magic eye doctor

Chapter 509 I Help You Get Needles

Chapter 509 I Help You Get Needles
When Yan Xing was about to leave the table, Wang Yuxuan subconsciously stood up and wanted to chase, but Mrs. Wang found it in time and grabbed her granddaughter: "Xiao Xuan, are you not feeling well?"

"I..." Wang Yuxuan was stunned when his hand was grabbed, and murmured, " stomach is a little uncomfortable."

"I'll take you to ask where the Zhou family's waiter's bathroom is." Mrs. Wang also guessed the reason why her granddaughter wanted to leave the table, and said "I'm sorry" to everyone in the same seat, grabbed her granddaughter's hand and left the table and walked to stand. Waiter on the aisle.

When the waiter heard that Mrs. Wang wanted to go to the bathroom, she led the grandparents and grandchildren out.

Chao Sheng'an, accompanied by Young Master Zhou, went out of the hall and pulled Young Master Zhou outside and whispered, "Nephew, Zhuojing and I will not go upstairs for tea. We will leave first, and Nephew Lao will say something to Lingzun Lingtang."

"Chao Dong and his wife are guests at Zhou's house for the first time. We haven't entertained one or two yet. You must stay and sit for a while. My father has long wanted to talk to Chao Dong Bingzhu at night." Zhou Xiaogong dared to let Chao Dong go. It was the first time that Chao Dong came to be a guest, so he resigned halfway through so that he could explain to his father.

"My nephew and Lingzun Lingtang gave warm hospitality. My husband and wife are very honored. Lingzun's birthday is today, and he is busy. I will chat with him at another time. My little girl stays and plays, and I have Lao nephews and Zhou Shao to take care of it."

Chao Shengan explained, seeing Mayor Wang's mother coming out in the hall, and whispering: "My nephew, Mayor Wang's mother also came out, my little girl doesn't like Wang Qianjin, Wang Qianjin was turned away from my house today. , If it's awkward to meet, I'll go first."

Zhou Xiaogong originally stopped Chao Dong and refused to let him go home. Hearing Chao Dong bluntly telling him about the matter with Mayor Wang's niece, he had to let Chao Dong and Mrs. Chao resign first.

"Liu Xiaozi, Yan boy, remember to send our little dumplings home safely. You dare to let Xiao Lele lose a hair, I can't spare you two." Chao Shengan supported his wife and confessed to Yan as he walked. Shao Liu and the two boys take good care of the little powder dumplings.

Chao Er Ye told Liu Shao Liu Shao to make Young Master Zhou want to laugh, Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang hurriedly agreed.

When Erye Chao and his wife stepped out of the three or four steps, Zhou Shao and Zhou Xiao Gong led the little girl and Liang Jun to the elevator to avoid meeting with Mrs. Wang's grandson and grandson.

Old Mrs. Wang followed the waiter out of the hall, and saw that Chao Er and his wife had already descended half of the stairs. Yan Xing and others went from the viewing corridor to the elevator. The direction the waiter led was also in the direction of the elevator, so she followed quickly.

The grandfather and grandson followed the person in front of the waiter into the elevator, the door was closed, and Mrs. Wang watched the group of people isolated from herself, and could only follow the waiter's guidance to the bathroom.

Wang Yuxuan wanted to chase Yanxing, but no one caught up. She went to the bathroom for a few minutes and then turned out. Seeing that her grandmother was still there, she followed silently.

She went to the bathroom and passed the elevator room. When she saw the waiter was not there, Wang Yuxuan went to press the elevator button, but no response after pressing the elevator twice. Her lungs exploded with anger. withdraw hand.

In seconds, the elevator stopped on the second floor, and the door opened. The grandparents and grandchildren looked to see Zhou Xiaogong coming out of the elevator. Before they made a sound, Zhou Xiaogong smiled brightly: "Mrs Wang, you are looking for Is the bathroom right, the bathroom is here, I'll take you there."

"No, no," Mrs. Wang said with a haha ​​and asked casually, "I saw the little girl from the Chao family and Sun Yanxing, the grandson of the He family, coming over. I want to talk to the little girl and wait for her here."

"Mrs. Wang wants to find the little princess of the Chao family. It's a coincidence that the little girl went upstairs to drink tea."

"Young Master Zhou, I want to ask the little girl to have a few words alone, can you make it easier?"

"Mrs. Wang, please forgive me for being difficult to obey," Zhou Xiaogong said solemnly: "Little girl and Yan Shao Liu Shao are the distinguished guests invited by the Zhou family's master. Just now, the bodyguard of the master's personal body has already explained that no one is allowed to go to the tea room to disturb the master. When the house entertains distinguished guests, not to mention your guest, even my parents and parents can't go upstairs to disturb you, you want to find the little girl and wait for the little girl to return to Chao's house.

Being embarrassed by a businessman's son, Mrs. Wang's face suddenly became extremely embarrassing. She squinted the Zhou family's younger son angrily, and dragged her granddaughter away angrily.

