magic eye doctor

Chapter 501 Rejected

Chapter 501 Rejected
Mrs. Wang pulled Wang Yuxuan aside and let go of her grip a little. Who would have guessed that Wang Yuxuan would actually let go, but she didn't catch it when she grabbed it, which made her heart hurt.

There is a mindless niece, and Mayor Wang can't maintain his image. He simply grabbed the wife who wanted to bring Wang Yuxuan back, helped her to walk away quickly, and left Wang Yuxuan to fend for himself.

Liu Xiangyang walked forward happily, and when he heard Wang Qianjin's voice, his handsome smiling face was filled with depression, he grabbed Xiao Xingxing and strode into the courtyard gate of Chao Er's house, and complained indignantly: "There are mad dogs barking everywhere these days, they should be dragged out and killed."

"You also said that you're a mad dog, why should you care, it's just that it doesn't exist." Yan Xing didn't even blink his eyebrows, his tone was calm, others said that time is the best medicine for wounds, he felt that little Lolita is the best medicine in the world. Good medicine, I have been with Little Loli for a while, and now that he meets Wang Yuxuan again, he is no longer sad and no longer feels sad.

The voice is as clear as spring water, as beautiful as a cello in the key of D, and it can make people's ears pregnant. The voice is neither high nor low, and can be heard within seven or eight meters.

Mayor Wang and his wife avoided people, and clearly heard the words of Sun Yanxing and Liu Shao, the grandson of the He family, their old faces turned dark, Yan Xing's disgust for Wang Yuxuan was already abhorrent, only his old mother and Wang Yuxuan were still doing it. Daydreaming, I hope I can rehabilitate with Yan Xing.

Wang Yuxuan ran to the road excitedly, and when she heard what Liu Shao and Yan Shao humiliated her in public, she opened her eyes in disbelief. Seeing that the tall man entered Erye Chao's yard without even turning his head, she immediately Then he stopped abruptly.

Wang Qianjin rushed out, and the car that was slowly sliding forward suddenly braked, and Wang Qianjin's station was almost in the middle of the road, which became a road block, and the car could not pass. The car in front could not go, and the car behind The car couldn't go either, so the people in the car simply got out of the car and walked towards Erye Chao's house.

"Xiao Longbao, it's me, how can you ignore me, wow—" Wang Yuxuan was stunned, wow cry, Yan Xing used to see her tears the most, as long as she cried, he would do everything to her , even if the words she said he couldn't do when she was with Zhao Zongze came out of her mouth, he didn't do anything to her, just stopped taking her around the circle.

In the few years she and Zhao Zongze were together, her relationship with Yan Xing gradually faded, and he still did not tear up with her. When she and Zhao Zongze said a lot of bad things to him behind his back, he just ignored her, It was not until she and Zhao Zongze were determined to get married that he completely regarded her as a passerby. At that time, the He family gave some face, no matter where they met her, they ignored her or mocked her.

But since Yan Xing's great-grandmother recovered from a serious illness, the attitude of the He family and Yan Xing towards her has really changed dramatically, and they no longer give her face because of the love that she and Yan Xing grew up with. , and did not give any face to her grandparents, except for the nodding friendship on the surface, no friendly attitude.

Now Zhao Zongze is unreliable, the eldest uncle and aunt don't like her either, grandpa doesn't like her either, only grandma still protects her a little, if grandpa and aunt join forces and don't allow her to live in grandpa and grandma's house, even grandma will give up her .

She thought that she had cancelled her engagement with Zhao Zongze and had nothing to do with Zhao Zongze, and let others know that she was deceived by Zhao Zongze and that she was also a victim. If she followed her grandmother to activities in your circle, she would definitely be able to re-establish her image as a lady. In addition, there is an uncle of the mayor, and it is not a problem to find a powerful or rich boyfriend.

However, the reality is very cruel. She went to various banquets with her grandmother, and there were no outstanding young people willing to be courteous to her, let alone intend to marry the Wang family. They didn't want to talk to her about their strengths or weaknesses. Now that she is embarrassed by Zhao Zongze's affairs, they couldn't be too happy, how could they be friendly with her.

