Chapter 384
Hearing the sound, Zhou Shao and the others turned their heads, and the beautiful and handsome young master Xuanyuan rushed into the door with a dazzling smile, while Xuan Shao was surrounded by a beautiful young man, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a face that was indistinguishable between male and female, with white skin and tender eyes. Like a star, you can vaguely see a little silver flashing in the pupil.

The teenager has thick hair, a pair of small ears that gather money, and wears a red shirt and a silver suit. The silver really makes people look like the fifteenth moon, bright and clear, as bright as snow.

The silver-clothed boy grabbed Xuan Shao's arm, his red lips twitched, and he picked out a sinister smile, the corners of his eyes were upturned.

The four guards of the Xuan family followed behind the two, and the young guards all looked sad and didn't know what kind of blow they had suffered.

Xuan Shao rushed into the second floor and glanced to the side, and saw the red-hot young man and the little pink-skinned girl, his bitter face instantly blossomed, Ah Wu, I have met a savior!The little girl should be able to cure the little devil.

Without saying a word, he ran in the direction of Jay Chou, Ji Shao and the others with the silver-clothed boy holding his arm clothes, rushed to Ji Shao's side, and unnaturally grabbed his silver-clothed boy.

Yan Xinglong's eyes were puzzled, he was a person who cultivated the ancients, which sect was he?He had never seen Yaozhi's young man.

Zhou Shaoji looked at Xuan Shao, who was being held by the demon-governing youth, and then looked at the young man, with three words in his eyes: I don't know!They don't know which sect it is.

Seeing the young man in silver clothes, Chao Yufu blinked and secretly poked the little dumplings beside him: "Little dumplings, who do you think is better than the beautiful boy in red in our family?"

When Xuan Shao saw Ji Shao, the little girl, Yan Shao and others, a pair of clear eyes raised a question mark, how did these guys get together? Isn't it a coincidence?
Le Yun took her eyes away from the beautiful boy in silver, her mouth twitched fiercely, and said in a sullen voice: "Sister Fu, you've missed the point, that's not a beautiful boy, it's a beautiful girl who is decorated with hairpins. There are differences between men and women. There is no comparison, if it is really a beautiful boy, it is different from brother Chao, brother Chao is a snow lotus that does not stain dust, and the beautiful girl in silver is a scorching peony."

"Female... girl?" Chao Yufu almost fell over, his eyes staring at the boss, he was obviously a beautiful boy, how could he be a beautiful girl?

Zhou Shaoji, Shaoyan, Shaoliu, and Shao: "..." A girl? !Obviously no breasts and no buttocks, 100% manly.

The corners of Jay Chou's mouth trembled, and he also lost sight of it!Looking at him looking all over the world, there are moments when he goes wrong. It's really... unbelievable.

When someone pointed out his true gender, don't forget to let go of Young Master Xuan's arm, caress his wrist, open his eyes with silver eyes in the depths of his pupils, and swept his gaze across a group of men and women, focusing on the red-clothed young man.

Finally being free, Young Master Xuan wanted to cry with excitement, woo, finally someone can see the real body of the little demon girl at a glance!Poor him, he was caught by a girl and couldn't resist. Others thought he was a comrade, and his fame was about to be thrown into the pigsty.

"The little girl is right, she is a girl, a girl whose price is real and fake, the descendant of Zhongnan Ancient Tomb will not forget me, there is no doubt about it, she is twenty-nine years old, and she is in the age of youth and beauty. Nianhua. If Zhou Shaoji and Shaoyan have never heard of it, your patriarch or master knows."

Xuan Shaoba La Bala's stubborn old man, wishing that the little demon girl's old black account would be revealed, of course, if he knew about it.

Tomb heirs?

Hearing the words "Heirs of Ancient Tombs" from Xuan Shao's mouth, Zhou Shaoyan and Shaoji Shao also felt dumbfounded for the first time. Does the ancient tomb faction really exist?

To tell the truth, if you say "the descendant of the ancient tomb" from other people's mouths, they must think it is a joke, but it is the young master of the Xuanyuan family who said that, which also shows that it is really unquestionable authenticity.

When the book is used up, he hates little, and Zhou Shaoji feels that the information he has is not enough. Compared with Young Master Xuanyuan, the amount of information they know about the ancient martial arts school is really pitiful.

The fake boy in silver clothes looked over, Chao Yufu also looked at the beautiful girl with a smile, the fake boy really looked like a boy.

Chao Yubo, who was the focus of attention, didn't even move his eyebrows, letting the fake boy admire his face.

He didn't mind being looked at, but Le Yun did. She stood in front of the beautiful young brother and asked unhappily, "Beauty, my brother Chao only has so many eyebrows, how long do you have to count? Also, yourself. How precious the bracelet is, you just have to know it yourself."

The little little Lele blocked himself, which moved Chao Yubo in his heart, but he couldn't laugh or cry, did Xiao Lele think he was a piece of paper?He is a boy after all, how could he lose a few pieces of meat just by looking at him.

Forget-me-nothing's eyes flashed, the soles of my feet were windy, and I stepped back to the side of the beautiful and gentle Young Master Xuan, and asked in a questioning tone: "Master Xuan, is that little girl with short hair like a tomboy a person from the Immortal Doctor's Sect? That little girl?"

