magic eye doctor

Chapter 516 Missing Again

Chapter 516 Missing Again
At the entrance of Sanweixuan, he met the young righteous grandson of the Chao family and Young Master Yan. Wang Wenhao touched a soft nail that was neither soft nor hard, and he felt more doubts in his heart. After enjoying a sumptuous dinner with Wang Xihua of Qingda, he went to the night market.

The two walked around late before taking the subway back to school. It was already 10:30 when they arrived at the subway station near the school. The gentleman sent Wang Xihua back to Qingda University, and he still watched her enter the school before returning to Beijing University.

He had just arrived at the gate of Jingdae and saw Shao Shao's car parked on the side of the road. He wanted to get closer, but the car over there had started slowly and turned into the main road. He also let him see the person who got out of the car, it was Shao Shao. Xiao Shao, the hairy buddy.

Both belong to the powerful family in Beijing, Shao Shao and Xiao Shao often meet each other, and Xiao Shao is a student at Qingda University, and he is also his senior, so naturally he will not admit his mistake.

Seeing Shao Shao walking like the wind with a backpack, Wang Wenhao chased after him in three steps and stopped Xiao Shao: "Xiao Shao, are you going back to school today?"

Hearing someone talking to her, Xiao Junyi looked over and saw Young Master Wang Jiahao walking over, with a formulaic smile on her fleshy face: "It's Young Master Hao, you will also go back to school today. "

"Tomorrow morning shift Gao Feng is easy to block, less people at night, relax." Xiao Shao guarded his bag, Wang Wenhao looked curiously: "Xiao Shao, what good things are you bringing with you?"

Hao Shao asked about the bag he was carrying, and Xiao Junyi held it in his arms: "Sister Xiao Chao made something delicious, and Grandma Chao packed it for me. Don't look at me, will I treat you?" Braised pork. , toasted bread, dumplings, they are all his, and no one wants to share his delicacies.

The corners of Hao Shao's eyes twitched: "Don't worry, I won't share with you." After a pause, he pretended to be curious and asked: "Xiao Shao, you are very familiar with Miss Le, do you have a lot of girls in school? Lots of friends?"

"Hehe, how many friends does Little Loli have?" Xiao Junyi's eyes flashed brightly: "Little Lolita is cute and smart, and boys who want to be friends with her can line up from the school to the school gate. ."

"Little girl Le must have such a close friend." Hao Shao's tone was full of envy.

"How can you be a little Lolita that anyone can make friends with? Cute little Lolita's best classmates are the boys in her professional class and the boys in the same military training class. Even her classmates only meet for a semester. A few times with her, other people don't have to think about her, and sometimes you can't find her when you go through the school."

"Could it be that Le Xiao's classmates don't have good female classmates?" Hao Shao was extremely surprised. The Chao family's righteous granddaughter only has good male classmates, but no female friends?

"No." Xiao Junyi smiled and blinked her bright little eyes: "Little Loli is three or four years younger than all the girls, she is white and tender, and her mind is smart. The girls are jealous of her in their hearts, and they want to be friends with Little Loli and use her as a stepping stone to climb high branches. Little Loli's heart is like a mirror, and you can tell who is sincere and false after a few face-to-face encounters. Keep it at a distance, and won't be friends with a scheming bitch who dresses up as a lady in a white lotus dress, so well, Little Loli still doesn't have any good girl friends. She only gets along well with the boys in her class and the boys in the military training class. Those boys are also very good. Love the little loli."

Hao Shao was slightly startled, the Chao family's little righteous grandson didn't even have a good girl friend?So where do people who say they are good friends with little girls get their confidence?

He wanted to ask Wang Xihua's relationship with Le Xiao's classmate, but he couldn't ask clearly, so he could only change the subject: "I met a little girl in Gourmet Hutong today. She is with Yan Shao and a group of young people."

"Oh, those people are friends that Xiao Luoli knew. I went to Chao Dong's house on the day of Chao's tea party, and I was entertained by Xiao Chao, Da Li, and Xiao Shishi. Oh, Hao Shao, you treat Xiao Luoli like this. Interested, don't you covet the little loli too? Let me tell you, I will beat up anyone who dares to think about the underage little loli."

"Don't, Young Master Xiao, you have misunderstood, how dare I think about the little girl, it's because my fathers want to invite the little girl to be a guest at home, and I don't know the situation at Qingda, nor do I know the little classmate. How many friends do you have, so I asked, let’s find out first and decide whether to invite classmate Le Xiao to invite her friends to have a company with her.”

"As long as you don't have any bad intentions..."

Hao Shao repeatedly assured that he had no bad intentions, Xiao Shao was satisfied, holding his bag, smiling and chatting with Hao Shao as they walked, to the dormitory area, the two parted ways.

After separating from Shao Shao, Hao Shao went straight back to the dormitory, packed his clothes and was about to take a shower, when he received a message on WeChat, it was a message from a beautiful girl from Qing Dawang Department, asking him if he had returned to school, he grabbed his phone and stood quietly In one, two, two minutes, he returned the message saying that he had just arrived in the dormitory, and then went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, washing clothes to dry, and then going back to the shop to look at her phone, Wang Xiehua sent back several messages, euphemistically saying that she had a good time shopping.

