magic eye doctor

Chapter 508 I don't feel wronged

Chapter 508 I don't feel wronged

The Chao family was talking with the owner, Jay Chou, and Wang Ziyan was surprised. The Chao family did not bring their children, why did they bring Le Yun to the Zhou family dinner instead?

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to herself, she asked gently, "Hao, is that Mr. Chao over there the third master of the Chao family?"

"No, this is Second Master Chao and Second Mrs. Chao, the second uncle and second aunt of Chao Yu Bo and Shao Shao, and a big businessman." Wang Wenhao explained softly: "You and Le are classmates, and you have not heard her talk about the Chao family. situation?"

"No, Le Xuemei is very busy, I don't have the nerve to inquire about other people's lives." Wang Ziyan smiled softly, showing a little embarrassment.

"Chao Shao is so busy that he often doesn't see anyone. I heard that little girl Chao is even worse than her brother. It is normal not to talk about personal affairs." Wang Wenhao understood and helped out: "We will come over and say hello at the right time, now. Chao Dong is on Jay Chou's side, so it is inconvenient to disturb him."

When Wang Wenhao said to say hello, Wang Ziyan's heartstrings tightened, and she secretly relieved when he said that it was inconvenient to disturb him now.

Chao Erye's group was also the last one to come. The guest of honor chatted for three or two minutes, and then watched the time pass with the master of ceremonies beside Jay Chou, presided over the dinner, and asked the distinguished guests to move to another hall.

As the host, Jay Chou took the lead in leading the guests to move, and the guests who were communicating freely put down their wine glasses and moved with most of them one after another.

The banquet hall is just next to the main hall. The area is only a little smaller than the hall. The main color is orange. There is a performance stage and the tables are lined up. There are more than 50 tables in total. The red tablecloths are full of joy.

Cold dishes and drinks are already in place, but the heat is short of the table. Each table has a table number. The table in front of the serial number has the names of the guests. Those are the seats for special guests. The table number is written on the invitation, and you can take a seat according to the number.

If there is no seat specified on the invitation, you can sit at will.

The waiters stood at the entrance of the side hall and greeted the guests with the most sincere smiles.

Jay Chou arranged for the Chao family couple and the little girl to sit with the master. Er Ye Chao felt that it was inappropriate and refused. Jay Chou pushed the person down without saying a word; "Brother Chao, there is no place for you anywhere else."

"Isn't this arrogant?" Chao Sheng'an was also helpless. The Zhou family gave Xiao Lele face. With Xiao Lele around, his worth has also risen with the tide, but if Jay Chou sets a precedent, it will be easy for him to want to invite him in the future. The Chao family members were in a dilemma and did not know how to arrange the seats of the Chao family members.

"Master also wants guests to accompany him." Jay Chou pushed Erye Chao to sit down, and Madam Zhou invited Er Madam Chao to sit down before returning to her seat next to her husband.

Le Xiaoxue sits next to Aunt Chao Er, Yan Shao sits next to Xiao Luoli's right hand, Liu Da Shao, um, he ran away cleverly, but was dragged back by Zhou Da Gongzi and asked him to sit next to Yan Shao, then Zhou. Don't sit next to Mrs. Chao's side, and Zhou Xiaogong, the eldest son of Zhou, will accompany you.

Young Master Zhou and Young Master Zhou sat at a table with Young Master Zhou's in-laws and the family of Young Mistress Zhou; of course, the two sons of the Zhou family did not attend the table immediately, and went to invite the guests to the table with their father and mother.

Yan Shao and the Chao family were sitting at the master's table. Madam Wang was full of anger and went to arrange the table number for his son to sit.

Jay Chou's invitations are also written very clearly. For example, if there are guests who will bring his wife or husband to attend, the family will reserve two seats. If it is written that the guests will be accompanied by the whole family, they will also budget for the number of people in a certain family in advance. .

The invitation received by Beijing city official Wang Lingyun was for the husband and wife, and Mrs. Wang and her granddaughter also happened to occupy two seats. Jay Chou’s family originally arranged to share the table with Mr. Wang, who were also celebrities in Beijing, including He He. He Qiying and his wife.

Originally, Dong Zhou arranged the seats to be Beijing celebrities Wang Lingyun and his wife, Chao Shengguo and his wife, He He Qiying and his wife, and the other two were Secretary Luo and his wife, with a table of eight people.

The Chao family had Chao Er and his wife coming to Zhou's house, but Chao Shengguo and his wife did not attend. He Qiying and Luo Xiulan attended. When they saw Mrs. Wang, the couple just said hello and whispered to Secretary Luo. It's because she is Wang Lingyun's mother, and she is also an old man of her age. Apart from that relationship, the He family doesn't even want to look at Mrs. Wang and Wang Yuxuan any more.

Secretary Luo exchanged his feelings with He Qiying just a few words of courtesy to Mrs. Wang. They were talking in a low voice, and Mrs. Wang couldn't get in, and it was very embarrassing.

