is from my generation, she is straightforward and straightforward, little girl, there are several stone gambling activities in several places today. I wonder if I have the honor to invite the little girl's brothers and sisters to go with Yan Shao Liu Shao?"

"Zhou Shaoyou sent the invitation, and Jay Chou also personally posted a message to me and my brother and sister. It can be seen that you are very sincere. I accept the invitation, but it means that I am here now, and I may not go to other places. You are disappointed."

"Where and where, the little girl can open her mouth to answer my invitation, that is, I am patronized by the goddess of happiness today. The little girl wants to look first, I am a layman when it comes to gambling stones." Zhou Shao's heart filled with joy, the little girl After receiving so many posts and not answering the appointment, he has a deep memory of the Zhou family, which shows that he is lucky.

"I'm also a layman. Anyway, whether it's a person or a thing, I always only talk about the relationship between the eyes. If you like it, you will take it away. If you don't like it, you will not have it." There is no major problem, and Zhou Shao only has Renmai Guanyuan and Zhongji with damage and blockage, so there is no major problem."

Zhou Shao's heart suddenly burst, the little girl said it!He really hit his weak point. He has no other problems in his body. Only he was injured in the previous Guwu sect conference, and later when he practiced, something went wrong. Only the strength of nine bulls and two tigers stabilized him, and penetrated into the inner force to help him repair and nourish, and then he was able to keep the Ren Vessel, and the most severely damaged place can no longer be restored.

"Little girl, at another time, I'll bring the doctor's money to see a doctor." Zhou Shao is absolutely sure that the little girl is a member of the fairy doctor's family, not a suspected fairy doctor's family. With fiery eyes, you can see where a person's illness is at a glance.

"It's easy to say." Le Yun blinked her watery almond eyes, looked at Zhou Shao and smiled, talking to a smart person is refreshing, and she is not afraid of others overhearing. There are two bodyguards behind her, brother Chao and sister Fu, and Shao Zhou. There are also people from Jay Chou who act as the wall. Most people can't get close, and they can't hear what she is saying if they are far away.

The two chatted a few words first, and Zhou Shao officially got to know Chao Shao, the second girl, and Liu Shao. They said hello in a few words, and they didn't stand as a doorpost. They went shopping together. Zhou Shao and Zhou Xin both chose Power to the little girl.

Jay Chou and the Chao family go side by side, Zhou Shao is reluctant to be too public, walking with Yan Xing Liu Shao, too many people can easily block the road, only two people are brought to protect Zhou Shao and Zhou Dong on Monday, and the other is Zhou Dong's The secretary was there to help with money and payment, and the other four bodyguards dispersed.

Le Yun was not polite, she looked up, turned on the X-ray function to scan, and observed where there was aura and anger, and walked along the passage between the stalls.

In order not to cause conflicts and accidents caused by traffic jams, the passages between booths are wide enough to accommodate people coming and going.

In the stone gambling club, the stalls are all jade raw materials, jewelry, semi-finished products, or exotic stones. As for those worthless ornamental stones, naturally there are no such things. If you get those things to bid for the stalls, it is possible that the income is not yet taxed. Therefore, during the event period, there are jade jewelry booths at the venue. Antiques such as copper and porcelain are still in the shed and open-air scattered areas. Those who are interested can visit the jade fair and then go to other places.

It's all jade jewelry, and it's convenient to shop around.

Chao Yufu looked left and right, and when he saw the strange-looking stone, he would pull a small group of people to see it strange, without the slightest demeanor of a lady, and those who didn't know thought she was Grandma Niu who entered the Grand View Garden.

The little girl didn't start, and Zhou Dongxiang started with a stone. The secretary took the bill to pay, and a bodyguard waited while holding the stone. Zhou Dong and the brothers and sisters of the Chao family walked slowly.

After visiting about half of the stalls, Le Yun went to a stall and picked out a stone that was neither old nor new, neither distinctive nor ugly. It was about the size of handsome Yan's four fists, and the price was [-].

Bargaining is allowed, so buyers and sellers bargain, bargain, and [-] deals are made.

Zhou Dong and Zhou Shao saw the little girl's bargaining methods, and they admired the five-body. Still four thousand five, to five thousand, the little girl has to leave, the two sides see that the negotiation cannot be reached, the seller cuts the meat and adds to five thousand five, and the deal!
The second lady Chao ran to pay, Liu Shaogang held the stone and waited, and Yan Shao went with them again.

When the payment came back, Chao Er stuffed the stones into his backpack, and Liu Shao chased after Zhou Dong and his party, and found that the little dumpling had another big bowl of stones. Jump straight.

