magic eye doctor

Chapter 561 Purpose

Chapter 561 Purpose
Chao Erye's house had only begun to have visitors in the morning, and likewise, there were also visitors to the place where Old Man Shan Weng was cleaning.

The old man Shanweng lives in seclusion in the Hermit Valley of Xiaowutai. The Hermit Valley is surrounded by peaks, the outer peaks are stacked with peaks, the interior is beautiful, the spring clouds and mists are misty, the summer green is waves, the autumn is full of golden valleys, and the winter is covered in silver. The four seasons are like scenery. painting.

The Hermit Valley has been a place of cultivation for the hidden people since ancient times. Its reputation is not as loud as Zhongnan Mountain, but it is the favorite place of true hermits who are indifferent to fame and fortune. In today's era of rapid technological advancement, There are dozens of monks living in seclusion in the Hermit Valley.

The residence of the monks is either a natural cave, or a house with grass, or a house with earth, or a wall with stone. .

The place where the old man of Shanweng was repaired was located in a place halfway up the mountain, with three cliffs, and it was also the place where the hermits lived a long time ago. The mountain stream between the mountain peaks in the extraction.

There are four huts in total, with stone walls, mud on the inside, and bark and grass on the top;

Sect Master Qian led the path boy leisurely along the cliff path. Some parts of the path need to bend over to get through, and some places need to stick to stone walls to learn how to walk with geckos. There are several places that are extremely dangerous.

Climbing along the path to the halfway up the mountain, and walking across a dangerous road to the stone house on the mountainside, the old man in green robes stood in front of the house, watching the old and young in blue robes fluttering, and suddenly felt speechless. : "Senior brother, why did you come back again?"

He also felt powerless about his senior brother, who traveled all over the place and came to Xiaowutai to visit him for half a month. A certain little girl sent a congratulatory gift. He thought that his brother would return to the sect after he entered the capital, but he never thought that he would come back to him again.

"Senior brother misses him, so he wants to come back to accompany him for a few days. It's really heartbreaking for him to be so unhappy with his visit." Sect Master Qian embraced the Buddha dust in his arms, swept across the sky like a light cloud, and swept across the sky in front of him.

The little Daoist boy with a big backpack fell behind and walked slowly.

"Senior brother is not thinking about junior brother, there is something else you can't bear to leave." Zhong Liyu lightly flicked his sleeves, turned back to the stone house, took out a small table and long stools and put them on the open space in front of the house, and then went to the place where he went to cook. Come to the small tandoor and teapot, then go get the tea set.

The sun has already shone on the earth, and it can just reach the middle of the mountain. The mountains and trees are green, the sun is warm and bright, and drinking tea in the sun is undoubtedly a beautiful thing in the world.

Sect Master Qian sat down with a slight smile, the little boy walked to the stone house, first saluted his uncle, then brought things into the main room, took out the fruit he carried and washed it, went to the kitchen to put it in a bamboo basket and carried it outside, and sat down by himself. Next, boil water to make tea.

A pair of brothers from the same family sitting in the sun, drinking tea made by Xiaodaotong, leisurely enjoying the sunshine and the wind blowing from the mountains, relaxed and comfortable.

"Senior brother, what are you doing here?" Zhong Liyu didn't believe that his brother was really just here to admire the landscape.

"Junior brother, I went to see He Yi yesterday, but I didn't see my little nephew, nor was he in the capital?"

"Xiao Longbao once said that he will accompany the little girl to go out in search of medicinal herbs in May, presumably to accompany the little girl. Why did you ask your nephew to come, and are you going to give him a gift?"

"Junior brother, you are still so protective of your shortcomings, and you even asked senior brother for a greeting for your apprentice. I am afraid that I will not agree that your apprentice will fail, or I am afraid that my greeting will be too light."

"Senior brother has always been very stingy."

"When did the apprentice snatch it? When the apprentice and nephew come back to greet the apprentice brother, the apprentice brother, who is a senior apprentice, must give him a greeting."

"Senior brother has never been generous. Only this time, He Yi may be more generous to the little girl. After all, being too stingy will lose the face of the sect, not the face of the senior brother alone."

"Senior brother is so insignificant in the eyes of junior brother, I am very sad."

"If your heart is broken, go get the batter."

"Junior brother is still so ruthless, always attacking senior brother me."

"Senior brother, let's get down to business, what else do you have to do when you turn back, let's not talk about it, my family brother and father will come in the afternoon at the latest, and our senior brothers may not have the time to talk about the trivial matters of the sect."

"I guessed that Patriarch Zhongli would come, so the senior brother came to Xiaowutai yesterday, and today he took the lead." The peaceful face of Qian Zongzhu exuded brilliance, and the smile was particularly contented: "I don't have any big business, just come back to live. In a few days, when the little girl returns to Beijing, I hope to meet alone. By the way, I want to say that your brother and I are old, and I want to hand over the position of head to the younger generation. You can also help me to check which disciple is most suitable for the position of head. ."

"Senior brother, what happened to you at the little girl's birthday banquet? So you have to see the little girl?" Zhong Liyu's first thought was that the senior senior brother must be hit, so he decided to leave the position to the younger generation. , he was more at ease.

"I didn't suffer any blows, I just found that the entire hall was full of guests, and the Penglai Immortal Lord was still carrying a big burden like me. The old patriarchs of the other ancient repair families all retired as Qingxiu and were succeeded by the younger generation. How leisurely, senior brother I also want to be an idle cloud wild crane."

