magic eye doctor

Chapter 515 Trading

Chapter 515 Trading
Yan Shao took Little Loli to take her back to Erye Chao's house, passing by the snack street on the way, he went to help her pack an Oden, and Little Loli grinned happily while holding the box.

Little Loli was so happy to eat some ordinary snacks, Yan Xing felt warm, drove the car steadily, and chatted with her in a soft voice: "Little Loli, what are you talking about, Dan, is what you said before? The medicine that can prolong my grandma's life by ten years?"

"Did you ask Biyundan?" Le Yun took a sip of the sour vermicelli, her eyebrows and eyes curved into small crescents: "Biyundan is Biyundan, even if you can make Biyundan, your grandmother's age can't bear it. The powerful energy of the pills, I said that the one that can prolong your grandma's life by ten years is another kind of medicine. There are several kinds of medicinal materials that are the same as those of Biyundan, but the medicinal effect is milder and more suitable for ordinary people. Old people in their [-]s and [-]s can also eat it.”

Yan Xing pricked up his ears: "Need those medicinal materials?"

"The main medicines are all rare and rare treasures, and they are hard to find." Le Yun took another mouthful of sour powder, exhaled so spicy, and continued the topic: "One of the main medicines is South Sea Jasper Phoenix-tailed Bamboo, and the age must be 300 years old. More than 300 years old, the main medicine of Biyun Dan is more than 500 years old bamboo coral, [-]-year-old Tai Sui, [-]-year-old iceberg snow ginseng, [-]-year-old ginseng, [-]-year-old insect ginseng from the sand sea, [-]-year-old agarwood ebony, blazing jade ants, and golden eyes Carved blood, the hundred-year-old red snake gall in the East China Sea, and the thousand-year-old clam, find these and then spread them with countless common rare herbs and common medicinal materials. For your grandma and other old people to make life-extending pills, you need bamboo coral or phoenix-tailed bamboo. There are also Tai Sui, ginseng, insect ginseng, jade ants, and old mussels, and the age of medicinal materials is not as strict as that of Biyun Dan."

Yan Xing's ears were so high that he was confused. He knew about ginseng, snake gall, mussel, agarwood, Tai Sui and other medicinal materials, but what the hell is bamboo coral, what ants, what carved blood, and ice mountain ginseng?

It felt like listening to a book from heaven, pursed her lips, and her voice was a little dry: "Little Loli, are you sure the medicinal herbs you are talking about are real?"

"The name sounds very old, but it really exists. I don't know if it is extinct now. Just like the jasper phoenix-tailed bamboo in the hands of the old seniors today, it only grows on the islands of the South China Sea, and the bamboo corals are only found in the sea. There may still be mutants or residual scattered seeds on the human island, fire jade ants in hot desert green areas or uninhabited arid areas, and golden-eyed eagles in African savannah and virgin forests.”

"But, doesn't bamboo bloom and die at most in a hundred years?" Yan Xing felt that he was really ignorant. He had been to the desert and Africa, but he had never heard of such ants.

"Ordinary bamboo usually dies within a hundred years. Jasper Phoenix-tailed bamboo is the longevity star of bamboo. It can normally live for a hundred years. Bamboo that can survive two Jiazi can basically live for three to five hundred years. After 500 years, bamboo is better than steel. It’s still hard. The bamboo in the hands of the old man in the Guanyin Temple is a thousand-year-old bamboo. If you drive a truck over it, it won’t break if the tire blows out.”

"It's so hard, how can it be chopped?"

"Idiots are idiots. Haven't you heard that all things interact with each other, no matter how powerful the world is, there will always be its nemesis. No matter how hard the phoenix-tailed bamboo is, use the stone within ten feet of where the bamboo grows to be polished into a knife or axe. Cutting it down is no different from cutting down a normal tree."

Being scolded for being an idiot, Yan Xing looked at the little loli unhappy, and seeing her pretty face eating snacks, no matter how big the fire could not burn, she simply said stupidly: "Then how to make medicine? It can be cooked. rotten?"

"Ordinary boiled water will not rot, collect three bamboo leaves from the beginning of spring, start summer, start autumn and start winter, or the dew or frost water from the plum tree, and boil it together with the muddy water of the three gold soil, and it will become soft and rotten into pulp in three hours. "

"It looks so troublesome." Yan Xing was sweating silently, can he pretend he didn't ask?The more he asks, the more things he doesn't understand, the more he appears to be ignorant.

"If you want to have results that go against the laws of nature, you have to put in sweat and effort beyond your imagination. It's fair."

Le Yun eats her own snacks numbly. Oden has a lot of ingredients, which are so delicious. She also thinks about it when she has time. She also makes some delicious snacks to try when she has nothing to do.

