magic eye doctor

Chapter 569 Can't accompany you to dig grass

Chapter 569 Can't accompany you to dig grass
The Dragon Boat Festival is an annual holiday. For the third-year high school students who are about to take the college entrance examination, the Dragon Boat Festival is a chance to relax before going to the battlefield. For parents of the third-year high school party, this holiday is the best way to make up for their children before the test. In these days, parents can't wait to put all the delicious food into their child's stomach, so that she/they can keep a clear head and exert their super strength in the upcoming big exam and go to a university.

Last year's Dragon Boat Festival was one day after the college entrance examination. This year's Dragon Boat Festival was five days before the college entrance examination. Last year's Dragon Boat Festival was both nervous and full of expectations. This year, Le Dad's mood was still nervous and expectant. The caring little padded jacket is nervous and looking forward to the college entrance examination. This year, Le Dad is nervous and looking forward to the child in his wife's belly, and at the same time, there is more happiness and excitement.

Dad Le was in a very happy and nervous mood, touched his wife's belly and talked to his girl far away in Beijing. He and Zhou Qiufeng heard that the little padded jacket was at Chao's house for the Dragon Boat Festival. There is a place to go, and you will not be alone during the festival.

After a distance of hundreds of kilometers, the father and daughter chatted for more than an hour, and finally hung up the phone contentedly. Dad Le and Zhou Qiufeng made lunch, and then Dad Le went to Zhou's house to pick up his mother-in-law for Dragon Lunch.

Le Yun and the beautiful young brother Fu and sister returned to Chao's second uncle's house. Chao's parents did not let her worry about lunch. When she had time, she called home first, made a long pot of telephone porridge, and happily nestled in the bedroom secretly. took out the book from the space and read it.

The old and young of the Chao family really want to meet the father and new mother of Xiaofan Tuanzi, even if it is a video call. However, Le Dad and Zhou Qiufeng have no courage, Zhou Qiufeng is nothing, but Le Fu. He was used to being shy and introverted, and was not mentally prepared yet, so the elders of the Chao family were not in a hurry, waiting for the day when Father Le opened up his heart.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, the Chao family had a very rich lunch. The old lady went into the kitchen to steam the eight-treasure glutinous rice and wrapped the zongzi. San Jun and his wife also showed their abilities and cooked the same dish, which was full of happiness.

After eating the Dragon Luncheon, Le Yun had a quarrel with her brother and sister in the afternoon. She went back to her dormitory to continue reading, and only sent a message to someone Yan in the middle of the afternoon telling him to start digging for Cordyceps tomorrow. After sending the message, she went back to the space at the time Pick wolfberry flowers and honeysuckle.

The wolfberry she planted became a big tree that could be used as a "towering tree" in more than a month, and it also entered the flowering and fruiting period.

What frustrates Le Xiao the most is the bread tree and the ancient fern tree. Their growth speed really makes people want to jump. Thick and tall, just don't want to bloom and bear fruit.

What is more gratifying is that the newly dug snow lotus seedlings are not as powerful as the Tianshan snow lotus varieties she planted before. They are very good, and the well water is irrigated every ten days. Let them grow naturally without watering the well, and about half a month is a cycle of prosperity and decline.

Because she needed a lot of honeysuckle, she planted the honeysuckle again after digging grass and returning to Beijing. Therefore, the little fox and Xiaohuihui, who were guarding the space, were even more busy. She does handyman work such as picking fruits and yam seeds. Fortunately, the human little head has a good conscience. She works by herself when she is free, otherwise the little fox might want to go on strike.

She quickly picked some wolfberry flowers and honeysuckle flowers, and Le Yun went back to the bedroom to read a book. She didn't dare to stay in the space for too long. A good lie.

Yan Xing played chess for a long time with the master Zhongli and the head master, and he was speechless. His master was a chess gentleman, and he did not regret playing chess. Taking one step and regretting three moves, regretting the move will make the chess board suspect the chess player.

Zhongli's old master is too shameless, Qian Sect Master resolutely does not play chess with him, Zhongli Jing Zhongli Yu and the two also try to hide as far away as possible. Out of respect for the elderly, only Yan Shao played chess with Shizu and abused Shizu. The old man was so happy that he gave the young disciple a string of beads of extraordinary origin on his wrist.

