magic eye doctor

Chapter 553 Answer Ditto

Chapter 553 Answer the same as above
On May 5, the mountain was dug for grass.

In the morning, the villagers got up early to eat breakfast, held sacrifices when the sun came out, chanted sutras, circled around the Nima pile made of stones, kowtowed to the mountains and worshipped the gods, thanking the gods for giving them the magical Cordyceps, a series of After the worship, under the order of the village chief, men, women and children rushed to the top of the mountain with tools and necessities.

It is a Tibetan custom that whoever finds the Cordyceps first when digging for grass in the mountains means that they are favored by the gods and will have good luck throughout the year. Everyone wants to be the first to find Cordyceps and run very fast.

The Tibetans rushed out excitedly, like a flying bird. Le Yun didn't move. Looking at the people standing beside her, she looked confused: "Why don't you run?"

"Wait for you." Yan Xing said, "You didn't run, why did we run?"

"You are free, I'm going to the distant hill, and I'm going to run too." Le Yun stretched and rushed out, turning into an eagle on the meadow, swooping into the distance.

Little Loli started running, and Yan Xing also rushed away, like a meteor chasing the moon, followed closely behind.

"Little beauty, Brother Longbao, you are not being kind."

"Little beauty, wait for me."

He Mingzhi and He Mingxin shouted and ran away, chasing the two in front.

The four of them ran away, and He Mingtao was dumbfounded: "My God, what speed?"

"Xiao Ba, calm down, those of you who have high opposition, just stay in the camp, and I will go dig grass." He Mingjun patted his brother on the shoulder and jumped up like a rabbit. rush out.

He Xiaoba and the acquisition staff: "..." What's wrong with those who have high opinions?Isn't it better to be still and not to move for the time being, let alone to climb mountains again?

I muttered in my heart, and I didn't go to join in the fun, I just watched the people digging the grass running farther and farther, those colorful little dots were like the colors of flowers blooming on the meadow.

He Mingjun originally wanted to catch up with Xiaolongbao, but they ran farther and farther, so he had to secretly follow the villagers to climb the mountain to find Cordyceps.

He Mingzhi and He Mingxin are also in excellent physique and fast. However, they are not enough to see before the speed of the little loli with flying legs. They are thrown far away, just like running a marathon and hanging behind to catch up.

Little Loli's speed was really like an arrow, Yan Xing became more and more frightened as she ran, and finally had to show a serious attitude of twelve points in order to keep following and not fall behind.

Le Xiaoxiao spreads his feet, runs happily on the meadow under the mountain, races against the wind, does not need to suppress the speed, it is so refreshing, run and run, run around the mountain for half a circle, and run to the other side of the mountain. Non-stop climbing.

Qu County is a plateau and hilly land. There are no trees on the top of the mountain, only some low shrubs and grasses. There are landslides in some places, and moraine rocks form beaches.

Less than 20 meters up from the meadow, Le Yun squatted down, took out the gloves and put them on, and put the tool for holding the caterpillar fungus in her backpack to her waist. The tool for storing the caterpillar fungus was made by cutting a hole in a Coke bottle. A total of three were made, as well as mineral water bottles.

Equip the tools, take out a small hoe, and swing the hoe toward the grass with dead leaves and remnants, evergreen plants and newly budding grasses. The two hoes are in place, dig out a piece of soil, and pull out a cordyceps. The seedlings are very short, about one centimeter high from the ground.

Yan Xing followed Little Loli and found that she was running and squatting down, and then she dug up a Cordyceps sinensis. Longmu was full of surprise.
"Little Loli, how did you find it?" Because I didn't understand, I was ashamed to ask.

"People who don't have a good sense of smell, don't ask me this question." Le Yun rolled her eyes coolly, stuffed the Cordyceps into a Coke bottle, and backfilled the soil.

The place she backfilled was almost the same as it was, and she didn't damage the lawn, which meant that the damage to the turf was reduced to a minimum.

Yan Xing sighed and moved forward silently to both sides. Just after taking two steps, he was called "stop" by Little Loli. Is it done?
"He Xiaolongbao, let me fall behind, don't destroy my Cordyceps." Le Yun rushed over and pulled out a few leaves that were about to be stepped on by half a foot, so that the seedlings of Cordyceps were exposed and waved. Hoe digs.

Yan Xing: "..." Silently, he did not speak or move his feet, squatted down, opened a pair of titanium alloy-like dragon eyes to search for Cordyceps seedlings.