Yan Xing looked ahead, well, he should still be a beautiful man who drives quietly. Regarding medicine, especially ancient medicine, he should not explore, lest he become a fool who knows nothing. White.

He drove for a while, and Little Loli finished off a bowl of snacks. Satisfied, she wiped her red-hot little mouth, and suddenly said, "Brother Yan, the factory that produces special military products belongs to a secret agency, right?"

"Yeah. There are also grades. There are ordinary grades, advanced grades, special grades, and top secret grades." Yan Xing straightened his waist subconsciously, feeling that Little Lolita would not aim at nothing.

"Handsome guy, let's talk about a deal." Le Yun moved around, leaning on the seat in the most comfortable sitting position, with a mystery hidden between her brows and eyes.

"What deal?"

"I need to build a medicine furnace for pharmaceutical use. The formula ratio of raw materials and the manufacturing process are strict. I entrust the furnace to the factory to make it. If the production is successful and meets my requirements, I will use the matching ratio of a certain metal material and the production process. In exchange, the cost of materials and hard work for the furnace must be kept secret by the manufacturer and must not be leaked.”

Yan Xing's heart froze, his waist was straight, and he turned his head slightly: "Little Loli, can you elaborate on the use of the material?"

"I will exchange the process of fusion ratio between steel materials and other materials. If we can strictly follow the requirements, the strength and toughness of the produced alloy materials will have a qualitative leap. Ordinary alloy steel materials can withstand [-] catties of pressure. The performance of alloy steel in terms of compression and bending resistance is at least tripled, and the thickness can be reduced to one-third of the original, which can greatly save raw materials.”

Yan Xing held his breath first, and then slowly adjusted: "Little Loli, wait for my news."

"Remember my preconditions. The furnace must be exchanged only when the furnace produced meets the conditions I am satisfied with. If I cannot be satisfied, I refuse to trade and only pay three times the cost of materials and hard work."


"Because if you don't even have the conditions to make a medicine furnace, it means that the technical level is not mature, and it is useless to hold the formula ratio. Some things succeed and have unimaginable effects, and once they fail, they have devastating destructive power. , the production process of the things I give is super strict, any mistake may lead to failure, most of the failures will expand and explode, and the force of the explosion may flatten the area within tens of thousands of square meters. I don't want to be an indirect killer, some things I'd rather never be born than let it pass from my hands lightly."

The hot gaze from the left fell on her body, and Le Yun turned her head to look over: "Zhou what? I'll tell you that I know some very mysterious things. I don't want to say that no one can dig it out. It's okay to find someone to hypnotize me. It won't work."

"Look at you beautiful." Yan Xing was stared at, pretending to look away casually to hide the shock in his heart, and said silently: "When will you ask me for the picture and materials of the medicine stove, I will find someone to help you. Make the medicine furnace, and the rest... we will talk about it when the medicine furnace is ready."

"The drawing will be given to you in a few days. You can first notify the factory to prepare one or two tons of red copper, remember that it is the purest red copper, and also pure gold, pure magnesium, pure chromium, dull titanium, pearl and agate. It takes several sets of medicine furnaces, and the red copper is forged more than [-] times before it can be melted in the boiler."

"Well, I see."

Yan Xing didn't break the casserole and asked to the end, he drove quietly, secretly thinking about how to report to the top, took a circle, returned to Erye Chao's villa, saw Little Loli getting out of the car, and asked in a warm voice: "Little Luo Li, when are you going back to school tomorrow? I'll drop by to pick you up."

"I still have something to play for a few days, you just go back by yourself." Unbuttoning the safety buckle, holding a big white bear Le Yun, after thinking about it, he turned back: "Handsome guy, it's late April, the elm tree in your garrison department. It should also bloom, ask your brothers to help pick elm money in your private time, vacuum packing, and ask your uncles to find a way to keep it in the refrigerator. I need elm money when I make medicine, at least about ten catties of fresh elm money, and firewood and elm money. Charcoal should also be prepared as early as possible, and the amount may be more than double that of last year."

"Well, I remember." Yan Xing's brows lit up, and Little Loli asked them to pick up the elm money. He had another reason to stay in the garrison and not go to school.

Entrusting the handsome guy Yan Yu with money, Le Yun stopped being too long-winded, got off the car with the big bear, and went into the yard to go up to the second floor.

Mrs. Li and Mrs. Zhang, their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went home after dinner, and Li Shao and others also had to go back to school. The beautiful boy drove Brother Xiao and the second sister in a car. They sent their grandmother back to school first, and Shao Li accompanied them.

The children and relatives were gone, the Chao family consisted of Sanjun and his wife, the old man and the old lady. When she saw Xiaofan Tuanzi came back with a big bear, the old lady laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up again: "Little Tuanzi, you don't like cloth. Baby, why did you buy another one?"