Yan Shao accompanied the elders to play until sunset and went to the kitchen to cook. When the sun went down, the veteran brothers Xiao and Dai also returned to the courtyard to help Young Master Yan.

During dinner, the veterans and their husbands did not eat in the same room as the relatives and elders of Young Master Yan. They ate it in the kitchen and went back to their room to watch TV, so as not to disturb Young Master Yan's elders.

Yan Xing accompanies the elders to have dinner, sits in the corridor under the house and drinks tea and enjoys the clear feeling of the evening breeze.

After receiving a call from his brothers in the garrison, Yan Xing's face sank like water, and he stood in the cool wind for about 3 minutes, explaining to his elders that he had business to deal with, and drove straight to Chao Erye's house.

His private residence, Siheyuan Xiaowo, is not too far from Chao Erye’s villa. If you drive in a straight line, you can get there in less than 10 minutes. Because you have to make a detour and get stuck in traffic, it took about half an hour to reach Chao Erye’s villa area. Take out the access card at the door and enter the villa area.

For Chao Er Ye's house, Yan Xing was very familiar with the road. He didn't honk his horn and didn't drive a car. He walked slowly to the outside of the villa building. He saw that the second floor of the villa building was on fire, and he could hear happy laughter. After a while, she took out her mobile phone and called Little Loli.

On the second floor of Chao Er's house, the old and the young were enjoying their family's happiness. The old lady was poking her little granddaughter in the face, and her face was blushing. When they heard the phone ring, the old and young were still at a loss for half a second.

The ringtone was the ringtone of her own cell phone. Le Yun rolled from Grandma Chao’s arms to the carpet in front of the coffee table, took out her cell phone from under the coffee table, and saw that the caller ID was Handsome Yan. Handsome Yan, why are you looking for me?"

Yan Xing, who was holding a mobile phone, heard the bell rang several times, and was a little nervous, thinking that Little Loli would not answer the phone, but when it was connected, he hurriedly said, "Little Loli, I am in the Chaodong villa courtyard. At the door, I have an urgent discussion with you, can you come out?"

Le Yun heard handsome Yan say that she had an idea at the gate of Chao Erbo's courtyard - there is nothing to do without going to the Eight Treasures Palace. Okay, I said "Okay" and hung up the phone: "Grandpa and Grandma, handsome Yan is looking for me at the door of the second uncle's house. I'll go down and have a look."

"Well, let's go."

The old and young members of the Chao family realized that their reaction was outdated, and when they heard Xiao Tuanzi answered the phone and called "Brother Yan", they knew that it was the boy from the Yan family who was calling. Hearing that Young Master Yan was at the gate of the courtyard, they didn't ask anything and were reasonable. Let her make up her own mind.

Chao Yubo secretly threw a knife at Xiao Lele's cell phone, the guy surnamed Yan likes to find Xiao Lele with troubles, and really wants to crippling him.

"Yan Xing always robbed our little dumpling, and really wanted to kill him." Chao Yufu clenched his fists, the little dumpling finally had time to play at home, and the surnamed Yan came to check his sense of survival again, which made people uncomfortable.

The old man and the old lady smiled and looked at the second granddaughter. Ah Fu couldn't beat Yan Xing. If he beat Yan Xing, he would have done it sooner.

Chao Er Mrs. Chao Er originally wanted to support the girl to go downstairs to beat the Yan family boy, but after thinking about it, the girl was his own after all.

Sister Fu was angry, Le Yun put down the phone in a funny way, ran to the door with her shoes stubbornly, changed her shoes and took the key, slipped out of the living room, went downstairs, turned on the street lights in the yard, and trotted wearing clothes. In the yard, open the lock on the door, slip to the dark car, open the passenger cab and sit on it.

"Men Yan, what's the matter with me? Isn't it because you need to ask me for surgery again?" What is the big deal that can't be said on the phone?
Little Loli said she could go downstairs to discuss, Yan Xing was pleasantly surprised, she put down the phone and looked at Chao Er's second floor, saw a light flashing, saw a small figure running, watching Little Loli open the door and be discharged from the hospital Climbing into the car, the unsure mind settled down.

