magic eye doctor

Chapter 570 Someone seeks a doctor again

Chapter 570 Someone seeks a doctor again

Le Yun and Yan Shuai talked for a while, and then returned to the second floor of Chao Erbo's house happily under the knees of Grandpa Chao and Grandma Chao, playing with the old man until eleven o'clock and going to bed on time.

On May 5st, which is Wednesday, the first working day after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the three masters of the Chao family also went to work, and the second girl Chao and her younger brother Meiren went back to school.

When the beautiful boy drove back to school, Xiao Le also twisted his luggage and went downstairs to wait in the yard. He only waited for seven or eight minutes. Hei Jiu and Shen Shiliu, who were ordered to protect the little loli, drove to the gate of Chao Erye's courtyard. Take the little girl to the airport.

The two young men were neatly packed and wore long-sleeved shirts. They were particularly heroic. Therefore, in order not to provoke women to post it, they both wore sunglasses and dust masks.

The two young handsome soldiers took Little Loli to the airport, collected the ticket, changed the boarding pass, checked the luggage, went through the security check and entered the terminal, where they met with the two brothers from the He family.

In the morning, the He family sent He Xiaofu and He Xiaoliu to the airport early in the morning to check in their luggage. They brought a lot of luggage and it took time to check in.

After finishing all the formalities, the seniors of the He family went back to work, and the two brothers of the He family were waiting in the waiting hall. In fact, the two of them could not go there. The He family was afraid that the little doctor would be bored without his peers, so they still let the two brothers Go talk to her to relieve the boredom.

The two handsome guys from the He family were very happy to see Little Loli, brought her food, poured water, and took care of the little girl meticulously, making others envious.

They didn't wait long to arrive at the boarding time. They took their carry-on luggage and boarded the plane. The plane took off at [-]:[-] and flew four and a half hours to the airport in Sasha, the capital of Z province.

He Xiaoliu's baby is very bad. This time, it turned out to be a bit high. Even after a massage through Little Loli, it was still uncomfortable after getting off the plane.

He Xiaosan and He Xiaoba drove to the airport to pick up the plane. When He Xiaoba saw that Xiaoliu had a high reaction, he was in a beautiful mood. He smiled and tempted Xiaoliu with snacks, in order to report that he had no appetite because of his high reaction. Suffered the revenge of being tempted by Little Sixteen with snacks.

He Xiaoliu deeply understood what it means to pay off his debts quickly in June. He held his head with a bitter face and wanted to squat in the corner. Mynah is his own brother, and to retaliate against him like this, he doesn't love children at all, he's tired do not feel love.

He Xiaoba avenged his revenge, was in a good mood, and loved his brother very much, so he went to find butter tea for Xiaoliu to drink.

Because the luggage was a little slow, the handsome guys accompany the little loli to find a place to have lunch, and it didn't take long for them to go back to the airport after they were full, and their luggage came out.

The two handsome guys in the He family carried a lot of luggage. There were a few lockboxes for cash, and luggage pieces that could only be pulled by two luggage trailers. Most of them were fresh vegetables for improving meals.

When they were in Huiqu County, Hei Jiu drove the truck that He Xiaosan drove. He was driving the cheetah of their captain, carrying Little Loli, He Xiaoba, He Xiao[-], He Xiao[-] and Shen[-].

Due to the road, I walked relatively slowly. It took seven hours to return to the camp where He Xiaowu's grandmother's house was digging grass. He moved his luggage into the tent. Cordyceps mud.

After Le Yun arrived, she also helped to brush the cordyceps mud. When the Tibetans returned from work, they sold cordyceps in the tents of the grandsons of Dawa. When the little doctor returned, her smile was more cordial and enthusiastic than before, and she was very friendly and cordially invited her to go to them when she had time. She was playing in the tent, and even a few villagers returned to the tent and brought some air-dried beef, ghee for cooking butter tea, and Tibetan buns made by themselves for the little doctor to eat, which also confused her.

In the evening, when the He brothers were cooking, Le Xiaoxiao took out the preserved eggs he brought and asked He Xiaoshiwu to send [-] of them to his grandmother's house, and peeled [-] of them for dinner.

The He family brothers are full of expectations for the preserved eggs made by the little doctor. At dinner, each person has a preserved egg, and the extra is cut into flaps. Everyone divides it evenly. After eating a preserved egg, He Xiaoliu's high disgust and discomfort miraculously disappeared.