"I didn't buy this, it was given to me by a very cute child. I don't like rag dolls very much, so I had to accept it." Le Yun hugged the big white bear who was standing up close to her shoulders. She was very speechless. Handsome Yan gave her to her. She hadn't moved back to school yet. She got another one today. Yes, she decided to let the second uncle Chao go.

The old man Chao was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, Le Yun stuffed the big white bear into Grandma Chao, rushed to the second uncle Chao and the second uncle, hugged the second aunt's arm and betrayed: "Second aunt, can I ask the second uncle to do me a favor? what?"

"Oh, how can Xiao Danzi ask me for help and act like a spoiled child to your second aunt?" Chao Shengan smiled, but Xiaofan Danzi wanted to ask him for help but went to his wife to discuss it.

"Because the second uncle is outside the master, the second aunt is inside the master, and the second aunt is the treasurer. The matter I want to ask the second uncle to help is linked to money, of course, I have to please the second aunt."

"Our little dumplings don't need to please me. I will also lend money where money is needed. Tell me, how much is it?" Mrs. Chao Er hugged the soft and fragrant cute baby and rubbed her head lovingly. The little guy has ten Hundreds of millions of huge sums of money are still looking for help from the elders, and what to do must be a big deal.

"I would like to ask my second uncle to help you withdraw about 3000 million yuan in cash from the bank. You need to use your money first, and I will transfer it to you from the bank several times in three to five months. Is it possible?"

Xiaofentuanzi blinked her big watery eyes, and she looked so cute, not to mention 3000 million, but three or several hundred million. If the Chao family didn’t have it themselves, they would find someone to borrow it, so there’s no need for Mr. Chao. When he opened his mouth, the old man answered "yes" first.

"Yes, yes, of course." Chao Sheng'an also nodded hurriedly, moving his big hand to the top of the little guy's head and kneading the head of the little dumpling with his wife: "3000 million is enough?"

"Almost," Le Yun grinned: "I want to buy something for medicine, because it is a rare item, and the other party doesn't want others to know that it was sold to me, and I don't want others to know that I bought his stuff, so Pay in cash, the current negotiating price is 700 million, if it is not enough by then, I will ask a friend to help me in first, and I will transfer the money to my friend later.”

"When will the little dumpling use the money?"

"My friend accompanies the owner to Beijing about three or two days before May [-]st. I'll come back next week to pick up the money to go to school, and my second uncle will help me withdraw cash before the next weekend."

"No problem, I'll make an appointment with the bank tomorrow, and I'll be able to withdraw cash on Friday."

"Second uncle is the best."

"Is the second aunt bad?"

"Isn't grandma bad..."

Four couples, two old, six middle-aged, played with the little powder dumplings and had a great time. The family sat happily until eleven o'clock and went to bed on time.

Le Yun returned to her private room on the second floor, jumped back to her one-acre land with a backpack, and immediately took out the thousand-year-old jasper phoenix-tailed bamboo in the backpack, because the owner of the bamboo is an old-timer, she was afraid of hiding things back. In the space, he couldn't feel the smell of bamboo, so she didn't dare to transfer the bamboo into the space.

The little fox was sleeping on the tree and sensed the return of the little human girl. She sat up lazily, looked down from above, saw that the little girl was holding something glowing in her hand, grabbed the little black monkey and jumped down the tree, jumping to the little one. On the girl's shoulder, he placed the little monkey on top of the little girl's head. He stared at the bamboo and drooled: "Little girl, this is delicious, can you give me two bites?"

"This is someone else's token, put it here for the time being, and I have to return it then. It must not be eaten. If you dare to be greedy, I will dissect you." Le Yun angrily grabbed the little fox, ravaged his head, and touched his belly. , Bullying and playing as much as you like.

"You say you can't eat anything you take back, so what can you eat?" Being grabbed, rubbed and scratched by the little human girl, the little fox held his paws to his morals, and he could touch other places, just the place where men were not allowed to touch. Yo.

"You can eat plants that don't need to be used as seeds in the medicine field, you can eat fruits, and you can also eat your meat."

"Don't, this fox's meat is not delicious, don't eat this fox." The little human girl showed a treacherous smile, the little fox jumped away, jumped up again, grabbed the little black monkey and fled back to the dragon's blood tree Come on, he'd better sleep, the little girl is a little devil, she can't be provoked.

To scare away the little fox, Le Xiaoxiao smiled and put the phoenix-tailed bamboo in the place where he kept his treasures. He practiced until [-]:[-] a.m. to ponder the pattern of the medicine stove and redo it.

(End of this chapter)

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