After visiting a stall, Yan Shao also started with a stone that looked like an eye-catching one. There was a little loli who could bargain, and a stone the size of a ball only cost [-].

Wandering to the second stall, Liu Shao couldn't help but ran to get a stone, only the size of a fist, a thousand oceans, and then Zhou Shaowei joined in the fun, also picked a piece, cut half the price, seven thousand oceans.

Mr. Zhou's secretary, Secretary Li, was also interested, and grabbed a stone for 900 yuan as if he was blind.

The beautiful young man just admired, Le Yun walked to the end of the second stall, picked up two stones, one was only as big as her little fist, and the other was as big as a standard rice bowl. The two stones cost 500 RMB.

Going around again, the little girl didn't make a move, but Jay Chou happily took away two large stones, one with the size of a washbasin. He bargained for [-], and he still needed [-]. A bodyguard took the stone and sent it to the storage formalities , such a big stone is inconvenient to carry, and it is too far to send it out of the garden to the car outside. It is stored in the special storage area of ​​the venue and can be picked up at any time.

People came and went, and I didn't meet any acquaintances. Only Jay Chou knew a few people who were relatively acquainted. He said hello and went over without causing any traffic jams.

After walking around the first floor, a group of people went up to the second floor.

The layout of the second floor is the same as that of the first floor. The finished and semi-finished jewelry is in a special place. The finished and semi-finished products have shelves and are lined up. Like rough stones, they are laid out on the ground.

Jade is a spiritual thing, good quality has aura, because the quality is different, the strength of the aura is different.

Climbing up the second floor, Le Yun held a pair of titanium alloy eyes and used X-rays to scan remotely. She scanned the aura and also the sick person. Because she didn't know her, she naturally wouldn't take the initiative to run to pull it. If someone said something like "you have XX disease", if she did that, she would be regarded as a mental patient from a mental hospital.

Lan Shao Tantai Mi Xue fell behind the Chao family brothers and sisters and Yan Shao, and was distracted by someone in the middle. They went to the jade venue and went directly to the second floor of the more high-end raw stone material. The little girl and Yan Shao guessed that maybe someone was downstairs, and in order not to make people feel eager for quick success, the two walked on the second floor.

They strolled around for a while and found that Ji Shao was also gambling on stones.

Ji Shao stepped into the jade venue on the second floor, and found Lan Shao when scouting the environment. He only greeted him with his eyes from a distance, and then went to his own place.

Apart from his cooking skills, Xuan Shao has no interest in jade jewelry at all. The information collected by the guards about what New Year's Day activities and the like are always in the left ear and the right ear out, just like Feihong flying across the sky, leaving no traces.

However, he didn't dare to be interested in gambling stones, but he was dragged out of the kitchen of Sanweixuan by a disciple of the Ancient Cultivation Sect who had suddenly entered Beijing and accompanied him to play stone gambling.

Xuan Shao, who was dragged into the Pan Garden, stabbed him with a knife all the way, but the guy ignored his eyes and instructed Xuan to take the road and go straight to the jade venue along the road sign.

On the second floor of the Yushi venue, when Le Xiao was looking around, Zhou Shao spotted Ji Shao with sharp eyes, and softly reminded Yan Shao: "Yan Shao, I see Ji Shao, in the direction of 10:30 in the front left, Lan Young Master is here, two o'clock in front of the right."

"When we entered the garden, we met Lan Shao and Tantai Misue from Tantai's family. Lan Shao wanted to invite us to go with us, but Little Loli refused." Yan Xing whispered and looked around, even if Zhou Shao didn't Prompt, he can also find Ji Shao quickly, because Ji Shao is followed by four guards, others are picking and choosing, bending over and leaning over, the four people who are like door gods are next to Ji Shao, which is too eye-catching.

The little girl refused Lan Shao's invitation?
Hearing the news revealed by Yan Shao, Zhou Shao was astonished in his heart. The little girl is straightforward, simple and kind, and she speaks very straight, but she is actually a very easy person to get along with. Zhou Dong and his invitation post, she did not accept it. Invitation, when I met here by chance, the little girl didn't hate them for blocking her. Why would she refuse Lan Shao's invitation?
He couldn't figure it out, so he temporarily put it aside and looked around calmly.

Ji Shao was toying with a stone, and heard Ji Er whispered that the little girl and Shao Yan Shao were coming. He temporarily put down the stone and turned to look at the entrance gate on the second floor. He really saw the Chao family brothers and sisters and Shao Yan standing on the side. Wait and see, take a closer look, and Zhou Shao is an example.

Did the little girl accept the Zhou family's invitation?

