magic eye doctor

Chapter 562 Chapter Jing

Chapter 562 Returning to Beijing
When the sun rises in the inland, the remote Z province is just bright, the weather in the early morning is still cold, and the meadows are condensed with frost.

The coming of a new day also means the beginning of the 16-year-old journey. Le Yun woke up happily in the morning, went to the meadow outside for a while, and then slipped back to the tent for breakfast.

Because they ate noodles and instant noodles for a few days, in order to improve the taste, the brothers of the He family made hot buns in the morning, boiled seaweed soup and ate breakfast. They started digging for Cordyceps, and those who stayed behind continued to clean up the Cordyceps mud.

Based on the great thought of making a fortune on the first day when he was 16, Le Xiao once again went to a distant mountain to dig Cordyceps, and even stretched out his scud to challenge his limits.

The hills far away were small and yielded a lot. She dug desperately, and her hard work paid off. She dug a total of more than 900 roots, hid half of them, and left about [-] roots outside. The two young brothers looked so depressed that they wanted to bump their heads into the snow mountain and hang up.

Because he was going to change the medicine for the child at night, Le Xiao's classmate stopped work when the sun went down. He Xiaowu was tortured again, and he ran a marathon for more than ten miles. When he returned to the tent, he fell to the ground and pretended to be die.

The little girl was jumping around in her life, mixing herbs with the innocent, happy washing grass roots. When it was dark, Baima took her child to Dawa's grandson's tent to change the medicine, and the village chief also went to bring a sheep to the guests to eat. .

The He family brothers refused again and again and accepted the sheep.

Le Xiaoxiao helped the child to remove yesterday's medicine. The child was very obedient and didn't scratch his head. The wound recovered quickly, and it almost healed. He reapplied a pair of herbs and told the child's mother that the medicine should be removed after three days.

Baima took her daughter to thank her gratefully, and went back to the tent for dinner with her grandfather.

The live sheep had to be grazing, and it was difficult to manage. The brothers of the He family slaughtered it the next day, sawed off the horns according to Little Loli's request, and peeled off the sheepskin for the little girl. Because there was mutton, they should eat it first. The finished meat is dried to make air-dried lamb.

In the evening, Le Xiaoxiao prepared a pot of water, put the sheepskin in it and boiled it, and boiled it before going to bed, and then took it out to dry the water. The next day, when it was dark, it got up and boiled the sheepskin again, and then boiled it until it was time to start digging grass.

Digging for Cordyceps is very boring. Every day, they go out early and come back late. Tibetans still crawl to find Cordyceps. Many people have broken elbows and knees. Therefore, most Tibetans in the Cordyceps area suffer from arthritis and rheumatic pain.

Following the local customs, Le Xiaoxiao also leaves early and returns late every day, happily sweeping away Cordyceps.

By the end of May, the climate in the mainland is getting warmer every day, and the atmosphere of summer is getting stronger and stronger. Even the daytime sun in Province Z is sometimes as hot as summer. Unfortunately, the climate is too diverse. According to the picture, the next bell will be thunder and lightning, or a hailstone will be sprinkled, which makes people not need to guard against it.

The days go by in a blink of an eye, and in the late twenties, the Spring Student Athletics Games of the Capital Colleges and Universities are about to be held, and the athletes of the capital schools are also looking forward to showing their charm.

On May 5, Le Yun, He Mingxin, and He Mingxin who were far away in Z province also left for Beijing early in the morning. They were temporarily returning to Beijing to participate in the track and field competition, so the villagers and Dawa's children did not specially send them.

Yan Shao naturally wanted to accompany him back to Beijing. He Xiaoba and He Xiaoer drove the four of them to the capital city of Z province for a flight. At the same time, they also had a batch of Cordyceps to return to Beijing at random.

Yan Shao drove Little Loli and her two younger brothers, He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba drove a van and set off in the dark at four in the morning. They drove non-stop for more than six minutes and arrived at the capital before eleven o'clock. Airport.

After arriving at the airport, Yan Shao took three little guys to collect the tickets, He Xiaoer and He Xiaosan sent the goods to the terminal cargo consignment center for air consignment.

Yan Shao retrieved the ticket, went to meet his brother first, got the check-in invoice, took the luggage to change the boarding pass, checked, and checked some of the luggage that he was carrying with him.

He Xiaoer and He Xiaoba sent the younger brothers and Little Loli through the security check. They could not go in. They went to eat first, and then went back to dig for Cordyceps.

Classmate Le and He Jiasan didn't wait long for the boarding time. After boarding, they waited for a while. At 11:40, the flight to Beijing took off.

The flight lasted for a little over four hours, and it didn't arrive in the capital until late in the evening. Le and several classmates took a business flight, and three handsome guys guarded her in the middle, so she didn't have much chance to appreciate the handsome guys and beauties.

