Chapter 571
He Xiaoer made a phone call and told the village chief that their younger brother went to the doctor and asked the village chief and the person who brought the children to sit in the tent and wait. The little doctor usually travels far away, and it will take time to come back.

The men and women who came to ask for help with their children said "thank you" gratefully, followed Ngawang Tsejie into the tent and sat down on the side next to the stove cross-legged. The people who did not hold the children and the village chief helped the youth peel the cordyceps and soil. Don't worry about their horses, they will graze on their own.

The He family brothers went to take the body temperature again to take the child's temperature. The child seemed to have a fever and his face was red, but when he looked at the thermometer, the temperature was actually not high.

In order not to be overtaken, He Xiaoshiwu, Heijiu, and Shenshiliu rushed down the hill in one breath and ran on the meadow without looking back. However, no matter how fast they were, it took about half an hour for Little Loli to chase after them. Get on them and overtake them with rocket-like speed.

At first, they were able to maintain a distance of about a mile with the strength to suckle, but they could not maintain long-term stamina. Looking at the color on the green and yellow meadow, the two handsome guys, one big and one small, desperately wanted to dig a hole and bury themselves.

Le Xiaoxiao, who was rushing away with two short legs, flew over the hills and meadows like a horse, and soon the tent camp was in sight. Near the tent of the He family, he shouted while running: "Handsome uncles, this little beauty is back!"

The He family brothers and the purchasing staff waited for the little loli while cleaning the soil. They also knew that the road was too long and they might have to wait for more than an hour, but they couldn't help but wait for ten minutes to check the time, wait, wait, wait Nearly fifty minutes later, I was in a hurry when I suddenly heard Little Loli's crisp, sweet and bright voice. The three He brothers got up excitedly and ran out: "The little doctor is back!"

The village chief and the men and women who brought their children to seek medical treatment were stunned for a while, then they reacted, got up in a hurry, and hurried to the outside of the tent.

He Xiaoer, He Xiaoba, and Xiaoliu got out of the tent one after another, and saw the little loli in camouflage uniform rushing towards the tent like a pony, and the speed was so fast.

"Little beauty, slow down, don't fall."

The three brothers of the He family were afraid that the little girl would run too fast and would not be able to hold her feet and wrestle her feet, so they quickly reminded her to keep their eyes fixed on her. The little loli ran so beautifully, like a performance, with a tether tied around her waist. The bottle containing Cordyceps is still shaking.

Le Yun, who moved diligently with her short legs, rushed to the front of several handsome guys in a hurry. She quickly stopped the momentum, and while unfastening the belt of the cordyceps apple around her waist, she walked to the tent, and snarled proudly: " What's up, I'm fast enough, I lost He Xiaoshi and the other two handsome guys halfway, don't blame me if your little [-] gets lost."

At this time, the three brothers from the He family remembered that He Shiwu and the two bodyguards who were protecting the little girl had not come back. He wiped his sweat silently, and He Xiaoba immediately smiled: "Don't worry, little beauty, our little [-] understands Tibetan, he Can't lose it."

He Xiaoliu was the smartest. Little Loli untied the belt buckle. Before he ran, he helped her hold the bottle of Cordyceps, and the little hoe for digging Cordyceps.

"Uncle Village Chief." Le Yun threw her Cordyceps bottle to the handsome young man from the He family. Seeing the village chief Cijie coming out of the tent, she greeted him with a smile.

Seeing the little girl, the village chief happily explained the child's relatives in Tibetan, while the men and women holding the child saw the little Han girl, nervous and excited, and stammered: "Little girl. Doctor, please excuse me."

"You're welcome." Le Yun hurriedly took two steps forward and reached out to pick up the child in the hands of the Tibetans: "Give me the child and I'll check it."

The child is a boy with a relatively small size. According to the light and color of the body scanned by the eyes, it is about three and a half years old. The disease is typhoid fever.

Typhoid fever is a contagious disease, long ago classified as one of the five malady.

Typhoid fever is also an acute intestinal infectious disease. The cause of children is eating unclean food, which belongs to food-type typhoid fever. Because children are small and have poor resistance, they have vomited before, and they are hot and cold, and they are in a coma. Dazed state.

Le Yun doesn't need to be checked, she can find out the cause just by looking at it, but she can't tell the family directly, holding the child into the tent, typhoid fever is contagious, and isolation is the best, but it's not a problem with her, besides, the family brought her with her before. The child was waiting for her in the tent, and it was too late to avoid it now.