Mrs. Wang became angry and angry, but Young Master Zhou was not afraid. Mrs. Wang was not clear, and she didn't lose her identity after arguing with a short-sighted old woman.

Mrs. Wang returned to the side hall, and because she had been outside for too long, the master toasted her past the table she sat at, and when she came back, Jay Chou did not go back to toast her alone. Madam Wang looked at the masters who were getting farther and farther away, her liver and lungs were about to explode with anger.

Zhou Shao accompanied Liang Jun Shao and the little girl to the fourth floor, entered the small tea room with a view, and made a pot of good tea on Monday to entertain the three guests.

After drinking two cups of fragrant tea, Le Xiaoxiao left Shuai Yan and Liu Shuai to entertain them on Tuesday and Thursday, and went to chat with Zhou Shao alone.

Major General Zhou invited the little girl to the study, and followed the young master closely on Mondays and Wednesdays.

The study is also mainly elegant, with one-colored Taishi chairs, desks are all ancient bookcases, and the relaxing rest area is an Arhat bed where you can sit and lie down.

Le Xiaoxiao followed the local customs, took off her shoes, knelt on the Arhat bed, sat opposite Zhou Shao on the other side of the small table, and served Sixi dried fruit and hot tea on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After eating a few pieces of fruit, Le Yun opened her handbag and took out green and white with gray pills, a pack of thirty green pills, and ten white and gray pills.

"This is Jay Chou's medicine, first take the green pills, take three times, the first time every morning on an empty stomach, one at a time, take the medicine half an hour after taking the medicine, take it for ten days, stop for three days in the middle, and the second Take one tablet every morning and evening, on an empty stomach in the morning, and take it at night before going to bed, for ten days in a row, stopping for a day in between, and the rest is one tablet a day, after breakfast.

After eating the green pills, rest for three or four days, and then take the white pills. The green pills are used to treat kidney deficiency and expel viruses. Within a year, I am not afraid of kidney deficiency, nor am I afraid of diabetes to make friends with him.

In theory, I am not qualified to take charge of Jay Chou's private life, but I still hope that Jay Chou will not get involved with the flowers and plants outside. Mrs. Zhou is a good woman with self-esteem and self-love, and deserves the love and care of men; Plus [-] hard work, these pills are worth a cloisonné enamel. "

Putting the two packs of pills on the table, Le Yun took out two more packs of pills, took out the green and black pills, and put ten pills in each: "These two pills are given to Mrs. Zhou, eat green first, then black, green. Take the black pills half an hour after meals in the morning, and take the black pills at night before going to bed. You may easily want to run to the toilet frequently during the taking of the medicine. Please pay more attention to Mrs. Zhou.

"Visually, my medicine is definitely worth more than agarwood." Zhou Shao couldn't help laughing when he heard that the price of the pill was worth a cloisonné enamel.

"Well, it's true that it's not worse than that."

"Even if there is a shortage of medical fees, it is fine if you want cash or something." Zhou Shao smiled and rubbed his face.

"If Zhou Shao has suet jade or rare and exotic herbs, you can consider using it as a medical aid." Le Yun glanced at Zhou Shao slowly: "Don't be happy, strip it off yourself, lie down, and wait for the needle. ."

"..." Zhou Shao's smile was stiff, and he wanted to take off his clothes and lie down again?
It was very hard to endure the laughter on Monday and Wednesday. The little girl must have done it on purpose. She deliberately poured cold water on the young master when he was in high spirits.

The muscles on Zhou Shao's face twitched, and he stood up silently, stepped on the ground, turned around, took off his suit jacket and put it on the Arhat bed.

On Monday, holding a smile, he stepped forward to help the young master untie his tie. On Wednesday, he took a thin blanket that was placed on the Taishi chair and laid it on the ground for the young master to lie on.

Zhou Shao took off his shirt, revealing more toned and powerful muscles than last year. He loosened the belt and lay down, pulled down his pants a little to reveal his lower abdomen, and obediently lay down like a worm, waiting for the needle to be pierced.

When Zhou Shao lay flat, Le Yun got up unhurriedly, found the needle cover to put on her wrist, and walked slowly to Zhou Shao's side, looking at the acupoint, decisively picking the needle, and making a move.

One-handed flying acupuncture, such as the pear blossom rainstorm needle, the gold and silver needles fell one by one, one by one nailed into Zhou Shao's flesh and blood.

After tying Zhou Shao's chest and lower abdomen into a needle array, Le Yun sat down behind Zhou Shao's head, lifted Zhou Shao's head, put him on his knee, and massaged him. Acupuncture points on the chest and arms help him to dredge qi, blood and meridians.

Zhou Shao could feel the little girl bent over and her chest was very close to his face, smelling the fragrance on her body, her face was burning hot, but fortunately, the internal force of the meridians was swimming, he meditated and adjusted his breath, and put the embarrassment behind him. .

Helping Zhou Shao to drain Shun Qi and blood, Le Yun confiscated the needle, got up and put on her shoes, walked to the antique bookshelf to get the book, and sat on the Taishi chair to read the book carefully.

