magic eye doctor

Chapter 499 Pharmaceuticals

Chapter 499 Pharmaceuticals
She told Yan people that there was no need for invitations. Le Yun lowered her head and brushed the konjac. After a while, she realized that Yan was still there. Looking over, she saw that the guy was reading a book, and his blood pressure increased at a rhythm of seconds. : "Yan, why haven't you left yet?"

When Little Loli discovered her existence, Yan Xing replied warmly: "Little Loli, didn't you say that you are going back to Erye Chao's house today? I also want to go back to my great-grandmother's house. I will wait for you to wash your things and go together. I'll take you to Chao's house by the way."

"If you want to go back to He's house, hurry back, don't rely on me, I have a guest at noon."

"I'm not in a hurry, wait for you to receive the guests and come back together."

"You want to eat dinner."

"..." Yan Xing had nothing to refute, taking silence as his default.

"Really, a dignified major, don't even have the morals to eat, does your boss know that this is such a person?"


"..." Now it was Le Yun's turn to be choked. That guy didn't want to be disciplined, and he even dared to admit it. It was simply... the rhythm of choking people.

It doesn't hurt to beat him, but calling him thick-faced never takes it seriously. He really turned his face. He didn't do anything to hurt the world. If he was too fierce, he would feel sorry for himself. Stay away.

So, Le Xiaoxue, acting like Yan was the air, continued to brush the konjac hard. After brushing the thick gray-brown skin of two small and one large konjac, changed the water, and then carefully cleaned the surface of the konjac with the remaining fine skin.

Little Loli knew that she wanted to eat, but she didn't shove herself out of the house. She let Yan Xing's heart go to her stomach, and "hardly" read the book that she handed over. He couldn't even speak of a half-understood, especially the book he picked up at the master's level, so he could only pretend to read it.

It was wiser for Le Xiao to ignore the presence of Yan, and help the konjac to clean the skin, then cut it into pieces, separate the sprouts, put the konjac pieces and sprouts in a bag, and take them to the bedroom first to avoid getting in the way.

The knives and knives that have been washed with konjac should be brushed and cleaned, and by the way, take the lime water that Yan had drunk some and rinse it again before taking it to the balcony to dry.

Clean up the venue, take out the chicken and meat in the refrigerator to marinate, choose the vegetables and put them aside, sit and hold the book and wait, marinate for half an hour and roll the dough with flour to make the lotus leaf roast chicken, and then Reading until eleven o'clock cooks rice, spreads pancakes, and cooks until twelve o'clock.

After school, Professor Wan Cheng went to pick up his wife first, and then he went to the dormitory where the elementary school students lived. When he arrived, he saw the Chao family boy waiting for him, and he happily went with him.

The beautiful young man accompanied the old professor and Mrs. Wang to the fourth floor. Seeing that Young Master Yan was there again, his face was calm, and he slandered him many times in his heart. That guy was always running to Xiaolele's dormitory to eat, so he should be ashamed?

When Mrs. Wang saw her precious primary school student, she couldn't see anyone else in her eyes, so that handsome and beautiful young man was like air in her eyes.

Although Professor Wan Cheng was a little strange about why the Yan family was in his primary school dormitory, he didn't dislike him, so he didn't ask.

Before reaching the Xueba Building, Coach Ou got out of the car in a leaping posture, ran up to the fourth floor with a handsome posture like flying, and pushed the door into the girls' dormitory with a slight panting and carefree smile. When he saw Professor Wan Cheng and his wife, he laughed: "Ouch. , I was the last to come."

"It's not too late, it's best to arrive 3 minutes before dinner." Professor Wan Teng said cheerfully.

Ou Hai ran to the table and sat down, and immediately poured out his bitter water: "Professor Wan Cheng, tell your elementary school students if you can stop running away and see no one, every time I look for her, I can't find Ying'er, and I'm always anxious. Get angry, my heart is bitter."

"Drinking Huanglian tea when you get angry, eat some candy in your heart. Xiaoou, complain again, my sister can't catch you, I'll kill you." The handsome young man smiled and handed a cup of tea.

"Mmmm, Xiao Chao is absolutely right." An elderly couple nodded frequently and agreed, drinking Qinghuo tea when they got angry, and eating sugar bitterly in their hearts.

"Don't don't, don't be so cruel, I was already sad enough, you are still in trouble, and caring for your sister is not the way you love the Fa." Teacher Ou felt that he was suffering, and that guy Xiaochao was in great health. Want to kill him, so cruel.

"Complain again, don't give pancakes."

"No, Xiao Chao, you can't treat me so cruelly."

"Minus one..."

"I didn't say anything, Xiaole, when is dinner, you teacher, I'm starving."