The man gave the child he was holding to the girl, and politely bowed his chest with his hands.

The He family brothers, the village chief and others followed the little girl back to the tent, and opened the tent door to make it brighter inside.

Getting back into the tent, Le Yun put the child on the ground, felt the pulse, checked the eyes and face, and touched the child's stomach. Dao disease, there should be signs of illness in the last half month, showing frequent fever, sometimes chills, not wanting to eat, no mental symptoms, intermittent high fever since this morning, and vomiting at noon. "

"Yes, it is."

The family members of the children nodded frequently, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Separate one of you, take a hoe and go outside and dig a small hole first. It's probably this deep... Well, it's almost that deep. Later, I will give the child medicine, and you have to take the child to the small hole after taking the medicine. There, the children are allowed to have diarrhea, and all the unclean things are pulled into the small pit, and I disinfect it with medicine to prevent people or animals from getting infected."

Le Yun first assigned her family to work, asking them to dig a mud pit, and made gestures to tell them how deep the pit should be.

The family of the child understands.

The He family brothers guessed that the child's disease may be contagious, so the little beauty asked the child to dig a hole and let the child defecate alone. He Xiaoba is best at dealing with people. Looking for tools at the door of the truck, they have several small hoes as spares.

A young man followed the handsome guy from the He family out of the tent and took a hoe. The two ran to a distance of more than ten meters and kept away from people to dig a small hole. They dug a little more than a foot deep. The small hoe was put aside first, and they went back to the tent. .

And Le Yun, after instructing her family to dig the ditch, she hurriedly ran to the tent next door, found her pills and the glass bottle containing the concoction, swiftly dispensed the medicine, and returned with the concoction and a packet of pills. In the tents of the buyers, take boiling water to dilute the concoction into half a bowl, pry open the mouths of the children and pour it in.

After pouring the medicine, I used a silver needle to poke a few needles on the palm of the child's palm and stomach, and then massaged the acupuncture points on the chest, so that the medicine's power would spread to the whole body at the fastest speed and eliminate the bacteria toxins.

After five or six minutes, fine beads of sweat oozed from the child's forehead.

About ten minutes later, He Xiaowu and He Xiaoshen Shishi finally came back. Although they came late, they were not lost halfway.

The two soldiers, one handsome brother, ran back to the doctor and sat down to breathe heavily. When they heard that Little Lolita had been back for almost half an hour, the three of them looked at Little Lolita's eyes with special resentment. What kind of speed does Little Loli call? Yo, abuse makes people doubt life.

After waiting for another ten minutes, Le Yun took back the silver needle on the child and asked the family to hold the child to defecate. She took the pill again, crushed it, made a bowl of water, and followed out with a pot of boiled water.

The man who dug the pit led the way, the woman picked up the child and trotted to the place, helped the child take off his trousers, and hugged the feces. In less than two minutes, the child "poo po po tom" deodorized the odor, and the stool was blue-black. Very smelly.

Because he was afraid that the family of the child would not bring a paper to wipe his buttocks, He Xiaoba took a roll of paper and followed Little Loli, ran to the scene, and quickly stood in the limelight.

After the child pulled for a while, Le Xiaoxiao poured him another bowl of medicinal juice and pressed his stomach a few times, so that he could drain the stagnant poop and the bacterial juice in his stomach.

The woman listened to the little doctor saying that it was ok, wiped the child's buttocks, put on his pants, and threw the paper in the pit.

Le Xiaoxiao crushed a medicine, washed it into water again, first poured boiling water into the pit, then poured the medicine into the pit, waited for the water to soak into the mud, then covered a layer of soil, poured hot water again, and then covered the soil , sprinkled a handful of medicinal powder, and finally filled the small hole.

A few people returned to the tent, and the handsome guys from the He family poured water for the little loli and the Tibetans to wash their hands.

Le Yun took out the pills again, chopped them up, and gave half of them to the family members and the village chief who had been in contact with the children, so that they could eat them to prevent infection; she also broke a few pills into pieces and fed a quarter to the children. The rest are for family members to take back and divide into several portions, one portion is divided into water and flushed in the toilet bowl where the child has defecation, and the other portion is eaten by the rest of the family.

Because He Xiaowu came back, she explained that He Xiaowu was the translator when she took the medicine, so the Tibetans could remember it better. After taking the medicine, the family of the child was grateful and rode home.