In a short period of time, the mayor's niece and Yan Xing's confidante who had been flattered in the past have been reduced to the point of general interest. Wang Yuxuan hated the powerful gap in her heart. When she went to a banquet at someone else's house, she was more eager to tear it up when she heard the talk about her affairs behind her back. People's mouths, but still have to endure, as if not heard.

Grandma said that as long as she catches Yan Xing to rehabilitate her old friendship, she will be able to recover her face no matter how much she lost. Not to mention that others dare not say anything, even her grandfather will give her a high look, and she also learns to swallow her anger. , worked hard to be a noble daughter, and hoped that Yan Xing could see her change.

After the first January of last year, Yan Xing did not show his face in the noble circle. She couldn't meet him by chance. Today, grandma asked her uncle to bring her to Chao's house, even because she guessed that Yan Xing might come, he really came to Chao's house. guest.

She couldn't get in touch with Yan Xing, all she could do was cry, hoping to make Yan Xing remember the little things she had grown up with and arouse Yan Xing's pity for her.

Wang Yuxuan is not necessarily good at other things, but she still has some experience in crying, that is, she can cry out of breath or cry with grief, and then think of how she has been scorned and treated by people in your circle for a few months. I was left out and felt even more aggrieved, and the more I cried, the louder it became.

That burst of crying changed from wailing to earth-shattering, causing the guests inside and outside the hospital to frown, frequently looking at the entrance of the courtyard.

Knowing that Wang Qianjin was rejected, the crying guests laughed sarcastically and watched the play. Wang Qianjin was as shameless as her mother, she was not afraid of losing face, and they were not happy to watch the monkey.

The guests who got out of the car and the gate of Erye Chao's house admired a certain young woman who was dressed like a man and crying in the middle of the station road, and entered the hospital with a smile.

"It's loud enough to sing a soprano."

"No, the tweeters aren't that loud."

Zhou Shaoxuan watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal, and commented on the side.

"Ma doesn't know how long his face is, and people don't know how to be ugly. For those who are not ashamed, just ignore them, so as not to get their eyes dirty." The cry came into his ears, Yan Xing's heartbeat was calm, without any turbulence, and he walked towards Zhou Shao as indifferently as the wind. there.

"It's really ugly," Liu Shao covered his ears, and shouted back in disgust: "Hey, that ugly bastard, you have to go home crying, don't mess up the roads of other homes here. ."

"Wow—" Wang Yuxuan thought that Yanxing would feel distressed, and when she heard him scold her for not being ashamed, she felt extremely aggrieved, and she cried again regardless of it.

Wang Qianjin cried loudly, but the guests were not embarrassed, but watched the play with great interest.

"I heard Liu Xiaosan's voice from far away, Liu Xiaosan, who are you arguing with?" Chao Yi got a report from Mrs. Li about Mayor Wang, and when he came out of the hall, he heard Liu Shaoji. I didn't take it seriously at first, but listening to the trend of things getting bigger, I took the first step to make fun of Liu Sanshao with a smile.

"Secretary Chao, I'm Liu San, not Liu Xiaosan. There's an ignorant idiot crying here. I'm just telling the truth. I'm definitely not here to make trouble." He was called Liu Xiaosan, Liu Xiangyang. Jun's face was tangled up, dragging Xiao Xingxing to walk quickly.

"You don't need to say this, I also believe in your innocence. You are a friend of my family's Bo Ge'er and Xiao Lele, and you will definitely not come to block our little dumplings, Liu Xiaosanyan, you guys are your good brothers. To help entertain the young friends invited by Xiaolele, our little Lele was caught by the chef to discuss the ingredients for the lunch at noon."

"The little beauty was caught in the kitchen, and she has a good meal at noon." Liu Xiangyang immediately glowed with excitement.

"It has now been confirmed that there are two dishes at noon from Xiao Lele, you don't need to get too excited."

"That's great, there is actually a medicated meal made by the little beauty." When Xuan Shao heard the little beauty in the kitchen, he immediately responded: "Mr. Chao, can I go into the kitchen of your mansion to help the little beauty?"

