Chapter 572
Classmate Le Xiao wouldn't tell the handsome guy and the soldiers of the He family what to do. She said that the reason for leaving was to go to an area in the Chi District to find several medicinal herbs.

The brothers of the He family have no doubts. Dr. Xiaoluoli said that the best place to dig grass is in Zhi District, because the He family has no close colleagues or friends in Zhi District, so they arranged the place for digging Cordyceps in the Zhi District. Grandma's home in Qu County.

Little Loli was still going to the Zhi District. The handsome guy from the He family didn't ask much. He cooked a hearty meal for her in the evening, and helped her pack a piece of cheese she likes to eat as dry food for her.

On the morning of the 10th, the handsome guys from the He family got up early again, made breakfast, boiled butter tea, and after breakfast, helped Little Loli and the two soldiers to pack two pots of butter tea to drink on the road, and also filled the thermos cups with butter tea for the three of them.

When the sun rose and the villagers set out to dig Cordyceps again, the Black Nine Gods and Sixteen also sent Little Lolita out. They drove the captain's cheetah car and brought light luggage.

After the brothers of the He family sent Little Loli off, He Xiaosan and He Xiaowu continued to go up the mountain to dig Cordyceps, while He Xiaoer and others stayed in the tent to buy and deal with Cordyceps.

Because the little girl left without saying goodbye or saying goodbye to everyone, He Xiaosan's uncles and villagers did not know that the little doctor had gone to Zhi District until the evening. .

Black Nine Gods Nineteen took turns to drive, instead of taking the route from Qu City to Damxiong County to Sa City and then to Zhi District, but on urban and rural roads, from Qu County, via Changdu District, which is adjacent to Zhi District, and then directly to Zhi District District, its route is closer than from Qu City to Sa City to Zhi District.

When passing through the county town on the road, the little girl had to go for a walk and buy some messy things. In the traffic jam, the two soldiers expressed serious doubts about whether the little loli had contracted shopping addiction. She bought a waist knife, a Tibetan bowl and silver. Pot-like household items, cheese, ghee, as if those things don't cost money.

But when they entered the Zhi District, the Black Nine Gods and Sixteen became depressed. Little Lolita did not go to the most famous snow-capped mountain area, nor the beautiful mountain lake area, but only let them walk along a certain road.

After passing a city called "Ranwu", Little Loli didn't want to stop. Shen Shiliu couldn't hold it in any longer, and asked, "Little Loli, where are we going?"

"Cha County." Le Yun gritted her teeth and reported a place name slowly.

"Wait, you said Chaxian? Is it the Chaxian near the border?" Shen Shiliu was shocked, don't tell them that Little Lolita is going to the border!
"The opposite is the border Chaxian."

"Little Loli, there aren't any good medicinal herbs in that kind of backcountry, so don't go there." Shen Shiliu and Hei Jiu both raised their hearts. Even if she goes to the lofty mountains where province Z borders province X, it is safer than going to the border with neighboring countries.

"I'm not looking for medicinal herbs, you just need to be the driver, don't ask anything else, you won't be able to solve it if you ask."

"No, the captain asked us to keep you safe, and we are responsible for your safety."

"You have to know the reason, I can only tell you that I have been under the surveillance of others these days. They must be worried about Kunlun and Tantric Buddhism if they didn't do anything in Quxian County. If you are there, it will hold me back, so I will take them. Go to a place far away from people to settle personal grievances, the mountains are high and the road is far in Chaxian, killing people to facilitate the disposal of bodies."

"We're not that useless." Being regarded as a drag on his legs, the black nine gods and sixteen had black faces. They were not useless clay figurines, they were soldiers!
"You are not that weak. Then, you followed me to dig for Cordyceps for ten days. Do you know where the people who followed me are? How many people and who are they?"

Black Nine Gods Sixteen was speechless when asked.

"I can't tell you, right?" Le Yun despised the two soldiers: "You have black guys, you have high-tech stuff, but you can't deal with people who are targeting me, and handsome Yan can barely be a corpse handler. Corpse workers, you really have no other role in following me than dragging me down."

After holding it for a while, Shen Shiliu said: "We can at least be a target to attract the target and buy you time."

"You look down on you too much. When you come to no-man's land, if you want to be a target, others think it's a waste of time. Either capture you alive to threaten me and force me to save you and besiege me; or kill you directly to disrupt my position. I really want to. Help me, take me to Chaxian, you will stay for one night, then go back to Beijing on the route of province C, pass through province Z and enter the first county in province C to stay, wait for three or five days, help me to disperse some people Attention, so that I have enough time to pack up the first group of people."

The Black Nine Gods Sixteen was so stunned that the captain said that the little Lolita must be an extraordinary person when she encountered danger in a place far away from the city. Let them listen to the arrangement and not drag the little Lolita back. According to the current situation , they really are the head street with a bodyguard, but they are actually the driver.

The two soldiers still couldn't refute the decision of Little Loli, so they drove silently until they finally reached Chaxian before the sun set in the afternoon, and found a hotel to stay in. The three soldiers divided into two groups. The two soldiers went for a walk, and the little girl carried her on her back. changed course of belongings.