In the evening, when a group of people gathered around to clean up the soil of Cordyceps sinensis, the left-behind brothers from the He family and the purchasing staff also helped Little Loli to solve her doubts. The visiting villagers in the village presented medicines to several elderly villagers. After taking the medicines, those people really got rid of their illnesses. Even the old grandmother who was bedridden recovered, which made the Tibetans very respectful of the little doctor.

In addition, something happened. After Little Loli returned to Beijing, a villager in a small natural village of the same village committee fell ill while digging for Cordyceps. She was sent to the township health center for treatment. Because the equipment of the health center was too poor, she was sent to the county town immediately. The hospital, but no one has gone to the county hospital.

The people in Dawa’s village heard about those things, and combined with the donation of medicine by Dawa’s grandson friend in their village to make the villagers feel better, and also helped the village chief’s children to see a doctor, they deeply felt that it was right that they agreed to Dawa’s grandson friend to dig cordyceps. Yes, a little doctor digs cordyceps with them, which makes everyone feel more at ease.

A group of people chatted while working, and went to bed at eleven o'clock, probably because they ate a meal of preserved eggs made of medicine.

The next day, June 6st, people digging grass rested and concentrated on garbage disposal.

Tibetans dig grass all over the ground to find it. After a day of tiring, the back and back hurt. Many people suffer from severe arthritis and rheumatic pain. Because digging Cordyceps is too tiring, the 1st or 15th of every month during grass digging is a public holiday. , everyone relaxes and disposes of garbage and excrement.

Of course, if you don't want to rest, you can also dig for Cordyceps, and leave one or two people in each family to dispose of garbage and other things at home with everyone.

Dawa's children also rest with the villagers, dispose of garbage, and go home to carry needed living materials.

Classmate Le, she went back to Beijing to rest for a long time, and she was not tired. She set out to dig Cordyceps early in the morning, followed by He Xiaowu and Hei Jiu Shen Shi Xue.

As a result, the Black Nine Gods Sixteen also learned what is Scud and what is someone outside. Their captain is Scud, who climbs mountains and mountains, as smart as a monkey, and as fast as an arrow. In the past, when they trained with the captain, they were abused every time. After chasing Little Loli for a while, they were embarrassed even if they wanted to howl. They were considered to have served Little Loli. How could she be so fast with such thin and short legs?

The two soldiers, who were led to run a marathon for more than ten miles, made up their minds that they must increase the intensity of their training goals in the future.

When digging cordyceps, the two soldiers helped the handsome young man from the He family find cordyceps, but little Loli was fine. Her eyes were too sharp, making their heroes useless.

No one was staring at him all the time, Le Yun couldn't get what he wanted, so he threw Cordyceps into the space while digging, until dusk, and harvested more than 1000 Cordyceps.

As time goes by, the weather gets warmer, and Cordyceps grows faster. Basically, a large number of seedlings can grow in an hour, so even if you just dug the place in the morning, you can still find Cordyceps after looking for it after a while.

Cordyceps grow fast and harvest more.

Therefore, He Xiaosan also went to the mountain to dig grass again. Digging one more root means buying one less grass, which can help the family save some money. When the work is over, he will also have more than 100 harvests.

In the evening, Le Yun cleaned the soil of Cordyceps, and quietly added some spices to the stove before going to bed. When everyone fell asleep, they all fell asleep soon. She meditated, and after a while, she ran back to the space to take care of her private life. After an hour, he returned to the tent, sprinkled some spices, and slept in his sleeping bag.

The next day, I went out early and returned late to dig grass, and in the evening I added a handful of fragrant powder to make everyone fall asleep. Then I went back to the space, and I came out and sprinkled the spice.

The third day was June 6nd. The weather was fine in the morning, but after noon, there was a big hailstorm. The hailstorm was fierce, and it didn’t stop for half an hour. They also went down the mountain back to the tent.

He Xiaowu, Hei Jiu, and Shen Jiu followed Little Loli to a place more than ten miles away, all with rain gear, so they were prepared.

And classmate Le, wearing a raincoat, just picked up half the bottle of hail from the bottle that God Sixteen drank, and filled it up, and then braved the hail to dig Cordyceps.

The hail was relatively small at the beginning, but soon it got bigger and bigger. The big one had the big thumb of an adult. It hit the head with a "bangbang" sound. urging the little loli to finish work.

