magic eye doctor

Chapter 514 Mind (2 more

Chapter 514 Mind (two more
The little girl said that she wanted to give herself a needle, and Shao Xuan's face turned into a bitter face: "Little beauty, you mean I'm not enlightened?" He is so talented in practice, how could he not be enlightened.

"Important orifices are fully cleared, as long as your sense of taste is not clear, just puncture it a few times." Le Yun picked up the needle cover with a smile and pinched a golden needle.

Xuan Shao wanted to howl a few times, and saw the old three-handed Guanyin staring at him with a half-smile, silently rubbing his head, and sat down to be a good boy.

Xuan Shao showed a child-like expression, Le Yun suppressed a smile, inserted the needle into the side of his nose, and then took the second needle, pierced more than 10 needles in a row, pierced his face into a hedgehog, and then massaged him Acupoints on the head and back of the neck, after about [-] minutes, narrow the needle.

He retrieved his needle, tapped three points on Xuan Shao's chest, and shouted with a smile: "Xuan Shao, now you can go down and entertain the group of guests downstairs."

Xuan Shao stood up, took a deep breath, and felt it quickly, suddenly felt relieved, suddenly overjoyed: "Thank you little beauty, I will go down first, and I will invite you to dinner later."

In a good mood, Xuan Shao left happily, took Xuan downstairs and went back to the restaurant.

Zhou Shao and others were sitting in the restaurant drinking tea, eating fruit, and waiting leisurely. When Xuan Shao went upstairs for about ten minutes, the hotel delivered meals.

Zhou Shao ordered a meal, Ji Shao also ordered a meal, two delivery meals, and the portion was enough. A Fu led the person who delivered the meal into the restaurant. After the meal was set, he closed the restaurant door and went to the back kitchen to help.

The crowd chatted and waited, and when they saw Young Master Xuan go downstairs, they all looked at him with a smile.

Facing Young Master Xuan who was greeted by a scorching gaze, he calmly walked to his seat and sat down: "What are you looking at me for?"

"Look at how handsome you are," Zhou Shao straightened his cuffs and asked casually, "Xuan Shao, satisfy my curiosity, what is the good thing about the pill you and the seniors said?"

"You guys are curious about Biyun Pill," Xuan Shao glanced across the crowd, with a long smile on his lips, "Biyun Pill is one of the many pills in the ancient Xiuxian sect, which is Longevity Pill or Yanshou Pill, a pill The medicine can be exchanged for one Jiazi Yangshou. Ancient cultivators can only take three pills in a lifetime, and the effect will decrease. Taking it for the first time can increase life by 60 years, taking it for the second time can only increase life by 40 years, and taking it for the third time can increase lifespan 20 years of life, and then take it invalid. It is estimated that ordinary people can only bear one-third or one-fourth of the dose, which can prolong the life span of ten to twenty years."

Many people who were waiting to hear the answer were horrified. What kind of heaven-defying thing is it to increase their lifespan by 60 years?Now they also vaguely understood why Senior Ghost Hand gave the sect token to the Immortal Physicians excitedly.

"If it's the Longevity Pill, I've probably heard it from the seniors in my family, but I just heard that the Longevity Pill has been lost in the late Zhu Ming." Zhou Shao regained his composure after being shocked.

"Some of the sects and aristocratic families have lost their hands, which does not mean that they are lost. Some hidden sects have them, just like my family still has half of the ruined recipes. As far as I know, there are several families and sects that also have remnant recipes. "


Jiang Shao and others suddenly realized that the little beauty was a member of the Immortal Doctor's family. If even the Immortal Doctor's family did not have the prescription of the Longevity Pill, it would be truly lost.

Because it was difficult to ask when the senior and the little girl came downstairs, many of them continued to eat melon seeds and chatted friendly.

When Xuan Shao and Xuan went downstairs, Le Yun did not immediately treat the wound on the old man's arm, but still let it dry. She packed up the medical tools she used, and asked casually: "Senior, you said you haven't been to the mainland for 80 years. Why did you come this time?"

"Recently, something inexplicable has been operating in Linhai, and I followed and followed and came to the capital."


"If I'm not mistaken, it's a flying head from abroad. I don't know if someone in our Celestial Dynasty cultivates sorcery or if an overseas monk is hiding in our country."

"Flying Head Landing?" Le Yun frowned. Last time she also encountered Flying Head Landing in Gaoligong. Is there any connection between the two?
"Little girl also knows how to fly head down?"

"I know, I also fought with Feitoujiang, that kind of evil thing should be eliminated, so as not to harm the living beings."

"You little girl actually had a fight with Fei Tou Jiang? Are you not injured?"

"No, I don't have anything to restrain the flying head, I can't help it, and he can't help me, half a catty, nothing."

"It's hard to win if you don't lose."

Le Yun: "..." Does she really look so weak?Think about it too, she meditates and cultivates every day, but there is no sudden and rapid progress.