Ji Shao and Zhou Shao want to cover his face, you know it's good, can you stop asking so directly?To put it so bluntly, doesn't it make people feel that they are too utilitarian?

"Aren't you already sure?" You're sure she's from the Immortal Doctor's Sect, so why are you asking?

"I'm just asking you when I'm not sure. It's just that the little girl has a beautiful brother. No one said that the little girl was in a good shape, and no one said that the little girl was outspoken and not polite, and no one said that the little girl was more vulnerable than the old hen. "Don't forget that my face is tangled in a tangle, the little girl is several years younger than her, her aura is as steady as the deep sea, her eyes are as sharp as an eagle, she even knows that she has a bracelet on her wrist, and she also knows that a bracelet is not an ordinary thing. The girl is not the one suspected of being an immortal doctor, and many people may not sleep well since then.

Ji Shao, Zhou Shao and their respective guards can't wait to be invisible people, the little girl's growth rate is beyond the level of normal people, and her body is so good that it makes people nosebleed. Tomboy wants to discuss in person, how does this make them step down?

"Female pervert!" Le Yun gritted her teeth angrily, pulled up the beautiful young brother and sister Fu and left: "Brother Chao, second sister, let's go, I don't want to be in the company of female perverts."

The little girl took her brother and sister to play, Yan Shao Liu Shao quickly followed, Zhou Dong and Zhou Shao Ji were afraid of being thrown off, so they chased after him, and their guards followed.

"Wait for me." Xuan Shao rushed into the youth group, squeezed around Zhou Shao Ji Shao and Yan Shao, and formed a team to move forward.

The beautiful boy in silver clothes who was left behind snorted, ran up leisurely, bypassing a group of cold-faced youths, ran to Miss Chao Er, and put an arm around the girl's shoulder: "Beauty, please tell your sister, Ben Shaozhen. It's not a satyr, this young man's sexual orientation is not bent."

The little demon girl finally returned to normal, and went to play with the beautiful women instead of grabbing her and taking advantage of her. Xuan Shao secretly breathed a few sighs of relief. Being held by a tomboy who could pretend to be a real tomboy, the feeling of being treated as a gay is like being in a knife's edge. Not feeling well.

Being held by the fake boy's shoulders, Chao Yufu tilted his head angrily: "Handsome guy, if you look like this, others will think you are my boyfriend."

"That's right. We make a pair temporarily, so that it won't be embarrassing, or if you change positions with me, I will be next to the little girl and temporarily act as the little girl's boyfriend."

"No, you can just stay here." Chao Yufu approached Xiaofan Tuanzi vigilantly, resolutely not letting the fake boy in silver clothes run around Xiao Tuanzi to take advantage of Xiao Tuanzi.

"Okay, I'll stay here." The fake boy in silver clothes raised the corners of his lips, hit the snake with the stick, climbed on the shoulders of the second girl Chao, and became a temporary boyfriend with integrity and successfully joined the parade.

The next few elders: "..." Tomboys are the most annoying!
The second sister's concern is messed up, Chao Yubo wiped his sweat for the second sister who didn't know that the tomboy had done a trick, and did not expose the tomboy's little tricks, and humbly asked Jay Chou for knowledge about jade.

The elder brother of the Chao family is humbly and eager to learn, and Jay Chou did not hide his secrets. While walking slowly, he used the jade raw materials on the booth as teaching materials, and talked about some basic knowledge of raw materials and the practical experience he had found out.

Brother Chao was thirsty for knowledge, and Le Yun naturally agreed. In order not to disturb the on-site teaching, she walked slowly, and occasionally squatted to play with rocks, so as to give Jay Chou teaching time.

The group of people stopped and walked, and visited more than [-] stalls. The fake beauty boy in silver saw a stone with eyesight, bought it, and naturally stuffed the stone with Xuan Shao's guards.

Xuan Si, who was forced to throw a stone: "!" He is the guard of the young master, not the guard of the ancient tomb faction?Wu Shao is so eloquent, does her master know?
In the face of a tomboy who can use resources better than herself, Le Yun is also deeply admired to the ground, she just wants to say: ask for the shadow area in Xuan Shao's heart!

After walking around for a while, the little girl also made a move when she came to the end of a passage, and picked a big stone weighing more than 60 kilograms, which cost 26 yuan in the blink of an eye.

With such a heavy stone, Miss Chao Er couldn't do anything if she wanted to carry it. Ji Shao's guard wisely ran over to help him. When the stone goes to the calcined place to wait, they all have the ability to protect themselves, so there is no need for so many people to follow.

While teaching, Jay Chou also bought two pieces of rough jadeite. Because he walked slowly, everyone had a chance to appreciate the stone. Ji Shao also bought one piece. When he reached the second-longest stall, Le Yun made another move and bought them one after another. Three rough stones.

When the little girl bought the third stone, Jay Chou observed for a while, well, based on his experience, he did not see anything special about the stone. Girl, do you know how to gamble with stones?"

"I don't know," Le Yun calmly picked up a fist-sized stone and rubbed it in her hand: "I don't know about gambling stones, I know pharmacology, the stones I bought have trace elements, and it's good to take them back to boil water to make medicinal meals. ."

The little girl's tone was light, and Zhou Shaoji was a little confused, and Zhou Dong was a little confused. Taking jade... as a medicinal material? !
(End of this chapter)

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