Seeing Shao Zhou and Shao Yan standing side by side, Shao Ji blinked in amazement. Could it be that when they didn't know, what did Shao Zhou do to win the little girl's favor?
Thinking in my heart, I don't want to play with stones for the time being, and hurried to the door to find Yan Shao's group.

"The Ji Shao that Zhou Shao said just now, is it Ji Xiangxin?" Le Yun roughly scanned the audience, closed her eyes, and turned to ask Zhou Shao.

"Yes. The little girl has such a good memory that she actually remembers the name of the person who sent the post." The little girl has a good memory. He only said a homophonic surname, and she accurately matched the person to the seat.

In turn, he couldn't help but be amused. If he said Xin Shao, could the little girl put Si Wu Shao in the right seat?
So thinking about it, Zhou Shao smiled so much that his eyes sparkled, if they say Xin Shao, the little girl doesn't know who is Si Shao, Si Wu Shao will definitely want to cry sadly, but you can't blame the little girl, their external use The surname of the surname is almost similar to the original surname, except that the surname of the Si surname Zeng changed the surname and the surname of the branch of the same clan are not very similar, and the pronunciation of the Xin surname and the Si surname are far different, and it is forgivable for others to think of one.

Zhou Shaopu's ordinary face had a smile, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he had a halo, and he instantly turned into a beautiful and handsome brother.

"There is no repeated surname. Telling my surname is equivalent to telling my name." Le Yun got the answer, turned around, and looked towards the front left. Knowing is Ji Shao, who is called Ji Shao by outsiders.

People who practice martial arts, everyone's body is well-proportioned and slender. Those who come to the capital are the leaders of each family, and their temperament is also calm and generous. Ji Shao is different from Xuan Shao's beauty. Great beauty.

Seeing Ji Shao coming, Le Xiao classmate knew that he couldn't avoid it. Even if he went to other places, Ji Shao would find an opportunity to say hello. He simply asked Brother Chao and Jay Chou to move to a place not far from the door and stand next to the wall. , so as not to interfere with others.

Seeing the little girl and Zhou Shaoyan walking away and not moving, Ji Shao felt flattered, quickened his pace, shuttled through the crowd, and when he was very close, his footsteps were more brisk, using internal strength, walking with light effort, and not. With a sound, he walked towards the little girl and her companions.

It was less than three steps away before saying hello: "Little girl, Chao Shao, Chao Er Miss, Zhou Shao, Liu Shaoyan Shao, Zhou Dong, Happy New Year."

The four bodyguards of the Ji family nodded to the crowd and stood beside the young master.

Jay Chou also met Ji Shao once, and replied "Happy New Year" with a smile.

Yan Shao Liu Shao also said a happy new year, not much.

"Ji Shao, you must bet every stone." Zhou Shao was happy when he saw Ji Shao. In the ancient martial arts sect or family, most ancient martial arts disciples had no particular hobbies, and their contemporaries came out A few wonderful people, two of them are in Beijing, one is Xuan Shao, who is obsessed with cooking, and the other is Ji Shao, who loves jade. Which city is Ji Shao in, when there is a gambling gem and jade jewelry fair, he will run to join in the fun.

"Small hobbies, let everyone laugh." Ji Shao smiled freely, frankly admitted that he was regarded as a small hobby in the family as a bad hobby, and took the initiative to extend his hand to the beautiful boy: "The surname is Ji, and the surname of Zhou Wenwang is Ji. , Ji Xiangxin, take the liberty to disturb Chao Shao and Chao Er girl."

"Good to meet!" Chao Yubo shook hands with the young man with heroic spirit between his brows. He was neither arrogant nor impetuous. No matter who he faced, as long as he wasn't bullying his family, he didn't change his face.

Chao Yufu did not shake hands with the handsome young man, but just nodded in greeting.

The youngest classmate Le Xiao had a white and pink face, and before he spoke, Zhou Shao smiled and explained: "Ji Shao, the little girl has never seen our people, remember the name of the person who sent the post, you don't need to be yourself. Introduction, just show the little girl a few glances and brush her face."

"I originally prepared a five-hundred-word self-introduction, and when I saw a cute little girl, I wanted to praise myself incessantly, but now it doesn't seem to work. Where do you want to go, girl? Let's go shopping with you." Ji Shao didn't feel anything wrong, and accepted the suggestion very cheerfully.

"Ji Shao, I heard your voice, don't go, wait for me." The people here hadn't acted, but a Qingyue male voice jumped in, and then someone pulled the curtain aside and entered the second floor.

 Little fairies, this is the real Ergeng, I'm so diligent, please give me a few~
(End of this chapter)

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