"It turns out that the island owner of Penglai Xiandao also came. Penglai Xiandao is isolated from the world, and the island owner personally left the island. It can be seen that Xiandao also attaches great importance to the rebirth of Xianyimen."

"This is natural, just like this sect. This sect has been hidden from the world for a hundred years and has not been involved in the secular world. This time, the sect master also personally came out, which shows the importance of the people of the Immortal Medical Sect."

"Senior brother, what else did you hide? It stands to reason that this sect and Xiandao are one of the most deeply hidden sects and one of the oldest sects. It is enough to send a disciple to send He Yi."

"More than a hundred years ago, the ground was full of wars. Similarly, the monks behind the rivers and lakes were also full of gunpowder. Back then, the domestic and foreign monks fought desperately. Nian Yixiu has another act of breaking the border. It is not predicted that there will be another battle in 30 years. The rebirth of the immortal doctor is like a tiger with wings for the monks of Great China, but it is the biggest obstacle for the Yixiu. The Yixiu must not tolerate her. , I came out this time because I wanted to meet the immortal doctor in person. Firstly, I asked her to be careful to protect herself, and secondly, I also hope that the immortal doctor can refine some pills for the sect, so as to prepare early.

In addition, the younger brother should also have heard that many seniors of the ancient Xiu family died in the great melee a hundred years ago. As far as I know, the husband of the current island owner of Xiandao was cut off in that battle, and there is only one breath left, Xiandao. Using an ice coffin, Immortal Lord Penglai has been looking for medicinal pills, hoping to save her husband.

The island owner of Xiandao came out this time, presumably to invite Xianyimen to see a doctor in Xiandao. I also really want to know if the little girl can bring her back to life, so I have to stay in Beijing and return the little girl. "

"Senior brother, you win, you can stay here as long as you want, and you can stay here as long as you like." The brother said a lot, nothing more than to stay and wait for the little girl to return to Beijing for an appointment.

"Senior brother knows that the younger brother knows the righteousness and won't drive him away." Qian Sect Master happily caressed the elder brother.

Zhong Liyu ignored it directly, he wondered how the master was such a serious and rigorous person back then, how could he receive such a lively disciple from his senior brother, probably because the senior brother was too good at pretending, and behaved like a gentleman in front of others, but in private he was a fool of all kinds to die. .

Xiao Daotong took it as usual for the conversation between the head and the uncle, and made two pots of tea, carried a bucket to the mountain stream to fetch water, came back to water the vegetables, cleaned the kitchen, and cooked before noon.

Lotus authentic is a Confucianism and Taoism, and does not avoid meat and vegetarian food. At noon, the small Taoist boy cooks braised fish, one burns eggplant, and one pot burns a knife.

In the middle of the afternoon, Zhong Li Yunling and Zhong Li Jing, the old masters of Zhong Li's home, each took a personal guard to the stone house halfway up the mountain to visit the master.

At that time, the sun was warm, and the thousand sect masters were lying on the ropes in the stone house to dry the clothes. The robes swayed gently in the wind, as if they were about to fly away. The old man Shanweng was sitting in the open space in front of the house, preparing tea and other family members.

When the Zhong family's father and son climbed the mountainside, Zhong Liyu went to the small intersection to greet him in person, and saluted his father: "Ayu has seen his father and the owner of the house."

Zhong Li Yunling's beard and hair were all white, and when he saw his youngest son, he nodded and said only one word "free".

"Fourth, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have an old temper." Zhong Lijing supported his brother on behalf of his father and patted his shoulder: "You are the most leisurely, so you look younger than your brothers."

Follow the old master and the guards of the master, and greet the fourth master.

Zhong Liyu received the salute from the guards, helped his father with one hand and his brother with the other to go to the stone house.

The thousand sect master floated down, holding the Buddha dust in his hand, and greeted with a smile: "Zhongli old master, I haven't seen you for many years, your beautiful face has not changed, and your majesty is still strong."

"After more than sixty years of goodbye, Sect Master Qian will be safe?" Zhong Li Yunling bowed his hands in return. Sect Master Qian is the master of the ancient sect. Compared with the ancient Xiu family, it is not a little bit more famous, even if his youngest son is with Qian Sect. The sect master is a senior brother, and he does not dare to be a junior.

"TOEFL, Shangjian, Zhongli's old master, please—"

"Sect Master, please—"

The two greeted each other politely and took their seats.

The Zhong Li brothers and the guards all sat down first. Zhong Li Yu personally poured and drank the tea. Sect Master Qian led Xiao Daotong down the mountainside to go fishing in the big river, and asked Zhong Li's father, son and brothers to say goodbye.

Zhong Liyu has not returned to Zhong Li's home for 20 years. When asked about the current situation of his family relatives, whether they are alive or dead, it is inevitable to lament the impermanence of the world. He will not comment on Zhong Li's next young master. Zhongli's family is a secular family, so it's inconvenient to meddle too much in Zhongli's family affairs, if necessary, he can only take care of it, and it's inappropriate to meddle in the family's internal affairs.

Zhong Li Yunling asked about his disciple Sun Yanxing, and when he heard that he had not returned from a trip, he did not ask where he went, but just said something at home.

Zhong Liyu knew that his father and brother would have to stay for a few days, and they were placed in the guest room, four stone houses, which were a bit crowded and barely able to live there.

Zhong Li and his son and Sect Master Qian stayed at ease and waited leisurely for the little girl to return to Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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