magic eye doctor

Chapter 560 Home Delivery

Chapter 560 Home Delivery
The evening in the mainland comes earlier than in Province Z. The sun goes down at [-]:[-] p.m. In the coastal areas, it is a little later. When the sun sets at sea level, it is just six o’clock.

The sun was setting on the horizon, and it was time to eat. Tantai Misue went to the restaurant in the sea-view building. The housekeepers had set the food and left, but they didn't know when the mother came back, so she hurriedly bowed her head slightly: "Mom, you are back."

"Yeah." The glamorous young woman sitting at the dining table didn't even move her eyelids, and responded coldly.

Tantai Mixue trotted to the dining table lightly, first serving a small bowl of soup for her mother, then serving her mother's rice, waiting for her mother to take a bite before sitting down and eating.

The glamorous young woman with a pair of phoenix eyes, long hair scattered, wearing a long red dress, ate quietly, without saying a word, and even the chopsticks and bowls did not make a sound.

The dining table was very quiet, so quiet that there was only light breathing and the sound of chewing and swallowing food.

The glamorous young woman only ate a bowl of rice, put down the bowl when she was full, wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, her coquettish and charming face showed no emotion, and even her voice was indifferent: "Is there any news?"

"I just found out the news today that many ancient Xiu sects gathered in Beijing to give gifts to someone, including the Xuan family, Ji family, Hua family, Jiang family, Zhou family, Dongfang, Nalan family, Chen family, Helian family. In person, there are Zhong Lijia, Huo Shi, the Taoist sect messenger, the Zen messenger, and..." Tantai Misue's voice softened, not daring to name the most important messenger.

"Who else?" The glamorous girl said sternly.

Hearing his mother's dissatisfaction, Tantai Mixue's heartstrings tightened, and he replied: "I heard that there are also the envoys of the Nanhai Guanyin Temple and the island owner of Penglai Xiandao."

Hearing the names of Guanyin Hall in the South China Sea and Penglai Immortal Island, the beautiful young woman's slender eyebrows twisted into a line, Yaozhi's face released a cold murderous aura, and she fixed her gaze at the air, and the sternness in Danfeng's eyes became more and more serious. Intense.

After a while, Piao Yuan's gaze was coldly withdrawn, and his voice was cold: "Is there anything else?"

Tantai Mixue didn't dare to speak out with murderous intent on her mother's face. When she heard the question, she answered truthfully, "A few days ago, my aunt had a call, but she didn't say anything, seemed like she was crying."

"I see." The glamorous young woman said, stood up, dragged her long skirt on the ground, walked out of the restaurant lightly, and returned to her secluded room facing the sea and sea view.

The sea view room is luxuriously decorated, like a palace in Southeast Asia, and even the furniture is in the style of Southeast Asia, and everything is resplendent.

Back in the private space, the young woman took out her mobile phone from the golden bedside table, sat on the golden bed and turned it on. The nails painted with red dandruff exuded a crystal luster, and there was an indescribable sense of magic.

She flipped through the mobile phone numbers, found one and dialed it out. What she heard was that the other party had been turned off. Then she looked for another number, and it was still turned off. If she changed it, it was still turned off.

Even after calling three numbers, the phone was turned off. She switched to another number, and finally got through after waiting for the fourth number. When the other party answered, the glamorous young woman said a few words, and there was a whimper from the other side. Standing up, his face turned pale.

Her hand holding the phone was stiff little by little, the phone was pressed close to her ear, she listened to the roars and whimpers coming from the phone, and slowly lowered her head until the other party hung up in a burst of lung-piercing shouts. On the phone, the glamorous young woman slumped down.

Her face was constantly twisted and deformed, showing a very painful expression. After sitting for a long time, she stood up stiffly, opened the four-door wardrobe, and slowly packed her luggage. It took a long time to pack out a few sets of light-colored clothes and a small amount of The necessities of life are packed in the suitcase.

The glamorous young woman did not rest, sitting cross-legged on the ground bed, sitting silently all night, just after dawn, changed her clothes, dragged her suitcase and left the sea-view building, without leaving any words, she traveled alone.

Tantai Mixue got up on time in the morning, packed up and went to the restaurant first, waited for the domestic helpers to prepare the meal, waited ten minutes and did not see her mother, went to her mother's bedroom to invite her mother, knocked on the door and no one answered, gently pushed it away The door, the bedroom was empty, and the mother was not seen when I went to the balcony.