Chao Erye said hello to Jay Chou, and when he saw the enthusiastic and handsome young man walking by, he couldn't help laughing: "Our little Lele loves to play in the kitchen, but I didn't expect that Xiao Lele's friends also have the same hobby. , this is how people gather together, this handsome brother, the Chao family doesn't mind your visit to the kitchen, but today there is a group of snacks stuck in the kitchen, and there is no place to stand."

"Then I'll go back to the little beauty to exchange cooking skills." Xuan Shao nodded to the masters, and Zhou Shao Liang waited for Liu Shaoyan to come over, and slowly entered the hall to sit.

The invited guests did not back down because of Wang Qianjin. They handed the invitation to the person at the door, greeted Chao Yiye who came out, and walked into the courtyard calmly.

Chao Yiye looked in the direction hinted by Fang's mother, and when he saw Mayor Wang who was leaving, he said "Excuse me first" to everyone, and went after Mayor Wang calmly.

Mayor Wang pulled his wife to retreat quietly. When he heard someone calling him from behind, he looked back and saw that it was Secretary Chao who came in person. The couple turned around and took a few steps back.

"Mayor Wang, Mrs. Wang, my brother and I discussed lunch with the chef at home just now. Only my eldest brother was entertaining the guests. Please forgive me for not being able to serve the two in time. Do you want to go back and get it?" Chao Shengguo caught up with Mayor Wang and went down the steps pretending to be ignorant.

"Secretary Chao is very polite, my niece is an ignorant person, and I have no face." Mayor Wang explained embarrassedly why he was embarrassed to go to Chao Er's house.

"Look at what you said, children's affairs are left to the children themselves, so we elders should not intervene, the time to appreciate the stones is coming up, so let's hurry up and open our eyes, let me tell you another secret, today At noon, there is a dish made by my little girl with a famous anti-cancer ingredient, and I guarantee that you will never look down on that famous anti-cancer dish in the municipal cafeteria from now on."

"Hey, the little girl has cooked the food herself, so you have a good meal." With the steps given by Secretary Chao, Chang Wang descended the donkey along the slope, and went to Er Ye Chao's house with his wife.

Back on the road, I saw that the guests were walking. Chao Yiye greeted them one by one. The host and guests walked together. When they arrived at the door of Chao Er’s house, Mrs. Mayor Wang stepped into the yard first, ignoring Wang Yuxuan who was still crying. .

Wang Yuxuan cried for a while, but no one took care of her. When she saw her uncle and aunt coming over, her crying became lower. Standing outside the fence gate of Chao's courtyard.

She won't leave. Anyway, Zhao Zongze made her lose face, and it doesn't matter how much she loses face. Besides, she is the granddaughter of her grandparents and the Wang family, so her shame is equal to the Wang family's shame.

Grandpa hates her, her uncle and aunt despise her, and they think she is ashamed. Today, she came with the uncle, and the uncle allowed her to be shamed by the Chao family. Regardless of her life or death, she is ashamed, and they are also not much better. , they thought she was ashamed, she showed her to others to see who was ashamed in the end.

Don't think that she doesn't know that the eldest uncle still wants to be promoted. Grandpa is afraid that she will lose the face of the Wang family and hinder the future of the eldest uncle and cousin. They dislike her and treat her first. What happened to the face.

Anyway, she is not the daughter of the uncle, and she has lost the face of the Wang family. At most, she will be driven back to her parents. The uncle will lose face, and she will not be able to go back to her own house in the future.

If there are too many lice, it is not ticklish, and it is too embarrassing. Wang Yuxuan is willing to go out. If she wants to make trouble, she will make enough trouble. She is at the door of Chao's house.

Wang Qianjin gave way, and the long queue of teams drove forward one by one.

When Mrs. Wang, Professor Wan Cheng, Professor Yi Zhai, Professor Fu and others arrived, there were not many vehicles outside Chao Er's house. They walked together and got off the car in front of the courtyard.

Seeing the grievances and grievances, Wang Qianjin, who was wearing a crying and makeup face, looked over. Mrs. Wang recognized who it was, and almost didn't laugh out loud. That one was really brave enough to stand outside Chao's courtyard. Wooden pillars, by the way, who does she want to chill?