Wang Ziyan, Mrs. Wang, and others were a little behind. When they entered the side hall and saw that the Chao family were sitting at the main table, they were immediately jealous. Those who could accompany the host at the same table were all super honored guests. The main table, but the Chao family and Yan Da Shao Liu Da Shao were treated as the guests of honor?

Even if Chao Dong was treated as a guest of honor, why did Le Yun also receive the highest courtesy?
The mother of the officials in Beijing did not become the guest of honor, Mrs. Wang did not become the guest of honor, and the celebrities in Beijing did not have the honor. Instead, a businessman and a child became the honored guest. What is the reason?
Wang Ziyan didn't understand what the master of the Zhou family was thinking, so she would make such an insane arrangement and follow Mrs. Wang to the seat reserved for the Wang family by the master.

The invited guests had all attended various banquets, knew the rules, and sat down one by one in an orderly manner. Jay Chou and his son sent all the guests to the seats and took their seats.

Two other guests were arranged for the two tables for Secretary Chao. One table was full of eight people, and the guests sat at fifty tables. There were additional tables and seats reserved for other people, and there were still a few vacant tables.

The guest of honor is seated, the emcee takes the stage, and delivers a passionate and emotional speech. First, a song and dance performance is used as an appetizer to arouse emotions. People's singing and dancing are not ordinary street performances. applause.

The guests watched the performance and served the food, and the waiters lined up in a long line, filed in and brought the dishes to the guest table.

A song and dance ended, the dishes were just finished, and the time was just right.To prepare for the banquet, Zhou Da Gongzi gave a welcome speech, and Zhou Dong said a few more polite words, and the banquet was opened.

The guest of honor dined, and the performance continued, followed by a small and well-known team who had also appeared in the variety show "I Am a Singer".

The banquet was performed with the sound of musical instruments.

Le Yun doesn't chase stars, she remembers what stars have been told to her, and she doesn't know what she hasn't told her, so she doesn't have any expectations for performances, she only cares about dishes.

The dishes are rich in seafood such as swimming crab, crayfish, clams and so on.

Liu Shao had a chat with Zhou Xiaogongzi Zhou Dagongzi, Yan Xing didn't watch the performance, only elegantly drank red wine and ate vegetables, while admiring the little loli, tasting a few dishes, and stretched out his chopsticks to sandwich crab meat.

When handsome Yan stretched his chopsticks to the crab meat, Le Yun noticed it and stepped on him hard. What's the matter, she told him that he was not allowed to eat crab meat, and he had healed the scar and forgot the pain.

When he stepped on him, he still caught it, and she glared at him fiercely: "Don't eat it!"

There was a pain in the back of the foot, Yan Xing was holding the crab meat dipped in sauce, no reason, when he was confronted, he turned his eyes to meet a pair of beautiful almond eyes, and smiled warmly at the fierce little loli: "Okay, I don't Eat, let me feed you."

He dipped the crab meat in the sauce and put it in a small loli bowl, and put a shrimp for himself.

Mrs. Wang sat on the left-hand side of the master's table, which is the right-hand side of the door. From her point of view, she could clearly see Shao Yan's every move of helping the little girl pick up vegetables.

When she saw Yan Xing serving the little girl thoughtfully, she felt a gloomy feeling in her stomach. When Yan Xing and Yuxuan were not separated, she had never seen Yan Xing help Yuxuan with food!

There is no comparison and no harm. Under all kinds of comparisons, Mrs. Wang feels more and more that Yan Xing is hateful. Yu Xuan was deceived by Zhao Zongze's eloquent words to be with Zhao Zongze. Yan Xing knew what kind of person Zhao Zongze was and did not stop Yu Xuan. Now she still turns a blind eye to Yuxuan, and deliberately takes care of other girls as a good young man. Isn't this deliberately embarrassing Yuxuan and embarrassing the Wang family?
The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and Mrs. Wang lost her appetite.

Wang Yuxuan also saw that Yan Xing served the little girl with vegetables, and her teeth were itchy. Liu Xiangyang satirized her in the morning. Even if Yan Xing did not protect her, she would still help. !

Lan Si Shao and the Feng family were at the same table, also in the left seat area. Seeing the intimate interaction between Yan Shao and the little girl, their hearts were obscure. It seemed that Yan Shao and the little girl were the most familiar, and the youths of the ancient martial arts family were several steps behind.

Xiao Lele bullied Young Master Yan, and Mrs. Chao Shengan pursed her lips and smiled. The little dumplings were used to being free, and they dared to kill Young Master Yan wherever they went, but Young Master Yan did not dare to go back.

Zhou Shao's eyes moved slightly, and he vaguely guessed something, but smiled without saying a word. Zhou Dong saw that Yan Shao was stunned by the little girl, and then admitted, and asked with a smile, "Little girl, why are you not allowed to eat less crabs?"

"Because I can be domineering like a crab, he can't, so he's not allowed to eat it." Le Yun blinked her eyes and smiled so that the corners of her mouth curved, she picked up the crab meat in the bowl and ate it beautifully.