She exited the bedroom and went to the first floor to ask the domestic helper if she had seen her mother. She happened to bump into the steward's mother, and the steward's mother asked, "Miss Xue, is breakfast unpalatable?"

"No, I haven't had breakfast yet. Did you see my mother?"

"Miss Xue, Madam went on a trip early this morning, did Madam not tell you?" The steward's mother was very strange, Miss Xue didn't know that Madam left the seaside villa early in the morning?
"Oh, mother went on a trip again, presumably because I haven't woken up yet, I was afraid that I would catch the early flight without telling me." Tantai Mixue suddenly realized that her mother often said that she would leave, not surprising. .

My mother, who is in charge, also feels normal. Travel is my wife’s favorite. They often leave for ten days and a half months. Sometimes they don’t know when they leave or when they come back.

Knowing that her mother was out, Tantai Misue went back to the restaurant on the second floor for breakfast, and after eating, she went out for a walk.

When Miss Xue from the Tantai family went out for a walk, the practitioners in the ancient martial arts world who had stayed in Beijing and had not left the capital had almost finished their breakfast and went for a walk to digest their food.

The elder of the Zhenghua School did not return to Y South yesterday. He lived in a Taoist temple when he entered the capital. After eating vegetarian meals in the morning, he returned to his room and carried two trailers with luggage bags. The villa area where the second master lives.

The taxi will take the guest to the villa, get the card at the doorman to enter the villa, follow the instructions of the guest to go around the villa area to the outside of the villa designated by the guest, and help the guest to open the trunk and carry the luggage.

The owner of Ayufang paid the fee, waited for the taxi to drive past, and dragged two luggage trailers to the house of the righteous uncle of the little girl from Xianyimen.

The young and old of the Chao family had breakfast in the morning. Chao Yi and Chao San all went to work, and the beautiful boy also went back to school. Miss Chao Er didn’t have any important class that day, so she stayed home to eat preserved eggs. Chao Er and his wife were also lazy and stayed at home. Accompany parents.

After dinner, I sit downstairs for a while to digest food, walk around the cobblestone pavement in a circle around a flowerbed in the yard to massage the soles of my feet. Fang's mother was walking downstairs with the old lady.

When a taxi came to the door, the old and young people on the first floor knew that there was a customer. Miss Chao hurried to open the door. As soon as she ran to the door, she saw the old man in the blue suit who was carrying the luggage and opened the fence door. Ask: "Good morning, who is your relative and friend in our family?"

"The girl must be the righteous sister of Little Girl Le? I am the elder of Yanxing. I was entrusted by Little Girl Le to help carve a few jadeites. It was inconvenient to bring them yesterday, but I will send them here today." Girl, a young girl with a ponytail and red sportswear, bright but delicate, youthful and energetic.

"Yeah, it turns out to be Young Master Yan's elder. You always come in." Chao Yufu hurriedly went to help with the luggage and tow the trailer. He only helped with one car, and dragged it into the hospital without closing the gate.

I heard that they were helping Xiao Lele to deliver things. As soon as the old man Chao and his wife Chao Er and his wife walked to the front of the villa, Fang's mother also hurriedly went to greet the guests who came from afar and helped drag another luggage cart.

The youth of the Chao family were warm and polite, and the owner of Ayufang also followed the local customs, handed the luggage to the owner, walked empty-handed, walked to the host who greeted him, and shook hands with the old man of the Chao family: "I just came here yesterday, and I'm here again today, sorry for the inconvenience. "

"Where is it? It's hard for you to help carve things, and it's too hard for you to deliver it in person." Mr. Chao held the guest's hand and invited the guest to the tea room on the first floor for tea.

Chao Erhu also greeted the guests, and accompanied the guests into the hall with their parents and then went to the small tea room. Chao Erfu and Fang's mother went upstairs to fetch hot water to make tea, and served fruits and dried fruits.

The owner of Ayufang followed the host to the small living room and sat down, and introduced his surname to the host. The old man Chao and Mrs. Chao called the guest "Mr. Hao". The second lady Chao dragged the luggage trailer into the living room and placed it not far from the guest. The last seat is seated.

Mrs. Chao Er and Mrs. Fang went upstairs to the second floor, served tea and dried fruits, and went downstairs to entertain the distinguished guests and have a cup of tea. The owner of Ayufang went to drag the luggage trailer to the front of the guest seat, untied the rope and opened the cardboard box, which had a protective foam layer inside. They were brought out together, opened, and there was something in the foam box, wrapped in a soft cloth.

