magic eye doctor

Chapter 559 Seeking a doctor (2

Chapter 559 Seeking a doctor (2
He Xiaoba went to find Xiaolongbao and Xiaoluoli, and ran on the bumpy meadow for more than two miles. From a distance, he saw three dots moving on the meadow in front of him. He was excited as he ran. Called: "Little Beauty, Xiaolongbao Xiaoshishi-"

The two handsome guys from the He family ran after the little loli, the little girl was like a foal, jumping for joy, running for ten miles without panting, He Mingzhi was so tired and sweaty, except for staring at jealousy, it was hard work Not to be left behind, he felt that with this level of training, he would be able to participate in the National Games and win a prize if he did not run for 20 miles.

Le Yun, who was running in front, easily took the lead and ran with her two little tails for training. At her speed, it would be easy to get rid of He Xiaowu. A big mountain, speed and endurance are not bragging, they are real practice.

Yanxing is good in endurance running, and can easily keep up, but Xiao Shishi can't run fast, so he falls behind to accompany Xiao Shiwu to run, lest Xiao Shishi be unable to run due to the excessive psychological pressure of being behind.

The three of them were running a marathon. Yan Shao and He Xiaowu were surprised when they saw someone running in the distance. They thought that someone had dropped something important in the mountains, so they ran back to look for it. It's his own brother, and the two are embarrassed.

"Mynah!" He Mingzhi shouted excitedly in response.

Le Yun has good eyesight. She saw the figure in front of her when a small dot appeared in her field of vision. She got closer, recognized the handsome He Xiaoba, and continued to run calmly. Go on, I'm speechless, what is that handsome uncle doing here?
One person on one side and three people on the other side, both sides were running, and soon a wave of three people ran across a meadow and merged with He Xiaoba.

He Mingtao ran so hard that he was panting. When he stopped, he jumped up and down to avoid leg cramps. Yan Xing trotted around in circles and asked, "Mynah, what are you doing here? Little Loli said in the morning that she would come earlier. Come back, don't rush."

"There is something, there is something in the tent to find the little beauty," He Mingtao said smoothly, and hurriedly said the business: "Little beauty, the granddaughter of the village chief's family suddenly fell ill, and a group of people brought the children to the tent to seek medical treatment, and the third brother asked me to come. Take a look on the road, please go back to the rescue."

"Is there a sick child?" Yan Xing and He Xiaowu showed such an expression. No wonder the starling came in a hurry. It turned out to be urging the little loli to return to the camp quickly.

"I know." Le Yun understood the reason, and jumped up and rushed out. There were patients in the tent waiting for her to go back to see the doctor. Why are you hesitating?

She also knows why Tibetans seek medical treatment from her. Because of the good national policies, many remote villages are connected to electricity, and roads are built in every township. However, since ancient times, Tibetans have asked living Buddhas for treatment when they are sick, and they do not have hospitals or schools. , and later the state supported the Z province, and successively established the infrastructure, and also established schools and hospitals.

However, there are scattered villages in Z province, and hospitals are only available in large cities, county towns, and towns with a large number of residents. Many small towns have no medical clinics.

The village of the He brothers’ grandmother’s family has a correct village committee. It’s still a few hours’ drive from the county seat. It takes hours to go to the doctor if you are sick. Nothing could be more normal.

Le Yun didn't know what the illness of the villagers' children was. Saving people was like putting out a fire. She couldn't be neglected. She took out the speed and ran straight away. As for the He family brothers, it would be fine to let them go back to the camp at the back. They were all adults and were not afraid of getting lost on the road.

The little girl was as powerful as an arrow, and the whistling wind had already gone several meters, and the little back was as fast as a cannonball, and in the blink of an eye, it went dozens of meters.

Little Loli shot into the distance like an arrow from a string, Yan Xing said, "You are behind, I will accompany Little Loli to take a step first", and rushed out with lightning speed.

The two men, one big and one small, galloped away like meteors chasing the moon. He Mingtao and He Mingzhi, who were staring at him, were dumbfounded and looked dumbfounded.

After a long while, there was only a small spot in the field of vision. He Mingtao "ah" closed his mouth that could plug an apple, with a startled expression on his face: "Little fifteen, that was really the little beauty and Xiaolongbao just now?"