After four and a half hours of tedious voyage, the plane arrived in the capital. At that time, it was dusk in the capital, the sun was hanging in the west, and clouds were burning in the west.

The He family, He Qili, his elder brother He Qiwei, and his younger brother He Qiyu and He Qijie picked up the plane. They waited at the exit, and it took a long time to see Xiaolongbao, Xiao[-] and Xiaoliu, accompanied by the little girl, and the four young people were all carrying small luggage. .

He Xiaowu He Xiaoliu saw the elders, and when they walked out of the security exit, they rushed to the elders excitedly, and the shouts of "Uncle, Dad, Uncle" came one after another.

The four brothers of the He family looked at the two children with a half-smile, and the two boys forgot their main tasks excitedly. They lacked training, and Xiao Longbao was the most qualified.

Yan Xing walked to the elders to protect the little loli and said hello one by one. Le Yun looked at a group of handsome and kind uncles, her eyebrows were flying: "Uncles, the two handsome guys in your family are finally back, please screw them away."

"Are the two children causing trouble for the little doctor?" He Qiwei laughed until the crow's feet appeared at the corners of his eyes.

"I didn't cause trouble, I was secretly jealous of me."

"How can there be." He Xiaofu and He Xiaoliu were ashamed, they were just a little jealous, don't be so truthful.

"Children haven't grown up yet, there are a lot of little doctors and adults, don't have the same knowledge as them." He Qili said nonsense as if it were true, as if the two boys were really seven or eight-year-old children.

"Well, I have a lot of adults, and I don't care about children." Le Yun grinned at the two handsome guys with her small hands behind her back.

He Xiaowu, He Xiaoliu looked at the sky silently, and met a little loli who always acted as an adult, what could they do?
The little doctor eliminated the children from the He family. The He family brothers were very happy. They accompanied the little girl to the luggage and went out to wait for the luggage. There was too much luggage and it was slow to go out. After waiting for nearly an hour, all the luggage was sent out.

The cordyceps that the He family transported back to Beijing were first vacuum-packed, then put into cardboard boxes, and then tied to the luggage carrier. The car and luggage were checked in by air, brought back, dragged and left.

The He family checked in four boxes of Cordyceps, the four brothers of the He family dragged a car each, He Xiaoshiwu had a backpack checked in personally, Le classmate also had two backpacks checked in, Yanxing only had his own clothes, and he helped Xiaoluoli carry one. luggage.

A group of people went out of the terminal building to the parking lot to board the car. He Qiwei and He Qiyu and He Qijie brought their luggage, He Xiaowu and He Xiaoliu back to the compound where their ancestors lived. He Qi gifted the little girl and Xiao Longbao back to Qingda University. First On the same road, and then the soldiers split into two.

He Qiwei did not return to the compound immediately after pulling out the person. He first took a detour to the freezing company and sent the Cordyceps he brought back to the constant temperature and air-conditioning room rented by the He family for preservation. Then he returned to the compound. He Mingxin and He Mingxin got off the car and carried the pieces. The luggage rushed back to the yard. Ancestor He, Grandpa He San, He Qishu, etc. were all waiting at home. When they saw the two children coming back, they were so happy that they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

The two brothers also relied on their youth to pounce on their ancestors to act coquettish and cute, to please their ancestors. When the brothers of the He family came back, they should set the meal first. As for the fifth master of He, wait for the time being and save him a copy.

Without guests, the family doesn't have to abide by the rule of eating without saying anything. While eating, they listen to the two children's excited stories about digging grass, especially when they hear that the little doctor gains a lot every day, making them jealous and wanting to rob them, making the He family elders laugh As a group, the family is very happy.

He Qili drove for more than three minutes before taking Xiao Longbao and Xiao Doctor to the west gate of Qingda University.

The beautiful boy was waiting to pick up his sister outside the west school gate. When Young Master Yan got out of the He family's car, he ran over to greet the fifth master of the He family who was helping with the luggage. Li took a closer look: "Look at Yan Shao's dry and dull skin, so old-fashioned, our little Lele is still so white and so tender, it's better than not knowing, my family Lele is beautiful."

Yan Xing hummed depressedly, he was a man, he was a man with a black face, and his face was too white to be a little white face!I couldn't help but be jealous of Little Loli. They went to Z province together. He and the little fifteen were all spared the fact that their skin became dry and dark red due to the weather. Only Little Loli didn't change at all, even if she was sunburned during the day. His face was a little red, but when he slept, he was as white and tender as scallions.

"That is, people are born with good skin." Le Yun hugged the beautiful young brother: "Brother Chao, have you and your grandparents thought about me? I miss you all the time, this time I have gained a lot, and I will bring it with me in a few days. Cordyceps will go back to Er Bo's house to cook something delicious for you."

"I think, I miss Lele the most, Lele, let's go back to school for dinner." The beautiful boy happily took Little Loli's little sister's paw, and carried a backpack into the school with one hand.