"Tsk tsk, who's girl is this, why is she so uneducated, come to my uncle's little padded jacket to cry, who do you want to embarrass?" Seeing Wang Qianjin who was stubbornly refusing to leave, Mrs. Wang could guess. What is her intention to make her little padded jacket family shameless?Hehe, Wang Qianjin hasn't woken up yet.

"You don't care what she does, she likes to cry, let her cry enough, but if she can't cry anymore, you can also ask Xiao Lele to send some medicine, so it's more fun to make people cry for three days and three nights." Professor Wan Cheng supported his wife, He walked to Chao's house with a smile.

There were several people in the group, and Wang Yuxuan didn't see Mrs. Wang at first. When the exquisite and elegant Mrs. Wang showed up, she was ashamed, turned her face away, and her face was burning with a fever.

A little bit behind Professor Wan Chu and others was the eldest son Wan Chu and a group of medical professors, a total of ten people, formed a group, all of them took off their white coats, suits and collars, and were dressed in formal clothes, with a special spirit.

Later, there were a few old men, all of whom were colleagues from the Chao Laozi Research Institute. The old men were experts in geology and were also interested in jadeite.

Seven or eight old masters just arrived, and behind them came several handsome young men, including Ji Shao, Xin Shao, Hua Shao, and Jiang Shao, each with personal bodyguards; one step later, Shou Bo took the young master Tantai to seek joy. Tantai Xunyang, the eldest young master of the Tantai family, stayed in the capital until March, and did not wait for the little girl to return to Beijing.

As long as Siguniang sends a post, one person can be brought along, so when Uncle Hu and Mama Fang checked the invitation, they saw that the signature was a friend invited by Siguniang, and they warmly welcomed all the handsome young men.

The descendants of the ancient martial arts family are all rising stars, all of them are beautiful, elegant, and graceful like jade. Standing outside the fence, Wang Yuxuan stared blankly.

A group of guests had just stepped into the hospital on the front heels, and two more cars came on the back heels, and two handsome young men got off from the cars. Like a willow-leaf sword, with slanted fingers and bristles, and the piercing eyes of a tiger are like blazing flames.

He is Chen Ji of the Jiangnan ancient martial arts Chen family, the current young head of the Chen family, and the most talented person among the ancient martial arts families. He is now 29 years old.

"Looks like I'm a little late." Chen Ji got out of the car lightly, handed the post to Butler Hu outside the door with a smile, and said, "It's work."

"Young Master Chen, it's not too late, the big guys always come later."

"Chen Shao, don't take it too hard. The little beauty is busy in the kitchen and has no time to greet you. Come in honestly like us."

"And Shishao Huo at the back, don't expect us to go out and set off firecrackers to welcome you. Hurry up and make up the count. Let's count the heads and wait for how many tables we will sit on."

Zhou Shao and Xuan Shao went around the hall, and then went outside again. When they saw Ji Shao and others, they greeted the little beauty on their behalf. When they saw Chen Shao, all the Jun Shao laughed and joked.

The car behind Chen Shao is also an ordinary Great Wall car. The young man who got off is tall and straight, with a straight nose bridge, but his popular apricot eyes glow light blue.

His face has clear contours, edges and corners, and he is very handsome. In addition, he has two light blue eyes, like a lake under the sun on a sunny day, quiet and beautiful.

He is the Huo Jinghe of the Huo family in Hong Kong, ranked tenth, and has just passed his thirties.

As soon as Shishao Huo touched the ground, he heard the ridicule of the ancient martial arts youths, his light blue eyes overflowed with laughter, and his voice was like a lake breeze: "You are bullying our latecomers because of your deep friendship with the little beauty doctor, right? When we succeed in brushing our faces, be careful that we smear you behind your back."

"This is very true, and I think so too." Shao Chen entered the hospital and waited for Shao Huo.

Major Huo Shi sent the invitation to Butler Hu, nodded with several people who greeted him in the aisle, entered the yard with his bodyguards, walked side by side with Shao Chen, and joined Shao Ji and others.

Butler Hu and Mama Fang welcomed the little girl's friends, and handed the invitations to Sister Li for safekeeping. The invitations sent by the little girl were all from special families, and they were all recorded on the roster separately, and the invitations were also stored separately.