As far as he knows, Xiao Longbao is good at running, but can you stop being so perverted?And that little loli, the little doctor is only 15 years old, and she is still half a child. What is her speed?So perverted, it will scare people to death, okay?

In front of the two scuds, Comrade He Xiaoba, who has always considered himself to be an expert in outdoor sports, had his heart cracked into pieces, even with 502 glue, he couldn't stick it together.

"Mynah, don't compare yourself with a little beauty. In addition to the amount of food you eat, comparing with a little beauty will make people doubt your life." He Mingzhi wiped his sweat with a deep sense of taste, and hugged his brother's shoulders very friendly: " Mynah, let's walk slowly, I followed those two flying scuds for more than ten miles in one breath, and my legs became weak."

" ran for more than ten miles in one breath?" He Mingtao's broken heart made a "cha" sound again, and countless cracks were cracked again.

"Yes, I have to chase the little beauty for more than ten miles every morning and night these days. You don't know the speed of the little beauty. She can go over three hills a day by herself, and when digging for Cordyceps, she can take every piece of a hill. Searching all over the place, Brother Longbao and I could only watch her jumping around. Every night when I got back to camp, I had to run ahead of time, otherwise I couldn’t catch up with the little beauty. Today I ran a dozen minutes ahead of schedule. The little beauty fell behind and dug the Cordyceps for a while, but she still overtook me, I only have the tail of the trailer, can you imagine how bitter my heart is."

"Little Fifteen, you have been wronged." A younger brother was also beaten to the point of being broken by Little Loli. He Mingtao's wound was a little better, and he patted the shoulder of Little Fifteen's younger brother to give him the kindest affection. comfort.

Because it was not too far from the tent, the brothers gave up chasing after Little Beauty and Xiao Longbao and trotted back to the camp.

Little Loli ran too fast, her castration was like a gust of wind, and she probably really showed her strength to run, Yan Xing no longer hid and tucked, she showed her real level and chased after her. On the little loli, he can only maintain the speed, he can't even surpass, because if he is faster, the little loli will rush forward with a faster momentum.

Chongchongchong, the two of them rushed like a comet hitting the earth. In the blink of an eye, they flew over the meadow, rushed back to the plateau plain where they camped, and rushed over the place where there were a few scattered tents, and rushed to the tent of the He family.

After rushing to the tent in one breath, Le Yun jumped vigorously to loosen her muscles and bones, and announced her return: "He Xiaoer He Xiaosan, I'm back."

Yan Xing rushed to Little Loli's side, and also trotted and jumped in place to prevent the muscles from being overwhelmed when the strenuous exercise suddenly stopped.

Brothers He Xiaoer and He Xiaosan accompanied the village chief and the villagers, adding butter tea several times, during which the village chief's granddaughter had another attack.

A group of people anxiously waited for the little doctor to come back. When they heard the shout, the He brothers jumped up excitedly: "Little beauty, you are finally back, great!"

The village chief and the villagers also stood up. Everyone was about to look outside the tent, when they saw a girl in blue trotting into the tent. A bottle of Cordyceps, each bottle has a lot of Cordyceps.

Le Yun got into the tent and saw a group of villagers, smiling brightly at everyone: "Uncles, brothers and sisters, sit down, where is the sick child, let me see the child."

"Here, doctor." The young man who was holding his niece quickly responded.

The villagers stepped aside and let the brother holding the child move to a brighter place.

Little Loli entered the tent, and Yan Xing followed suit. He stood beside her and acted as her bodyguard like a steel warrior.

The young man walked out with the child in his arms, and Le Yun looked over. The young man was wearing a traditional robe and a leather hat. The little girl in his arms had a red face, but her face was extremely poor, and her hair was wet with sweat and became sticky. , The hair is not very long, probably just over the neck.

Scanning it with her eyes, she knew where the little girl was sick. The little girl had parasites on her head, and the worms had grown up. It was estimated that the worms wanted to find a partner to mate and reproduce, so she was restless. It was restless. The girl suffers.

