magic eye doctor

Chapter 552 Ready to Dig Cordyceps

Chapter 552 Ready to Dig Cordyceps

There is a certain time difference between Z province and the capital due to its geographical location. It is about an hour or two later than the capital at night. Therefore, it is generally only [-], [-], or [-] o'clock in the morning, and it is dark until [-], [-] in the evening.

In May, it is about seven o'clock in the morning, and in winter, it will be eight or nine o'clock.

Although it was a little later than the mainland, Le Yun's body clock was regular. She woke up at five in the morning, went back to the space to meditate, and took care of the crops before leaving the space. It was still dark, so she had to lie down and wait.

The biological clocks of Yan Shao and the He family brothers are also on time. They wake up from 06 to 30 o'clock. They all lie down for a while, and get up at [-]:[-] to go to the toilet. Then He Mingjun and He Zhizhi and the brothers burn the fire to boil water.

Before the water boiled, Dawa and his sons and daughters-in-law also got up one after another. Dawa went to the scripture hall to recite sutras, Quzhen Dolma was in charge of cooking, and Sang Mu went to take care of the sheep and cows at home, milking the goats, cleaning, feeding water and grass.

Le Yun and other masters got up and then got up, ran to the toilet first, turned back to the second floor, moved to a bench and sat by the fire to watch He Xiaosan's aunt make breakfast with great interest. She likes Tibetan supplies the most, such as copper and silver pots , especially characteristic.

In order to entertain guests, the breakfast is very rich, and it is also the most original Tibetan breakfast. There are Tibetan buns, naan, cheese, tsampa, butter tea, the offal of the sheep killed yesterday, blood sausage, and air-dried beef.

Everyone sat around eating breakfast, each with a wooden bowl, and they could eat tsampa.

It was the first time to eat a breakfast with ethnic characteristics. He Xiaowu mixed tsampa with butter tea and kneaded it into small dumplings to eat. Not to mention, the taste was really good, sweet and soft and crispy.

The little girl eats happily, stretches out her spring onion-like jade fingers and happily kneads tsampa, eats blood sausage, and eats cheese. The bright smile on her face is like the sunlight on the snow-capped peak of the sacred mountain. Gongzhen Dolma and Sangmu watch very happy.

Yan Xing sat on the side of the male guests and looked at the smiling face of the little loli on the opposite side. She was very surprised. The little loli seemed to find fun wherever she went. Her strong adaptability can only be described as "perverted". .

He Mingsheng and He Mingtao have never eaten Tibetan meals a few times, so he is not used to it. However, the grandmother's warm hospitality requires you to accept goodwill, eating naan and Tibetan cheese, air-dried beef, and drinking butter tea.

After breakfast, after taking a rest, he packed his bags and went to camp at the place where the cordyceps were dug. He Mingjun went to pick up the team on the road so that they could take them to the camping place.

There are also many people in the village who pack their luggage and go to camp. Cini and Wangdui also carry their luggage and load the car. The sun does not appear until nine o'clock, and those who pack their luggage set off.

Many villagers use yak and camel goods, and some use carts to pull things. The team is mighty and spectacular.

Province Z is vast and sparsely populated. Some villages have several hundred miles of land. Dawa’s village also has a lot of land, with a radius of more than 200 miles. The Cordyceps area is about 20 miles away from the village. It is a natural mud road, and then walk to the road to the natural pasture area. The alpine meadow under several mountains is the place to camp every year.

The campsite was chosen very well. There is a river that twists and turns between the snow-capped mountains. The terrain is flat, and cars can come and go.The place is wide enough, and you don't have to worry about not having a place to camp.

Some people in the village had already set up their tents two days ago, some tents were far apart, and some were relatively close.

When they got there, each family dispersed in their preferred direction.

The He family brothers followed the uncles of Xiao Shishi, stopped at a place they liked, packed up and got off the car, and set up a tent. The tents of the two brothers Cini and Wangdui were tied together.

The He family brothers had two tents, both of which were beautiful white felt tents. Yan Xing and the brothers set up camp. He Xiaowu saw the little beauty carrying a small backpack bored and chewing on grass roots, and ran over to accompany her. She said a few words, and he quietly approached: "Little Loli, do you want to ride a yak?"

"Can you ride a yak?" Le Yun jumped up, her eyes full of stars.

"Okay, the yak at Uncle Cijie's house is idle. If you want to ride it, let's go and experience it." He Mingzhi pointed to a white-haired cow in the distance and showed it to Little Loli. The yak looked like a sheep from a distance. Wearing a saddle cloth, the village chief came on a yak.

"Let's go." Le Yun saw that the yak's eyes were shining, and she spread her feet and rushed.

He Mingzhi greeted the uncle of the village chief in Tibetan, and accompanied the little beauty to run to the yak. ​​The village chief was setting up a tent when he heard Dawa's grandson shouting and responding with a smile. Many villagers also heard it and looked at him with a smile. Little guests from afar.

He Xiaowu accompanied Little Loli to the vicinity of the yak and grabbed the reins of the yak. ​​Tibetan cattle never wear nose rings, they put on bridles and saddles to be able to comel and ride. Of course, it means taming Those who are cooked and those who are not tame may be hit by the horns or fly to the top.