Little Loli asked him why he came, and he honestly said the reason: "Little Loli, I'm going to the border to perform an urgent mission, and I can't accompany you to dig Cordyceps anymore. I'm here to ask for your opinion. You are willing to let me join the team. The person you want to accompany you, or should I ask a young man from the ancient Xiu family to be your bodyguard? Or should I ask my master to accompany you on a trip?”

?In the first second, a huge question mark flashed in Le Yun's mind. Yanren really didn't accompany her to dig for Cordyceps?

In the second second, she was in a very good mood. Yanren didn't follow her as her tail, and there was no super bright moving camera around her. She was much more free to do what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go.

The third thought is that the Yan people must have potential dangers if they want to go out on an urgent mission.

Handsome Yan said that he was responsible for her safety. If that task was not a very important task, Yanren would definitely put her safety first and would not carry it out in person.

During the tossing and turning of my mind, I also thought about it in my heart: "Actually, someone followed me, and I encountered some abnormal things that made me tie my hands and feet, but considering the safety of your brothers from the He family, you can send someone from your team. No matter if people go, there are people who are open and upright carrying the guy, at least it can act as a deterrent. As for the person who protects me personally, I don’t need it, the things I have in my hand can deal with the devil.”

"That's good, I'll arrange for the brothers from the two teams to escort you to Z province, and come to pick you up tomorrow morning." Yan Xing breathed a sigh of relief, Little Lolita would like to be followed. If they have their people, at least he can Take it easy.

"Well, that's fine. If you go on a mission, do you want to put on makeup?" Le Yun has no objection. As long as handsome Yan is not the tail, and whoever will follow, she can handle it.


"Wait a minute, I'll go get you the human skin masks I made for you, maybe I'll be able to play."

"The human skin mask is ready?" Yan Xing was a little surprised. Little Loli never talked about the human skin mask, and he couldn't ask about the process, so the matter was put on hold.

"It's done, but it's not perfect. I originally wanted to wait a while, and then go through a process to make a perfect human skin mask before giving it to you. Now time doesn't allow, you can take it for emergency."

"it is good."

Yan Xing's heartbeat was very fast and she was very excited. Little Lolita was not particularly good to him on weekdays, but at the critical moment, she was absolutely not willful when it comes to business affairs.

Handsome Yan's tone became particularly pleasant, and Le Yun had no idea why his mood suddenly changed.

"Little dumpling, what is the bad guy Yan looking for you for?" Chao Yufu asked [-] people curiously when he saw the cute little dumpling jumping around.

"He has something for me to keep. I need it tomorrow. Come and get it from me." Le Yun scurried to the stairs and climbed the stairs.

Miss Chao pursed her lips and hummed, in the future, I told Xiao Tuanzi not to help the surnamed Yan to keep anything, even if the price is high, don't help to keep it, lest that guy come to Xiao Tuan every three days to grab attention.

Le Yun ran to the bedroom on the second floor of the jump floor, went back to the space to find the human skin mask, put it in a cardboard box, and found her own pills, packed two kinds, and then found them for Yanrenshimen and Yanrenshi. The door family's return gift, put them in a bag together, and then go out of the space and go downstairs.

The Chao family saw Xiaofan Danzi go upstairs for a while and then go downstairs, and no one asked her what she was keeping for Yan Xiaozi.

Going to the door to change her shoes, Le Yun ran downstairs again, ran out of the yard and climbed into the car, holding the bag, and took out something for handsome Yan to look at: "These two pills are for you, they are not poison, don't take them as Poison is wasted. Both of these medicines have the function of expelling poison. The gray pill is for expelling poison, and the green pill is for nourishing life. If there is a lack of water and food due to the environment, take one to keep the body alive for ten days.

These two boxes are return gifts for your master's sect and your master's family. I have marked the words, so don't make a mistake. Tell your master's sect. I like the gifts they gave, and I will go back to worship when I have free time.

The carton box contains the human skin masks. There are potions for sticking and water for peeling. I have indicated how to use them. Just use them as required. Remember that these masks are afraid of strong acid. It will rot, so remember to be careful when using it.