When Le Yun didn't know that the younger brother of the beautiful boy bullied Teacher Ou, she heard the shout and responded cheerfully, serving dishes; Yan's behavior showed her sense of existence, and she worked diligently as a handyman.

His primary school students were able to successfully restrain Yan Xiaozi. Professor Wan Cheng and Wang and his wife were not worried about the loss of the elementary school students. They could enjoy the service of Yan Xiaozi delivering chopsticks to the rice bowl with peace of mind.

Ou Hai has been thinking about the pancakes made by classmate Xiaole for a long time. After dividing the group, he held his own bowl and ate the pancakes with roast chicken, which made people think that he hadn't eaten in several lifetimes.

Both young and old are foodies. After rubbing a meal, Mrs. Ou asked Yan Dashao to wash the dishes. He caught Xiaole and said that the school sports meeting, the college spring festival, the National Games and the Universiade were the projects of the school sports meeting. What to say, it is mainly the National Games and the Universiade. The National Games is based on provincial or municipal teams. Students who want to qualify must win a championship or break a record in the college sports meeting. Participate on behalf of provincial and municipal team members.

Le classmate showed her advantages in the long-distance running of the college autumn sports meeting. With the recommendation of Qingda University, 70.00% of them are likely to represent the capital team in the competition. If she can maintain the achievements she made last autumn in the college spring sports meeting, then, There is no doubt that she will be part of the Capital City team.

The Universiade is a university sports meeting, and the Youth University has a delegation to participate in the competition. Le's name is a member of the delegation, which is also a sure-fire fact.

Ms. Ou is not afraid of other things, but she is afraid that classmate Le will not be seen again when she arrives, so she came to get the vaccination early, and told her to remember not to forget the time of the school sports meeting and the college Spring Festival Games, even if she ran to any corner. Go and get back to the competition on time.

Teacher Ou kept talking and repeatedly warned him, and the beautiful young man was annoying him, so he and Professor Wan directly carried people away, leaving Xiaole Lele quiet.

Ou Hai, who was picked up and slipped away, jumped and jumped to protest Chao Juvenile's atrocities, shouting that he wanted to fight him. When he went downstairs, he didn't care about the boy's help in packing a pancake and toast for him. He didn't respect the teacher or the old, and waved goodbye to everyone with a smile while holding his own food.

Two old and one young man: "..." Where is the man who said he was going to talk to others when he went downstairs just now?

They also did not study why Coach Ou changed his mentality and went to work or study separately.

After sending away the foodie teacher, Le Yun packed up the small living room, went to the bedroom again, and then swapped the konjac grown in the space and washed and cut into pieces with the konjac that was washed the same day, and made two big bags of konjac pieces. Go into the box, put on a big backpack and go downstairs happily.

Yan Xing went downstairs first and waited in the car. When Little Loli got into the passenger seat, he drove the car and hurriedly left without giving her a chance to go back.

He really wanted to ask Little Loli what those round patties in the morning were, for fear that Little Loli would say that he was an ignorant idiot, and he kept the question back several times.

Little Loli was reading a book after getting in the car. He was afraid of accidentally irritating Little Loli, so she retracted her decision not to invite him to play at the tea party, instead of disturbing her, she was a silent driver.

There was a little Loli who was racing against the clock to read a book by her side. Yan acted to her, she drove smoothly, and it took almost three hours to send the person to the courtyard of Erye Chao's villa. She delivered the little Loli safely to her. Satisfied, he drove the empty car back to Qingda.

There are more than a dozen domestic servants in Chao Erye’s family. Some of them work as cleaners and doormen in other properties. They don’t live in big villas. Apart from Fang Ma and Uncle Hu, there are three couples who usually live in big villas. They are usually responsible for cleaning and grocery shopping. , cooking, mowing the lawn, etc.

Because the tea party was about to be held, Uncle Hu and Ma Fang took their domestic helpers to cut the flowers and the tall grass in the lawn, and trimmed the surrounding area so that they could entertain guests on weekends. When they saw the little girl came back, Ma Fang He and Uncle Hu immediately ran to help with the luggage and went back to the Xiaoya Hall on the first floor.

While walking, Fang's mother happily told the little girl that she had bought all the kitchen utensils she needed, and explained where the things were kept.

It was still early, Le Yun asked if the lime had been found, and Uncle Hu laughed heartily: "I found it, it's a special product of Yandi, the kind of lime used to build the Great Wall for thousands of years, but I bought a hundred Jin, I also helped buy a hundred kilos of the plaster the little princess said, and store it in the room where the little princess put the stones, if it is not enough, I will buy it again."

"Oh mom, is Uncle Hu trying to open a shop to sell lime? But it doesn't matter, it's sealed, so you don't have to look around when you want to use lime in the future." Le Yun's eyes widened. She wanted lime to grind konjac. The catty is enough, and Uncle Hu actually got back a hundred catties. How many years will it take?