When the men and women who took the children to see the doctor left, the village chief spoke to the young grandson of the Dawa family in Tibetan, and He Mingming acted as an interpreter and asked the little loli: "Little loli, the village chief's uncle asked if the child's disease was contagious. Sickness? Will it infect people in the same village or come to us and infect us?"

"It is a contagious venereal disease, and it is contagious. Fortunately, the temperature is not high in this season, and the bacteria are not active. The child's stool and saliva are not spit in the water source, or there is no direct contact with the child's stool, saliva, vomit, and sputum. The possibility of contagion is very small."

Le Yun explained patiently: "As for the children coming here, we don't have to worry. We won't be infected. In order to prevent it, I will prepare the medicine and set it on fire, and smoke it in the tent."

Hearing that he will not be infected, the village chief is also relieved. The woman is married in their village. If he brings back the infectious disease to the whole village or makes the grandsons and guests of the Dawa family infected, the villagers do not riot. The headman has no face to stay in the village in the future.

In order to reassure the village chief, Le Yun went back to the tent next door to find a small copper incense burner that was picked up in Namtso, filled it with ashes of cow dung, sprinkled medicinal powder into the incense burner, and smoked it in the tent.

Since it was already half-afternoon, the village chief would not go to dig cordyceps anymore. He sat down to help the distant guests peel the cordyceps mud, and he didn't go back to his tent until almost evening.

When the army of cordyceps diggers returned, the tents of the He family became lively. In addition to selling cordyceps, some Tibetans took their children to find a doctor. The children all showed signs of high fever.

Le Yun checked with the children one by one. Actually, it was not a big deal. It was mainly related to the hailstorm yesterday. Some people did not bring rain gear, and their heads were wet due to the hail. It's hot and cold, so I'm a little bit cold.

It's not easy to catch a little cold, make some medicine, let the children drink it, let them sit back in the tent, wait for the sweat, take a bath and head, and dry their hair by the fire.

As she expected, the children took the medicine and went back to sweat, took a shower and headed, and stopped running around to catch the cold. They woke up the next morning as strong as calves.

For the little things that she helped the villagers and children to see a doctor, Le Yun forgot what she had done and never remembered it.

However, that afternoon, she felt a little... weird. She always felt that someone was looking at a certain hill, but there was no suspicious person on the hill as far as she could see.

There is a strange feeling, and I also keep an eye in my heart. I often observe the mountains near and far, but unfortunately I can't find the target no matter how I look, and I return to the camp peacefully in the evening.

In the evening, Le Yun didn't sprinkle the spices that would make the handsome guys sleep soundly. She closed her eyes to rest a little, opened her eyes until dawn, and waited for the whole night without any unexpected guests to patronize.

No. 5, still out early, running around on the mountain, the feeling that someone is watching somewhere is still there, because she can't distinguish between good and evil, she is always on guard, and she doesn't deliberately go to verify.

In the evening, when I returned to the tent, I received a small surprise. The family who looked for her to see the child the day before yesterday came over in the afternoon and told the Dawa family and grandchildren that the child would be healthy when he slept. , the next day, they can follow up the mountain to find Cordyceps. They specially gave the Cordyceps that they dug yesterday and the morning to the little doctor as a thank you gift.

There are a total of [-] cordyceps, which shows that the family has a relatively large army of digging grass.

Some of the cordyceps have been peeled off, and some haven't been peeled yet. The handsome guys from the He family helped Little Loli clean up the cordyceps and sealed them with a baler.

Someone gave a gift, what should I do?
Le Xiaoxiao didn't mix anything, and happily accepted all the orders.

The 6th is the birthday of Little Loli in the new calendar year. The handsome guys from the He family are also very interested. In the morning, they cook her longevity, boiled eggs, and cook her a rich meal in the evening, including one of her own. Brought preserved egg dishes.

The little girl carried a large bag of preserved eggs, and there were about a hundred of them. The brothers of the He family ate them sparingly. They peeled a few and cut them into petals every other day, and each of them ate a little.

Because of the climate problem, it is also the peak season that is most suitable for the growth of Cordyceps. The grass diggers have good harvests every day, and at least fifty or sixty stalks can be dug. The cash in the hands of the Hejia purchasers also flows into the villagers like water. in the waist bag.

Le classmate was digging wildly, digging the grass every day and digging softly. At the same time, the feeling of someone on the hilltop in the distance continued. On the 9th, she decided that the 36th strategy was the best strategy to carry out another action of her own.

(End of this chapter)

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