Just taking a breath here, another car arrived, waiting for the driver to get out of the car as a doorman, and help out an old man. Seeing the visitor, Butler Hu took a step forward: "Welcome to Mr. Wu."

Wu Lao was helped out of the car, nodded slightly, stopped a little, and waited for the young woman who got off the other side. The daughter of Le Fukang, Le Jiaqi, came with him.

Le Jiaqi is still wearing a small dress, a long blue dress with a sloping shoulder, a white shawl, and a luxury bag with an atomic bomb.

After getting out of the car, she went around the front of the car and quickly grabbed Mr. Wu's arm.

When the driver handed the invitation to Butler Hu, Uncle Hu said bluntly: "Please, Mr. Wu, and your old escort, please stay."

"This?" Old Wu's eyes widened, and the anger of being humiliated welled up in his heart.

Le Jiaqi's beautiful appearance suddenly looked a little ugly, and her chest trembled slightly with anger.

"I just don't understand. The invitation clearly didn't say who to bring the whole family or the wife. Why would anyone want to bring their family? Don't they know that the hosts have already reserved seats, and where will the extra people sit?" Xuan Shao had nothing to do, and just happened to have a place where he could be useful, sarcastically with a smile.

"Xuan Shao, you think everyone understands like you do."

"That's right, Master Xuan, you don't even think about who you are. You are talented and smart, and you can't be compared with others."

"Don't praise me, the words "talent and smart" are used on my upper body to humiliate it. Only the little beauty deserves the well-deserved talent, smartness, and genius."

"It's an indisputable fact that a little beauty is a genius."

"The little beauty is extremely smart, we don't need to tell you about this, Master Xuan."

Many people who didn't feel distressed and saliva gave the little beauty a high hat, and a warm and jade-like laughter came from behind: "You beautiful men, is it good for you to praise my sister so much?"

The crowd turned their heads to the side, only to see the beautiful young man from the Chao family walking gracefully from the hall on the first floor, dressed in a silver suit, looking like a beautiful jade, as graceful as a cloud, and carrying a son like a jade, with a peerless elegance.

The young masters were instantly delighted: "Young Master Chao, you finally appeared."

"My sister was taken away by the chef, and my brother rushed to save me. Now I finally persuaded the chef to let my sister go, and I was able to show my face." The beautiful boy walked gracefully to the crowd. Delicate eyebrows, elegant and dusty temperament, no less imposing manner.

"Chao Shao, you don't need to greet us. Like little beauties, we don't like complicated customs. There is a guest outside who seems to have a very good background. Chao Shao will go to receive it quickly."

Xuan Shao pushed the beautiful young man to ask him to receive a good-faced guy. The one at the door was a guest of Chao's family. If it was a guest of his family, he would just drive away. What's more, as a guest, he didn't have self-awareness yet, so would love come? Come on, it's not uncommon.

The beautiful young man excused himself first, and walked towards the gate of the courtyard gracefully. His posture was like a crane, which made people feel like a fairy and auspicious clouds surrounded by immortal and picturesque.

"The little beauty's brother is worthy of being the most beautiful young man in the capital. He is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among people. The dragon and the phoenix are like dragons and phoenixes. Between us, only Young Master Yan and the young man are the equals." Huo Shishao praised from the bottom of his heart. , If you were born in an ancient martial arts family and practiced martial arts since childhood, your achievements are probably unparalleled.

"Ten Shao Huo, don't frame me, I don't dare to compare with Little Loli's brother," Yan Xing showed a faint smile of killing men and women.

"Huo Shao, you missed the section on the little beauty's evaluation of beauty. The little beauty commented that Chao Shao is the most beautiful boy, Yan Shao is the most beautiful man she has ever seen, and the second is the sleeping beauty from Tantai's family, Xuan Shaohe There aren't a lot of juxtapositions here, and those of us, um, may be able to fight for the last seat in the top [-] if we continue to the back."

When Major General Ji told the list of beautiful women reviewed by Little Beauties, Huo Shishao said softly: "I'm really far behind, and I'll have to work hard to brush my face when I get a chance."

