Chapter 500
The little girl doesn’t need the kitchen, Uncle Hu brought the housekeepers to the stage. They bought back a lot of meat to make braised pork. The brine is ready-made, so it is very convenient to make the braised pork. Serve guests at lunch at the tea party.

Xiao Danzi finished her pharmaceutical work, and Chao Er and his wife were also relieved. When they came back in the evening, Xiao Fan Tuanzi made sauerkraut fried konjac tofu. The two of them ate the most authentic konjac, and they understood that all the so-called authentic konjac they had eaten before. It's just a beak, the konjac made by their little girl is called authentic, and she immediately called her parents, brothers, brothers and husbands to show off their good fortune.

The old grandfather and old lady of the Chao family snorted a few times, nothing on the surface, but a thought in their heart: Beat Chao Er!
Chao Er's family made braised pork for a long time, plus one night, plus one morning on Friday. In the evening, all the old and young masters of the Chao family returned to the villa, and at the same time, Shao Shao's grandmother arrived, and Mrs. Zhou didn't come because of something. , The grandfathers of the three grandchildren did not come to the Chao Er family to join in the fun. They were high-ranking officials of the Ministry of State and did not attend the tea party.

The people who arrived at the villa didn't have dinner. They rushed into the door and shouted that they wanted to eat konjac with sauerkraut made from small powder dumplings. I heard that they had to eat at night and smiled. All kinds of jealous eyes and knives were thrown at Chao Er and his wife as if they didn't want money, but the two of them had eaten several konjac meals in a row.

As a result, Chao Er and his wife were innocently subjected to the biggest condemnation in history.

Of course, the old men and the old ladies are more reasonable. After throwing away dozens of eye knives in unison, they don't care about Chao Er and his wife, um, of course, in the evening, the old and young people pull the little powder dumplings to love them, and all of them are unanimously xenophobic and snub a couple. three bells.

Chao Er and his wife were embarrassed, and they were relieved when they woke up in the morning and saw that everyone looked at their eyes normally.

Saturday is a day that many people look forward to, because the stone appreciation tea party at Erye Chao's house, which attracted the attention of the circle of people, was held on Saturday.

On that day, Tiangong made a beautiful face and smiled, which undoubtedly gave Zuchao's family face.

After breakfast, the old and young of the Chao family got busy in unison. First, they set up a table on the lawn, then laid out wooden shelves and cloth. They moved the small dumplings out of the second-floor and first-floor utility rooms, and arranged them in order. Cover it with a cloth, then set up a tent umbrella.

The chefs and waiters of the hotel under the name of Erye Chao brought the ingredients to the villa before eight o'clock. The chefs prepared the lunch dishes, and the waiters arranged old chairs, tea sets, and boiled water.

Li Shao and Xiao Shao also rushed to Erye Chao's house at seven o'clock, and he helped out when he needed to do something. After that, Mrs. Chao and his wife and Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang also arrived with the baby.

Mrs. Zhang is a little older than Mrs. Chao. She is a Northeastern woman, straightforward and generous, with no fuss. She pulled her in-laws and the old lady of Chao's family to express her gratitude. Thank you, the little righteous granddaughter of the old family, for always remembering her daughter-in-law and granddaughter. , has been feeding the old Zhang family's granddaughter-in-law and the Chao family's eldest granddaughter medicated diet.

There are endless things to talk about when the in-laws meet. Le Yun, a child, does not mix, and holds the baby to check the body. Because it is breastfeeding, the mother's milk is nutritious, and the baby's body is indirectly conditioned, and it is much healthier than last year.

After Xiao Tuanzi checked the baby, Mrs. Zhang was busy taking away her little granddaughter who was babbling and being very noisy, and asked her daughter-in-law to talk to her family relatives.

Le Yun washed her hands and came back, dragged out her bag, took out the bag containing the pills, poured out five green pills, nine black pills, cut the green pills into many pieces, and handed them over to Sister Ming, repeatedly reminding : "This is the medicine I made two days ago. The black elder sister Ming takes it. She fasts salt for a day before taking it, and takes one every three days. Don't eat hot and sour while taking the medicine, and eat it lightly. The green one is for the baby. Take a small piece a day, take it for three days and stop for one day, grind it into a powder and wash it with warm water, about a spoonful is the right amount, it is best to take it at night before going to bed, the baby’s urination will increase while taking the medicine, and you need to change diapers frequently.”

"Hmm, I remember." Chao Yuming handed the medicine to his mother to help him hold it, hugged the cute little powder dumpling into his arms, and rubbed his head like he was holding a baby.

Mrs. Zhang’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were grateful for another thank you. Mrs. Chao took her mother’s hand and smiled so hard that she couldn’t close her mouth: “My family, don’t thank you for coming and going, thank you so much that it’s unfamiliar, our family is young. Danzi's heart is made of gold, the most kind and beautiful."

The three couples of the Chao family laughed so hard their eyes narrowed.