Seeing the disease clearly, Le Yun walked over quickly, took the child and laid it flat on the ground, stretched out her hand to touch the pulse of the hand, touched both hands, and looked at the village chief: "The translator helped to translate, preliminary diagnosis, the child is sick in the head, I need to pat the child's head to make sure, hopefully I'll get permission."

"Yes, doctor, you can touch the child's head without our consent." Without waiting for the grandsons of the Dawa family to translate in Tibetan, the village chief's youngest son Qiongda answered in Chinese first.

"Thank you." With a bright smile, Le Yun stretched out her hand to pick up the child, made her face her chest, pulled out the hair behind the child's left-hand side and above the ear, found the place where the insects were parasitic, and looked at it with the naked eye. There was a small blood scar the size of a soy bean.

Insects want to find a mate, so they drill outward. If they drill inward, into the brain, the consequences will be unbearable.

When she found the location of the bug, she knew: "The child's disease is at the head. Fortunately, it was found early and it is not too dangerous. Now do as I ordered. Uncle He will help to make hot water to wash the child's hair."

"Understood." He Mingsheng and He Mingjun immediately went to get the washbasin and poured water from the kettle on the stove.

The village chief's youngest son hurried forward to pick up his little niece, and exchanged a few words in Tibetan with his sister-in-law, the child's mother, Baima. Baima held her daughter in her arms and sat on the ground.

The villagers also sat down and waited to see the little doctor treating the child. The village chief heard that the little granddaughter was not in any danger, and excitedly turned the rosary to recite the Buddha.

He Xiaoer He Xiaosan poured hot water, added cold water to adjust the water to a suitable temperature, and brought it to the child's mother. The child's mother washed the child's hair, and brought a towel and a bag of shampoo.

The child was handed over to the family. Le Yun first went back to the sleeping tent, put down the bottle containing Cordyceps, took out some grass roots and asked Yan Shuai to help him clean it. Medicines, the preparation of the medicines that need to be used.

"Little Loli, you are finally willing to talk to me." Yan Xing was overjoyed when he was called to clean the grass roots: "Little Loli, what did I do wrong in the future, you can tell me directly, okay? Know what's going wrong."

"Long-wind, if you dare to hug and hug you again in the future, I'll kill you." There was someone who still didn't know what was wrong, and Le Yun was so angry that she wanted to kill him with something.

"I hugged you because you refused to leave. I'm not a hooligan." Yan Xing wanted someone to cry, but he hugged Little Lolita once and hated her for days. What's the matter?

"No more chattering, you don't have to go out with me tomorrow."

"No, no, I'm not long-winded, I'll go to work now." Yan Xing immediately confessed, took his own washbasin in the tent and went outside to wash the medicinal herbs and grass roots with cold water. loli.

Le Yun found her own medicine bottle, prepared two medicines, mashed the grass roots with a copper pounding bowl, added another medicine into it and mixed it into herbal medicine, carried a small backpack, took the medicine bowl and a bottle of medicine and went to another tent. Pong.

Baima washed her daughter's hair, dried it with a towel, and held it by the fire to help the child dry it.

Back to the tent with the villagers, Le Yun sat on the ground in a well-lit place, put the medicine bowl and medicine bottle in the most convenient place, took out the jade box containing precious medicinal materials and gold and silver needles from the small backpack, and the scalpel Cover, an empty glass bottle, also prepared gauze and cotton, and took out the tissue.

Pour half a bottle of disinfectant into the glass bottle, get ready, ask the child's mother to bring the child over, hold the child, adjust the position, and look at the young man who understands Chinese: "I need to shave a little hair for the child, I hope you can understand."

Tibetans have many strange customs. It is taboo to touch the head of a child. You can't touch the head without permission, let alone shaving your hair.

"Yes." The young people who knew Chinese nodded in unison.

A group of villagers, nervous and excited, all stood up and lined up in a half circle to see how the little doctor treated the disease.

With the consent of the family, Le Yun was relieved of the pressure in her heart. She first gave the little girl a pill, spread out the scalpel, took out a shiny scalpel, shaved the little girl's hair neatly, and cut the hair around the insect parasite. Scrape away, revealing small scars from bug bites.