Three or two hoes loosened the mud, took out the cordyceps, and backfilled the turf. After harvesting the second cordyceps, Le Yun ran to the place less than three steps away, found a cordyceps hidden at the bottom of the leaves, and dug.

Yan Xing was stunned. He searched for a long time and didn't see a single seedling. Little Lolita scratched and found one. It only took a few minutes to harvest eight cordyceps. He watched her dig and watch She put the Cordyceps in different bottles.

When little Lolita dug No.20 cordyceps in less than five square meters, He Xiaoshiwu and He Xiaoshiliu caught up panting. The two brothers saw little Lolita swinging the hoe, Two hoes dug out a piece of caterpillar fungus, and the mouth could not be closed.

Just panting, Little Loli filled the soil back, got up, walked a few steps, and waved her hoe again. He Mingzhi looked at Brother Long Bao, the little beauty who was happily waving his hoe, and asked blankly, "Brother Long Bao, How did the little beauty find Cordyceps?"

"Don't ask me, you go ask Little Loli." Yan Xing gloomily walked along the place where Little Loli had dug Cordyceps, and didn't dare to run around again.

He Xiaoshiliu watched the little girl dug out a piece of caterpillar fungus to fill the soil, then happily ran to another place and squatted down, full of weirdness: "Brother Shiwu, didn't you say that the caterpillar fungus is hard to find? Sometimes you can find it for a long time and far away. Don’t have one?” He felt cheated, seeing the little Lolita digging up the caterpillar fungus in three to five steps, how could it be as difficult as Brother Fifteen said, Brother Fifteen said that if he was lucky, he could dig a hundred or so in a day. 56. In some areas, more than a dozen or twenty are dug a day.

"Yes, if you don't believe me, ask the third brother, ask my uncles." He Mingzhi touched his nose. Little Loli's behavior was beyond his understanding. If you have any questions, please don't ask him, he can't explain it.

"Fifteenth brother, hurry up and look for Cordyceps, I'll find it, and you'll dig it." He Mingxin stared at Little Loli, ran to the side, squatted down, and opened his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes to search for traces of Cordyceps.

He Mingzhi took out a small hoe from his backpack, and squatted down to look for it. He and his third brother, Little Loli, have a grass-digging certificate. Grass caught and killed is not responsible.

Out of the principle of sharing suffering, Yan Xing also bent down to help his younger brothers to find Cordyceps. The three men searched and searched for several minutes. The experienced He Xiaowu found the first Cordyceps and taught Sixteen how to dig it. , let him experience it, and dig out the Cordyceps for Little Sixteen to appreciate.

He Xiaoliu had done enough research, and joined the grass-seeking operation again.

Yan Xing searched for a long time and finally the hard work paid off. He successfully found a small seedling and asked Xiao Shiwu to dig it; He Xiaoliu didn't know whether it was bad luck or bad eyesight, and it took half an hour to find a seedling.

The three brothers work together, but they are not as good as the little girl alone. She squatting here, digging there, going left to right, going around in circles, sometimes looking at one place and changing positions immediately, sometimes in A certain area jumped around and stayed for a long time.

The three handsome guys were stimulated and devoted themselves to the grass-hunting operation with a very serious attitude, so they formed two groups, one was a lone ranger and the other was a group of three. Although they were not together, Major General Yan kept the distance at about 50 meters. The little loli distanced herself too far.

After searching back and forth for a while, the trio also formed a tacit understanding. Yan Shao and He Xiaoliu were specially in charge of looking for grass seedlings, and made a mark when they found them. He Xiaoshifu was mainly responsible for digging.

The hills of the plateau are also mountains. The mountains with high altitudes are covered with snow, and the temperature on the mountains is also low. In the morning, you need to wear a down jacket. When it is almost noon, the sunlight is strong, just like entering summer.

The light is too strong, the three handsome guys all find out the sunshade hat from the backpack and cover it to block the sun. Everyone is carrying a backpack, and they have food, water, and rain gear.

The four of them were happily looking for grass on the other side of the mountain. Near noon, some villagers went around the area to dig grass. They were far apart, and they could occasionally hear voices coming from the other side of the mountain.

The handsome He Jiasan didn't care to observe when others came over the mountain, and he looked for the caterpillar fungus playing peek-a-boo under the leaves in the grass, and gathered for lunch after 12:30 noon.

The four gathered together and sat down to show the results of the battle. The two handsome guys from the He family immediately looked at the harvest of Little Loli. She took off the row of Cordyceps bottles tied to her waist. They could clearly see the situation. She had three Two large and five small bottles, three large coke bottles, one filled two-thirds full, one bottle half full, one filled with some grass roots and a few cordyceps, two mineral water bottles, one filled with some dip There are grass roots with mud, and one contains a cordyceps.