Le Yun resolutely quit and asked the three people to withdraw first. She wanted to dig up Cordyceps that had been hit by hail. She had to know that the four seasons are reincarnated. Many herbs have better effects after certain seasons. Similarly, weeds and insects have also experienced some bad things. It is also subtly different from the Cordyceps that grows in the sun. Pharmaceuticals that know how to seek benefits and avoid harm will have unexpected effects.

The hail lasted for about forty minutes, and fell on and off for several bursts. The meadows were covered with a white layer. Some of the hail rolled from the steep slopes to the low ground, and piled up like a layer of snow.

Less than half an hour after the hail, lightning flashed and thunderstorms poured down.

He Shi Shi and Hei Jiu Shen Shi Shi were driven away by little Loli, they had to retreat unwillingly, and waited for them to slip back to the camp tent. All have.

Shen Shiliu and Hei Jiu were also very worried in their hearts. The captain told them to listen to the words of the little loli. Many times they should not be brave, so as not to drag the little loli's hind legs. They listened to the little loli and withdrew first. Will loli be dangerous?

Wait, wait, wait until it gets dark, and see the little loli ding dong ding dong running back to the camp, and the hearts of the two soldiers can be stabilized.

That day, Le Yun's harvest was more abundant than the previous two days. After all, because the little tails were not present, she could run around at the fastest speed and dig more Cordyceps.

She went back to the tent to put things down and went to the tent that the brothers of the He family were buying. She saw He Xiaoshiwu's uncle Tsini and several villagers were helping to clean up the cordyceps mud. He asked He Xiaowu to invite his uncle to the side, and she gave him a few needles to relieve the pain in his joints.

Tsini was very excited and sat down in a relatively empty part of the tent near the door.

Le Yun went back to the tent to find the medicine to make a bottle of ointment, took out the jade box from her small backpack, took the supplies to the tent next door, took the gold and silver needle sets and bent her arms, and then helped Cini Uncle's legs were leveled, and he took acupuncture points to puncture acupuncture points, stabbed all the needles around both knees, and then massaged and massaged the acupoints on his legs.

After doing massage for more than ten minutes, he took out the needle and put it in a sterile bottle, and then helped him apply the ointment. After the medicine penetrated into the skin, he let him put down the rolled up trousers.

Tsini stood up and moved a bit, it felt much better, it was a joy.

Several villagers present communicated with Tsini in Tibetan for a while, and looked at the little doctor eagerly. They were too embarrassed to say that they or their family members also had joint pains. They only smiled at the little doctor.

He Mingzhi wiped away his sweat silently, and consulted on behalf of the Tibetans with Little Lolita: "Little Lolita, the joints of the uncles also hurt, can you help them take a look?"

"Okay, if you have joint pain in your legs and hands, sit down in a bright place and expose your knees and elbows. I'll take a look and get a few stitches to help relieve the pain."

He Mingzhi Bala Bala's interpreter, when several Tibetans heard it, excitedly ran to the place with the best light to sit in a row, some uncovered their quilts and exposed their elbows, some exposed their knees.

One is to see, and two are also to be seen. Le Yun cannot favor one over another. Fortunately, there are enough silver needles and silver needles. It is enough to pierce each person with a dozen or so needles. If it is more serious, a few more needles are inserted, and there is only slight pain. Three or two needles are used to massage the acupuncture points and unblock the blocked meridians.

When Tibetans look for Cordyceps, they lie on the ground, which hurts the knees and elbows the most. Therefore, the knee and elbow joints, as well as the shoulder joints, suffer from arthritis.

After a few punctures, the qi and blood are smooth, and the joints are naturally less painful.

Because there are several people, it takes a long time. After about forty minutes, a few villagers completed the acupuncture treatment, all of them rubbed their arms and rubbed their knees, and returned to their tents happily.

Le Xiaoxiao sterilized the used medical needles, put the needle covers back on, packed up and had dinner.

On the afternoon of the 3rd, while the villagers were still digging for Cordyceps on the mountain, a few uninvited guests on horseback came to Zapon in Dawa Village. There were three horses in total, and they rushed towards the tents of Dawa's grandsons with almost full force.

Of the three horses, two were double riding, one was a man holding a child, the other was two adult men, one of the two men was the village chief, Ngawang Tsejie, and the other was a woman.