She waited for the medicine on the old man's arm to be absorbed, and waited seven or eight minutes before applying the medicine to the wound again. After cooling for a few minutes, she applied the medicine again, and then sutured.

The wound is sutured, a layer of ointment is applied, a few pills are crushed and sprinkled on the surface of the ointment, and when it condenses, the gauze is wrapped, the gold needle is retrieved, and ten pills are given to the elderly.

"Senior, pills are used to clean up the poison in the blood, one a day, it is best to wait where you live before taking them. You should be quiet while taking the medicine. When conditions permit, ask someone to help you with acupuncture and moxibustion, which will help the recovery of your right hand. Don't take a sea bath or drink alcohol until it heals."

"Oh, can't drink?" Other things are not a problem, except that it is not suitable to drink. Antman's mouth twitched, he likes to drink a little wine, and he is not allowed to drink, which is really torturous.

"You can't drink it, especially before the detoxification is strictly prohibited. Senior, it's alright, you don't have to show your muscles anymore." Le Yun packed up her medical tools, stuffed it back into her backpack, and then covered the sputum bowl with paper, which was stained with poisonous blood. Please ask Xuanyuan's family to help burn things, not littering.

"Okay." Yiman put on his clothes, hung the backpack on his hand, grabbed his left hand again, lifted the little girl, and happily went downstairs.

"Senior, don't bring this, people are so hard, you still treat them like this."

Le Yun screamed, she helped senior heal her wounds, and he carried her like an eagle catching a chicken.

"My old man likes you, this little girl, to carry you, and I think they are holding hands for those stinky boys."

Yi Manti slipped the little guy in his hand, swayed down the stairs like a breeze, passed by while Xuan Er and the two young people were stunned, floated back to the restaurant, and sat back to his previous position.

Many people watched the old man grab the little girl down again, and they were speechless in their hearts. The old man likes to play with the little girl.

Le Yun was put down, rubbed her neck and shoulders, stood up and walked to the other side of handsome Yan: "Brother Yan, let's change positions, I don't want to sit there."

Yan Xing's eyes overflowed with a smile, he got up and changed his position and moved the big bear away.

"Little girl actually dislikes my old man, stinky boy, who's disciple of yours?" Yi Man glared, stinky boy, dare to change positions, he is bold enough.

"Junior Yan Xing is the master of the ancient Wu Zhongli family, Zhongli Yunling, the second son of Zhongli Yunling, the fourth and fourth son of Zhongli Yu." Yan Xing respectfully reported to the teacher.

"Hey, your kid is actually the direct descendant of Zhongli Yunling? I originally wanted to beat you up, but for the sake of being an old apprentice and grandson, I don't care. Next time I'm better acquainted, I dare to change places with those who want to hide from my old man's house. You can't beat your butt." Yi Man looked at the young man a few times, the boy was handsome, with excellent bones, everything was good, but he was a little ignorant of current affairs.

"Senior, you've been beating me all the time, I'll admit it, if Little Loli wants to change seats with me, I'll still change." Yan Xing sat down and hugged Little Loli's big bear.

"Why, my old man's face is not as big as that of a little girl?"

"You have a bigger face than Little Loli, but Little Loli doesn't like being carried around by people. You're not afraid of her spreading medicine powder, I'm afraid."

"Hehe, forget it, you young people are the most sympathetic to fragrance and jade, and my old man is not a villain." Yi Man glanced at the little girl who was sitting next to him, and saw that she was no longer frowning. Forced the little girl to sit next to her.

The old senior came downstairs, and Master Xuan ordered to pass the dinner.

Xuan Er went to the back kitchen to prepare after the old senior sat down. Hearing that Chuanshan brought someone to serve the dishes, the chefs of the Xuan family will serve all the dishes they are good at.

The meal delivered by the hotel is also divided into several parts, everyone can taste it together, and the snacks packaged by Xin Shao are also divided into several parts.All the dishes were served, and the Xuan family chef also gave the little girl a separate serving of stewed vermicelli with pork as a meal.

With delicious pork stewed vermicelli, Le Yun is enough for everything. After the meal, I enjoyed it very much. I opened my belly to eat until my belly swelled up, wiped my mouth with satisfaction, drank the soup, and watched others eat.

Remove dishes and bowls after meals, and serve fruit and refreshments for digestion.

At the hospitality of the Xuan family, everyone ate happily, drinking tea and chatting.

After sitting for about half an hour, Le Yun took out a bag from her backpack, opened it, and handed the thing wrapped in the paper to Shao Xuan to see: "Xuan Shao, you have a lot of knowledge, help me to see this hidden weapon, Can you see where it came from, don't touch the blade, the blade is poisonous."

The ancient martial arts families were slightly startled. The purpose of the little girl coming to Sanweixuan was to find Xuan Shao's help to see the hidden weapon?

Xuan Yi bent over to help the little girl put the hidden weapon on the table and held it together with the paper, at least in front of the Lord, a small three-edged dart knife and a plum blossom steel needle.