"What a domineering little girl." Zhou Xiaogong bared his teeth, Yan Shao is such a cold and arrogant person, how many beauties in the noble circle want to tame him but can't even touch the corner of his clothes, when Zhou Shao meets a little girl, he becomes cowardly in seconds Bag, it really is one thing.

"Zhou Yu, it's his blessing for Xiao Xingxing to be murdered by a little beauty. You are not lucky, so brother loves you. Come on, brother will give you a piece of crab meat, and you can also be domineering." Liu Xiangyang smiled and took the chopsticks. Give Zhou Xiaogong a piece of crab meat.

Zhou Xiaogong was dumbfounded, what is this?
Mrs. Zhou laughed so hard that her mouth couldn't close, and Dong Zhou's eyes were full of lustre: "The little girl of the old Chao family is really domineering, Young Master Yan, we can't help you either, so just suffer."

"I don't feel wronged, it's like sweetness." Yan Xing showed a bright smile, reached out and picked up another shrimp gravy, and put it in the little loli bowl: "This is also for you, I didn't say you are fierce, it's just a habit You have a straightforward, unrestrained, unpretentious character."

Staring at the man's Le Yun, he reluctantly accepted Yan's offer, put down the crab pieces, and stuffed the shrimp into his mouth.

Major General Yan said that the little girl was fierce. He said it was her reckless nature. The first son of Zhou, the younger son of Zhou, was always having fun. It was a great joy to see Yan Shao eat, and it was enough to make them happy for a month.

"My little boy has always been wild and unruly and difficult to discipline. Otherwise, I will send him to Chao's house to live for a while, and ask the little girl and Chao Shao to help him clean up. What do you think of Chao Dong?"

"Dad, am I your own son?" Zhou Xiaogong heard that his father was going to throw him away to be with Chao Shao, and his handsome face changed tragically. The former little princess Chao Shao was a black-hearted little princess, okay, just because someone To tease him, that guy was horribly rectified, and now he is still abroad, he doesn't want to be rectified by Chao Shao.

"My son is a real son, but he's too rebellious, he can't control it, and he taught me countless strands of gray hair."

"Chou Dong doesn't have white hair." Liu Xiangyang seriously observed Zhou Dong's black hair.

"I dyed my hair."

"Well, I testify that Jay Chou dyed his hair," Le Yun gnawed off the crab meat, grinning and grinning as she gnawed away the crab meat: "Chou Dong probably used a hair dye imported from Thailand, and it has its own origin. The unique taste of rubber juice and crocodile oil. The hair dyeing effect is very good, it is recommended to use less, and it is recommended to buy Shouwu soup and shampoo.”

Zhou Da Gongzi wanted to cover his eyes. What kind of nose does the little girl have? He and the old father didn't smell the smell. How could the little girl smell the so-called smell?

"I can't hide anything from the little girl's eyes. Mrs. Chao Dong Chao must have a headache to have such a smart and precious niece." Mrs. Zhou smiled brightly after being shocked.

"As Mrs. Zhou said, the older generation of the Chao family is really having a headache. There is a bear child who doesn't need to worry about anything. If you want to be the parent, there is no chance to teach the bear child on the air. There's nowhere to say it."

Chao Dong complained proudly, making Mrs. Zhou Dong Zhou amused: "Brother, you have been wronged, and you also eat a piece of crab meat to suppress your shock."

"Well, this is a must."

Chao Shengan nodded earnestly, and Zhou Dong each took a piece of crab meat to taste. Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Chao also moved their chopsticks. They were very happy when they saw the little girl eating crab meat so deliciously. The delicious crab meat is also very fragrant.

Le Yun didn't have time to speak, because someone Yan added a fish head to her bowl. The carp from the mother river has its own unique flavor. The most important thing is of course that eating fish will help her grow taller. She eats the fish head hard.

Young Master Yan is serving dishes to the little girl, and Young Master Zhou, Zhou Dong, and Young Master Zhou also take it to heart when he sees it.

After eating for about 15 minutes, the dishes were changed, some were removed and new hot dishes were served.

The performance on the stage did not stop, and the performance team that got off the stage also took their seats and ate.

The host and guests at the host table were very happy, and the atmosphere was very good. The guests watched the performance while eating, observed the host table, and waited for the toast before they went to say hello to Chao Dong and the little girl.

When the last round of dishes was on the table and ate for seven or eight minutes, the host went to toast the guests to thank them.

"Uncle Zhou, go make a toast, and I'll accompany the little girl and Chao Dong upstairs for tea." Zhou Shao also knew that the little girl didn't like being surrounded by people and suggested to leave the venue.

Chao Er and his wife happily accepted the proposal.

"Okay, it's better to have the young master to accompany the guests." Jay Chou asked his youngest son to send Zhou Shao and the guests out.

Zhou Shao walked in front with the little girl, and Zhou Xiaogong accompanied Chao Er and his wife. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, when the young master left the table, he quickly rushed to the young master's side, protecting the young master and a few guests out of the hall.

Seeing that Chao Dong and his group left the table first, all the guests: "..." What kind of statement is this?
(End of this chapter)

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