That's right, there is only one cordyceps in a bottle, and that cordyceps lies alone in the bottle, making people feel that it is lonely, empty and cold.

The three handsome guys were too shocked to speak when they saw Little Loli's victory. When they saw the exclusive bottle of Cordyceps, their mouths opened into an O shape. There is only one Cordyceps in that small bottle?"

"That cordyceps is the special cordyceps needed to make medicine for your old birthday mother-in-law." Le Yun showed the fruits of her labor and looked at the harvest of the brothers of the He family. The fruits of the three handsome guys were packed in a large Sprite bottle. , there are about forty.

Looking at the harvest of the three handsome guys and looking at her own results, she silently looked away. She really didn't want to hit those three. When she was digging the caterpillar fungus, she secretly threw about half of the amount into the space and left it outside. There are probably more than 200 of them, that is, at least more than 400 were dug in half a day.

Thanks to her keen sense of smell, she can smell the smell of Cordyceps seedlings, so most of the Cordyceps seedlings dug up are relatively short, and some seedlings burrow out of the soil. Well, the longer the seedlings grow, the less nutrients in Cordyceps.

Hearing that the solitary cordyceps was the medicinal herb that the ancestors needed, the three brothers from the He family became serious in a second, took the small bottle to study, and watched N plus 1 time over and over again. It's that its seedlings are very short, and it probably fell into the hands of the little loli just after breaking out of the ground. Its encounter can only be blamed on its poor fate, and it has been captured heroically without seeing the good scenery when it was born.

"It's no different." He Ming's new cuteness was acting stupid.

"Those who are not ancestral Chinese medicine practitioners should not delve into the issue of medicinal herbs, or you will be shocked to the point of doubting your life." Le Yuncai took off her gloves, took off her backpack, and took out bread to eat, regardless of the eyes of the three He family brothers.

"Then, little beauty, the cordyceps seedlings you dug are very short, and you can't see them when they are covered by leaves. You didn't crawl forward like everyone else and search inch by inch. How do you know exactly where they are?"

After He Mingming finished studying the single herb, he also studied the cordyceps in the other two large bottles. The cordyceps seedlings were all short, and it was rare to have a few long ones.

"The answer is the same as above." Le Xiaoxue coolly bit the bread and chewed the food with his cheeks puffed up.

He Mingzhi touched not too many soft nails, and looked at Brother Long Bao silently. Did Brother Long Bao and Xiao Loli often get along with her and have nothing to say?

"Little beauty, these Cordyceps are separated, do they have different uses?" In order to make the little beauty happy, he decided to show his shameless character and continue to ask for advice humbly.

"You know what else to ask, hurry up to eat dry food, and continue to work when you are full. The three of you can't dig grass and I can't dig alone. You are not embarrassed, but I will be embarrassed to dig more."

A basin of cold water was poured over, and the three brothers were so choked up that they wanted to cry, can you save some face for them?They also want to dig more, but the reality is not strong, what can they do.

The three handsome guys accepted their fate, took out bread to eat, drank butter tea, basked in the sun, rested for half an hour, and once again threw themselves into the grass-digging battle with great enthusiasm.

On this side, the three brothers were trying to find grass after being unwilling to be left behind. On the other side, He Mingjun calmly went to find his uncles. Digging for Cordyceps to find where the uncles are.

Going and looking, after finding where the uncles were, he continued to look for grass. By noon, most of the people were resting, and he also went to meet with the uncles.

Tsini sat down with his brothers and children to prepare for lunch, and saw his nephew came over and asked to sit down together, eat tsampa, eat naan, drink butter tea, and watch everyone's harvest.

The luck of Cini and others was good. Even the children dug up a dozen cordyceps, and He Xiaosan was not bad. He dug up a total of seventeen roots.

After eating the dry food, the grass digging army continued to search for grass all over the ground. When the sun went down, the temperature dropped again, and everyone went down to the tent in twos and threes.

When the villagers returned to the campsite, many people brought the cordyceps directly to the place where the relatives of the Dawa family’s sons set up their tents. They all knew that the relatives of the Dawa family also bought cordyceps by the way.

He Xiaoba and the purchasers sent by the He family took the lockbox with the money into the tent in the middle of the afternoon, set up the table and cloth, and prepared for the purchase. When the villagers came back, they purchased the cordyceps in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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