And yourself, although I helped you get rid of most of the poison last time, there are still some poisons in the body that have not been cleaned up, so be careful, don't greedy and eat food, you will be caught alive and sold to the black mine if you eat something wrong. The workers who move bricks and mines have few jobs, and if they are caught and become the husband of the fortress, they will lose their reputation. "

Little Loli went back upstairs to get something, Yan Xing waited obediently, waited for her to fold back and sat down. Whenever it was handed over, he took it and put it on his lap to protect it. His heart was full of joy, he was in Little Loli. She still had a place in her heart. She was worried that he would be in danger when he performed his mission, so she sent him precious pills.

Especially when he heard that he was finally told to pay attention to his body and not to eat indiscriminately, his heart softened into a sea, and the next moment, when he heard that Little Loli had been arrested to sell black mines as a brick mover, he almost laughed, when he heard that When he said that the misfortune was a big deal, cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

Little Lolita must be sent by monkeys to make fun, right?

Yan Xing, who had been trained by the child, took the bag with the human skin mask, endured the anger and laughter in his heart, and replied seriously: "I remember it all." After a pause, he added: "You yourself Be very careful, if there is an irreversible danger, you... try to protect yourself first."

If there is a real danger, for personal reasons, he hopes that Little Loli can protect the He family or others. If it is really time to give up, he hopes that she can protect herself. She also hides the secret of benefiting the country and the people. No, so it is necessary for him to be present at the necessary moment. If he is sensible, he will probably protect her first.

There are too many moments in life that need to be chosen. No matter what choice you choose, it will be painful. When life or death, in front of relatives and the country, no matter how painful the real soldiers are, they will still choose to take care of the country and the interests of the country without hesitation.

The moment a real patriotic man puts on his military uniform, he no longer belongs to himself, his family and friends, he belongs to the country and the nation, he represents the backbone of the country, and is a strand of the country's military soul, even if it is only weak. A ray of it, no regrets or complaints.

Saying the words that little Lolita first protected herself, Yan Xing was afraid that she would be frightened, and pretended to be lighthearted: "I didn't accompany you, don't run around when you go to Z province, Xiao Shishi has limited speed and can't chase after him. If you get lost and run into a no-man’s land, and be picked up by a savage to be a little daughter-in-law, your brother Chao will be sad if he can’t find you.”

"Bah, bah, you will be picked up by the savages to be your daughter-in-law. This classmate is smart and witty, so you won't be as stupid as you. Hmph, forget it, I don't care about you, you can go back." Le Yun glared at someone Yan fiercely, pushed the car door down, closed the door and entered the fence gate.

Little Loli became angry, Yan Xing was in a good mood, said "I'm going to go first", and drove the car, he thought, if he said a few words to annoy little Loli and kicked the car in anger, he was afraid that she would go back and take it back. pills.

In order not to provoke the little loli, he ran away in a hurry, ran out of the villa area, and first returned gifts to Shimen and Zhongli Shizu's family.

He drove very fast, and took about half an hour to return to the courtyard. Seeing that the master and the masters and ancestors were still meditating under the eaves, he quickly ran to the upper room.

Sect Master Qian knew from the sound of footsteps that the little nephew was back, and waited calmly. The Zhong family's father and son also knew it long ago, smiling and watching Xiao Longbao, who was swiftly galloping, came running.

Like a gust of wind, he ran to the elders of the master's door. Yan Xing quickly took out the return gift from the little loli, and gave the box with the word "Lian" to the master and the one with the word "Zhongli" to Zhongli's house. Master Master: "This is Little Loli's return gift. Little Loli said she would visit Lianhua Zhengzong and Zhongli's house when he was not busy."

"I guess it's an elixir." Sect Master Qian sleeved the small box in his robe.

Zhong Lijing also put away the return gift. When the little girl used the medicine pill for the return gift, it must be the medicine pill that you can get, it can't be a general useless pill.

After delivering the return gift to the elders of the master, Yan Xing pulled the master and whispered a few words in a whisper, without delay, went into the bedroom to pack up the simple luggage, and drove back to the station.

After about an hour, he returned to the station. He didn't stop. He immediately returned to the private site in the team and refitted with his teammates who were on the mission at the same time. Three hours later, he was secretly sent to the station by the military vehicle.

(End of this chapter)

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