Uncle Hu Fang's mother also laughed happily. They felt that as long as the little girl wanted something, it could be more or less.

Putting down the luggage, Le Yun followed Fang Ma and Uncle Hu to see the pots and pots for her to put them in. She went to extract a few catties of lime and a piece of stone she had cut before and returned to the kitchen. In a large pot, pour the concoction prepared by yourself into the pot, move konjac and bench, and serve with lime water mill konjac.

Fang's mother wanted to do the work, but the little girl didn't allow her to help. She just gave up, and hurried up to the second floor with her wife to prepare dinner.

Le Xiaoxiao gave full play to her strengths and strengths, and worked hard. She started work with both hands, holding konjac pieces staggered and sliding up and down, which was dazzling.

When Chao Er and his wife returned home, they threw the car outside and ran into the kitchen on the first floor. When they saw the little one who was working furiously with his head down, the couple surrounded him, pinching Xiaofen Duanzi's face and stroking the head first.

Le Yun, who was kneaded as a dough, was also helpless. She dared to swear that if it wasn't for her elders, she would touch Er Aunt Chao and Er Uncle Chao with her hands covered in konjac juice, and let them enjoy the sour and itchy feeling.

A couple enjoyed the joy of loving the little noodle dumplings enough, and moved a bench to sit next to her and admire her work. To tell the truth, they know that konjac tofu is delicious, but they don't know much about the making process. This time, they finally learned a lot.

Accompanied by two big Buddhas, Le Xiao did not dare to slow down, and tried hard to polish the last two konjac pieces, stir them evenly, put them in a basin to freeze, wash their hands and go back to the second floor for dinner.

In the evening, Chao Er and his wife seized the opportunity to hold Xiaofan dumplings by their side and love them. After two days of their old man and old lady coming over, the little dumplings won't be able to love them again.

When Miss Chao Er heard that the little dumpling wanted to slip home in the villa, but couldn't run, she made a phone call to talk porridge, which finally made Chao Er and his wife unbearable and hung up her daughter's phone.

Mrs. Chao Er originally thought that she could abandon her husband at night and go to sleep with the little dumplings, but the little guy had to cook medicine at night, she held her heart sad, and finally was carried back to the room by Er Ye Chao when Fang Ma was about to burst into tears. marital relationship.

Le Yun didn't have to work hard for Uncle Hu to help open the door. She took the key to the first floor door and entered the kitchen. She took out the freshly prepared and mashed herbs and boiled them in a special pot. The people went back to the space to take care of the crops, meditate, and wait until one o'clock in the morning. Get out of the space, roll up your sleeves and adjust the dough to make bread and dumplings.

Instead of baking bread, it is steamed in a steamer, steamed with steamed buns and dumplings, and added medicinal materials or spooned out some concoctions to the pot at regular intervals, so that you can cook and eat without missing work. The best of both worlds.

The medicine took a long time and could not be completed overnight. Le Xiaoxiao brought dumplings and dumplings to the second floor when they had breakfast in the morning, and also distributed a portion of dumplings and dumplings for the domestic helpers to eat.

Chao Er and his wife were busy, so they handed the little dumplings to Fang's mother, Uncle Hu and others to take care of them. The domestic helpers all liked the newly received little Jinsun from Chao's family. They happily sent the husband and wife to work, and they carried the frozen konjac tofu to Er. Floor kitchen to cook.

The kitchen on the first floor is his own world. Le Xiaoxue happily cooks medicines and cooks medicated meals. In fact, it should be said that it is a semi-pure medicated meal. He only packs some green vegetables grown in the space as fillings.

Xiao Danzi's medicine was not ready until the evening. Chao Er and his wife were a little sad. They wanted to catch Xiaofan Danzi and love her, but she only set aside time to eat, and spent the rest of the time in the kitchen. They were embarrassed to go to delay her. .

At night, when no one enters the first floor, Le Xiao students can happily use space products to make medicated meals, steamed buns, toasted bread, dumplings, and xiao long bao. There is also a considerable amount of finished medicinal foods accumulated in the whole Tibetan space.

Until the early morning, the medicine that had been boiled on the stove for two nights and a day finally boiled into a thick jelly-like shape. Add the powder mixed with fried rice, wheat, and sorghum corn, stir it into a paste, and rub the medicine. ball.

Still rubbing the pills while boiling other concoctions, rubbing the pot and then rubbing the ointment in the other pot, when finished, a total of four kinds of pills were made, two green, one white and a little gray, and one It's the black pill.

After completing her pharmaceutical career, Le Yun washed the pot and happily opened the door and went up to the second floor for breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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