The owner of Ayufang took out the big tripod, gently placed it on the ground, and untied the soft cloth, revealing a golden round tripod tripod, with a neck, three legs, and ears carved in the shape of a lion's head on the round belly. There is a door in one direction on the stomach of the tripod, and there are ventilation holes in the other three directions.

The tripod has a lid, the lid is in the shape of an inverted dome, with a round pull ring on the top, the bottom and feet of the tripod are inlaid with silver, and the height is more than one meter.

The surface of the golden cauldron is glittering, beautiful and delicate, and there are ropes to tie the cauldron and the lid to prevent the lid from falling off.

"So beautiful!" Chao Yufu couldn't put it down.

The old man and the old lady are also full of praise.

The owner of Ayufang took out a larger tripod, opened another slightly smaller box, and took out a small golden tripod. There is no space in the middle, it is a solid three-legged tripod tripod, and the other shapes are similar to the big tripod. .

Showing the tripod to Chao's family, he lifted the lid of the big tripod, and there was a foam box inside the tripod, and a soft carpet was stuffed around it to prevent the foam box from colliding with the wall of the tripod.

The owner of Ayufang took out the foam boxes one by one. There were several foam boxes. The inside was a wooden box. After opening and unraveling the silk cloth, they showed the Chao family masters. The boxes contained bowls, spoons, chopsticks and jewelry. Golden, beautifully engraved.

The old man and the old lady want to wipe away sweat, Xiao Lele is really a big hand, she actually made something out of Jin Fei, and those collectors in the jade world will probably feel distressed for a long time when they see it.

"The little girl said that the first thing to do is to build the tripod, so I will carve these two large pieces first. In order not to miss the little girl, I will bring these two tripods into Beijing by the way for the little girl, and a few more delicate pieces. The work will probably not be completed until the middle of the month.”

The master of the Chao family had a look at the finished object, and the master of Ayufang packed it again, put the small box into the stomach of the tripod, wrapped it again, put it in a foam box, put it back into the cardboard box, tied it with a rope, and moved it to the set aside.

Chao Er and his wife also helped pack the items, retrieved the cardboard boxes, fetched water for the guests to wash their hands, wiped clean, and sat down to drink tea.

The owner of Ayufang drank tea and resigned to the owner. Erye Chao asked the honored guest with a friendly smile: "Mr. Hao, I wonder if the preserved preserved egg made by our little girl suits your taste?"

The owner of Ayufang's eyes is clear: "The medicated meal made by the little girl is wonderful."

"It suits the old gentleman's taste. If you don't dislike it, I will pack a few, and the old gentleman will bring it home for a drink."

"It's not too bad." The owner of Ayufang smiled away.

Second Master Chao immediately went to another hall, picked up the bag, and opened the small jar that was opened to get the preserved eggs. Yesterday, in order to entertain guests, he almost ate most of the jar of preserved eggs.

He packed more than 30 preserved eggs and carried them to the living room. The guests said that there was a plane at noon, and the Chao family members did not hesitate to keep him, helping to carry the luggage cart, and seeing the guests out of the yard.

The taxi hadn't left yet, and was waiting at the other end. When he saw the guests he had delivered, he left the villa building again and drove to the outside of the villa courtyard.

The owner of Ayu Fang received a bag of preserved eggs in return, and was happier than picking up gold. He put the luggage trailer in the taxi and said goodbye to the owners with the preserved eggs in his arms.

The three-generation taxi that sent the guests to the hospital disappeared without a trace. When they returned to the hospital, they were about to continue their training when they found that another car was approaching, and the young and old simply waited.

Two private cars parked outside Chao Erye's courtyard. The two people who came were the head of the Religious Affairs Management Office, both state officials and laymen. One was Xie Ding, surnamed Zhang, known as Mr. Zhang, and the other was a layman. , surnamed Zhao, known as Zhao Jushi.

The two laymen parked the car on the side of the road and walked towards the house of the second master of the Chao family. When they saw the second master of the Chao family and the old man and the old lady at home, they happily greeted the old and young of the family.

"Jushi Zhang Zhao, what kind of wind is blowing the two of you today, come in quickly." Chao Shengan had dealt with the two laymen and greeted the two visitors.

The two laymen smiled and greeted the old man and the old lady, and followed the masters into the reception room of the elegant hall on the first floor of the villa, where Mama Fang served tea and fruit again.