"Brother Chao, please help." Being held in her arms, her face was next to Sister Ming's chest, and when she smelled the fragrance of milk, Le Yun blushed and shouted.

"Little dumplings, don't want to run away, give the big sister some love." Chao Yuming hugged a soft little girl, tormenting her cheerfully.

Chao Yubo squeezed helplessly and rescued Xiao Lele, who was broken: "Eldest sister, please forgive Xiao Lele, you always pinch Xiao Lele's face so cruelly, Xiao Lele will not be able to see anyone else. La."

"It's as if you didn't pinch Xiaolele's face." Chao Yufu rolled his eyes at the beautiful younger brother.

"If I were as cruel as you guys, Xiao Lele wouldn't ask me for help." Chao Yubo protected the little cute who was pinched with red cheeks under his wings: "Lele, let's go downstairs and have a look."

"Well, let's go downstairs. I don't care about the second sister and the eldest sister, they all bully me for being at a low altitude." Finally laying down from Sister Ming's claws, Le Yun hid beside the beautiful young brother and hurried away.

"Little dumpling, if you ignore me, I will just ignore you." Chao Yufu rushed over and rubbed Xiaofen dumpling's head.

"Touch my head again, and I won't make scallion pancakes for the second sister in the future."

"I don't touch it, I don't touch it."

Miss Chao succumbed to the temptation of the delicious food, and changed to hold the small paw of Xiaofan dumplings; Li Shao and Xiao Shao jumped up to the three siblings and went downstairs to play together.

The children fell in love with each other, making a group of old ladies and gentlemen smile brightly, and they were not in a hurry to go down and talk upstairs.

Avoiding the love of adults, Le Yun was free and no longer wanted to be pinched in the face. She strolled here and there on the first floor, walked around there, and never went upstairs without saying anything.

Mr. Chao and others chatted upstairs until 09:30, then went downstairs to the lobby on the first floor, and greeted guests if they came.

Uncle Hu brought people to prepare to welcome the guests. Their duty was to check the invitations. The tea party invitations issued by Erye Chao were not banquet invitations. There was only one name on the invitations, so the Chao family would only receive one person. Wives, children or friends are not welcome to take a seat.

In fact, some people rushed to the villa long ago, and those who came first were not in a hurry to go to Erye Chao's house to trouble the master. When they entered the villa area, they parked on the road not far from Erye Chao's villa and waited for their company.

There are a lot of trips on weekends, and most of the people who received the invitations for the Chao Family Tea Party leave early. Therefore, everyone who attends the meeting arrives outside the villa area or enters the villa almost before [-]:[-]. Everyone knows it, see There was a queue of vehicles in front of them, so I guessed that nine out of ten they were going to Erye Chao's house.

It wasn't until after [-]:[-] when the first car in the front row drove towards Chao Erye's villa.

Uncle Hu and Mama Fang led people to stand at the entrance of the courtyard to welcome the guests. The first person who came was none other than the second brother of Mrs. Wang, Wang Yanti of the Wang family. Wang Yanti was in business and operated department stores. , was dubbed the king of department stores.

The King of Department Stores is the cousin of Mrs. Wang and ranks second in the Wang family.

Outside the courtyard of Erye Chao's house, Wang Dong and his wife got out of the car, and the driver drove the car away again. When the tea party was over, the driver would pick him up again.

Uncle Hu greeted Wang Dong, collected the invitations, and invited the guests into the hospital.

Chao Er and his wife were waiting for the guests where the stones were almost flush with each other. When they saw Wang Dong smiling, they greeted each other and shook hands. They were acquaintances, so don't be too polite. Wang Dong and his wife went into the hall to greet everyone in the Chao family. Sit and wait for other guests to come and admire the stones together.

The second guest was also a respectable one, from the Yuan family, that is, the Yuan family of Yuan Lieutenant General Yuan Zhen, Yuan Hai, the nephew of Lieutenant General Yuan and a businessman.

The third is Li Jun Li of Shuangyue Jewelry, Tang Zhan Tang of Queen Jewelry; Li Maoyuan Li Dong of Crown Jewelry is next.

After several jewellers are Li Shao's parents and grandfather; again, Mr. Liu Zhifu and Liu Zhengying's husband and wife.

Behind him is an old senior from the jade world, Ji Bogu, the pavilion master of Xinyu Pavilion; and his forefoot is followed by Teng Lao Teng Xiangqiang from the collection world.

Ji Lao and Teng Lao are not familiar with the Chao family, Ji Lao is familiar with Mr. Tang, Teng Lao is familiar with Liu Lao, and there are acquaintances who help the Chao family to entertain, so it will not be rude.

Behind the second old man are several first and second leaders or wives of the Ministry of State, a total of more than [-], including He Qishu and his wife from the He family, as well as He Qili and his wife, the representative of the He family in business. The elders were also accompanied by He Xiaoshifu and He Xiaoliu, and He Xiaofu and Xiaoliu were invitations sent by the elder brother of the Chao family.