Wang Ziyan returned to the Qingda dormitory to put away her belongings, found out what to change, and was not in a hurry to take a shower.

She sent another message and the other party didn't reply. She sent another message and still didn't reply. She guessed that Shao Shao was talking to his roommates or had something to do. I went to take a shower without waiting for the message.

When I came back, there was still no information. Wang Ziyan could only sleep first.

The Yanxing that sent Little Loli back to Erye Chao's house, saw her back and entered the second floor before starting the car. On the way back to the garrison, he pondered while driving, repeatedly beating the belly, how to write a report.

While thinking about things, he drove slowly. On the way, he went to eat Oden, which Little Loli likes to eat, and packed a copy for his teammates who accompanied Jin Twenty-two in the medical building. It was almost early morning when he returned to the garrison.

Chi [-] and Shen [-], who were accompanying Jin, fell asleep. When they saw the captain, they got up to eat supper again. The three foodies were eating hard, and Mei Mei rubbed a meal and fell asleep.

Yan Shao held the computer to write the report, wrote it and deleted it, deleted it and wrote it again and again, over and over a dozen times, until four o'clock in the morning, a relatively satisfactory report, and meditated.

Many people didn't sleep well that night, especially many of the older generation of the ancient martial arts families who had young descendants in Beijing, who had been sitting for almost the whole night.

The light sends the night away, the day comes, and people usher in a lively day.

Yiman, who stayed at Xuan's house for one night, went to Sanweixuan for breakfast early in the morning, and left as quietly as when he came, huddled in a sea of ​​people, even if they met in a sea of ​​people, no one would think that he was a hundred miles away. Extraordinary people.

Thinking about modifying the Le Yun of Bansu's drawings, I went downstairs to have breakfast on time in the morning. After the meal, the old man and the old lady went home, Chao Jia Sanjun and his wife also went to work, and the little student Le waited until 07:30 to pack his luggage and carry a big backpack. After leaving the villa, he took a taxi outside and went straight to his goal.

Nearing eight o'clock, the streets and lanes of Kyoto are full of traffic.

The taxi driver drove away, passed several traffic lights, and looked in the rearview mirror: "Little girl, I have a question for you."

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Le Yun sat in the back seat and asked with a smile.

"A car has been following you since you got in the car. Is that the bodyguard you hired at home?" The driver looked at a car behind him from the side mirror, feeling very strange.

"Uncle, just don't know." Le Yun is super calm, and she has even used an upright follow-up these days. Is it because they are bold or she looks really weak.

"Little girl, do you have a throne to continue in your family?" the taxi driver joked.

"There is no throne to inherit, but there is a lot of small property." She has billions of dollars on hand, which is a lot of money, right?

Driver: "..." How can there be such an honest child?
The little girl said that she didn't need to worry about the car following her, so the driver didn't deliberately dump it, and drove the car around for more than two minutes to reach the Shangfang Forest Park in the west of Beijing.

Just buy a ticket outside the park to enter the scenic spot, because to send the little girl to where she wants to go, the taxi also enters the scenic spot, and the ticket is also required.

There are hot springs in the park above, and spring is the best season for traveling, and there are many tourists.

The little girl didn't go to several famous scenic spots. The driver followed her directions and sent her to a nearby village to the end. After taking the fare, she went to the scenic spot to see if she could attract passengers. .

After Yan Shao finished writing the report, he meditated until dawn. The first thing he did was to use his mobile phone to check the mobile phone signal of Little Loli. Yesterday, Little Loli said that she would play for a few days before returning to school, and she did not know what she was going to do.

The satellite signal tracking showed that Little Loli was still at Erye Chao's house, indicating that Little Loli did not sneak away in the middle of the night. He thought that it might be possible that Little Loli would stay at Erye Chao's house to make medicated meals or make medicine, and there was natural gas in Chao's house. It is more convenient than using electricity at school.

After completing the first thing in the morning, he washed his face and brushed his teeth, went out to exercise with his teammates, had breakfast, and then when the whole battalion was training, he went to the brigade commander with the report, and then went to the No. [-] boss Commander Liu with the brigade commander. More than an hour of secret chat.

Coming out of Commander Liu's office, Brigadier Huang patted Yan Qingqing's shoulder: "Good boy, you have been bringing good news to the soldiers since you met the little girl, keep working hard."

Yan Xing, who received a heavy slap, stood still and said, "Boss Brigade, what happened to that veteran?"

"Hey, no one told you? The veteran was sober two days after taking the medicine. He was in good spirits on the third day. He went back. I heard that his health gradually improved after returning home. He can walk and move normally, speak clearly and talk to him. Not sick."

Yan Xing sighed slightly and stopped asking. He went back to the brigade department to the medical building and took the mobile phone to check the whereabouts of Little Loli, researched what she was doing, and found that she was turned off again!
Where did the little loli go?

Wondering if Little Loli was out of battery or if she deliberately turned it off, he put away his phone silently and drove downstairs to see if the elm trees in the military district were blooming.

(End of this chapter)

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