Zhou Shao and others smiled brightly, everyone wanted to brush their faces, and whoever succeeded in brushing them all depended on their ability.

The young warriors of the ancient world were flying freely and unrestrained. Wu Lao outside the hospital heard the undisguised conversation of the young people, and was annoyed in his heart, especially seeing that Butler Hu did not intend to make a special case for him, his smile disappeared.

He was about to throw his sleeves away when the boy from the Chao family came out, and he endured that he didn't have a seizure. When he saw the elder brother of the Chao family coming, he sternly waited for the boy to explain.

Chao Yubo walked to the entrance of the courtyard like a stream of water, and saw Elder Wu, who was holding the Le family's daughter in his arms, his phoenix eyes flashed from a pool of water, and his voice was like a gentle breeze: "Uncle Hu, why don't you invite Elder Wu in?"

"Third young master, the second master's invitation to Mr. Wu only invites Mr. Wu to come." Uncle Hu respectfully reported to the young master.

"Oh, so it is." Chao Yubo walked to Uncle Hu with a faint smile: "Wu Lao please, as for the people around you, I'm sorry, the Chao family does not welcome the Le family who bullied me and my sister, even if it is with Wu Lao you. Come as well."

Being disrespected in public, Wu Lao's face turned cold: "Xiao Chao, is there some misunderstanding? If a girl loves you and acts too aggressively, it is because of love and hatred, so you won't be angry with the rest of the Le family."

"Mr. Wu, ask the Le family what else they did to the Chao family's righteous granddaughter, Le Yun, in addition to trying to destroy Xiao Chao's innocence? Let's see if they dare to speak out?"

There was an old man at the door leaning on the old man to sell the old man, Yan Xing was already upset, two steps out of the crowd, coldly looking at Le Qianjin who was a few meters away: "If you want people to not know, unless you don't do it yourself, Le Jia's hand is too long. Now, if you reach out to areas that shouldn't be stretched out, this young master doesn't mind publishing something to the public."

What does Yan Shao mean?Le Jiaqi was questioned at the head, like being struck by lightning, and her brain was buzzing. For a moment, she suspected that the military training incident at the beginning of school last year had been revealed. After all, Shao Yan and Shao Liu were also in Qing University. Knowing that a certain girl was injured, did they find any clues?
She felt a little dizzy, her legs were weak, and she held on tightly to Wu Lao's arm to maintain stability.

When the grandson of the He family spoke, Mr. Wu looked at the young woman beside him with a heavy expression. He didn't ask if Le Jia did something behind his back, but his eyes were bright and scolding.

"Elder Wu, no... no, we never... did anything to classmate Le. The Le family is not familiar with the little righteous grandson of the Chao family, let alone any conflict." Le Jiaqi did not dare to face Mr. Wu's eyes. , evasive.

"You go back first." Judging from Le Jia's daughter's expression, it was obvious that Le Jia was hiding something from himself. Old Wu was not happy, he pulled away the woman's hand holding his arm, and brushed away with Butler Hu without looking back. Pass.

"Wu..." Le Jiaqi, who was thrown away, stumbled and almost fell, but fortunately, the driver gave her a quick hand to save her from embarrassing.

The driver realized what Mr. Wu meant, and supported the daughter of the Le family: "Miss Le, I'll take you back first."

Le Jiaqi's face flushed red, and she was stiffly shoved into the car by the driver, as if she had drained all her strength and collapsed softly, her mind was still buzzing, if Shao Yan really found something , the Chao family will definitely not forgive the Le family.

Mr. Wu's driver drove away, and Butler Hu looked towards the road. There were no cars on the road leading to Erye's house. It could be seen that all the guests had arrived. The gate was closed, and only Mrs. Li and his wife were left to guard.

The gate of the fence closed mercilessly, and Wang Yuxuan, who was outside the fence, leaned against the fence, slumped a little, and cried again.

She was crying so sadly that a car came from the end of the road and stopped in front of Wang Qianjin. The driver got out of the car and forcibly picked up Wang Qianjin, who was crying and wearing makeup, into the car, and drove the car away.

Without the annoying cries, the world is at peace.

(End of this chapter)

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