They did not come from the main road, but from the meadows under the high mountains in the Cordyceps area, and the riders frequently urged the horses to run fast.

The hooves of the horses running made the yak and sheep grazing on the meadow raised their heads and looked into the distance. They didn't run in fright, they just looked around.

The Tibetans riding horses and whips flew across the meadows, and ran past several tents in the distance, and rushed towards the tents of Dawa's grandsons. The gallop was changed to a fast run, then a trot, and when the tent was three or four meters away, the horse was stopped by someone.

While shouting the name of Dawa's grandson, the village chief got off his horse and ran towards the tent; the man who was riding with him also dismounted, and the man and woman carrying the child also jumped off their horses and ran after Ngawang Tsejee. to the tent.

He Xiaosan and Xiaoshiwu went up the mountain to dig for Cordyceps. He Xiaoer, Xiaoba, Xiaoliu and the purchasing staff did not understand Tibetan. When they heard the sound of horse hooves, they ran out of the tent to have a look, but they just got out. The tent saw the village chief and a few others turned over and dismounted.

Not knowing Tibetan, He Xiaoba trotted forward with a sincere smile: "Village Chief, do you have anything to do with us? Our third brother and fifteenth brother went up the mountain to dig for Cordyceps."

"My child, my child is sick." The man holding the child spoke in Mandarin Chinese, stammering, but at least he could understand it.

"The child is sick, is he looking for a doctor to see a doctor?" He Mingtao understood and hurriedly said, "The doctor went up the mountain to dig for Cordyceps. I'll call my brother to see if I can find them."

"Yes yes." The man and woman nodded as they panted.

The village chief, Ngawang Tsejie, who brought the three of them to the doctor, also nodded. The child's mother was a girl married outside their village, so they knew that they had a little doctor who could see a doctor.

He Xiaoer also understood, and was busy looking for mobile phones. In order to save power, they only had two mobile phones turned on. They accompanied Little Loli to Xiao Shishi on the mountain to bring one, and they kept one in the tent for easy contact at any time.

Find the mobile phone and make a phone call from Xiaoshiba. The altitude is too high, and there is no signal in some areas. Qu City is adjacent to the most important highway in Z province, and there are also train routes that cross the county. There are multiple communication companies in the city. OK

Soon the phone was connected. He Mingsheng listened to Xiao Shishi's mobile phone singing, and sang for at least half a minute. When the phone was connected, he heard Xiao Shiwu shouting loudly, guessing that the wind might be strong, so he hurriedly said: "Little Shifu. Fifteen, a child has an acute illness, you should inform the little doctor and ask her to come back to help people."

He Xiaowu followed Little Loli to the top of a snow-covered mountain to dig grass, and when he heard the call, he found out that the phone was his brother's phone. , hurriedly replied: "Okay, second brother, I'm going to ask the little doctor."

He said something, hung up the phone first, grabbed the hoe and gloves on the ground, and ran to the little girl about seven or eighty meters away.

Black Nine Gods Sixteen helped He Xiaoshuai to find Cordyceps. When he received the call, they stopped searching, and when they saw Xiaoshuai running towards Xiao Loli, they also accompanied him.

The three rushed to the little girl, and seeing that she was waiting for him in a good mood, He Mingzhi breathed and explained: "Little beauty, my brother called to say that a child had a sudden illness, and the villagers were looking for him. Please seek medical attention."

"Well, I get it. Run quickly, I'll catch up with you." Le Yun understood in seconds that the handsome guys from the He family were calling for help. If she gets through, she is too ruthless to pretend she doesn't know. Not only will the Tibetans hate her, but it will also make it difficult for the grandmothers of the He brothers to behave.

"Hey, I'll run first." He Mingzhi responded in surprise, turned around and ran down the mountain. He thought that Little Loli might not be happy when she heard that someone was sick and asked her for medical treatment, but he didn't expect him to say anything. Ask her to go back, and she herself promised to go back to the camp to help see a doctor. Little Loli is so anxious that she is a fairy!
The black nine gods and sixteen glanced at each other, and without saying a word, took out the speed race.

The three handsome guys set off, Le Yun continued digging cordyceps in a hurry, digging forty or fifty cordyceps in one breath, collecting the precious grass growing in a small area, and putting away the small hoe, like an off-string. The arrow rushed down the hill and ran towards the camp.

 My dear little fairies, I'll be back, everyone, happy new year, everything goes well~
(End of this chapter)

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