When He Qili saw his nephew with a depressed face, he secretly laughed until his stomach hurt. He drove the car and hurried away. Their Xiaolongbao was very intimidating. , but the arrogance of the Chao family brother, who is weak in the text, can't rise, which is probably what people say about being soft and strong.

Yan Xing also helped carry a luggage bag. After saying goodbye to his uncle, he quickly followed the school gate, stuffed the luggage into Shao Shao's car, and sat in it himself.

The beautiful young man drove around a few times and took Yan Shao back to his dormitory building; there was a young man who was particularly unprofessional, Yan Xing gritted his teeth angrily, and reluctantly got out of the car and went back to the dormitory by himself, he actually wanted to go with Little Loli Going back to Xueba Building to eat a stutter, it's gone.

Depressed, he went upstairs and saw his good brother Liu, who was busy with his computer, and asked, "Xiangyang, have you eaten yet?"

"Xiaoxingxing, you're back," Liu Xiangyang jumped out of bed when he saw his little brother who had been missing for a long time, "I've eaten, are you hungry? I'll make you a bowl of instant noodles. ."

Yan Xing hummed contentedly, it was the greatest happiness to have someone help you to eat.

Liu Xiangyang quickly boiled water, made instant noodles, brought it to Xiao Xingxing, sat down to talk with him, and asked him where he went, if he found anything surprising, and the chat was particularly pleasant.

After successfully throwing Young Master Yan away, the beautiful young man was in a good mood. He flew back to the dormitory building, carried the luggage to the fourth floor, and asked the girl to wash her hands and wait. He went to the kitchen to bring out the food.

Le Yun thought for a while, ran to the balcony, opened the small vat containing the preserved eggs, took out four preserved eggs, peeled the shells and saw the golden preserved eggs, happily cut the preserved eggs into flaps, and hurriedly went with an exclusive sauce, Sauce to eat.

The beautiful young man was so happy that he was about to fly into the sky. Xiao Lele's preserved eggs were delicious, and when paired with the special sauce, the taste was divine.

While eating and talking, she heard that a group of people gave her birthday gifts, and Le Yun almost choked: "Is there... someone gave me a birthday gift?"

"Yes, there are many people, some of whom don't even know the Shaodong family of Sanweixuan, but Master Xuan's father knows almost all of them. The gifts are placed in the room where you live, the famous posts of each family and the favors that Shao Xuan and the others helped to make. The thin watch is also in your room, and you can go back and watch it after the track and field games."

"Wow, I have to return the gift after receiving the gift. I can't keep my pills anymore." Le Yun wanted to cry. When someone gave her a birthday gift, she had to return the gift. It would seem disrespectful to others for something like a gift in her identity. You can only return the pills she made.

Thinking that most of the pills she made with her hard work will end up in other people's pockets, her heart hurts. Even if she has space for a medicine field, it is not easy to find medicinal seeds and seedlings, and pills are equally hard to come by.

The beautiful young man smiled sullenly, receiving the gift softly, and returning the gift with a soft hand.

After dinner, considering that it was not too early, Xiao Lele was tired from the journey. The beautiful boy asked Xiao Lele to rest early. He returned to his dormitory. When he stepped into the dormitory, he saw his roommate and the four people in the opposite dormitory were all sitting in a row. He looked at himself with deep eyes, pretending not to know that they were waiting for him.

Everyone looked at the beautiful young classmate and found that he turned a blind eye and wanted to slip away. A group of people swarmed up, dragged them down, and stared at him eagerly: "Little Chao Chao, President Chao, classmate Chao, Little Loli is back, right? ?"

"Well, my sister is back, what are you thinking? If you have any thoughts, you can put away all your thoughts. My sister is busy participating in the competition, and is also busy handling medicinal materials, so she has no time to cook."

"I'm not talking about food," Li Shao climbed his small shoulders and smiled friendly: "That's the case, Little Loli's birthday is on the 6th, right? You see that we ate so much food from Little Loli, and we never expressed it. What, I'm really embarrassed, so we thought we'd get together on the 6th to celebrate Little Loli's birthday, how about that?"

"It's hard to say," the beautiful young man calmly pulled the claw off his shoulders and told the truth: "Xiao Lele celebrates her birthday in the lunar calendar, she was not in the capital a few days ago, and many friends gave Xiao Lele a gift on her birthday. If there is no accident, on the 6th, Xiao Lele may have to invite the guests who gave gifts before, and he will not have time to attend the party."

"How can you do this!" A group of handsome guys shouted, the beautiful young man said that Little Loli had no birthday, but now it's better, someone gave a gift on Little Loli's birthday, but they didn't give it, so how embarrassed they were.

The beautiful young man didn't care about a group of school tyrants crying and howling, and went to bathe, read, and sleep with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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