Yan Xing felt very uncomfortable. Little Loli never mentioned the hidden weapon after she went back to school.

Xuan Shao carefully observed the two hidden weapons, picked them up to study the details carefully, and shook his head slightly disappointedly: "Little beauty, these two hidden weapons are very common, basically every ancient martial family or sect can use them, and the hidden weapons are also used. There is no special mark, so it is difficult to find out. Where did the little beauty get this hidden weapon?"

"I went to Xiaowutai at the end of March and was assassinated by an ancient cultivator all day and night. I brought back a few hidden weapons." Le Yun said calmly about the origin of the hidden weapons.

"Little beauty, you were assassinated by a cultivator?"

"Little beauty, are you injured?"

"Little beauty, can you see the face?"

Jiang Shaoji and the others are turning around in seconds. Someone assassinated the Xianyimen. Did she rescue someone and hurt others' affairs, so she was hated by others?

"I didn't get any injuries. It was the guy who was injured. That guy poisoned me, sprinkled hidden weapons, and chopped down my tent in the middle of the night, so I couldn't sleep. I also gave him some medicine. , catch the man alive and clean it up, he reported to his family that he was a disciple of the Tang Sect, I don't know the truth, I didn't want his life, I gave him some soft tendons to let him reflect, and I changed my place to sleep."

"Tangmen? It's unlikely," Xuan Shao raised his eyebrows slightly: "The hidden weapons of Tangmen disciples all have Tangmen characteristics, and they don't bother to use groceries. Tangmen and the little beauty have no grudges or hatreds, so they should not be assassinated. With the temper of the two generations of the heads of the Tang Clan, if there is any grudge, they will fight for life and death. Little beauty, please leave this matter to me, I will send a letter to ask the young head of the Tang Clan, if anyone in the Tang Clan is invited If you act privately, Tang Sect will definitely give you an explanation."

"There is so much Lao Xuan," Le Yun thanked and continued slowly: "If it is really what a Tang Sect disciple did privately, the Tang Sect head doesn't need to be embarrassed, just tell me who the person is employed by. , I will find someone to settle the account myself, anyway, I have no reason to develop poison, and there is enough reason to make poison now."

"Little girl, you should develop more poisons. Whoever assassinates you will be poisoned to death." The ants are very much in favor of killing those guys who always do shameful things, once and for all, the most trouble-free.

Jiang Shao, Zhou Shao and others twitched the corners of their mouths silently.

Major Xuan wrapped the hidden weapon and handed it over to Xuan Yi for the guards to keep it for collection. After chatting with everyone for more than half an hour, Zhou Shao and others said goodbye, Le Xiao and Yan Shao also drove home.

After sending away many young people, Xuan Shao sent someone to send the old ghost hand to stay in a teahouse. He and Xuan Yi took the residue left by the little beauty to help the senior to heal the wounds and burned them in the stove, washed them, and ate them happily. Pill fell asleep. ,

Zhou Shaoji and others all took their cars home. Lan Qishao walked along the east street to the intersection, got into the waiting vehicle, saw Lan Si, and sighed slightly: "Fourth brother, the difference between a thought is a thousand miles away, and the little girl does not accept it. The Feng family boy pleaded guilty, saying that the Lan family's medical consultation fee tripled, fourth brother, apart from the Feng family boy, do you have any other place to offend the little girl?"

"No." Fourth Young Master Lan was very aggrieved. He didn't do anything, how could he offend the little girl.

"Fourth brother, the little girl may have a lot of lost pill recipes in her hands, and she is also someone who can't be offended. I don't think I want to see you at the moment. You should try to avoid one or two first. I will send a letter to the elders to ask for instructions when I go back. manage."

"...Let's go." Fourth Young Master Lan was even more depressed, and he couldn't blame anyone, so he let the driver drive in anguish.

The Lan family driver started the car and moved away slowly.

Fang Bashao returned to the car waiting for him to see the heir who had been appointed, and rubbed his forehead with a headache: "Second brother, don't look at me, the little girl said that you suffered from an innocent disaster, I guess it may be affected by Lan Shao. If you are wronged, you can only suffer, who told you to have a good relationship with Lan Shao."

"I'm very wronged. The Fourth Young Master Lan and the Feng family kid provoked the little girl. I didn't offend her. Just because I had a deep friendship with Young Master Lan, I was innocently ostracized. I'm more wronged than Dou E."

"Today, a senior from the Guanyin Temple in the South China Sea is here. The little girl wants the phoenix-tailed bamboo from the Guanyin Temple and promises to help refine the longevity pill. The little girl should have the longevity pill in her hand. You must know how important the treasure of the town house is, just because of this, you have to hold back the big grievances, and you can't blame the little girl for being unreasonable."

"I understand." Fang Shao rubbed the back of his head and made a friend to make the Immortal Doctors unhappy. He was offending some kind of immortal, so he was so bad, Yubule didn't complain anymore, and said goodbye to the old man when he returned to Dongfang's house. hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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