He Xiaowu held the cow, Le Yun jumped to the side of the yak, patted the cow on the shoulder, turned over and climbed onto the cow's back with a smile, sat firmly, and was so happy that she could not see her eyes. Lejia also had cows before. , she could climb on the back of the cow and sit on it. Later, because her grandfather passed away, no one cared about the cow, so Grandpa Zhou Man bought the cow and raised it, and it still exists today.

The little beauty leaped on the cow's back lightly, He Mingzhi was a little dumbfounded, her posture was so handsome, and she was more agile than him. Could the little beauty be the legendary know-it-all?
After confirming that the little loli was sitting firmly, he led the cow and walked slowly. The little girl on the cow's back smiled brightly and walked about a hundred meters. The little loli stopped, turned over and jumped off the cow's back.

"Little beauty, what's the matter, are you uncomfortable with the waves?" He Mingzhi quickly released the reins and ran to Little Loli's side to ask.

"No, the cow is tired and needs to rest." Le Yun patted the cow's head and hopped briskly on the meadow. In May, the plateau grasslands were green and yellow, with withered grass and budding buds. Desolation and vitality coexist , just as the climate and climate of Z province are as contradictory and mutually inclusive.

"How does the little beauty know it's tired?" He Mingzhi accompanies Little Loli to the camp.

"I'm a medical student. Whether it's a human or an animal, there are signs of exhaustion and illness. Look, listen, and smell it."

"Little beauty, my her health index good?" He Mingzhi hesitated and asked in a low voice. The little beauty doctor didn't say anything. He felt that his grandmother's health was not as good as before.

"It's better than the eldest old lady in your family, but not as good as the third old lady in your family. She has a peaceful mind, a wide heart and a fat body. If it only refers to her body, if there are no accidents, there will be no danger in front of her for a year and a half."

He Mingzhi frowned slightly. The little beauty meant that their grandmother's health was not too optimistic, because she was talking about a year and a half, not three or five years.

Because the grandmother's health is still on the shoulders of the little loli, he can't immediately ask the little loli to help the grandmother with diagnosis and treatment. After all, he is at the grandmother's house now. If he asks her for help now, it always feels very inappropriate, so he decided to wait for returning to Beijing. Then find time to talk to the little loli about grandma's health problems.

In order to prove that he was not an idler, He Xiaoliu helped his brothers move things and set up a tent. When he saw Brother Fifteen playing with Little Loli, he would be jealous, but he could only be jealous. Who told him to not understand Tibetan .

Classmate Le Xiao jumped back to the camp to watch the handsome guys work in an orderly manner.

The tents are too big, so it takes a lot of time to put them up. It took several handsome guys 10 minutes to put the two tents firmly on the ground, spread tarpaulins, soft mats, and carpet cloth inside. There is a stove for burning cow dung in each tent, as well as pots and stainless steel pots for boiling water.

There are two tents, one is for the people who buy Cordyceps, and the other is for the brothers from the He family to stay with the little loli, set up the camp, and bring a small amount of dry cow dung from the car, first set the fire to warm the tent, Sit and wait for another truck to arrive.

The villagers set up their tents, and some people went back to the village to transport necessary items such as cow dung. The official day of digging for Cordyceps was on the 16th. They will secretly go up the mountain to dig for Cordyceps, because sacrifice activities are held before digging grass, and then the mountain is digging for grass.

He Mingjun received a vehicle carrying supplies on the road and took them to the campsite. They were two hours late, and it was almost noon when they arrived. Everyone was busy moving supplies, including sleeping bags, personal luggage, and some cattle. Manure and smokeless charcoal, mineral water bottled with purified water, pots and pans for cooking, as well as rice and vegetables, dry food and other items.

It was also lunchtime after the items were sorted out. Mrs. Tsini and Mrs. Wangdui made lunch to entertain the guests, and everyone enjoyed the Tibetan feast together.

In the afternoon, He Mingjun and his eighth brother He Mingtao drove back to the village with their uncles to help carry fuel. By half-afternoon, a fuel company also delivered the dried cow dung fuel ordered by the He brothers to the village, and helped transport the fuel to the camp. The place just left.

In the afternoon, the children of the villagers who were away from the village also returned to the village to live in the tents, waiting for the mountains to dig grass tomorrow, including Dawa's grandchildren, two boys and one girl in Tini and three boys in Wangdui. A girl, Pubu also has four children, and Basan has only one son and one daughter.

He Xiaosan and He Xiaowu's old cousins ​​are adults, and they are married, but He Xiaosan is the oldest or only single, and He Xiaowu is still studying, which is another matter.

Two of Dawa's grandchildren joined the army, and two returned to their hometowns after graduating from college or college. Children who didn't go to college at least went to junior high school. It can be said that the Dawa family is also a very prestigious family in the village.

The grandchildren of the Dawa family who received the national salary did not come back to dig Cordyceps. It was the children who were working outside who sometimes went home to dig grass, sometimes they didn’t always return, and sometimes they only dig for a few days.

The grandchildren of the Dawa family did not distinguish who belonged to each other, and they all lived together. Siblings chat, talk and eat.

Le Yun has a good memory, but, facing so many names, and many of them are very similar, she also expressed dizziness. Fortunately, there are children. She plays with them, eats candy, reads textbooks, and guides them in their homework. It is also an honor. received a look of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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