As soon as they entered the yard, Mayor Wang and his wife got off the bus, along with Wang Yuxuan.

When Uncle Hu saw the three of them and went to meet Fang's mother, Uncle Hu looked at the invitation, but did not say please, and politely bowed to Mayor Wang: "Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, please forgive me. Where is this lady from?"

Wang Yuxuan's face changed suddenly, the Chao family actually pretended not to know her?

In order to give a good impression, Wang Qianjin specially dressed up, and learned from the previous lessons, avoiding the red and purple that are most suitable for the Chao family's little righteous granddaughter, wearing a white spring dress, a red fox shawl, and a small The bag, the hair is also up, very lady.

"This is my little niece, and my mother asked her to come with her for a long time." Mayor Wang didn't know very well at that time. Last time Wang Yuxuan brought someone from the third way to Chao's house. This time, he didn't want to bring his niece. His mother insisted that he take it with him, and even moved out for being unfilial. He could not violate his disobedience, so he could only let Wang Yuxuan follow him.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, our second master only invites Mr. Wang and his wife, and will not entertain the entourage. Miss Wang, please come back, Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang." Uncle Hu saw that his wife was ready to stop Wang Qianjin, and asked Wang The mayor and his wife walked in.

Wang Yuxuan was stunned as if struck by lightning.

"Please wait a moment, I'll go and talk to my niece first." Being confronted in front of him, Mayor Wang's face was a little stiff, and he motioned his wife to take his niece away.

Seeing that Mrs. Mayor Wang didn't enter the courtyard, Fang's mother winked at the people behind her. Sister Li, who followed Fang's mother, quietly walked back to the courtyard and ran quickly to report to Uncle Chao.

Mrs. Mayor Wang got a hint from her husband and pulled her niece to move aside to make room for the guests behind.

When they got out of the way, Zhou Dong and Zhou Shao came behind, two cars, Zhou Dong was a Bentley, and Zhou Shao was an ordinary Geely.

Fang's mother received the invitation from Zhou Shao, and saw that it was the little girl's guest, with a smile on her face: "Zhou Shao is here, you and the handsome guy beside you are invited in."

"You have work." Zhou Shao and Monday entered the door leisurely.

"Oh, you can accompany the little girl's post, why didn't I receive the little girl's post? It seems that my face is not big enough." Zhou Xin laughed as if the world would not be in chaos.

"You are 30 years younger, Jay Chou, and our four girls will definitely invite you personally." Uncle Hu also replied happily.

"Looks like I'm getting old, no, no, as far as I know, Ji Lao also has an invitation from a little girl." Jay Chou stepped into the yard and threw a bomb-like remark.

"Who is jealous of me behind my back?" Ji Lao was dragged by Li Dong to talk on the lawn, and when he heard someone mentioning himself, he turned his head and glanced: "It's Jay Chou, even if you are jealous, if I say it, you are jealous of me. There are more places to go. To be honest, if you want a little girl's invitation, go to the casino and drop one or two hundred million yuan to ensure that the little girl will look at you with admiration."

Just after Ji Lao finished speaking, Qingyue's laughter came from outside the courtyard: "The people who come to appreciate the stone are all soil trenches, but I haven't smashed a penny. It seems that my ancestors must have burned the invitations from the little beauties. Gao Xiang."

When everyone looked out, they saw a car driving away, and a handsome young man brought a handsome young man to the gate of the courtyard. The handsome young man's face was as warm as the bright moon.

"Xuan Shao, come in quickly, you are blocking the way of the distinguished guests, be careful that the little beauty throws a stone at you." Zhou Shao greeted with a smile when he saw Xuan Shao.

"That's not right. The little beauty threw the stone she was betting on and I will continue. After receiving the stone, I will become prosperous." Major General Xuan gave the invitation to the examiner at the door.

Fang's mother took the post, looked at the name, and respectfully invited Master Mei to accompany him to the hospital.

"You want to be beautiful." Zhou Shao replied with a smile, waiting for Xuan Shao to enter the hospital and go together.

"I also want the little beauty to throw a stone at me." Liu Shaogang got out of the car and answered.

"Just dream, little Lolita is not stupid, how can she be so stupid as to give you gems for nothing. If you want to throw stones at people to play, you must be smashing waste." Yan Xing poured cold water on Liu Shao.

"Liu Shaoyan, please—" Uncle Hu made a gesture with a smile when he saw the little girl named the two elders who said they didn't need to check the invitation.

When Jay Chou came, Mayor Wang listened to his words and knew that Jay Chou was insinuating that Wang Yuxuan and Zhao Zongze's marriage had failed because of his bad behavior, so he was rejected from the door. Retreating to the grass across the road, he was about to call the driver to pick up Wang Yuxuan, when several characters came from behind, he stopped speaking for a while.

Seeing Liu Sanshao and Yan Xing, Wang Yuxuan excitedly ran to Erye Chao's yard: "Xiaolongbao Xiaolongbao—"

(End of this chapter)

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