The ignored Mondays and Wednesdays waited quietly, and was speechless in wonder, how could there be a little girl who loves reading books so much?Moreover, is she reading too fast?
It took nearly half an hour to pass. The little girl who was reading put the book back on the shelf, with her small hands behind her back, swaying to the two young people with small eight-character steps, and walked around the two of them, saying The words are creepy: "I'll give you a needle too."

"Little girl, please let me go." Sweat poured down on Monday and Wednesday, and they didn't want to be stripped and tied into hedgehogs.

"If you don't poke the needle, then poke it a few times." Le Yun stretched out her hand with a smile, and quickly pokes on Monday, seven or eight places in a row.

Before Zhou Yi said whether he could let it go, the little girl poked it with her slender fingers, and he couldn't see her gesture clearly. Instead, the little girl shifted her target to poke Wednesday, embarrassing, within a minute, Huo Ran was overjoyed, Thanks in a hurry: "Thank you, little girl! Thank you, thank you!"

The little girl only poked a few places for him. In the past, the places where Qi and blood were not smooth were suddenly unobstructed. The little girl was not acupuncture, she was helping him to clear the blocked meridians.

"It's not worth mentioning." After poking Wednesday's fingers, Le Yun retracted her fingers and squatted down to help Zhou Shao pull out the needle.

I also felt it on Wednesday, I felt a lot of physical and mental relief, and I was grateful. The little girl was a big effort, but for them, it represented another opportunity to become better.

Taking back the silver needle, Le Yun wrapped it in paper, rolled it up with a needle cover and stuffed it back into her handbag.

When the needle on his body was pulled out, Zhou Shao also jumped up, quickly raised his pants, put on a shirt jacket, and tied a tie. He was a mature and stable man with his own halo.

The medicine was handed over to a credible person, and Zhou Shao was also injected with needles. She had nothing to do with herself. Le Yun admitted that she would go back to the house, and Zhou Shao did not keep her and sent her to Yan Shao Liu Shao.

Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang drank five or six pots of tea, ran to the bathroom twice, and finally waited for Little Loli to come out and come home, she was overjoyed, and then continued to drink tea, they would all turn into buckets.

Zhou Shao took four personal escorts to escort the three guests downstairs to the outside of the villa, and waited for Yan Shao's car to drive all the way to the fourth floor before returning to the fourth floor. The banquet on the second floor was not over yet, and there was an impromptu dance after the meal, which was lively. Noisy.

The banquet was lively until ten o'clock, and the guests returned with excitement.

Lan Si Shao didn't see the little girl and Yan Shao Liu Shao until the end of the dinner, and returned in anger; Mrs. Wang also returned in disappointment because she was rejected by the Zhou family and could not see Yan Xing and the little girl alone.

Jay Chou and his wife sent all the guests away, accompanied by his wife to drink tea on the third floor, and he went up to the fourth floor to meet the young master.

Zhou Shao handed over the pills given by the little girl to Zhou Xin, asked her to give a copy to his wife, and relayed the little girl's instructions to him.

Zhou Xin's old face was slightly red: "Young Master, I used to be absurd. I have understood the goodness of Madam over the years, so I will take care of my wife and live as a woman in the future."

"Uncle Zhou, I don't want to ask about your private life. You can know it yourself. The little girl is right. Madam Aunt is a good woman worthy of men's love. You should cherish it."

"Yes, Young Master, Zhou Xin will definitely be a good husband in the future." Zhou Xin replied with a blushing face, and respectfully left the study, took the pill back to the third floor, and sent it back to the bedroom for collection before going to see his in-laws and his wife's family.

When Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang left the Zhou family, Luo Qi was driving again. The two brothers sat in the back seat with the little loli, and they suffered a lot. It was because of how cruel and inhumane the two bodyguards of the Zhou family were when she was talking with Zhou Shaomi. They drink tea, they can't keep their faces down, and they drink to the point of urgency and frequent urination, how painful it is, in a word, if they suffer, is it a medicinal meal to comfort their little minds?

Le Xiaoxiao's left ear went in and right out, and right ear went in and left ear out. He didn't take the words of the two poor guys at ease. He was tired of hearing it, and hurriedly said, "Next time, don't go to anyone's banquet with me. ” The chattering voices of the two handsome and extraordinary colonels stopped instantly, and the car was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Luo Qi couldn't help laughing until her stomach cramped, and drove silently, sending Little Loli back to the front of Erye Chao's villa.

When Little Loli got out of the car with her feet on the ground, Yan Xing spoke to her cautiously: "Little Loli, what time will you go to the food alley tomorrow? I'll pick you up."

"Around 03:30." Le Yun walked towards the fence gate with a stern face, carrying her bag.

The pink and tender little Loli threw a word, Yan Xing's heart was a little nervous and excited every second, Luo Qi kicked the accelerator and drove wildly, only Liu Shao shouted happily: "Little beauty, we will pick you up tomorrow! "

(End of this chapter)

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