Accompanying the two laymen to drink a cup of tea, Chao Shengan asked enthusiastically: "The two laymen are here, what are you doing?"

Jushi Zhang and Jushi Zhao looked at each other in dismay, and Jushi Zhao said what he had considered over and over again: "Chao Dong also knows that we are responsible for religious affairs, and our focus is on the activities of Buddhism and Taoism. Recently, some Taoists have come to Beijing and even The Taoist people from Youwan Island heard that they all came to visit Erye Chao’s house yesterday, which made us feel strange, and we came here to ask Chao Dong to ask why the Taoists came to wait for the big event?”

The old man Chao looked at the two guests in surprise, but didn't say anything, Chao Shengan smiled like Amitabha: "You two don't know, yesterday was my third brother's jewel, the youngest girl in our Lao Chao family turned fifteen years old. , according to the ancient etiquette, people of all sects respect the seniors who taught our little girls medical skills, all respect the old and love the young, and come to Lao Chao's house to send congratulations to our little girl. We are also shocked by this. , because I don’t know the etiquette of the rivers and lakes, so the owner of Sanwei Xuan has full authority to help.”

"It turned out that it was the little girl Fangchen yesterday? We are rude." Jushi Zhang suddenly realized, no wonder Secretary Chao and Minister Chao were working normally yesterday, but the Chao family was full of guests, so it was to celebrate the little girl's birthday.

The two were also shocked. Not only did domestic Taoist and Buddhist practitioners come to celebrate the birthday of the Chao family's little righteous grandson, but even the Taoists from Wandao came, which shows how much influence the little girl has.

What they were most puzzled about was what the little girl had done to alarm the Buddhists and Taoists to come to Beijing to celebrate the little girl's birthday in person?Moreover, it seems that the little girl is not at home.

Shocked in their hearts, the two laymen did not show it, and secretly decided to inquire about the situation.

"How dare you spend money on a child's family's birthday. A group of distinguished guests came to the humble house to congratulate our family's children, which makes us elders deeply disturbed."

"Chao Dong is modest, the little girl has excellent medical skills, and is an extraordinary person. It is natural to have a big birthday event, but we are a little reckless, and we have invited a lot of Dong Dong."

"The two laymen are polite, and they should perform their duties in their positions. The two laymen are conscientious and conscientious, and they are role models for my generation."

"Chao Dong Miaozan..."

The two sides were polite and polite. Jushi Zhang and Jushi Zhao found out what he wanted to know, so he didn't want to stay longer and said goodbye. Chao Er and his wife sent the two laymen out of the courtyard, and they returned to the hospital after seeing the luck of their car.

"Chao Er, they manage religious affairs and they manage religious affairs. Why did they come to our house to investigate? If they have any questions, they won't ask the Buddhist and Taoist people?" complained.

The old lady was not too happy either. The Taoist and Buddhist people wanted to come to their house because of the wishes of the guests. If they asked them what the intentions of the guests came to their house, how could they know.

"Grandpa, you're calm, we don't know the common people." Chao Yufu quickly supported his grandparents, Sa Huan, and comforted the unhappy old people's glass hearts.

"Dad, don't pay attention to such trivial matters. It is estimated that yesterday's guests were a little too big, and they had the prestige of raising their arms to respond. They were afraid of gathering the crowd to plot something, such as recommending our little dumplings to be the leader of the alliance. They were afraid of the little dumplings. It was used by others, so I came to ask."

Chao Shengan wanted to scold someone, so if the two of you have any questions, can't you ask him to chat alone?If they have to do this, they will make their old man and old lady unhappy now.

"Pfft, how old are our little dumplings, what kind of alliance leader they can think of." The old lady was delighted, their little fan dumplings are cute and delicate like a small dumpling, how can they go to help the knot when they have nothing to do? What kind of hero of the rivers and lakes is the pie.

"That's right, our little dumpling is still a child who hasn't grown up. Who would think about being the leader of the alliance? The owner of Sanweixuan said that the guests wanted to form a good relationship because of Xiaolele's excellent medical skills. It is also convenient to ask Xiaolele to see a doctor for any incurable diseases."

Chao Yufu also agrees with Grandma's words, Xiaolele is a foodie, so she doesn't have any ambition to dominate the rivers and lakes. What she loves most is to run around the mountains, find rare and exotic herbs to make medicines, and make delicious food.

With my granddaughter at home with me, the old man and the old lady's depression came and went quickly. Not to mention the two laymen, they went for a walk and did aerobic exercise together.

(End of this chapter)

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