Clean out the surgical site, take a cotton swab dipped in disinfectant and apply it to the scar, remove the poison several times, first tap the acupuncture point, open the silver needle cover, take the gold needle and gently poke around the scar, pick up the scar, gently It was exposed a little bit, and I took another gold needle in my hand, and then raised the scar a little bit higher, seeing that, a needle pierced through the body of the worm, and pulled the worm out.

Sitting next to her, Baima watched nervously. When she saw the little doctor pull something out of the child's head, she covered her mouth in surprise and didn't let out a scream.

The bugs were very long, and they left the little girl's head little by little, ranging from about ten millimeters to about one centimeter long, and some were still in the little girl's head. When they were finally picked out, they were about thirteen centimeters long. On the left and right, the diameter is about one and a half thick, and one end is pierced by a gold needle, and the body covered with blood twists and turns.

The worm was pulled out. There was a small hole the size of a soybean in the head of the child, and there was blood stained on the side of the worm when it was pulled out. Such a big hole looks very scary.

The villagers saw the little doctor pick out something movable from the child's head, and hurriedly twisted the beads.

Le Yun put the bugs provoked with silver needles in a small glass bottle filled with disinfectant. The child turned the direction so that the wound was facing downwards, dripped the dirty blood mixed with bug excrement on a paper towel, and squeezed it again. Dayton removed all the blood, disinfected, crushed a pill and sprinkled it on the wound, then applied the outer layer with the herbs he had crushed, wrapped it with gauze, and stuck the gauze with tape to prevent it from falling off.

Bandage the wound and hand the child to the child's mother: "The child's head got into the parasite, and now that the worm has been removed, there will be no more headaches. She needs to rest for a few days before letting her dig the cordyceps. When the child wakes up, tell her not to Grab the gauze on your head, don't get your head wet, and bring your child over tomorrow night to change the dressing."

"Thank you, thank you!" Baima took the child in her arms and thanked her repeatedly. She understands Chinese and doesn't speak fluently, so she seldom speaks.

"Thank you!" The village chief and his family also put their hands on their chests and bowed their thanks to the little doctor.

No matter what nationality, children are the most precious, and so are Tibetans. Tibetans love children and believe that children are given to them by gods. They like them both from their own family and from others. There are many traffickers who kidnap children. But there will never be any Tibetans who kidnap and sell children, that's because of the beliefs they spread.

Therefore, it is better for people to have faith. When faith is lacking, morality will gradually collapse. Apart from interests, there is no trust and affection between people, and everyone becomes selfish and indifferent. That is not our ideal world. Not the world we aspire to.

"You're welcome." Le Yun stood up and hurriedly bowed down in return.

The children are all right, and the village chief's family is also relieved, and the villagers bid farewell to the grandsons of the Dawa family. In the tent, the villagers went home happily.

After sending the Tibetans away, the brothers of the He family slipped into the tent, and diligently asked Little Loli if she needed help.

Le Yun packed up her medical tools and instructed Handsome Yan to burn the blood-stained paper towels and used cotton swabs, then burn the insects to death, and dig a hole for the insect-washing potion.

She herself was not idle, she washed the medical needles and scalpels with disinfectant water, put them on the fire for a while, washed them again, wiped them dry, put them away, washed her hands and face with water, and sat by the fire.

The He family brothers cleaned up the carpet, moved the stove to the center, washed their hands and served dishes on the stove, then moved out of the bench, and ate around the stove, using chicken as a hot pot, and placing duck meat on a steel frame. , eat for a while and then change to mutton and fish, seafood, and vegetables can be eaten as you like.

On Little Loli's birthday, she helped the villagers' children to see a doctor without any scruples, and also gave face to the Shihe family. The brothers of the He family were willing to be cattle and horses, serving her for meals, and helping her wash her face with bath water, just like serving her ancestors. .

The smiles of the handsome guys were so enthusiastic that Le Xiao was horrified. After cleaning up the cordyceps mud, packing and sealing it, he quickly climbed into the sleeping bag, lest the group of people came to ask her what she wanted to eat and what instructions she had.

 Little fairies, happy new year, the new year is coming, I wish everyone and elders good health and no worries, children are obedient and not noisy, have the love and happiness of the other half, get off the single as soon as possible, study successfully, and work hard Wish it all come true, and finally wish all of us a good year in 2018!

(End of this chapter)

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