Le Xiaoxiao led two soldiers, went shopping in an open and honest way, dragged a shopping trailer, bought a lot of ghee, tsampa powder, cheese, Tibetan clothes, Tibetan hats, etc. as dry food, and went to buy one. Tibetan stove, full of shopping trailers.

After that, I went to a motorcycle and spent [-] yuan to buy a motorcycle suitable for running mountain roads, as well as tools and facilities including helmets, pumps, spare inner tubes and toolboxes, and then I bought spare gasoline and tied my luggage. , driving a brand-new motorcycle, rushing towards the border area where Chaxian County and Ynan Province meet.

Black Nine Gods Sixteen didn't know what Little Loli bought. They ran the opposite direction of Little Loli, went around and went back to the street where the hotel where they stayed overnight, then went around in another direction, and went to find a place to eat in the evening. After dinner, I went shopping at night again, and when it was time to rest, I went back to the hotel to sleep.

Le Xiaoxiao rode a motorcycle and spent more than three and a half minutes after the sun set to reach Wa Township, which is under the jurisdiction of Chaxian County and the southern province of Y , I set foot on the itinerary again, and soon after leaving the township, I set foot on the most famous self-driving tour route with "heart in heaven, body in hell" - Bingcha Line.

The Bingcha Line is a section between Z Province and Y South Province. It is also a section of the ancient tea-horse road. It has a total length of more than 300 kilometers. There are landslides and quicksand sections on the road, and the road is rugged.

Le Xiaoxue is riding a new motorcycle, wearing a helmet and hat. Anyone who meets her will never recognize her. She drives with confidence and boldness, like a wild horse out of borders, without any problems.

The Bingcha Line is the most yearning place for people who love to travel by car in their lives. Some people say, "If you drive on the Z line by yourself, you can boast a year of bullshit." "The danger and difficulty of the Bingcha Line can be imagined.

Similarly, the scenery on the route is so beautiful that it makes people feel like they are in paradise.

Le Yunzhi is not in the scenery, and just runs on the bike. When the sun sets, the twilight gradually descends, and then the night invades the earth little by little, and the sky and the earth are dark.

Each season of the Bingcha Line has different scenery, which attracts people to conquer. The self-driving cars are rarely on the road at night, because the road itself is not good, and it is more likely to be dangerous at night.

Le Xiaoxiao rode a motorcycle to an unoccupied place, re-tied his luggage, threw all the Tibetan stove and heavier luggage into the space, leaving only a small amount of luggage to tie on the car, so that others would not see him as suspicious. molecular.

She is not afraid of the dark, and uses the lights to illuminate the road at night. In her opinion, it is safer to walk at night. There are not so many cars, so there is no need to let them come and go. Moreover, sometimes cattle and sheep will occupy the road during the day, and sometimes they will be blocked for hours. make life difficult for.

Driving at night, all the way smooth.Only when passing the quicksand area, there is a certain danger due to the strong evening wind and the rolling of sand and stones.

When they got to the quicksand area, Le Xiaoxiao got out of the car, threw the car and luggage into the space, reconnaissance for a while, and found the regularity of the quicksand rolling. Across the quicksand section.

After passing the dangerous section, I took out my motorcycle and started riding again. I went to the second section of the quicksand area and repeated the same trick. I drove all the way in the dark. I also saw self-driving cars that stopped and stayed overnight in several scenic places.

Walk at night until before eleven o'clock in the evening, climb into the space to sleep, rest for a night, finish the space crops before dawn the next day, divide the space when the sky just breaks, eat space products for breakfast, and set off again.

In the half-morning of the 11th, classmate Le safely crossed Bing Township in Ynan Province, which is the starting point at the other end of the Bingcha route.

After crossing the village, she stopped taking the usual path, and threw the car and driving vehicle back into the space where no one was around, got into the deep mountains, collected herbs all the way to her goal, and returned to the space to rest in the evening, before leaving the next day.

At noon on the 12th, Le went to the top of the mountain where Python Jiao practiced after going through the mountains and mountains. A few miles away, he packed himself up, carrying a bulging backpack and a hatchet. , all the way through thorns and thorns, to reach the cave where the Python Jiao practiced.

The place where the python lives is due to the lush vegetation in summer, which covers the stone wall platform more densely and safer. The waterfall of Baihuahua, where the water flows into the forest, there is also the sound of stone frogs, indicating that there are stone frogs settling in the water pool.

The dragon soul grass on the stone wall on the top of the cave also grew greener, and there were still only moss and no other plants within a few meters around.

The most amazing thing is that the leaves of the Dragon Soul Grass that had been cut off actually grew again. The green leaves were dripping with emerald green, and the surface seemed to be covered with a layer of green oil.

Revisiting the old place, Le Yun was in a happy mood. She quickly climbed onto the stone wall platform, put down her backpack, and ran to the entrance of the cave and shouted, "Brother Long, Brother Long, it's time to get up and enjoy the sun!"

(End of this chapter)

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